LT - LE-WM: View or Table Maintenance Error Messages

The following messages are stored in message class LT: LE-WM: View or Table Maintenance Error Messages.
It is part of development package LVS in software component LE-WM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Application development Warehouse Management (WM)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Warehouse number & does not exist (new selection required)
002For warehouse &, no storage type & exists (new selection required)
003Name could not be read by the system
004Name could not be changed by the system
005Name could not be deleted by the system !
006You may not block table $
007Entry & does not exist (new selection required)
008With SU mgmt, strat.I together with mixed stor. A or X not allowed
009Check your entries
010Specification of a blocking reason only possible for blocking a stor.type
011Check your entries
012Enter the numbers without gaps inbetween
013Enter unique numbers
014Only specify at most six storage bin positions for the index
015Start the numbers with 1
016Enter the numbers from the left to the right, without gaps
017Do not use entries twice
018Transfer type is not defined
019Do not specify bins manually if you have the dynamic bin procedure set
020Always specify the requirement type for dynamic bins
021Only the source or the destination bin can be set up dynamically
022The number of storage units is too large
023Logical complete stock removal and broken qty mgmt are contradictory
024Material requires batch handling
025Material does not require batch handling
026Master data still exists for warehouse no. &, cannot be deleted
027Storage unit type & in warehouse & does not exist (new entry required)
028Careful! Changing the unit of weight can have serious consequences
029Srce stor.type & in whse & does not exist (new entry required)
030Dest.stor.ty.& in whse & does not exist (new entry required)
031Printer & does not exist (new entry required)
032The system could not change the remarks text
033Enter a printer or mark one on the proposed list
034Enter bins with a storage type only
035Enter dynamic bins with a storage type only
036Enter fixed bin with one storage type only
037Only propose immediate confirmation if you also allow it
038Fixed bin and dynamic bin not allowed together
039Specification of a storage bin and a fixed bin not allowed
040Format may only contain the characters C, N, and A
041Alphanumeric entries can only be counted up by 1 digit length at a time
042Structure does not fit into format
043Increment is incomplete
044Start value and end value do not fit together
045Increment does not fit the start value
046The start value does not fit the format
047The end value does not fit the format
048The increment does not fit the format
049Increment is not to be used for each part of the struct.greater than zero
050If you have stock placement strategy $, mixed storage should be allowed
051If you have stock placem.strat. $, mixed storage should not be allowed
052If you have st.placem.str.$, addition to also be allowed
053If you have st.placem.str.$, the stor.unit check must be active
054If you have st.placem.str.$, compl.stock rem.rqmnt.does not make sense
055If you have section level, section check must be active
056If you enter a water pollution class., hazardous mat.mgmt. must be active
057Return to same bin only appropriate if you have complete pick requirement
058Enter the return stor.type only if you have complete pick requirement
059If you have zero stock check, the zero stock check must be act.
060Either storage bin = TO number or storage bin = $
061Either storage bin = source bin, or storage bin = $
062Enter a storage type
063Stor.type must not be entered if stor. bin is the same as the source bin
064Define a difference storage bin
065Either stor.bin = TO number, or stor. bin = source bin
066St.locat. $ is managed in warehouse number $
067Only one storage location per plant allowed in the same warehouse number
068The character "/" is not allowed in defining the storage bin names
069If you have "", the capacity check must be active
070If you have "", additions to be allow.
071If you have "Fixed bin", the area check must not be active
072If you have "Fixed bin", must be allowed
073Return of qty to same bin and specification of ret.stor.ty.contradictory
074"***" means stringent FIFO and is not appropriate for stock placements
075The entries in this view must be transported manually
076Data is blocked by another user
077An error occurred during blocking
078End value cannot be reached with this start value and increment
079Negative stock not appropriate with putaway strategy $
080Complete stock pick not appropriate with negative stock
081Negative stock not possible for storage unit management
082Pick point must be SU-managed
083Pick point must have stock placement strategy Q
084Strategy Q only allowed for identification and pick points
085Mixed storage C only allowed in block storage managed for storage units
086Mixed storage A and P only appropriate for storage unit management
087Define a pick-point storage type for SU-managed block storage
088For compl.stock rem.or SU mgmt, either pick point or return to same bin
089Stor.unit mgmt only with storage unit type check (exception: block stor.)
090Specification of pick point only possible for SU management
091ID and pick points must not have their own ID or pick points
092Mixed storage and zero stock check are mutually exclusive
093Partial quantities not allowed in block storage areas with SU management
094Combined transfer not allowed in block storage areas with SU management
095Totals info only updated in block storage areas with SU management
096Define a return storage type different from your own storage type
097In block storage areas, capacity check done on the basis of block def.
098For strategy P and SU management, only mixed storage X or A approrpiate
099Zero stock check not possible in block storage managed for storage units
100Deletion not possible because there is still master data in stor.type & &
101Warehouse number & does not exist (new selection required)
102For warehouse &, no storage type & exists (new selection required)
103Name could not be read by the system
104Name could not be changed by the system
105Name could not be deleted by the system !
106You may not block table $
107Ind. "IM-WM" only appropriate in connection with TR or post.chge generat.
108Entry & & (plant/ stor.loc) does not exist 0
109Check your entries
110Specification of a blocking reason only possible for blocking a stor.type
111Check your entries
112Enter the numbers without gaps inbetween
113Enter unique numbers
114Only specify at most six storage bin positions for the index
115Start the numbers with 1
116Enter the numbers from the left to the right, without gaps
117Do not use entries twice
118Define a transfer type or enter one that already exists
119Do not specify bins manually if you have the dynamic bin procedure set
120Always specify the requirement type for dynamic bins
121Only the source or the destination bin can be set up dynamically
122The number of storage units is too large
123Logical complete stock removal and broken qty mgmt are contradictory
124Specify storage bin type
125Enter total capacity
126Enter maximum weight
127Specify either document user or mail recipient
128Careful! Changing the unit of weight can have serious consequences
129Source stor.type & in whse & does not exist (new entry required)
130Dest.stor.ty.& in whse & does not exist (new entry required)
131Printer & does not exist (new entry required)
132The system could not change the remarks text
133Enter a printer or mark one on the proposed list
134Enter the storage unit number for the conversion exit
135Configuration not set for conversion exit for storage unit number
136Data was saved
137Data has already been saved
138Masked movement type only possible for differences and transact.key 001
139Only the source or destination item can be activated
140Movement type & & is not defined
141Movement type & & is not defined for message to Inventory Management
142Cumulative transmission to Inv.Mgmt must not be material-dependent & &
143For cumulative transm. of + quantities, dest.item must be specified & &
144For cumulatve.transm. of - quantities, source item must be specified & &
145For source item, source stor.type must be defined for movement type & &
146For dest.item, the dest.stor.type must be defined for movement type & &
147Totals info. must be updated in bulk storage area with SU mgmt
148SU management must first be activated at warehouse number level
149SU management must first be deactivated in all storage types
150Putaway strategy may not be changed
151Mixed storage & not allowed in bulk storage with SU mgmt
152Indicator for SU management cannot be changed
153Changing mixed stor. from "&" to "&" in block stor.w.SU mgmt not allowed
154No data inconsistencies found
155No quants available
156Either TRs or posting change notices can be generated
157"Difference to source bin" only if source sub-item was activated
158Only one criterion for TO creation can be selected
159Changing unit of weight can cause inconsistencies in the database
160Maintain master data for storage type & &
161Quant does not contain a storage unit
162No errors detected
163Choose a valid row
164This definition can cause problems if status management is active
165Masked source and type only in connect.with deact.of movemnt
166Relationship between masked storage types must first be defined
167Define the Target system
168Variant & in warehouse & not allowed (make a new entry)
169Function exit for putaway only together with strategies ' ', B ,L ,P
170Function exit for stock rmvl only together with strategies ' ' or F
171Changing unit of weight can cause inconsistencies in the database
172Maintain warehouse number data via the view V_T3000
173Changes can cause data inconsistencies
174Capacity check "1" requires adaptation of storage bin data
175Changing capacity check method can cause inconsistencies in the database
176Only one standard stor.loc. per plant allowed in the same whse number
177Test storage type & is not defined
178Stock determination rule cannot be copied
179Field "GR data to quant" cannot be copied
180Invalid input combination
181Invalid input combination
182Enter either stock category SRC/DEST or special stock SRC/DEST
183Enter Inventory Management movement type
184Enter WM movement type
185Unit of measure "&" not a time unit
186The entry of a factory calendar is only appropriate with a time duration
187You can only enter a time duration together with a time unit
188Enter a time duration
189Enter a warehouse number
190Enter a storage type
191Enter a warehouse activity monitor object
192You can only enter the time in combination with a time unit
193"+++" is stringent FIFO (user exit) and is not appropriate for putaways
194Sort field & (structure &) is not defined in the data dictionary
195Information from storage type control for strategy K
196Rounding of qty during insp. sample handling. "3" or "4" not possible
197Picking strategy P (fixed bin) only appropriate with putaway strategy F
198Strat. R is only allowed in pairs (putaway strat = R and picking str.= R)
199Storage unit management is not possible when using strategy R
200This view is currently being developed: (Test message..../SAP)
201Storage loc. & in plant & was already defined as the standard stor. loc.
202Standard storage location cannot be activated
203Copying stor.loc. into TR only poss. if a standard stor.loc. is defined
204No standard storage location was defined
205Storage type control for storage type & in warehouse & is not maintained
206Based on SType control, stor.type & & is unsuitable for stor.loc. control
207You can only enter the stor.loc. ref. if the warehouse no. is not "***"
208Section check cannot be activated when using stock placement strategy R
209Complete stock removal cannot be activated when using putaway strategy R
210Storage type control data for storage type &1 is missing
211Putaway strategy &2 needs to be set up in storage type &1
212Control data for placement strategy K is missing in storage type &1
213Make an entry in the field coord. structure of bin for storage type &1
214The field type for storage type &1 must contain an entry
215No storage bins have been created for storage type &1
216Stor.type &, storage bin &: shelf (value &) contains alphanumeric charac.
217Stor.type &, stor.bin &: stack (value &) contains alphanumeric characters
218Stor.type &1, stor. bin &2: shelf only contains empty char.
219Storage type &1, storage bin &2: Stack contains only blank characters
220Analysis of warehouse number &1 and storage type &2
221Negative stocks not allowed with strategy "R"
222Active capacity check only for putaway strategies C, I, K, L, P
223Active capacity check for putaway strategy F not required
224Activation of "Act.cap.check" can cause performance problems
225Assignment plant / storage location & & to whse number & does not exist
226Incompl. assignment aisle to shelf: Entry stor.type &1, shelf &2 missing
227In warehouse number &, lean WM active
228Use the standard Customizing application
229Determining act.time autom.and input rqmnt of actual data not appropriate
230Actual data entry and input requirement for actual data do not work
231Mixed pallets with ind. B or X require partial pallet management
232Storage types without pick-point stor.type require partial pallet mgmt
233Changing totals info level only if no warehouse stocks exist
234Return stor.type (&1) is not in SU-managed bulk storage area
235Generation of distribution model for WMS should take place in SAP S/4HANA
236Error while maintaining application data for WMS component
237You are generating the distrib.model for the WMS comp. in the WMS system
238You are generating the distrib.model for the WMS SAP S/4HANA
239Message type &1 does not exist
240Description w/o whse number or comment (code) is not supported
241Stock transfer in one step between two decentr. whse numbers not possible
242Lean WM already activated in whse number &: Also activate for stor. loc.
243Picking warehouse type obligatory in lean WM for deliveries
244Activate lean WM: Storage location must not have any stocks!
245Threshol val. only poss. in connection with performance data ("3" or "4")
246Zero stock check not supported in bulk storage areas with storage units
247Warehouse number required if activation set to " " (blank) or "1"
248Assignment of a warehouse number is required
249Enter plant and storage location
250Provisioning by delivery only possible for pick parts
251Separate confirmation has not been activated in warehouse number &1
252Confirmation f. external systems must be defined in separate confirmation
253Confirmation must be defined differently if several ext. systems exist
254Confirmation of withdrawal was defined during destination movement
255Confirmation of transport was defined during source movement
256A storage type must not assign itself as pick point
257The indicator for the pick point must be active in pick pnt stor.type &1
258No warehouse stocks must exist when lean WM is activated
259Storage type &1 is still entered as a pick point for storage type &2
260A storage type must not be assigned to itself as an identification point
261The indic.for the identif.pnt must be active in identif.pnt stor.type &1
262Lean WM not activated in whse no. &: Do nor activate for storage location
263Storage type &1 is still entered as identification point for stor.type &2
264Lean WM not allowed: there are already quants in storage type &1
265Material staging through delivery: deliv.type / ship-to party required
266Enter warehouse number, storage type, and plant
267Enter storage location and movement type
268Plant, PSA, and staging indicator are required entries
269Decentral WMS active for warehouse number &1: Lean WM not possible
270Decentral WMS active for plant/storage location &1/&2: Lean WM not poss.
271A WM process must be selected from the list
272Plant/Sloc cannot be assigned to warehouse because pr. supply area exists
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