MDG_BS_CUS_CHECK - MDGC: messages for check of customer data, message mapping

The following messages are stored in message class MDG_BS_CUS_CHECK: MDGC: messages for check of customer data, message mapping.
It is part of development package MDG_BS_ECC_CUSTOMER_ACCESS in software component CA-MDG-APP-CUS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Access to customer Master Data for MDGS".
Message Nr
Message Text
100Switch &1 is active in client &2
101Switch &1 is active in client &2; no relevant change request found
102Switch &1 is active in client &2; no relevant process found
103Added &1 entities from table BUT000_ACT for client &2
104No relevant switch active in client &1
131Customer & is marked for deletion
132Customer &1 is marked for deletion in company code &2
133Customer &1 is marked for deletion in sales area &2 &3 &4
200Document &1 &2 &3 &4 does not exist
201Multiple documents not allowed for &1 &2 of type &3
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