MDG_BS_SUPPL_HARM - MDG: messages for harmonization report

The following messages are stored in message class MDG_BS_SUPPL_HARM: MDG: messages for harmonization report.
It is part of development package MDG_BS_ECC_SUPPLIER_ACCESS in software component CA-MDG-APP-SUP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Access to Vendor Master Data for MDGS".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error: BP grouping &1 and vendor account group &2
001Customize CVI role for the BP to vendor direction
002Customize CVI grouping for the BP to vendor direction
003BP grouping &1 is not available; check Customizing settings
004Number range (&1) Customizing of BP grouping (&2) is incomplete
005No number range assigned to BP grouping &1; check Customizing settings
006Vendor account group &1 is not available; check Customizing settings
007Number range (&1) Customizing of vendor account group (&2) is incomplete
008Internal numbering for vendor account group (&2) is not recommended
009Valid CVI role: BP role is &1 (direction BP to vendor)
010Valid CVI grouping: BP grouping is &1, and vendor account group is &2
011Results of the simulated test run for new CVI Customizing
012CVI role &1 defined for direction BP to vendor
013CVI grouping defined for BP grouping &1 and vendor account group &2
014Results of the consistency checks for existing CVI Customizing
015Number range &1 defined for object &2; range: &3, numbering: &4
016Number range &1 changed for object &2; range: &3, numbering: &4
017Changed number range of vendor account group &1 to &2
018Creating Customizing for vendor account group &1
019CVI grouping Customizing for direction BP to vendor is not unique
020CVI role Customizing for direction BP to vendor is not unique
021Number range is already used by the business partner
022Int. numbering f. BP (&1) incompatible with ext. numbering f. vendor (&2)
023External BP number range (&1) is not supported
024Ext. numbering f. BP (&1) incompatible with ext. numbering f. vendor (&2)
025Numbering issue for BP internal (&1) and vendor external (&2)
026Numbering issue for BP external (&1) and vendor external (&2)
027Starting to process the vendor account group selection
028External vendor number range (&1) is not supported
029BP grouping &1 is already used in CVI Customizing
030Account group &1 is already used in CVI Customizing
031Selection of vendor account groups is invalid
032Assignment of number range &1 is not unique (account group &2)
033No number range assigned to vendor account group &1; check Customizing
034Account group selection with sign &1 is not supported
035The following records would be stored on the database:
036BP group &1 defined with number range &2 and text "&3"
037Failed to determine BP grouping key; specify Customing settings
038No records available for storing on the database
039CVI role &1 defined for vendor account group &2 (direction vendor to BP)
040Fatal error when storing number range &1 for object &2
041Failed to determine number range ID; check Customizing
042Starting to store records on the database
043Fatal error when storing records in database table &1
044Starting to create the Customizing request
045CVI grouping defined for vendor account group &1 and BP grouping &2
046Results of the storage and transport for new CVI Customizing
047All records have been stored successfully on the database
048Documentation is not available in the current language
049Invalid interval (from &1 to &2) for number range &3
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