MDG_BS_SUPPL_HARM - MDG: messages for harmonization report
The following messages are stored in message class MDG_BS_SUPPL_HARM: MDG: messages for harmonization report.
It is part of development package MDG_BS_ECC_SUPPLIER_ACCESS in software component CA-MDG-APP-SUP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Access to Vendor Master Data for MDGS".
It is part of development package MDG_BS_ECC_SUPPLIER_ACCESS in software component CA-MDG-APP-SUP. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Access to Vendor Master Data for MDGS".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Error: BP grouping &1 and vendor account group &2 |
001 | Customize CVI role for the BP to vendor direction |
002 | Customize CVI grouping for the BP to vendor direction |
003 | BP grouping &1 is not available; check Customizing settings |
004 | Number range (&1) Customizing of BP grouping (&2) is incomplete |
005 | No number range assigned to BP grouping &1; check Customizing settings |
006 | Vendor account group &1 is not available; check Customizing settings |
007 | Number range (&1) Customizing of vendor account group (&2) is incomplete |
008 | Internal numbering for vendor account group (&2) is not recommended |
009 | Valid CVI role: BP role is &1 (direction BP to vendor) |
010 | Valid CVI grouping: BP grouping is &1, and vendor account group is &2 |
011 | Results of the simulated test run for new CVI Customizing |
012 | CVI role &1 defined for direction BP to vendor |
013 | CVI grouping defined for BP grouping &1 and vendor account group &2 |
014 | Results of the consistency checks for existing CVI Customizing |
015 | Number range &1 defined for object &2; range: &3, numbering: &4 |
016 | Number range &1 changed for object &2; range: &3, numbering: &4 |
017 | Changed number range of vendor account group &1 to &2 |
018 | Creating Customizing for vendor account group &1 |
019 | CVI grouping Customizing for direction BP to vendor is not unique |
020 | CVI role Customizing for direction BP to vendor is not unique |
021 | Number range is already used by the business partner |
022 | Int. numbering f. BP (&1) incompatible with ext. numbering f. vendor (&2) |
023 | External BP number range (&1) is not supported |
024 | Ext. numbering f. BP (&1) incompatible with ext. numbering f. vendor (&2) |
025 | Numbering issue for BP internal (&1) and vendor external (&2) |
026 | Numbering issue for BP external (&1) and vendor external (&2) |
027 | Starting to process the vendor account group selection |
028 | External vendor number range (&1) is not supported |
029 | BP grouping &1 is already used in CVI Customizing |
030 | Account group &1 is already used in CVI Customizing |
031 | Selection of vendor account groups is invalid |
032 | Assignment of number range &1 is not unique (account group &2) |
033 | No number range assigned to vendor account group &1; check Customizing |
034 | Account group selection with sign &1 is not supported |
035 | The following records would be stored on the database: |
036 | BP group &1 defined with number range &2 and text "&3" |
037 | Failed to determine BP grouping key; specify Customing settings |
038 | No records available for storing on the database |
039 | CVI role &1 defined for vendor account group &2 (direction vendor to BP) |
040 | Fatal error when storing number range &1 for object &2 |
041 | Failed to determine number range ID; check Customizing |
042 | Starting to store records on the database |
043 | Fatal error when storing records in database table &1 |
044 | Starting to create the Customizing request |
045 | CVI grouping defined for vendor account group &1 and BP grouping &2 |
046 | Results of the storage and transport for new CVI Customizing |
047 | All records have been stored successfully on the database |
048 | Documentation is not available in the current language |
049 | Invalid interval (from &1 to &2) for number range &3 |