LTR2_ES_UTILS - Messages for Embedded Specification Utilities
The following messages are stored in message class LTR2_ES_UTILS: Messages for Embedded Specification Utilities.
It is part of development package LTR2_ES_UTILS in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "LTR2 Utilities for Work Sets".
It is part of development package LTR2_ES_UTILS in software component CA-LT. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "LTR2 Utilities for Work Sets".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
001 | Processing started on &1 at &2 |
002 | Processing ended on &1 at &2 |
003 | Processing started for embedded specification GUID &1 |
004 | No workset GUID could be determined for package ID &1 |
005 | Could not switch to edit mode: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
006 | Authorization Check failed: &1 |
007 | No valid workset could be determined |
008 | No upload file name provided |
009 | File &1 does not contain any valid table fields |
010 | Data of analysis run &1 deleted |
011 | Change log data deleted |
012 | Deleting snapshot &1 failed: &2 |
013 | Snapshot &1 deleted |
014 | Delete snapshot data |
015 | Delete transformation rule runtime |
016 | Delete preselection data |
017 | Delete MWB data |
018 | Delete CWB data |
019 | No transformation rule repository available |
020 | Rule &1: deleting runtime failed: &2 |
021 | Rule &1: runtime deleted |
022 | Clean MWB-runtime in central system &1 |
023 | Deleting conversion object &1 |
024 | PCL package &1 is not active |
025 | Deleting generated includes for Transformation Rule execution |
026 | Deleting object &1 failed: &2 &3 &4 |
027 | Deleting mass transfer &1 failed: &2 |
028 | Cannot get MWB data set in embedded specification |
029 | Mass transfer ID &1 deleted |
030 | Table &1 added to data model &2 |
031 | Table &1 already contained in data model &2 and was not added |
032 | Table &1 added to data model &2 (but already table(s) contained) |
033 | Explicitly requested table &1 was not found in the remote system |
034 | Error while retrieving table information from the remote system |
035 | No tables found |
036 | New business object &1 was created |
037 | Using existing business object &1 |
038 | Delete analysis data |
039 | Scrambling data deleted |
040 | Failed to create business object &1, &2 |
041 | Failed to create data model &1, &2 |
042 | Failed to add table &1 to data model &2, &3 |
043 | Failed to activate data model &1: &2 |
044 | Delete object-based deletion data |
045 | Transformation summaries deleted |
046 | No transformation summaries existing |
047 | Table field &1-&2 is not selection relevant. Filter assignment skipped. |
048 | Unable to determine available transformation methods |
050 | Data model &1 is already part of a business object other than &2 |
055 | No check framework data to delete |
056 | Check framework data deleted |
060 | Changes were saved |
061 | Simulation mode - no changes were saved |
062 | |
065 | View maintenance failed with error code &1 |
070 | No authorization to delete ES data |
071 | No data deleted |
072 | Embedded specification &1 not found |
073 | Embedded specification &1 is locked |
080 | Delete knowledge base data |
081 | Knowledge base not used |
082 | Knowledge base project &1 deleted |
083 | Deleting project &1 failed: &2 |
084 | No RFC destination specified for consuming target &1 |
085 | No RFC destination specified for producing target &1 |
086 | No consuming targets are specified |
087 | Data production for lookup &1 started in target &2 |
088 | Data consumption for lookup &1 started in target &2 |
089 | Data consumption started for lookup &1 |
090 | Syntax error: |
091 | Program name: &1 description: &2 row: &3 |
092 | No authorization to perform a TRule syntax check in RFC destination &1 |
093 | System Failure: &1 |
094 | Code for producing rule &1 generated |
095 | TRule &1 for lookup &2 could not be generated in target &3 |
096 | Error processing of FM "CNV_OR_LKUP_TRULE_EXEC" Lookup &1 Trule &2 &3 |
097 | Table mapping with error for lookup &1 table &2 |
098 | Failed to retrieve lookup &1 from workset &2 |
099 | Lookup table &1 created in target &2 |
100 | No authorization to read the content of lookup &1 from table &2 |
101 | Table &1 does not exist in target &2 |
102 | The producing rule &1 was not yet executed in the producing target |
103 | Error processing of FM "CNV_OR_LKUP_DATA_WRITE" Lookup &1 Trule &2 &3 |
104 | No authorization to execute TRule &1 in RFC destination &2 |
105 | Lookup &1 is not registered in embedded specification &2 |
106 | Failed to initialize the lookup runtime class for lookup &1 in workset &2 |
107 | TRule ID &1 is invalid |
108 | Failed to execute TRule &1 in RFC destination &2 |
109 | Unexpected error during the execution of TRule &1 in RFC destination &2 |
110 | Missing authorization to read Guid &1 Lookup &2 Table &3 |
111 | Lookup table &1 for lookup &2 is not registered in work set &3 |
112 | Failed to update the lookup mapping for lookup &1 in target &2 |
113 | Unexpected Error Guid &1 Lookup &2 Table &3 |
114 | No authorization to read the lookup mapping table in the producing target |
115 | Table &1 is not registered |
116 | Unexpected error during processing of lookup table &1 |
117 | No data consumption necessary because no changes were found |
118 | Wrong database write mode for lookup content adjustment |
119 | Internal conversion error |
120 | Database error while writing lookup data |
121 | Unexpected error during TRule syntax check for TRule &1 |
122 | Producing rule &1 successfully checked in RFC destination &2 |
123 | Producing rule &1 successfully generated in RFC destination &2 |
124 | Execute producing rule '&1' in &2 |
125 | Producing rule &1 was successfully executed in RFC destination &2 |
126 | The name of the lookup table &1 does not match to the naming convention |
127 | Filter values were successfully adjusted in target &1 |
128 | Consuming rule &1 was successfully executed in target &2 |
129 | Values for filter &1 were updated in target &2 |
130 | No adjustment of filter values was necessary |
131 | Data consumption started in target &1 |
132 | Lookup content has been read from the producing target &1 |
133 | Lookup content has been written into the consuming target &1 |
134 | Values of filter &1 could not be written into embedded specification &2 |
135 | No filters or lookups to calculate |
136 | Lookup table has been initialized |
137 | No lookups available |
140 | Report CNV_LTR2_ES_UTILS_WS is obsolete |
150 | The lookup '&1' does not exist |
151 | No filters assigned to embedded specification |
152 | Filter GUID &1 not found in the database |
153 | No RFC-destination found for the producing target |
154 | Error during TRule creation for producing rule &1 |
155 | Failed to set parameters of the producing rule &1 |
156 | Failed to set TRule &1 as producing rule for lookup &2 |
157 | Failed to update the remote connections of TRule &1 |
158 | Syntax error in generated code of producing rule &1 |
159 | In line &1: "&2 &3 &4" |
160 | TRule &1 successfully generated in target &2 |
161 | Creating lookup &1 |
162 | Create lookup tables |
175 | Applying the table scope definition for transformation method &1 |
176 | No tables to add |
177 | Table &1 activated |
178 | Table &1 de-activated |
179 | No table scope definition configured in embedded specification |
190 | |
200 | No additional test logic implemented |
201 | |
205 | Deletion of preselection table &1 (&2) failed in target '&3' |
220 | Create lookup for table &1 |
221 | Lookup name set to &1 |
222 | Check of lookup name: Lookup name &1 is unique. |
223 | Set lookup fields |
224 | Field &1 has been automatically excluded |
225 | Field &1 has been manually excluded |
226 | Field &1 has been included |
227 | Lookup &1 has been created in embedded specification &2 |
228 | Producing rule &1 has been created for table &2 |
229 | Consuming rule &1 has been created for table &2 |
230 | Producing rule &1 and consuming rule &2 have been set for lookup &3 |
231 | Lookup &1 has been registered. Lookup table name &2. |
232 | Producing rule &1 has been build and generated for lookup table &2 |
233 | Consuming rule &1 has been build and generated for lookup table &2 |
234 | Lookup &1 already exists |
235 | Lookup &1 was unregistered successfully |
240 | Run lookup &1 for table &2 |
241 | Lookup run successful |
245 | |
250 | Delete lookup &1 for table &2 |
251 | Delete producing rule |
252 | Delete consuming rule |
253 | All lookup tables have been deleted |
254 | Lookup has been unregistered |
255 | Lookup has been deleted |
256 | Rule &1 has been deleted |
257 | Lookup &1 does not exist |