MDC_PROCESS_MSG - MDC Process Object Messages

The following messages are stored in message class MDC_PROCESS_MSG: MDC Process Object Messages.
It is part of development package MDC_PROCESS_OBJECT in software component CA-MDG-CMP-AF. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Master Data Consolidation: Process Object".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Message raised by process object
001Process ID can not be determined from internal number range
002No workflow found for process &1
003Process data updated since last retrieve for process &1. Reload data
004Unknown or intial process template &1 received
005Unknown or intial process goal &1 received
006Workflow cannot be started for process &1 template &2 workflow &3
007OTC is missing for process &1 template &2
008Initialize process could not be started for process &1 template &2 OTC &3
009No steps found for process &1 template &2
010Can not initialize process. Process &1 not yet started
011Process steps can not be executed. Process &1 not active or init failed
012Process steps can not be read for process &1 template &2
013Process &1 step &2 (&4) for type &3 failed. Next step can't be started
014Process &1 step &2 (&4) for type &3 stopped. Next step can't be started
015No adapter found for process &1 step &2 (&4) for type &3
016No next step found to be started for process &1 template &2
017Step &1 (&4) of type &2 for process &3 started. Waiting for status
018Process &1 still started
019Process &1 still initialized
020No valid step status &1 (&2) transferred
021Wrong step number &1 (&3) for process &2 submitted to set next status
022Process &1 still finalized
023Last step of process &1 not finished. Prozess can not be finalized
024Finalize process could not be started for process &1 template &2 OTC &3
025Fatal error calling adapter &4 for process &1 step &2 type &3
026Wrong or initial adapter &4 for process &1 step &2 type &3
027No Source System maintained for source record of process &1
028Step &1 (&4) type &2 for process &3 not created
029Process data for process &1 can not be changed in status &2 (&3)
030Process step &1 data for process &2 can not be changed in status &3 (&4)
031No step found that can be stopped for process &1 template &2
032No valid step number (value = &1) transferred for process &2
033No valid step number &1 transferred
034Workflow cannot be continued for process &1 template &2
035Step &1 (&4) of type &2 for process &3 still stopped
036Unknown or intial adapter class &1 received
037Please wait for the system to complete step &2 (&3).
038Rollback for step type &1 (&2) not supported
039No Source Status maintained for source record of process &1
040Process ID &1 set by derivation
041Process &1 can not be started. Process not yet saved.
042Stopped for Review (&1)
043In Process (&1)
044Stopped by user (&1)
045Failed (&1)
047Saved (not started)
048Process &1 can not be deleted. Process is active
049Process &1 can not be deleted. Workflow can not be deleted
050Processes &1 can not be deleted. WF must be archived
051No or incorrect decision if source data should be deleted at process end
052You are not allowed to process data of source system &1
053You are not allowed to create processes of the given type
054You are not allowed to delete process &1
055You are not allowed to process data of cluster "&1"
056You are not allowed to work on process &1
057Description missing for Process &1 Step &2 of Type &3
058You are not allowed to load source records
059You have insufficient authorities for this kind of deletion
060Process &1 does not exist
061Workflow cannot be completed for process &1 template &2 workflow &3
062Process &1 with Workflow can not be deleted. You are no administrator
063No sources found for process &1 template &2
064You are not allowed to change administrative data
065Too much (or long) source filter for process &1 (max ~255 char)
066Process filter of process &1 contains invalid character '\'
067User &1 is not permitted for any Object Type Code in consolidation
068Partially Finished (&1)
069Step &1 of process &2 can not be finished or retryed at status &3 (&4)
070Source System &1 with status &2 filter &3 still in use or do not exist
071Process &1 can not be continued
072Source System &1 with status &2 filter &3 still in use in process &4
073Stopped (&1)
074Initializing Process
075Finalizing Process
076No source data found. Process &1 not started
077No sources found for source system &1 status &2 filter &3 in process &4
078Master data governance not allowed. Check switch is active
079Step &1 does not exist in process &2
080No record applies to given search criteria
081Worklist is still in use and hence cannot be deleted
082You are not allowed to continue process &1
083You are not allowed to finalize matching of process &1
084Table &1, field &2 do not exist. Scope definition not added to process &1
085You are not allowed to configure process &1
086Table &1, field &2 do not exist.
087In Retention
088Next Step Planned
089Process &1 not found
090Process read failed
091Function only supported for mass processing
092Worklist not created for Process &1
093Invalid format for &1
094No source data selected for process &1. Rollback and change criteria
095No scope maintained. Process &1 can not be started
096No selection result for process &1
097Process &1 waiting period can not be terminated. Last step not finished
098Sofware swicht not active
099No process found or process &1 has technical error
100------------- Customizing Views
101The adapter &1 is not defined for OTC &2 and step type &3
102The configuration &1 does not exist for adapter &2
103The adapter &1 supports no configuration
104The object type code &1 is not defined
105The workflow &1 is not defined
106Process step numbers adapted to sequence numbers
107The workflow &1 is not assigned to the correct BOR object type &2
108Inconsistent configuration &1
109Inconsistent configuration &1 - field &2 is not allowed
110Process template &1 has no activation step
111Process template &1: The step type &2 is placed after final step types
112Process template &1: The step type &2 is used more than once
113Process template &1: The Activation has to be executed before Replication
114Process template &1: Replication without previous Activation not possible
115Process template &1: step type &2 requires a predecessor step
116Process template &1: configured predecessor step &2 differs f. actual &3
118Process template &1 does not exist
119Process model not defined for Business Object Type &1
120Process template &2 is not defined for Business Object Type &1
121For Business Object Type &1 is more than one default process template set
122The combination of table &1 and field &2 is not defined: use value help
123Remove entries with initial field names from the scope variant &1
124Scope variant &1: Object Type Code &2 doesn't use table &3 (field &4)
125Scope variant &1: Object Type Code &2, table &3 doesn't have field &4
126More than one mass maintenance process template set for BO Type &1
127Mass maintenance process is not permitted for Business Object Type &1
128Process template &1: No replication with activation configuration &2
129Process template &1: The step type &2 is not allowed to use with goal &3
130Process template &1: Deletion of mass maintenance template is not allowed
131Process template &1: Deletion of mass maintenance step is not allowed
132Process template &1 has a replication step
133Process template &1: &2 adapter used after &3 adapter for BO Type &4
134Process template &1: No adapter configuration for activation step
135Process template &1: Improve all records only supports direct activation
136Process goal &1 is not permitted for Business Object Type &2
137Process template &1: Step &2 requires a predecessor step &3
138Process template &1: Wrong OTC sequence. OTC &2 used after OTC &3
139Process template &1: The step type &2 cannot be used
140Goal "&4" only support updates. Check config. ID &1
141Business Object Type &1 not allowed.
142Cache successfully reset.
143Process template &1: No Filter and Remove Adapter is allowed
144More than one default template for BO Type &1 and process goal &2
145Process template &1: Step &2 can be used only after step &3
146Activation into Change Request / Cleansing Case not allowed
147Process template &1, step &2: use adapter &3 only once per template
148Adapter &1 can only be used once per template
149Process &1 created
200------------- Workflow and general exceptions
202Function not supported for consolidation of source records
203Message raised for message class &1 textid &2.
204Process data updated since last retrieve. Reload current data.
300------------- Protocol
301Process &1 deleted
302Process &1 completed
303Continue process &1
304Execute next step for process step &1 (&2)
305Process &1 finalized at &2
306Process &1 initialized at &2
307Rollback to step &1 (&3) for process step &2 (&4)
308Step status &1 (&3) for process step &2 (&4) set
309Process &1 started
310Step &1 processed
311Process step &1 (&2) finished
312Process step &1 (&2) retried
313Workflow event &1 for object &2 with key &3 called
314Adapter &1 for process template &2 step type &3 w. process goal &4 called
315Model for Source OTC &1 process goal &2 called
316Process &1 with workflow deleted
317Last step finished for process &1 step &2 (&3)
318Checkpoint active for process &1 step &2 (&3)
319Step &1 (&2) started
320Function &1 called for parameters &2 &3 &4
321Process deletion failed
322Process completion failed
323Process continue failed
324Step &1 (&2) can not be executed
325Process finalize failed
326Process initialize failed
327Rollback to step &1 (&3) for process step &2 (&4) failed
328Step status &1 (&3) for process step &2 (&4) can not be set
329Process start failed
330Process stop failed
331Finish step for process step &1 (&2) failed
332Retry step for process step &1 (&2) failed
333Last step finished for process &1 step &2 (&3) failed
334Checkpoint active for process &1 step &2 (&3)
335Function &1 called
336Step with key &1 is missing in the proces &2
337The process ID or the step key is missing
338Process termination failed
339Process &1 terminated
340Process retention time set
341Process step scheduled
342Activation target "No Activation" is not allowed for reliable processes
343Activation target "No Activation" swtiched to "Direct Activation"
344Process &1 marked for deletion
345Retrying the process step
346Process execution (re-)scheduled
347Process continues
348Ending process retention
349Finishing the process
350Process started
401Split started
402Split failed
403Split completed; New process &1 created
404Split not allowed; Process is waiting
405Split all records of process &1 not allowed
406New process has been created by splitting of process &1
407Split not allowed for process goal &1
408Split not allowed; records are part of a reference within the process
409Remove not allowed; records are referenced within the process
411Remove records started
412Remove records failed
413Remove records completed
414Remove records not allowed; Process &1 is waiting
415Remove all records from process &1 not allowed
416Being split (&1)
417Processing of records in process &1 cannot be revoked
418---------------------------- SPLIT@DELETE -----------------------------
419Removing individual records from the same match group not allowed
420----------------- Authorization bottons
421Authorization failed
500--------------------- general Messages ---------------------
501Process goal does not support duplicate strategy
502No duplicate strategy maintained
503Invalid duplicate strategy
504No reliable status tracking possible
506Revalidation is not possible
507Results for process &1 not deleted. Evaluation steps not finished
508Process &1 is marked for deletion. Continue is not allowed.
509Process &1 is marked for deletion. Rollback is not allowed.
510Process &1 is marked for deletion. Split is not allowed.
511Process &1 is marked for deletion. Start is not allowed.
512Process &1 is marked for deletion. Retry is not allowed.
514Process &1 is marked for deletion. Terminate is not allowed.
515Process &1 is marked for deletion. Rescheduling is not allowed.
516Engagement of incident observer &1 failed.
517Process &1 has predecessor. Rollback is not allowed prior to first step.
518Governance processes cannot be rolled back prior to first step.
519You are not allowed to roll back process &1
520You are not allowed to change configuration of process &1
521Conversion error for value &1
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