LTR2_CM_CHG_BO - Change log messages of Business Objects in CM
The following messages are stored in message class LTR2_CM_CHG_BO: Change log messages of Business Objects in CM.
It is part of development package LTR2_CM in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "LTR2 Content Module".
It is part of development package LTR2_CM in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "LTR2 Content Module".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Business objects |
001 | Business object &3 |
002 | Business object &3 added by &4 |
003 | Data model &3 |
004 | Set in scope by &4 |
005 | Set out of scope by &4 |
006 | Alias changed by &4 |
007 | Old value: &3 |
008 | New value: &3 |
009 | Data model &3 added by &4 |
010 | Object removed by &4 |
011 | Comment changed by &4 |
012 | Receiver table of table &3 changed by &4 |
013 | Application insert of table &3 changed by &4 |
014 | Read-only setting for structure of table &3 changed by &4 |
015 | Sequence number of table &3 changed by &4 |
016 | Reading type of table &3 changed by &4 |
017 | Write behavior of table &3 changed by &4 |
018 | Maximum number of parallel jobs of table &3 changed by &4 |
019 | Maximum number of portions of table &3 changed by &4 |
020 | Indicator for transfer preselection table of table &3 changed by &4 |
021 | Table-based MWB generation parameters of table &3 added by &4 |
022 | Table-wise MWB generation parameters of table &3 added by &4 |
023 | Table-based MWB generation parameters of table &3 removed by &4 |
024 | Table-wise MWB generation parameters of table &3 removed by &4 |
025 | Selection &3 added by &4 |
026 | Setting for Selection removed by &4 |
027 | Selection option changed by &4 |
028 | Preselection Table changed by &4 |
029 | Preselection Table &3 added by &4 |
030 | Setting for Selection activated by &4 |
031 | Setting for Selection deactivated by &4 |
032 | Sequence number for table &3 changed by &4 |
033 | Preselection Code of table &3 changed by &4 |
034 | Preselection Code of table &3 added by &4 |
035 | Preselection Code of table &3 removed by &4 |
036 | Data model removed by &4 |
037 | Existing business object &1 will be used |
038 | Failed to create CM-Specific business object &1 |
039 | New CM-Specific business object &1 will be created |
040 | Failed to activate CM-Specific data model &1 |
041 | Failed to create CM-Specific data model &1 |
042 | Table &1 already contained in data model &2 and will not be added |
043 | Failed to add table &1 to data model &2 |
044 | Table &1 will be added to data model &2 |
045 | Table &1 will be added to data model &2 (but already table(s) contained) |
046 | Changes were saved |
047 | CM-Specific business object &3 added by &4 |
048 | CM-Specific business object &3 |
049 | CM-Specific data model &3 |
050 | CM-Specific data model &3 added by &4 |
051 | Dependency created from &3 by &4 |
052 | Dependency removed from &3 by &4 |
053 | Changes not saved due to simulation mode |
054 | Filter &3 by &4 |
055 | Dependency changed for &3 by &4 |
056 | The table ID '&1' is not contained in the data model |
057 | Field '&1' of table '&2' is missing in the data model |
058 | Field '&1' of table '&2' is not character-like; see long text |
059 | Filter not found with GUID '&1' |
060 | Filter already assigned on Field '&1' of Table '&2' |
061 | The table &1 is not contained in the data model &2 |
062 | Old target:&3 |
063 | New target:&3 |
064 | Existing data model &1 will be used |
065 | Link added (position &3) |
066 | Link source: data model &2; position &3 |
067 | Link target: data model &2; position &3 |
068 | Link removed (position &3) |