M2 - LIS: Generating and updating info structures
The following messages are stored in message class M2: LIS: Generating and updating info structures.
It is part of development package MCS in software component LO-LIS-DC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 application development: Logistics Information Warehouse".
It is part of development package MCS in software component LO-LIS-DC. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "R/3 application development: Logistics Information Warehouse".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Info structure & already exists (e.g. in client &) |
002 | Info structure & does not exist |
003 | No update rules exist for & & |
004 | Update rules saved for & & without checks |
005 | Error at & updating info structure & |
006 | Info structure & generated |
007 | Info structure & deleted |
008 | Source table & not allowed for application & |
009 | Field &-& not defined in Data Dictionary |
010 | Physical table & already exists |
011 | Period unit not maintained for info structure & |
012 | Error determining posting period (info structure &, variant &, RC &) |
013 | Reference & & does not exist |
014 | Default update rules copied from info structure & |
015 | Check update rules for & |
016 | Processing not possible (contact your systems administrator) |
017 | Choose one catalog category only |
018 | Choose a catalog category |
019 | Field catalog does not exist |
020 | Field catalog already exists |
021 | Fiscal year variant not maintained for company code & |
022 | Error & updating info structure & |
023 | Table pool not in DDIC or not active |
024 | Position the cursor on one of the lists |
025 | Table TFCS contains no valid structures for application & |
026 | Field catalog deleted |
027 | Field catalog saved |
028 | Processing not possible (contact your systems administrator) |
029 | & is not a field in table & |
030 | Reference fields must be different for each pair |
031 | Internal error checking Dictionary (program terminated) |
032 | Maintain all units for statistics updating |
033 | Info structure not yet saved (deletion unnecessary) |
034 | Error occurred while deleting information structure |
035 | Error saving info structure |
036 | Info structure saved |
037 | Choose at least one key figure |
038 | Overflow: table TMC1 |
039 | Table TMC1 locked; try again later |
040 | Error deleting table entry |
041 | Error reading table |
042 | Requested object currently locked. Only display possible |
043 | Processing not possible (contact your systems administrator) |
044 | Info structure & not yet created |
045 | No info structure for reference exists |
046 | Info structure & not created for application & |
047 | Name falls within SAP name range (S000 - S499) |
048 | Info structure cannot be changed |
049 | Error reading info structure & from table & |
050 | Processing not possible (contact your systems administrator) |
051 | Processing not possible (contact your systems administrator) |
052 | Not possible to generate evaluation structure |
053 | Requested object not found |
054 | Error assigning screen numbers (are all numbers already assigned?) |
055 | Error saving info structure |
056 | Update rules for & & already exist |
057 | Error reading program & |
058 | Table & contains no entry with key & |
059 | Error writing subroutine pool & |
060 | Subroutine pool & created |
061 | Error generating program & |
062 | One of the requested objects is locked (try again later) |
063 | Evaluation structure & generated |
064 | Evaluation structure will now be generated |
065 | System has started generation of program & |
066 | Error generating screens |
067 | Screens successfully generated |
068 | Planning screens will be generated now |
069 | Info structure & generated |
070 | Error reading Include & |
071 | Choose at least one characteristic |
072 | Evaluation structure & deleted |
073 | Processing not possible (contact your systems administrator) |
074 | You have given the same name to too many fields |
075 | Table & contains no entry for key & |
076 | Position cursor on one of the fields |
077 | All possible key figures used |
078 | & & & & |
079 | Error assigning numbers to key figures (is number range full?) |
080 | Transfer report now generated |
081 | Error reading report & |
082 | Start of generation of general access routines |
083 | Maintenance of SAP info structure & not allowed |
084 | This function is not allowed in Display mode |
085 | Error assigning numbers to screens |
086 | Requested object currently locked; try again later |
087 | Internal error in locking system; try again later |
088 | Error creating program & |
089 | Program & successfully generated |
090 | Info structure & deleted |
091 | Not possible to change info structure |
092 | SAP info structure & cannot be generated |
093 | Customer info structure & cannot be generated by SAP user |
094 | Update group & for info structure & not transported |
095 | Table specified for date contains no date fields |
096 | Update definitions exist for info structure & |
097 | Table & not a valid source table |
098 | General planning module pool will be adapted |
099 | Enter period in the format YYYY/__ |
100 | Enter period in the format __.YYYY |
101 | Enter period in the format __/YYYY |
102 | Enter period in the format __-YYYY |
103 | Enter period in the format YYYY.__ |
104 | Date format in user master record cannot be interpreted |
105 | Year entry greater than 2500 (please check) |
106 | Program name lies within name range reserved for LIS |
107 | Screen number lies within name range reserved for LIS |
108 | Entry missing in table TMC6 for unit & |
109 | Unit & not possible for key figure & |
110 | Do you want to assign a fiscal year variant to the info structure? |
111 | Planning coding not generated (no model report in table TMCZ) |
112 | Planning screens not generated (no model report in table TMCZ) |
113 | Maint. of customer info structures with parameter MCS = 'X' not allowed |
114 | Client &: no entry in table T730 for key figure ID & |
115 | Settings for client & updated |
116 | Error reading table & from Data Dictionary |
117 | Table does not exist or is not active in Data Dictionary |
118 | Enter reference field and table |
119 | Field catalog lies in SAP name range |
120 | Catalog lies in customer name range (no transport) |
121 | Info structure generation currently not possible |
122 | Internal error in lock management |
123 | You are not authorized to perform this activity |
124 | You are not authorized to use this application |
125 | Info structure contains data, and may not be deleted or changed |
126 | Planning data exists - this data will be deleted |
127 | Deletion of info structures currently not possible |
128 | Another user is creating this field catalog |
129 | Update definitions exist for info structure & |
130 | Check consistency of info structure definition and generated structure |
131 | Characteristic & in IS definition, but not in generated structure |
132 | Characteristic & in generated structure, but not in IS definition |
133 | Key figure & in IS definition, but not in generated structure |
134 | Key figure & in generated structure, but not in IS definition |
135 | Field & has different Dtel. in IS definition than in generated structure |
136 | Field & has different domain in IS definition than in generated structure |
137 | Units of IS definition and gen. structure do not match in field & |
138 | Info structure & not yet saved |
139 | Info structure & not yet generated |
140 | No major differences between info structure def. and generated structure |
141 | Different characteristic sequence in definition and generated structure |
142 | Different key figure sequence in definition and generated structure |
143 | No selection version stored for user & |
144 | Processing not possible (contact your systems administrator) |
145 | No analyses found |
146 | Drill-down to characteristic & already performed |
147 | Position cursor on a characteristic |
148 | Start of standard analysis generation |
149 | Generation of standard analyses completed |
150 | Check the reference fields of the information structure fields |
151 | Total length of chosen fields exceeds length provided |
152 | No updating of info structure & update group & |
153 | No log found |
154 | Start of initial screen generation |
155 | Start of include screen generation |
156 | Info structure & deleted |
157 | Date: &, time: &, generated by: &, client & |
158 | You are not authorized to create field catalogs for application & |
159 | You are not authorized to change field catalogs for application & |
160 | You are not authorized to display field catalogs for application & |
161 | You are not authorized to create this information structure |
162 | You are not authorized to change this information structure |
163 | You are not authorized to display this information structure |
164 | You are not authorized to generate information structures |
165 | Start of initial screen generation for proportional factors maintenance |
166 | Requested object currently locked; try again later |
167 | Maintain entries for units in table T445E |
168 | Update setting for info structure & copied |
169 | You are not authorized to delete selection version &. |
170 | Analyses of SAP info structures can only be called using the menu |
171 | Warning: MCS parameter has been set |
172 | No error found when checking info structure |
173 | Error copying/deleting versions of info structure & |
174 | Maintenance version exists for info structure & |
175 | Screen generation currently locked |
176 | Info structure already saved but not generated |
177 | Doc.type & of order & not statistically relevant |
178 | Item category & of item & not statistically relevant |
179 | Stats. group for sold-to party &: & |
180 | Update group header: & |
181 | Sales organization: &, distribution channel: &, division: & |
182 | Statistics group for doc.type &: & |
183 | Statistics group for item category &: & |
184 | Statistics group for material &: & |
185 | Update group for item &: & |
186 | Update group for document header |
187 | Update groups for document items |
188 | Delivery has no order document |
189 | Delivery note type & is not statistically relevant |
190 | Update group copied from order & |
191 | Document & not found |
192 | Update group copied from document &, item & |
193 | Item & not found for document & |
194 | Item & of delivery note not related to any order |
195 | Billing type & is statistically relevant |
196 | Billing type & is not statistically relevant |
197 | Update group copied from delivery note & |
198 | Preceding document & not found |
199 | Billing document has no item with preceding document |
200 | * 200 - 299 reserved for batch setup + archiving of statistics * |
201 | Data not updated from order & |
202 | Faulty order... |
203 | Faulty order... |
204 | Faulty order... |
205 | Faulty document |
206 | Data from delivery & not updated |
207 | Faulty delivery |
208 | Faulty delivery |
209 | Data from order/delivery & not in table MCVSRFK |
210 | Data from billing document & was not updated |
211 | Statistically relevant data from order & item & not in table MCVSRFP |
212 | Order &: Error determining statistics specifications (no updating) |
213 | Vendor &: error determining stats. currency rate (no updating) |
214 | Billing document &: error determining stats. currency rate (no updating) |
215 | "End" comes before reference time |
216 | "End" lies too far into the future |
217 | End time comes before the start time |
218 | Current data may not be deleted |
219 | You are not authorized to set up info structure &. |
220 | You are not authorized to set up sales info structures |
221 | You are writing in the actual data |
222 | More faulty documents found than the tolerated & |
223 | Incorrect delivery note |
224 | Incorrect delivery note |
225 | Incorrect billing document |
226 | Use version that begins with '&(' |
227 | Program terminated, time limit exceeded: & document item(s) updated |
228 | Start of order processing |
229 | Start of delivery note processing |
230 | Start of billing document processing |
231 | Current version may not be deleted |
232 | Incorrect delivery note |
233 | Without info structure restrictions, the run time can be very high |
234 | Start of material documents processing |
235 | You are not authorized to set up INVCO information structures |
236 | & document item(s) updated |
237 | Archive & cannot be read |
238 | No info structure exists in this client for DB table & |
239 | Table & - archiving object & created |
240 | Field & cannot be used without (a) dimension(s) |
241 | Time of termination lies in the past |
242 | Structure & is an evaluation structure (function not possible) |
243 | Info structure not yet generated |
244 | Error occurred during generation of programs |
245 | You are not authorized to archive statistical data |
246 | Creation of info structures with names from S000 to S500 not allowed |
247 | Method & not defined for source info structure & |
248 | Method & not defined for target info structure & |
249 | Structure & is an evaluation structure |
250 | The correction system does not allow the creation of field catalogs |
251 | Error generating archiving object & |
252 | Correction system allows display only, not maintenance, in this client |
253 | Client & already contains info structure & |
254 | Renaming of evaluation structures not allowed |
255 | Table & contains & converted entries |
256 | Table & contains & entries for info structure & |
257 | Tables for planning tools |
258 | Tables for statistics updating |
259 | Regeneration of update programs |
260 | Tables for standard analyses |
261 | Info structure header |
262 | Variant & for program & does not yet exist |
263 | Error generating job |
264 | Correction rules allow display only, not maintenance, in this system |
265 | Error generating temporary program |
266 | Info structure & is an internal info structure |
267 | Error generating standard analysis |
268 | Maintain the print parameters |
269 | Maintain the start date |
270 | Enter a variant |
271 | Enter a user name |
272 | You are not authorized to change version & |
273 | Incomplete background jobs exist for this info structure |
274 | Document & is not in the system |
275 | Choose a four-character name between S501 and S999 |
276 | Choose another name for the info structure - this one already being used. |
277 | You are not authorized to analyze info structure & |
278 | Info structure locked for user & (request/task &) |
279 | Updating cannot be transported into another system |
280 | Authorization check: Scope of selection '&3' was restricted |
281 | Methods maintenance is currently blocked by user & |
282 | The billing document was recorded with the billing document interface |
283 | Item & refers to a delivery without order reference |
284 | The delivery & was not found |
285 | Underlying delivery & has dummy order type & |
286 | Determining the updating group to position & |
287 | No update occurs |
288 | Statistics group to delivery type &: & |
289 | Update group to document & could not be determined |
290 | Update group to document & pos. & could not be determined |
291 | Not all documents could be blocked |
292 | System error: Blocking the documents |
293 | You do not have any authorization to execute the report RMCSCLCC |
294 | The reference field &-& cannot be used |
295 | The source field &-& cannot be used |
296 | The units from the source and reference fields are not compatible |
297 | The update group is copied from the first item |
298 | Info structure & does not have a period unit (functionality limited) |
299 | Info structure & cannot be used as a target info structure. |
300 | Manually define the period to analyze for the analysis you have called up |
301 | Update group copied from delivery note &, item & |
302 | Update program for info structure &: & |
303 | ***** Formula, requirement or external routine used... |
304 | Info structure &: updating activated |
305 | Info structure &: updating not activated |
306 | Info structure with update rules |
307 | * Key figure & in info structure &: |
308 | ***** Update group: &, hierarchy: &, routine: & |
309 | * Several key figures in info structure &: |
310 | ***** No formula, requirement or external routine used |
311 | No entry in table MCAKVER for reference report |
312 | Warning: Unit & requires special characteristics |
313 | Warnings issued |
314 | Warning: inconsistencies may occur when units updated => please check |
315 | Internal problem in TADIR interface, return code = & |
316 | No archive selected |
317 | Method & for usage & does not exist |
318 | The method cannot be used for this source IS and target IS |
319 | & records converted |
320 | & data records were not copied/converted |
321 | New job scheduled |
322 | Prgram errors in LMCS1U03: Application dates & do not correspond to SIS |
323 | The info structure includes data in other clients |
324 | No logs were found |
325 | Info structure & cannot be used as a reference |
326 | Please use a method or different versions |
327 | The summation indicator cannot be set for & |
328 | The end of the list was reached |
329 | The beginning of the list was reached. |
330 | Please position the cursor on a scenario title |
331 | With data collection via user-exit no change in source data is possible |
332 | Copying is only possible within an application |
333 | The name of an evaluation structure cannot contain special characters |
334 | The job was scheduled but not released. |
335 | An error occured in the job scheduling - see overview. |
336 | Data already exists in the version |
337 | Not possible to process the structure(s) with the program! |
338 | Booking terminated! Error inserting in the target table |
339 | Data target and source are idential: Changing source data unnecessary |
340 | Data target and source are identical: Deleting source data impossible |
341 | Information structure & is not of the type 'standard' |
342 | Information structure & is not of the type 'Without period' |
343 | Info structure & may not be used as a target info structure |
344 | Structure & cannot be processed in Copy Management |
345 | A data record was not processed |
346 | Selected data from info structure &, version & was deleted |
347 | No reference exists for the selected scenario |
348 | Data target and source must be identical |
349 | Info structure & cannot be selected |
350 | Errors in the automatic read logic definition |
351 | Maintenance of the automatic enhancement is blocked by & |
352 | Please specify read table for F4 help or read field check! |
353 | Specified source table is not a valid database table. |
354 | Specification of target info structure missing! No check or F4 possible! |
355 | Please specify target field for F4 Help and read table check! |
356 | Target field & is not a valid field from target information structure &! |
357 | Specifications to source info structure missing! No check or F4 possible! |
358 | Field & is not in table &! For valid entries use F4! |
359 | Field & is not a calculable key figure in &! For valid entries use F4! |
360 | & is neither a field from table & nor a valid number value! |
361 | Automatic enhancement not possible for this combination! See long text! |
362 | The field & is not a valid target field for &! For valid entries use F4! |
363 | Table & cannot be used in automatic import to info structure &! |
364 | The field & cannot be used as an import field from &! See F4! |
365 | The field & is not included in import table &! Use F4 Help! |
366 | Please complete the entries for this data record! |
367 | Determine text only for valid class type and material number |
368 | CAUTION! Division by & not permitted! Please redefine step! |
369 | Generated object! Please use info structure maintenance (MC22). |
370 | It is not possible to generate the LIS interface |
371 | Please specify a target version |
372 | Not possible to copy to the source version |
373 | Not possible to delete target version |
374 | The source table of the rerun does not correspond with the old table |
375 | The lines you selected contain incorrect import rules! See long text! |
376 | This program cannot be used to edit structure & |
377 | The user parameter MCS is ignored in the customer system |
378 | The functional enhancement is not yet assigned to an active project |
379 | Different period units in actual and planning versions - copy impossible |
380 | Not possible to set up the secondary index & (&) |
381 | Problems occurred during setup of table & |
382 | You have reached the end of the stock value list |
383 | The key figure you have chosen is not a stock value |
384 | You have reached the start of the stock value list |
385 | No update program exists for information structure & |
386 | Units for stock value and receipts/issues field do not agree |
387 | A key figure without a summation indicator cannot be used as stock value |
388 | The assigned stock value information will be deleted |
389 | No receipts/issues fields are assigned to the stock value & |
390 | Update regeneration blocked for: & & & |
391 | Update was successfully generated for & & & |
392 | Error while checking the update of & & & |
393 | Error while generating the update of & & & |
394 | Regeneration is unnecessary as there is no self-defined update |
395 | Regeneration of update begun: & & & |
396 | No update definition exists: & & & |
397 | Stock value &: the maintained receipts/issues field does not exist in & |
398 | In field &, the units between & and & are not compatible |
399 | Characteristics in info structure & do not correspond with & / & |
400 | **** 400 - 499 reserved for updating generation ***** |
401 | No characteristic update rules exist for reference & & |
402 | Name range reserved for LIS updating generation |
403 | Generating control tables for updating |
404 | Generating updating for & & |
405 | Checking of data relevant to updating |
406 | Error reading reference report & |
407 | Reading of update rules for & & |
408 | Error reading table & |
409 | Key figure update rules have been read |
410 | No key figure update rules exist |
411 | Object update rules read |
412 | No characteristic update rules exist |
413 | General information on info structure & read |
414 | No general information on info structure & exists (TMC4) |
415 | Checking update rules for & & |
416 | No USING parameters maintained for event & in table TMC20 |
417 | Error reading NAMETAB info for table & |
418 | No conversion routine from & to & maintained in TMC6U |
419 | No statistics hierarchy for source table & maintained in TFCS |
420 | No USING parameters maintained for unit conversion routine in TMC23 |
421 | No source field maintained for unit & and event & in TMC24 |
422 | Error generating TMC2S |
423 | Error generating TMC2F |
424 | & : Update type missing |
425 | & : Event missing |
426 | & : Key figure unit missing |
427 | & : Source field missing |
428 | & : either source field or counter |
429 | & : Source unit missing |
430 | & : Date field missing |
431 | & : Program name or subroutine missing |
432 | & : characteristic - source field or formula missing |
433 | & : Characteristic : Length of offset missing |
434 | & : characteristic - offset missing |
435 | No generation (error checking updating of & &) |
436 | Only source fields from MC communications structures allowed |
437 | No error checking updating |
438 | Position cursor on key figure |
439 | Error at INSERT in table & |
440 | Generation currently locked by another transaction or user |
441 | No authorization to maintain updating of & & |
442 | No authorization to generate/delete info structure/updating |
443 | Maintenance of SAP standard updates not allowed |
444 | Delete updating of & & |
445 | Update program & deleted |
446 | Update program does not yet exist |
447 | Update routines call deleted (TMC2F) |
448 | No update routines exist as yet in TMC2F |
449 | Key figure update rules have been deleted |
450 | Characteristic update rules deleted |
451 | Program reference for update program deleted in & |
452 | No program reference exists in & |
453 | & & not in list of info structures to be updated |
454 | & & deleted from list of info structures to be updated |
455 | Hierarchy & for event & in application & is not allowed |
456 | Conversion from source unit & to unit & not allowed |
457 | Application-specific generation information was read |
458 | No generation information found for application & |
459 | Internal error copying key figure & |
460 | Info structure & not active (no updating after generation) |
461 | Internal error reading data in info structure & |
462 | No texts exist for fields in info structure & |
463 | No fields exist for info structure/DDIC structure & / & |
464 | DDIC structure & for info structure & not active in Data Dictionary |
465 | No allocation of formula/requirement group to application & in TMC21 |
466 | Formula & does not exist |
467 | Formula & not active |
468 | Requirement & does not exist |
469 | Requirement & not active |
470 | & : program & does not exist for external routine |
471 | & : formula & does not exist |
472 | & : Formula & not active |
473 | & : requirement & does not exist |
474 | & :requirement & not active |
475 | & : characteristic - source table & for event & does not exist |
476 | & : source table & for event & does not exist |
477 | & : source table & for date for event & does not exist |
478 | & : hierarchy not maintained |
479 | & : hierarchy only if source field not specified |
480 | &: Conversion of source unit & to unit & not allowed |
481 | & : Key figure already used with other update type & |
482 | First define the event to be updated |
483 | First specify a source table/date table |
484 | No reference to maintenance transaction in TMCTC |
485 | Event & not allowed for application & |
486 | No authorization to maintain formulas/requirements for application & |
487 | & : characteristic - specify either formula or source field |
488 | &: characteristic - hierarchy not maintained |
489 | & : Characteristic : hierarchy only necessary with formula |
490 | & : FORM routine for formula/requirement & does not exist |
491 | & : characteristic - FORM routine for formula/reqmt. & does not exist |
492 | FORM routine for formula/requirement & does not exist |
493 | No update rules exist for key figures with reference & |
494 | No revised version exists - restoring not necessary |
495 | No update definitions exist |
496 | Field entered is not a date field |
497 | Generated version was recovered |
498 | &: only update type "data transport" allowed for character key figures |
499 | & & & & |
500 | Update type does not fit to the source field type |
501 | Not possible to determine suggested values |
502 | & : Key figure hierarchy is higher than the characteristics |
503 | Internal error |
504 | Error when reading the internal table & |
505 | & : Please check whether entering a hierarchy is necessary |
506 | No event exists for source info structure |
507 | The data transfer to the LIS engine is not possible |
508 | Evaluation structure &1 does not exist in application &2 (&3). |
509 | Analysis & already exists (please check entry) |
510 | Analysis & does not exist (please check entry) |
511 | Reference analysis & does not exist (please check entry) |
512 | Analysis & will be deleted |
513 | Define characteristics |
514 | Define key figures |
515 | Evaluation structure & aleady exists in table T804A. |
516 | No suitable source fields available for target field |
517 | Info structure & is connected to other info structures |
518 | Info structure & does not contain any stock values |
519 | Movement structure & does not correspond with reference structure & |
520 | Evaluation & saved |
521 | Evaluation & generated |
522 | Evaluation & generated with warning |
523 | Evaluation & could not be generated |
524 | Info structure type '&' is not permitted in application & |
525 | No free evaluation number in library & |
526 | Prefix for evaluation number not maintained in library & |
527 | No layout report exists for this evaluation structure |
528 | Layout control not possible (too many key figures selected) |
529 | No standard set maintained for characteristic & |
530 | Enter column repetitions between 2 and & |
531 | Number of column repetitions ignored for this type |
532 | Default value for number of columns is & |
533 | No key figure exists (choose key figures first) |
534 | Maximum formula length has been reached |
535 | Key figure is not a formula (position cursor on formula) |
536 | & |
537 | Processing not defined (contact your systems administrator) |
538 | Evaluation structure & generated |
539 | Number range for evaluation structure library is exhausted |
540 | Number range for evaluation structure sets is exhausted |
541 | Number range for jobs has been exhausted |
542 | Set & exists already |
543 | Variable & exists already |
544 | Report & exists already |
545 | Library does not exist for eval. structure & (please check entry) |
546 | Evaluation structure & exists already (please check entry) |
547 | Set for field & cannot be deleted (still needed) |
548 | Variable for field & cannot be deleted (still needed) |
549 | SetVar for field & cannot be deleted (still needed) |
550 | Evaluation structure & deleted |
551 | Evaluation structure & cannot be deleted (still needed) |
552 | Number assignment for library blocked by user & |
553 | Number assignment for sets blocked by user & |
554 | Number assignment for jobs blocked by user & |
555 | Evaluation structure & unchanged (not generated) |
556 | No authorization for DD structure & |
557 | No authorization for evaluation structure & |
558 | Change eval. structure: only with ref. to DD structure & |
559 | Evaluation structure & in SAP name range |
560 | Analysis & in SAP name range |
561 | Evaluation structure & blocked by user & |
562 | Evaluation & blocked by user & |
563 | No authorization to run evaluation & |
564 | Command file & does not exist |
565 | Layout report & does not exist for library 3AA |
566 | Info structure for evaluation structure & was changed |
567 | Info structure for evaluation structure & was deleted |
568 | Evaluation structure for info structure & not yet generated |
569 | Select processing session |
570 | Caution: Evaluation structure &1 exists in more than one client! |
571 | Error reading a formula |
572 | Functions for editing info structure & are restricted |
573 | Source info structure & does not have a period unit! |
574 | Target info structure & does not have the same type as source structure & |
575 | Updating not possible for info structure & |
576 | Type of info structure & was changed in client & (TMC4) |
577 | Type of info structure & remains unchanged in client & (TMC4) |
578 | Client &: & / & in IS & adapted for updating (TMC2F) |
579 | Client &: Problem adapting & / & to updating IS & (TMC2F) |
580 | Connection to the transport group only possible in the customer system. |
581 | The name of a new evaluation structure must begin with 'ZF'. |
582 | Client &: Updating for & / & adpated for IS & (TMC2S) |
583 | Client &: no adjustment of & / & to IS & (TMC2S) |
584 | Key figure & exists in info structure &, but not in info structure & |
585 | Start processing transport documents |
586 | Archived documents cannot be processed at present |
587 | Incorrect shipment document, shipment type &, service agent &, TPP & |
588 | Data from transport document & was not updated |
589 | The type you have chosen is not permitted for application & |
590 | Maximum no. of segments must be larger than the minimum |
591 | Object & was generated |
592 | Enter & |
593 | Updating generation locked |
594 | Planning not possible for an info structure of this type |
595 | Regeneration of updating complete: & & & |
596 | Processing of info structure & not possible |
597 | 1st characteristic: there is no document number |
598 | Please specify a copy method |
599 | Processing canceled by user |
600 | Position cursor on & |
601 | Select end of block |
602 | Moving causes no change |
603 | No field catalogs exist |
604 | Moving possible only if related blocks selected |
605 | Selection not possible (& has already been copied) |
606 | Copying not possible (& has already been copied) |
607 | Already selected & not copied |
608 | Table & not in Dictionary (contact your systems administrator) |
609 | Table field not in Dictionary (contact your systems administrator) |
610 | Error reading table & from Dictionary |
611 | Choose no less than & & |
612 | Choose no more than & & |
613 | Line length will be exceeded (choose no more than & &) |
614 | Processing not defined (contact your systems administrator) |
615 | Select at least & & |
616 | Do not select more than & & |
617 | Field name contains more than ten characters. Transfer not possible. |
618 | Only different key figures can be copied. |
619 | You do not have authorization for & |
620 | Please place cursor on field or source table |
621 | No information available for field &-& |
622 | No information available for the fields in table & |
623 | Processing of units maintenance terminated |
624 | Unit is used in info structure &, deletion cancelled |
625 | Unit & created |
626 | Unit & deleted |
627 | No unit found, processing of units maintenance canceled |
628 | Primary key for DB table & was not converted! |
629 | Errors occurred during conversion of database table & |
630 | No extraction structure active or no BW connected |
631 | Combination: Event/Update group (&/&) does not exist! |
632 | Too many communication structure at time &1 (internal error) |
633 | Detailed new setup does not match info structure |
634 | & is not a valid update group |
635 | & is not a valid update event |
636 | Key figure &: Choose column width between &1 and &2 |
637 | Fill in posting date |
638 | Version contains no data |
639 | Date fields for info structure S032 are not generated |
640 | No standard analyses are defined for info structure & |
641 | You must define at least one characteristic of type ' '! |
642 | Wrong extractor for BW transfer structure & |
643 | Report/function module & is obsolete |
644 | & : Key figure hierarchy is lower than characteristics hierarchy |
645 | Warning messages occured - read long text |
646 | & : Date field hierarchy is lower than key figure hierarchy |
647 | Formula and external program cannot be used simultaneously |
648 | Form routine and associated program should always be specified together |
649 | Inconsistent document tables for document &1 (&2) |
650 | BW transfer structure &1 cannot be processed in copy management |
651 | Function &1 is not currently available |
660 | No data exist for starting run |
661 | No missing TMC4 entries found, no action required. |
685 | & : Rule key figure/characteristic inconsistent |
686 | Internal error occured when checking entries or possible entries field |
687 | No self-defined unit found. Processing terminated |
688 | Error for self-defined units |
689 | Error when archiving selection versions |
690 | Selection version & cannot be reloaded. (Error &) |
691 | Settings for target info structure &1 were changed! ---> Long text |
692 | Changed settings in key figure processing! ---> Long text |
693 | An error occured during generation of information structure &1. |
694 | The information structure & cannot be deleted |
696 | Table name has more than ten characters - transfer not possible |
697 | Basic communication structure cannot be transported |
698 | Communication structure & changed after creating event & |
699 | You do not have developer authorization for processing IDocs |
700 | *** 700 - 799 Maintain LIS inbound interface *** |
701 | Event & is located in the SAP name range! |
702 | LIS inbound interface & was created! & & |
703 | Function modules are not generated for event &! |
704 | The event & does not belong to any generated LIS inbound interface! |
705 | LIS inbound interface & was deleted! |
706 | Function modules for event & were created! & & |
707 | Function modules in LIS environment & were deleted! |
708 | Event & does not exist! (check entry) |
709 | There were no changes! (Saving and generating not necessary) |
710 | LIS inbound interface & was changed! & & |
711 | Event & already exists! (check entry) |
712 | Event & was changed! |
713 | Function group & for event & was removed! (TMC5) |
714 | Function group & was assigned to event &! (TMC5) |
715 | Table &, entries & & &! |
716 | Table &, entries & & could not be &! |
717 | Subroutine & was & ! |
718 | Subroutine & could not be & ! |
719 | Data element & for reference field & does not have an entry (TMC6) |
720 | DDIC structure & not available for unit determination! (TMC6) |
721 | Data element & from DDIC structure & does not exist (unit determination) |
722 | Unit field name & from DDIC structure & is not in table TMC6! |
723 | Event text (TMC5T) for language & and event & already exists! |
724 | Communications structures already exist for event & (TMC20) |
725 | Communication structure & has already been created for application &! |
726 | Unit & with hierarchy & alrady exists for event & (TMC24) |
727 | Event & will be &! |
728 | The dependent table entries will be &! |
729 | Event & was deleted! |
730 | Communication structure & does not exist! (check entry) |
731 | The field BUKRS (company code) does not exist in your structure! |
732 | The field SUPKZ does not exist in your structure! |
733 | There is no date field (DATS type) in your structure! |
734 | Warnings were found when the communication structure was checked (Log) |
735 | Event created! |
736 | All event changes were withdrawn due to errors! |
737 | Customer name range for & exhausted! |
738 | Termination due to internal errors in program &! |
739 | Multi-level communications structures are not currently supported! |
740 | Sample report & does not exist! FM generation was terminated! |
741 | Function module & could not be deleted! |
742 | Function group & could not be deleted! -> Reason: & |
743 | Function module & was deleted! |
744 | Function group & was deleted! |
745 | Function module & could not be created! -> Reason: & |
746 | All system changes were withdrawn! |
747 | Unit/event & & already exists with different contents & &. (TMC24) |
748 | A new unit & was added for field & & ! (TMC6) |
749 | The object & blocked by user & ! |
750 | The object & cannot be blocked! Please try again later! |
751 | Event & cannot be deleted; it is still being used! |
752 | Info structure &, field &, update &, exist in client & ! |
753 | In certain circumstances, not all affected programs are displayed here! |
754 | SAP basis application not available: Generation terminated! |
755 | Function code & not supported on this screen! (Entry was ignored) |
756 | IDoc & is read and checked for LIS significance! |
757 | IDoc segment & is interpreted as a communication structure! |
758 | IDoc & does not exist! (Please check entry) |
759 | Multi-level IDocs are not supported at present! |
760 | IDoc & does not have a segment! (Maintain the IDoc first) |
761 | The function group cannot contain any blank characters! |
762 | No IDoc port was created to correspond with your selection! |
763 | No inbound interface was found for structure & ! |
764 | More than one inbound interface was found for structure & ! |
765 | IDoc does not contain any data! (Processing terminated) |
766 | You do not have authorization for the LIS inbound interface! |
767 | The LIS Basis IDoc 'LIS_EXTR' is not used in IDoc &! |
768 | LIS inbound interface was not generated (user entry)! |
769 | The IDoc input descriptions were created! |
770 | The IDoc input descriptions were created! |
771 | No values exist for this field as yet! -> Long text |
772 | You terminated the transport maintenance or there were transport problems |
773 | Event & is allocated to inbound function module & |
774 | No inbound function module could be determined for event &! |
775 | The IDoc entry description already exists! |
776 | Value & for field & does not exist in table &! |
777 | Communication structure & contains errors! (Reason: &) |
778 | Unit & cannot be deleted! It is being used by event &. |
779 | The LIS interface & is inconsistent! Processing impossible! |
780 | No report & with enhancement structures for formulas and requirements! |
781 | Communication structure & already exists in INCLUDE &! |
782 | Structural definition for formulas and requirements (application &) & ! |
783 | Incorrect generation of program & |
784 | No information structure with active updating exists! |
785 | Event & cannot be used for the IDoc interface! |
786 | This combination of reference table and reference field is not allowed! |
787 | Communication structure & does not contain a field of type & ! |
788 | Communication structure & is incomplete and not active! |
789 | Incorrect generation of program & |
790 | Function group & already exists! |
791 | Reference program & not found |
792 | Parameter transfer missing in function module & |
793 | Segment type & exists as a dictionary object |
794 | Errors occurred while creating communication strcuture & |
795 | Errors occurred while creating IDoc segment & |
796 | Errors occurred while creating IDoc type & |
797 | Communication structure &1 does not contain field &2 |
798 | Segment definition of segment type &1 does not contain field &2 |
799 | Error while checking communication structure and segment definition |
800 | **************** SD statistics updating |
801 | Error determining target currency: SOrg & CoCode & |
802 | Error determining local currency: ER type 'M' date & from & to & RC & |
803 | Error converting quantities: DocUn & num. & denom. & RC & |
804 | Error NAMETAB_GET: structure & RC & |
805 | Statistics Update: No Entry in Table VSFK & |
806 | Statistics Update: No entry in Table VSFP & |
807 | No log for user & exists |
808 | Company code & for sales org. & does not exist (document &) |
809 | Sales organization & does not exist (document &) |
810 | Error determining rate: foreign curr. & local curr. & date & (doc. &) |
811 | Error converting quantity: unit & numerator & denominator & (doc. &) |
812 | Error after calling "Determine open qties of schedules" for doc. & & |
813 | Error updating open quantities of schedule & |
814 | Program error reading XVBUK/XVBRK & in LMCS5U04/LMCS6U04 |
815 | Error while determ. loc. crcy: exchange rate type & date & from & to & |
830 | ***** 830-840 temporarily reserved for General Hierarchy **************** |
831 | The hierarchy is incorrect |
832 | No additional characteristic values can be attached to other char. values |
833 | No text determination possible as it is dependent on other fields |
841 | Period entered could not be interpreted |
850 | * 850-889 temporarily reserved for OIW: info catalog and BAPIs ** |
851 | OIW info catalog does not yet exist. |
852 | OIW info catalog already exists. |
853 | Standard OIW info catalog in the customer system cannot be maintained |
854 | The OIW info catalog is inconsistent. |
855 | Changes only possible in original language |
856 | The OIW info catalog is currently locked by user & |
857 | No additional info objects can be attached to other info objects |
858 | The standard OIW info catalog has been successfully copied |
859 | The OIW info catalog is incorrect. |
860 | Display only, no maintenance authorization |
861 | OIW info catalog does not exist, no maintenance authorization. |
862 | No authorization for displaying or maintaining the OIW info catalog. |
863 | The OIW metadata has been deleted. |
864 | Missing texts have been added from master language |
870 | Data was read |
871 | The imported data source for the OIW is not available |
872 | Info object & from table & is not available |
873 | A common data source is not available for the info objects |
874 | Transfer the info objects to table COLUMNS_TO_READ |
875 | Info object & cannot be determined by data source imported |
876 | No data could be found for the selection requirements. |
877 | Value & is not available for the field SELECTION-SIGN |
878 | Value & is not available for the field SELECTION-OPTION |
879 | Info object/data source &/& cannot be selected |
880 | Only 1 parameter is available for info object/data source &/& |
881 | The OIW metadata is not maintained. |
882 | The OIW metadata has been read. |
883 | No metadata is maintained for info objects in the OIW info catalog |
884 | No authorization for displaying the OIW info catalog. |
890 | Capacity requirement for order &, operation & was reduced |
891 | Costs indicator does not correspond with update activation |
892 | Wait time that was used has been deleted |
893 | Performance settings currently locked by user & |
894 | Goods issue indicator does not correspond with update activation |
895 | You need to specify an update group for reference & |
896 | The unit does not have a time dimension |
897 | Operation indicator does not match update activation |
898 | Unit for (exact) execution time deleted |
899 | Execution time / lead time without unit |