MDG_BS_MAT_SI - Message Class : Material Replication Services Implementation
The following messages are stored in message class MDG_BS_MAT_SI: Message Class : Material Replication Services Implementation.
It is part of development package MDG_BS_MAT_SI in software component CA-MDG-APP-MM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "MDG: SIW content".
It is part of development package MDG_BS_MAT_SI in software component CA-MDG-APP-MM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "MDG: SIW content".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | & table will contain only one record |
001 | No long texts passed while indicator is set |
002 | &1 is an invalid type code for text collection |
003 | &1 is an invalid language code; enter a valid language code |
004 | Long texts for &1 contain duplicate entries, invalid data, or both |
005 | &1 is an invalid characteristic quantity type code |
006 | &1 is an invalid value; value should always be 1 |
007 | Unit code &1 for quantity conversion is adjusted to base UoM &2 |
008 | Maximum length of production text must not exceed 18 characters |
009 | Maximum length of material size text must not exceed 32 characters |
010 | Maximum length of page format must not exceed 4 characters |
011 | Maximum length of industry standard text must not exceed 18 characters |
012 | Maximum length of material name must not exceed 18 characters |
013 | Maximum length of authorization group code must not exceed 4 characters |
014 | Valid value between 1 and 3 missing for material discount in kind code |
015 | Action code &1 not supported, &2 values ignored |
016 | Duplicate entries for country/region &1 under purchase tax classification |
017 | &1 is an invalid SAPscript line format code; enter a valid value |
018 | Quantity characteristic unit code for dimensions must be the same |
019 | &1 and &2 should have the same unit of measure |
020 | Duplicate entries for sales tax category &1, country/region &2 |
021 | A description is already maintained for language &1 |
022 | Property list type code &1 is not valid |
023 | Upper boundary values missing for IntervalBoundaryTypeCode 3 |
024 | Invalid entry; interval boundary type code must be 1 or 3 |
025 | Class &1 is not valid |
026 | Characteristic &1 does not exist |
027 | Material &1 already exists |
028 | Key mapping for & is not maintained |
029 | Value &1 for &2 is not supported |
030 | Key mapping could not be updated; &1 &2 &3 &4 |
031 | Conversion not possible; maintain a base unit of measure |
032 | Maximum length of manufacturer ID is 10 characters |
033 | Maximum length of internal material number is 18 characters |
034 | Maximum length of manufacturer part number is 40 characters |
035 | Key mapping cannot be updated |
036 | Cannot create plant-specific procurement data; enter a plant ID |
037 | No keys supplied for key mapping |
038 | Upper Boundary Values are not valid for IntervalBoundaryTypeCode 1 |
039 | Material type &1 does not support harmonized keys |
040 | &1 is not a valid action code; enter a valid value |
041 | Either Internal ID or Unformatted Internal ID sould be passed |
042 | Either sender material ID or receiver material ID should be passed |
043 | Material &1 was successfully created |
044 | Sender business system ID missing from header |
045 | Length of configurableproductinternalid should not exceed 18 characters |
046 | Action code &1 not supported; hence &2 values for plant &3 ignored |
047 | Unit code ShippingMaterialBaseQuantity should be always base UoM |
048 | Action code &1 not supported; hence &2 values for text type &3 ignored |
050 | Lenght of the Type Code cannot exceed 4 characters |
051 | Enter Company Code or Plant ID for Financials Specification |
052 | The length of &1 cannot exceed &2 characters |
053 | Enter &1 for Financials Specification |
054 | only value 1 is supported for InventoryValuationYearMonthCode |
055 | Material ID could not be derived |
056 | Material &1 has already been processed and cannot be changed |
057 | Characteristic &1 does not exist |
058 | Language code cannot be more than 1 character length |
059 | The length of OrderUnitActivationStatusCode cannot exceed 1 character |
060 | Error in Key Mapping |
061 | Error during conversion of Material ID to internal format |
062 | Error in Value Mapping for &1&2 |
063 | Key Mapping for search key with OTC &1 and IDSC &2 not maintained |
064 | Currency Code &1 not found |
065 | Key mapping customizing for material number is inavlid in LAMA system |