LRM_RE - LRM: Objektkategorie �bergreifende Nachrichten

The following messages are stored in message class LRM_RE: LRM: Objektkategorie �bergreifende Nachrichten.
It is part of development package S_LRM_RE in software component BC-ILM-IRM-RT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Rule Processing (Internal Use)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No rules maintained for policy &1
002Error during instantiation of class &1 for rule processing
003No policy type or name has been set
004No field values set
005Internal error during rule processing
006Field &1 is not among the selected or mandatory fields
007Archive store &1 not found
008Policy type &1 already registered
009Policy type GENERAL already registered
010A policy with selected fields cannot be created
011No name for policy type entered
012Retention periods were applied for an inherited rule
013No change authorization for attribute &1
014No create authorization for &1 policies of object type &2
015No delete authorization for &1 policies of object type &2
016No display authorization for &1 policies of object type &2
017No change authorization for &1 policies of object type &2
018No change authorization for attribute 'live'
019No authorization for rule maintenance
020You are not authorized to display rules for policy type &1
021Only one policy allowed for residence times
022Attribute 'complete' not relevant for residence times
023No display authorization for policies of object category &1
024No authorization for displaying all policies
025Only non-live policies can be changed
026Policies still exist for policy type &1
027Enter a name for the policy
028Enter name for field
029Fields can only be changed if no rules exist
030Minimum retention period is longer than maximum retention period
031You have entered both an archive store and a content repository
032Live policies must not be deleted
033"From" value greater than "To" value
034Invalid value for minimum retention period
035Invalid value for maximum retention period
036No start time specified
037No retention period specified
038Rule number could not be determined
039No unit entered
040No &1 defined
041&1 does not exist or is not active
042Entry from &1 could not be &2
043Transaction IRM_CAT is obsolete
044Apply either type of start time, time offset, or time unit
045You are not authorized to activate object type &1 for audit area &2
046At least field &1 occurs multiple times in rule
047Audit area &1 is still being used
048Audit area &1 has already been activated
049GENERAL audit area has already been activated
050&1 is not a recognized field for the object type &2
051&1 is not a recognized time reference
052Value not permitted for the residence duration
053Residence durations were passed on for an inherited rule
054No residence duration entered
055No unit entered
056No time reference entered
057&1 is not a valid rule group for object type &2
058The use of rule groups is not active for object type &1
059Field name not allowed for purpose conditions
060Retention period may not have more than 9 characters
061Residence period may not have more than 9 characters
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