M8_2 - Logistics Invoice Verification

The following messages are stored in message class M8_2: Logistics Invoice Verification.
It is part of development package WRF_INVOICEVERIFICATION_PREPAY in software component MM-IV-LIV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Invoice Verification Prepayment".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Prepayment document does not exist (invoice status: &1)
002System error reading invoice document &1 &2
003An error occurred in prepayment
004Prepayment not compatible with status of parked invoice
005You cannot change the prepayment status to &1
006Error calling function module &1
007External document number assignment not allowed together with prepayment
008The invoice document was read from the archive
009Error in routine &1; further processing of the document is not possible
010Error in routine &1 - document cannot be reversed
011You cannot change field &1
012Enter an invoicing party
013Enter an invoicing party or an assignment with purchase order reference
014No purchase orders found for outbound delivery &
015Price determination error - price could not be determined
016Error in price determination (see message log)
017Error determining the prepayent relevance for creditor &1
018Prepayment is not allowed according to the master record for supplier &1.
019Supplier &1 is a one-time supplier; prepayment not possible.
020Prepayment Customizing for company code &1 is not available
021Prepayment Customizing (table &1) incomplete for company code &2
022Incorrect call of method &1
023No price determination results exist
024The invoice item contains incorrect price determination results
025Prepayment document exists
026Down payment clearing for order &1 &2 was deleted
027Down payment clearing amount is greater than gross invoice amount
028BAPI cannot be used together with down payment clearings
029Prepayment not possible in combination with down payment clearings
030Specify the document type for retention
031No down payments are available for active items
032Downpayment clearing documents cannot be created for credit notes
033Posting period was postponed during runtime
034Retention tax amount is higher than tax amount of original document
035Enter only positive values for the retention amount
036Enter a status
037No price determination was performed
038You cannot enter an amount for an AA item without an invoice quantity
039No amount can be entered for account assignment item without quantity
040Specify an item
041Collision of fixed exchange rate for contract &1
042Exchange rate and currency copied from contract &1
043Currency &1 in contract &2 is different from the entered currency
044In contract &1, currency &2 and exchange rate &3 are fixed
045Baseline date for payment &1 was copied from contract &2
046Terms of payment of contract &1 are different from current terms
047Contract item &1 &2 cannot be selected
048Contract &1 does not exist
049Plant &2 from contract &1 does not match plant &4 from purchase order &3
050Company code &2 from contract &1 is different from CC &3 from plant &4
051Enter at least one assignment with a contract reference
052Select a relevant item
053No relevant item found for price inquiry
054Prices have been updated
055Cross-company code transaction in contract item &1 &2, company code &3
056SAP S/4HANA contract item &1 &2 does not match SRM contract item &3 &4
057Supplier invoice status &1 is not allowed
058The purchasing document is only parked
059The purchasing document is not released
060Purchasing document could not be determined (see log)
061Document date not within validity period of purchasing document
062Specify contract number
063Contract supplier &1 is different from purchase order supplier &2
064Contract &1 &2 does not exist or is not a central contract
065No unique relationship between central contract ID and S/4HANA contr. ID
066No (suitable) item found for contract &1
067Contract &1 &2 &3 is already assigned
068Document date is outside validity period (see message log)
069No relevant item found for contract &1
070Contract &1 &2 &3 from purchase order &4 is already assigned
071Final account assignment quantity exceeded by &1 &2
072Final account assignment quantity exceeded for account assignment item &1
073System can distribute maximum total quantity &1 &2 to selected items
074Account assignment items have been updated
075Total quantity cannot be distributed (invoice position &1)
076Invoice item contains AA items with final account assignment indicator
077Invoice item &1, account assignment item &2: no amount permissible
078You cannot enter an amount for this account assignment item
079Exceeds final account assignment quantity
080Purchasing document &1 is not a document from SAP TM
081Purchasing document &1 comes from SAP TM: selection not possible
082Different transportation management system for freight order &1
083Exchange rate and currency adopted from document &1
084No relevant item found for price determination
085Currency &2 and exchange rate &3 fixed in document &1
086Basic date &1 for payment period adopted from document &2 (SAP TM)
087Payment conditions for document &1 differ from the current conditions
088Collision of fixed exchange rate in document &1
089No invoice receipt is possible for &1 &2
090System error: follow-on document for &1 &2 not found
091User &1 already processing &2 &3 &4
092Down payments exist for document &1 &2
093Document is from SAP TM: assignment of order items not possible
094Invoice document with order reference; SAP TM tab cannot be selected
095Assign at least one document from an SAP TM
096User parameter &1 &2 has not been maintained
097Cannot assign contract items as document is from SAP TM
098Invoice document with contract reference: you cannot choose TM tab
099Invoice document with material posting; you cannot choose TM tab
100Table &1 does not contain entry &2 &3 &4
101System error; document to be copied has not yet been cancelled
102Not a parked document; changes cannot be reversed
103User cancelled the save of the copied document
104Copying is not possible for invoices with invoice category &1
105"Undo changes" is only available for copied documents
106This function is not supported in this transaction
107System ignores entries in hidden fields
108User parameter &1 &2 contains an invalid value
109Cannot assign material items, as document from SAP TM
110User parameter &1 &2 has not been maintained
111Unique assignment of the item using &1 &2 is not possible
112Enter credit/debit indicator
113Differential invoice items do not permit condition processing
114BAPI cannot be used together with differential invoicing
115Document &1 cannot be reversed
116Prices have been updated
117Error during price determination (see message log)
118Prices have been updated
119Error during price determination (see message log)
120Price determination results are not up-to-date
121No differential invoicing with BAPI can be used for &1 &2
122Differential invoicing transaction has changed; note changes
123IDoc cannot be used together with differential invoicing
124EDI: Error in customizing for differential invoicing
125EDI: Cancellation not allowed
126Differential invoicing: Item &1 is inconsistent
127Differential invoicing: external document numbers are inconsistent
128Differential invoicing: external document number not available
129Differential invoicing: invalid credit amount
130Differential invoicing: invalid credit memo quantity
131Differential invoicing: invalid unit of measure
132Differential invoicing: currency change not allowed
133Differential invoicing: subsequent debit not possible
134Differential invoicing: manual invoice reduction not possible
135An unclarified error occured within invoice verification
136No Create authorization for company code &.
137No Change authorization for company code &.
138No Display authorization for company code &.
139No Print authorization for company code &.
140No Park authorization for company code &.
141Enter a valid business network origin.
142Business network origin is not valid.
143Unit of measurement cannot be entered without a quantity
144Sales document item cannot be entered without a sales document.
145Enter the tax base amount only when you post directly to a tax account.
146Unplanned services (enhanced limits) are not supported.
147You cannot process conditions for services.
148You do not have authorization for purchasing group & and activity &.
149No park and no create authorization for company code &.
150Error within Chinese tax handling
151IR before GR not possible for split valuation with valuated special stock
152Duplicate key for withholding tax data is not allowed.
153For supplier error, please enter quantity according to supplier.
154Invoice receipt without valuation type not allowed for goods item.
155IR without valuation type not allowed for planned delivery cost.
156Outbound delivery is not supported in invoice parking.
160Absolute lower limit is not supported for tolerance key &.
161Absolute upper limit is not supported for tolerance key &.
162Percentage lower limit is not supported for tolerance key &.
163Percentage upper limit is not supported for tolerance key &.
164Select either "Check limit" or "Do not check" for absolute lower limit.
165Select either "Check limit" or "Do not check" for absolute upper limit.
166Select either "Check limit" or "Do not check" for percentage lower limit.
167Select either "Check limit" or "Do not check" for percentage upper limit.
168Tolerance key & unknown
170Process not supported, deselect field
172No changes have been made: old &1 equals new &2
173Saved-as-complete invoice document &1 has been changed
174Amount overflow error during discount base calculation
180No invoice documents found for verification
181Enter alternative posting date
186Invoice balance in prepayment document does not equal zero: &1 &2
189Service &1 is already being processed in current incoming invoice
190Prepayment documents cannot be created for credit memos
191Service &1 cannot be selected for operation &2
192Item category is not allowed for contract selection
193Purchasing document &1 is not active
194Purchasing document &1 is not released
195Purchasing document &1 is a parked document
196Purchasing document &1 is not in a valid period
198You cannot create a prepayment document for "Hold Invoice"
200"Calculate Tax" not possible with multiple tax codes
202Tax code &1 is not defined for country/region &2
203Error determining tax for tax code &1
204Balance in prepayment document: &1 &2
205Entry sheet &1 canceled, assignment not possible
206Debit/credit indicator missing for G/L account item or material item
207Tax amounts in company code currency only allowed with foreign currency
208Conversion between document currency & company code currency not allowed
209Tax base amounts must not be changed
210Service Procurement: Item &1 is not consistent.
211Service Procurement: Goods receipt has been cancelled for item &1.
212Service Procurement: Purchase order item &1 &2 is not consistent.
213Choose �Update Allocation� first
214Inadmissible combination of company code and document currency amounts
215Tax in company code currency with line-by-line tax not allowed
216Tax values in company code currency with jurisdiction code not allowed
217Debit/credit indicator only allows 'S' or 'H'
218No valid company code entered
219No valid tax reporting date entered
221Tax calculation not possible (no tax specified)
265Collision of fixed exchange rate in purchase orders &1 and &2
278You are not allowed to have zero lines only
285Balance in currency &1, currency type &2
300Retention: amount and percentage have changed, adjusting amount
301Retention amount is greater than item amount
302Enter a percentage between 0% and 100%
303Item is relevant to retention, see message log
304BAdI system error: &1 is not &2% of &3
305Enter a due date for retention
306Retained amount for reversal is set automatically for full reversal
307Retention amount for reversal is greater than amount retained to date
308Retention amount is greater than credited retention amount to date
309Retained amount for reversal is set automatically for full reversal
310Retentions cannot be reversed: enter the credit memo manually
311Due date for retention &1 must be after due date for net payment &2
312Prepayment is not possible in combination with retention
313Date type &1 is not defined for retention (V_T169RETTIME)
314Due date for retention &1 must be after due date for net payment &2
315Retention amount &1 &2 is greater than gross amount &3 &4
316Document cannot be posted. See log
356Baseline date for payment does not exist
357Field &1 must not be filled if field &2 is filled
360Invoice document with asset posting; you cannot choose TM tab
361Asset items allow posting only
362Field &1 is mandatory with asset posting
400Error in distribution of non-deductible input tax
401Correct your entries
402Correct the tax bases and amounts
410Cannot determine profit center
411Error while reading the profit center of the prepayment document
425Error when distributing the exchange rate rounding difference
468Currency &2 and exchange rate &3 were fixed in purchase order &1
501Prepayment document for invoice number &1 not found
601Prepayment Customizing not defined for company code &1
602Customizing entry for company code &1 missing in table T169P
603Prepayment only possible with tax reduction in complaint document
604Enter a valid complaints reason
605MM_SFWS_SC1 switch is not active
607System error: Error in routine &1
666Settlement of planned deliv. costs not possible if GR data was entered.
667Quantity/Amount too high.
700Field &1 cannot be selected
701Make entries in all required fields
702You must enter a field status group
703Different number of planned account assignments in purchase order &1 &2
704Item for reference &1 &2 &3 &4 not permitted
705Items cannot be transferred completely (see log)
706Reference document category is not permitted for differential invoicing
707No valid item relevant for differential invoicing is selected
708No valid items relevant for differential invoicing exist
709Document &1 for purchase order item &2 &3 not yet posted
710&1 &2 is not permitted; &3 &4
711Setting is not permitted for differential invoicing
712Field &1 in item &2 is not filled correctly
713The reference fields for credit memo item &1 are not correct
714Account assignment data is not allowed for credit memo item &1
715Diff. invoice item &1: credit memo item &2 &3 invalid compared to &4
716Diff. invoice item &1: credit memo quantity &2 &3 invalid compared to &4
717Field &1 of credit memo item &2 is not filled correctly compared to &3
718Field &1 is not filled correctly
719Entry missing in Customizing for differential invoicing
720Field &1 in item &2 has not been filled correctly
721Period-end valuation data available for reference document &1
722RMXPRAS4SIMIGRATION started &1 &2
723Update in client &1 started
724Update in client &1 finished
725RMXPRAS4SIMIGRATION finished &1 &2
726Update in table &1 started
727Update in table &1 finished
728Cannot create new GUID for &1 &2 &3
729&1 &2: Cannot find record in table &3, no PARENT_KEY, no ROOT_KEY
730&1 &2: Cannot find record in table &3, no ROOT_KEY
731&1 &2: Cannot find record in table &3, take PARENT_KEY from table &4
732&1 &2: Cannot find record in table &3, no PARENT_KEY
733&1 entries in table &2 were updated.
734&1 entries in client &2 were updated.
735&1 entries were updated.
736Client &1: &2 node keys created in table &3 &4
737Database error during updating Parent GUIDS for table &1
738&1 entries in table &2 updated with parent and root key &3 &4
739Multiple purchase orders found for delivery note number &1
740Enter a valid value in field &1
741&1 node keys created in table &2 &3 &4
742No release authorization for company code &.
743Reversal of ERS zero document not possible.
744Freight order &1 is not assigned to service entry sheet (lean services)
745Freight order &1 is assigned to service entry sheet (lean services)
746System has corrected hidden values of tolerance key &1.
747Enter company code and tolerance key
748Not able to determine invoicing party.
749Processing error
750No schedule authorization for company code &1
751Sum of invoice item amounts is too high. Selection not possible.
800Tax ctry/region is only allowed to be entered together with a tax code &1
801An error occurred during the validation of the tax country/region.
802Invoice reduction with different tax information is not allowed.
803Subsequent debit/credit is not allowed.
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