The following messages are stored in message class LTR2_ES: .
It is part of development package LTR2_ES_BASIS in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Basis components of LTR2_ES".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Getting source embedded specification failed
002Creating an embedded specification copy failed
003Creating a new embedded specification failed
004Setting the description failed
005Setting the object context failed
006New embedded specification &1 saved
007New embedded specification discarded due to simulation
008Business object &1 (&2) added
009Embedded specification copied from &1 to &2
010New embedded specification with GUID &1 created
011Method &1 not allowed for snapshot work set
012Activating data set &1 failed: &2
013No authorization to create an embedded specification
014Data set &1 activated
015Accessing ES failed: &1
016Storing PE data failed: &1
017Embedded specification will be created in namespace "&1"
018New embedded specification named as &1
019Source embedded specification &1
020Getting the object analysis header for sender failed
021Getting the object analysis header for receiver failed
022Getting the object analysis data for sender failed
023Getting the object analysis data for receiver failed
024Getting the delta analysis header for sender failed
025Getting the delta analysis header for receiver failed
026Delta analysis run does not fit to embedded specification
027Object analysis run does not fit to embedded specification
028Getting the delta analysis data for sender failed
029Getting the delta analysis data for receiver failed
030Getting the table analysis header for sender failed
031Getting the table analysis header for receiver failed
032Getting the table analysis data for sender failed
033Getting the table analysis data for receiver failed
034Getting the table analysis data for the execution system failed
035Getting the table analysis header for sender/execution system failed
040No source work set passed
041Getting the source embedded specification &1 failed
042Getting the embedded specification for analysis run GUID &1 failed
043Continue to delete embedded specification &1?
044Embedded specification &1 deleted
045Loading embedded specification &1 failed
050Table &1 removed from &2
051Table &1 with data, but remains inactive for data model &2, bus.obj. &3
052Activated tables
053De-activated tables
054Table contents
055Table &1 active: &2 &3
056Table &1 has been deactivated for data model &2, business object &3
057Table &1 contains no data, but is active for data model &2, bus.obj. &3
058Table &1 is modeled in Business Object Editor.
059Table &1 activated for data model &2, bus. obj. &3. The table is empty.
060Table &1 has no relevant data, but active for data model &2, bus.obj. &3
070Object &1 does not exist but is contained in ES at position &2
075Getting data set for transformation rules failed
076Getting transformation rules of posting engine failed: &1
077Getting transformation rule &1 failed
078Getting transformation rules of repository &1 failed: &2
080Setting application component failed: &1
081Setting retention days failed: &1
082Setting OBT scenario GUID failed: &1
090System &1 set temporarily as remote connection for rule &2
091Setting system &1 as remote destination for rule &2 failed
092Generation failed for transformation rule &1: &3 &4
093Transformation rule &1
094Runtime generated for transformation rule &1
095Generation: &1
096Generation on execution system failed for transformation rule &1
097Runtime generated on execution system for transformation rule &1
098No transformation rules used in embedded specification
099Add tables to the Work Set failed with message &1
100Embedded specification &1 not found
101Error while reading items of ES &1 &2
102Invalid data model &1 in ES &2
103Data model &1 not found
104Error while reading tables of data model &1
105No interface object for table &1 found
106Error while reading interface object parameters of table &1
107No tables assigned to data model &1
108&1 &2 &3 &4
109Data set for rule assignment created
110No rule assignments available for ES &1
111Failed assigning rule &3 to table field &1-&2 (&4)
112Embedded specification &1 not locked for editing
113Transformation rule &1 (&2) does not exist
114Rule assignment not simulated yet
115Simulation of rule assignment set has errors. Assignment not started.
116More than one rule defined for domain &1 (component &2)
117More than one rule defined for data element &1 (component &2)
118More than one rule defined for table &1 fieldname &2 (component &3)
119No fields with domain &2 found for parameter mapping (&4) in table &1
120No fields with data element &2 found for param mapping (&4) in table &1
121&3 (&4) not unique: more fields with domain &2 found for param &1
122&3 (&4) not unique: more fields with data element &2 found for param &1
123Not supported value type &1 in domain rules
124Not supported value type &1 in data element rules
125Not supported value type &1 in table rules
126More than one rule defined for domain &1 (&2)
127More than one rule defined for data element &1 (&2)
128More than one rule defined for &1-&2 (&3)
129Rule &3 was manually added to table field &1-&2. Assignment of &4 skipped
130Parameter &1 for domain &2 is not unique.
131Parameter &1 for data element &2 is not unique.
132Parameter &1 for table field &2-&3 is not unique.
133Parameter &1 is not a valid parameter of transformation rule &2 (&3)
134Transformation rule &1 is not released
135For domain &1 (&2) no transformation rule specified
136For data element &1 (&2) no transformation rule specified
137For &1-&2 (&3) no transformation rule specified
138Error while reading transformation rule &1
139No transformation rule assigned for domain &1 (&2)
140No transformation rule assigned for data element &1 (&2)
141No transformation rule assigned for &1-&2 (&3)
142Rule &3 is assigned to table field &1-&2 (&4)
143Parameter &1 assigned to source table field &2-&3
144Parameter &1 assigned to fixed value &2
145Source field &1-&2 for mapping &3 not found (position:&4)
146&1 (&4) for &2-&3: no execution system defined
147&1 (&4) for &2-&3: no receiver system defined
148&1 (&4) for &2-&3: no sender system defined
149&1 (&4) for &2-&3: no ES defined
150&1 (&4) for &2-&3: no package defined
151No analysis run found for ES &1
152No execution system defined
153No receiver system defined
154No sender system defined
155Invalid Embedded Specification GUID
156No package defined for ES &1
157&2 (&3) to rule &1: there are no parameters defined
158&2 (&3) to rule &1: number of parameters do not match
159Mapping type of transformation rule &3 not found for &1-&2
160Invalid rule assignment type &1 for field &2-&3
161Getting the BOD related data for the analysis tables failed
162No supported value type &2 form parameter &1
163Source table (&2) for parameter &1 is missing (&3)
164Table &1 is modeled in BOD and can not be moved to the proposed DMOD.
165Table &1 not assigned to data model &2
166Field for parameter &1 is missing (&3)
167More than one rule is active for domain &1 (component &2)
168More than one rule is active for data element &1 (component &2)
169More than one rule is active for table field &1-&2 (component &3)
170Domain rule is available but will be overridden by &1
171Data element rule is available but will be overridden by &1
172Rule &1 assigned by &2 in data model/BO &3, WSPOS=&4
173Source field &2 (for mapping &3-&4) exists more than once in table &1
174For parameter &3 with value type &1 a value must be given (&2)
175For &1 both, source table name and field name, must be given (&2)
176For &1, parameters of type &2 may result in errors (&3)
177&1 (&4) for &2-&3: no number conversion engine defined
178No number conversion defined for ES (&1)
179Invalid package &1
180The ES is currently locked by user &1. Try again
181Rule for domain &1 will be skipped => rule for data element &3 (&2)
182Rule for domain &1 will be skipped => rule for table field (&2)
183Rule for data element &1 will be skipped => rule for table field (&2)
184Failed removing rule &3 to table field &1-&2 (&4)
185Invalid count (&2) of exporting parameters in rule &1.
186For value type FIELDNAME the field name is missing (table &1)
187For parameter &1 the table name is missing
188For parameter &1 the field name is missing (table &2)
189For parameter &1 the domain for field &3 is missing (table &2)
190For parameter &1 the data element for field &3 is missing (table &2)
191Assigned table field &1-&2 for parameter &3 does not exist in sender (&4)
192No valid line selected. Data models cannot be selected for removal.
193The transformation rule &1 is not part of the repositories of the ES.
194Business Object &1 (GUID &2) not found.
195Invalid assignment for exporting parameters in rule &1
197Transformation rule &1 has variant type "&2", which is not allowed
198Fallback rule is not defined as parameter of the embedded specification
199Failed to get fallback rule &1
200Loading data models
201Data model &1 in main business object &2
202Table &1
203Check rule assignment sets
204Rule assignment for domains
205Rule assignment for data elements
206Rule assignment for table fields
207Domain &1
208Data element &1
209Table field &1-&2
210Parameters of transformation rule &1 (&2)
211Starting simulation of assignment
212Table &1
213Field &2
214Starting assignment
215Rule assignment data has been changed, assignment run required
216Rule assignment
217Data model &1 does not exist
218Table &2 not existing in data model &1
219Interface object for table &2 in data model &1 does not exisit
220Field &3 does not exist in table &2 for data model &1
221Assignment of rule &1 to &2-&3 not longer valid. Assignment deleted.
222Old assignments
223Table &1 is a condition table. (De)Activated it in the conditions tab!
224Error: &1
225Table &1 is a condition table. Change proposal in the conditions tab.
226Fallback rule &1 is used instead
229Table &1 is not relevant for this sub-business object
230Enter an ES name
231Enter a RFC destination pointing to sender/exec. system
232Enter a RFC destination from sender/exec. system to control system
233The entered ES name is not unique
234Enter a description text
235Object with identifier &1 is not a valid sub-business object
236Data model &1 in sub-business object &2
237Check assignment of rule &1 to &2-&3
238Fallback rule &1 is used
239Check active rule assignments
240For domain &1 a rule assignment is defined
241For data element &1 a rule assignment is defined
242For table field &1-&2 a rule assignment is defined
243Not used in embedded specification
244Assignment of domain not unique. At least two rules are assigned.
245Assignment of data element not unique. At least two rules are assigned.
246Assignment of table field not unique. At least two rules are assigned.
247Line ID &1
248Parameter &1 of rule &2 for domain &3 (&4) is not supplied
249Parameter &1 of rule &2 for data element &3 (&4) is not supplied
250Parameter &1 of rule &2 for table field &3 (&4) is not supplied
251Error loading the data models. Simulation not possible. Check data models
252Error in rule assignments. Simulation not possible. Check assignments
253Transformation rule &1 is excluded (&2)
254An error occured while registering repository &1 (type &2)
255Register repositories
256Failed to register repositories
257An error occured while deleting repository &1 (type &2)
261No client for sender system exists within table T000
262No client for receiver system exists within table T000
263No client for execution system exists within table T000
264No logical system for receiver system maintained
265No logical system for sender system maintained
266No logical system for execution system maintained
267No RFC-destination for sender system exists within table T000
268No RFC-destination for execution system exists within table T000
269No RFC-destination for receiver system exists within table T000
270Assignment for &1-&2 already exists (&3)
271Assignment for &1-&2 was added
272Table &1 already deactivated for data model &2, business object &3
280General ES changes
281No general ES changes
288Enter a value between 1 and 99998 for the ES retention days
289There are &1 retention days left for this embedded specification
290Value '&1' is invalid for the retention popup reminder
291Value '&1' is invalid for the retention warning reminder
292Inconsistency of RFC-destinations between ES and the analysis detected
293ES parameter MWB_WL_SCENARIO for white-listing in cloud not set
294Business object '&1' exists already and will not be added to ES
295Data model '&1' deactivated because of wrong product assignment
296Data model '&1' added to Embedded specification
297Data model '&1' (position: &2) deactivated
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