MEREP_00 - Basic Message
The following messages are stored in message class MEREP_00: Basic Message.
It is part of development package S_ME_DATA in software component BC-MOB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Mobile: data replication".
It is part of development package S_ME_DATA in software component BC-MOB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Mobile: data replication".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | & not found |
002 | &1 entries (&2 run numbers) found |
003 | &1 entries found |
006 | Receiver call successful; see worklist monitor |
007 | & is empty |
008 | Mobile ID &1 successfully reset |
009 | Prio errors exist and conversation control has set stop on error flag on |
010 | & database update failed |
011 | Handler worklist &1 has no corresponding inbox data |
012 | Run number cannot be assigned |
013 | Handler call not permitted for batch user status |
014 | Duplicate Key Entry Exception Is Caught |
016 | Unable to enqueue & |
017 | Synchronizer function &1 call failed due to &2 |
018 | Return code &1 (&2) |
019 | Maximum jobs (&) exceeded |
020 | Job (number = &1) started |
022 | Failed to update object execution info &1 &2 &3 |
023 | Error occured while inserting & data to the database |
024 | &1 has started for run number &2 and runtime counter &3 |
025 | &1 has finished for run number &2 and runtime counter &3 |
026 | Over 90% of number range object & has been consumed |
027 | Error saving log/run data for run number &1, runtime counter &2, line &3 |
028 | No log entry found for &1 worklist item &2 &3 &4 |
029 | No subsequent worklist entry found for &1 worklist &2 &3 |
030 | No job information is avilable for &1 worklist item &2 &3 &4 |
031 | Run number used twice;data inconsistency |
032 | Field name &1 not selected as filter criteria |
034 | No job information was found for the log message |
037 | Start processing conversation worklist &1 |
038 | End processing conversation worklist &1 |
039 | Downloader completed successfully (mobile ID: &1, SyncBO: &2) |
046 | Value too long |
047 | Value not numeric |
048 | Data type error for date |
049 | Data type error for time |
050 | Error in the nest of calls to OBJECT_START and OBJECT_END |
051 | Characters are not allowed |
052 | Decimal points not allowed |
053 | Too many decimal places |
054 | Data type conflict in data from mobile |
057 | Inbox data deleted (mobile ID = &1, sequence number = &2) |
058 | Synchronizer &1 completed successfully (mobile ID=&2, SyncBO=&3) |
060 | Conversation control record for &1 not found |
061 | Receiver control record not found |
062 | Handler control record not found |
063 | Sender control record not found |
064 | Synchronizer control record for &1 not found |
065 | Synchronization type control record not found |
066 | SyncBO control record for &1 not found |
068 | Conversation control record for &1 not enabled |
069 | Receiver control record not enabled |
070 | Handler control record not enabled |
071 | Sender control record not enabled |
072 | Synchronizer control record for &1 not enabled |
079 | Selected log has no corresponding worklist item |
081 | Receiver does not call handler (return code=&1, reason=&2) |
085 | Sender worklist &1 &2 has no corresponding outbox data |
086 | Action canceled |
087 | Internal error |
115 | Enqueue failure for mobile ID &1 |
117 | Conversation control record for &1 is unregistered |
122 | No conversation worklist record found for mobile ID &1 |
125 | SyncBO &1 not (re)generated |
126 | Generated code & is not configured correctly |
127 | User exits in generated code & raised exception w/o creating RTN records |
128 | SyncBO &1 has syntax errors in the user exit |
129 | &1 worklists found to be processed for mobile ID &2 |
132 | Log start: job name &1 is invalid |
133 | Log start: Unknown error |
135 | Log stop: job name &1 is invalid |
200 | Enter numeric value (0-9) for the parameter &1. |
214 | Enter a value in 'Option' field |
215 | Length of 'Value' column must not exceed 28 characters |
217 | Mandatory fields are not mapped in &1 |
218 | No error found |
220 | You can only choose the "SyncBO Only" option |
222 | Enter a value in 'Value' field |
223 | User &1 does not exist or is not a mobile user |
230 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
234 | SyncBO &1 is a download SyncBO. Upload data not expected |
235 | SyncBO &1 is an upload SyncBO; upload data empty |
236 | Invalid job type &1 |
237 | Unable to retrieve metadata for SyncBO &1 |
238 | Invalid send mask: &1 |
239 | Invalid metadata for SyncBO &1 |
240 | Number of fields from device exceeds SyncBO definition (value=&1) |
241 | Data type from device incompatible (value=&1) |
242 | Invalid structure ID: &1 |
243 | Invalid parameter for &1: name = &2, value = &3 |
244 | XML metadata file successfully downloaded to file path &1 &2 |
245 | Error during download: &1 |
246 | File name exceeds limit |
247 | Invalid character(s) |
248 | No encoding information found |
249 | Error parsing XML at offset &1, entity &2 |
250 | MSD &1 is not an MEREP application |
251 | Reason for XML parse error: &1&2&3&4 |
252 | Message contains deltas for different SyncBO IDs |
253 | Multiple &1s found when creating a single SyncBO delta |
254 | No SyncBO delta found |
255 | Unknown message type &1 |
256 | Unknown value &1 for domain &2 |
257 | XML document contains an unknown value &1 for attribute &2 of element &3 |
258 | Message is invalid; failed to create DOM |
259 | Failed to parse XML document |
260 | Forced correction of XML document encoding from &1 to &2 |
261 | Failed to correct XML document encoding |
262 | Codepage &1 is not supported |
263 | Data &1 will be lost after conversion |
264 | Index &1 is out of bounds |
265 | Metadata for structure &1 is invalid |
266 | Value "&1" failed to pass the type check for field &2-&3 |
267 | <Dump>&1&2&3&4</Dump> |
268 | Failed to create message object from inbox/outbox data |
300 | * Monitoring |
301 | No worklist found |
302 | No log found |
303 | Function not supported for selected item |
304 | No subordinate worklist found |
305 | No data found |
306 | Error preparing for data display |
307 | Only handler worklist can be reprocessed |
308 | Only handler worklist can be processed |
309 | Cannot process any of the selected worklists |
310 | Only Handler and Sender worklist can be marked as complete |
311 | None of the selected worklists can be marked as complete |
312 | Worklist status updated |
400 | Mobile ID & already exists |
401 | Mobile ID & does not exist |
402 | Mobile ID & successfully deleted |
403 | Mobile group & does not exist |
404 | Mobile ID &1 has the same conversation information as mobile ID &2 |
405 | Enter value |
408 | Mobile group & already exists |
409 | Saved successfully |
411 | Mobile ID &1 has been proposed |
413 | Mbile ID &1 has been reset |
414 | Deleted successfully |
417 | Replicator only handles generated SyncBOs |
418 | Reassign mobile IDs to another mobile group |
420 | Choose items |
422 | Mobile ID &1 is unregistered |
423 | Mobile ID & registered |
427 | No mobile ID found |
429 | Select a line |
432 | Exported successfully |
433 | Imported successfully |
434 | Transport request deleted successfully |
436 | Data successfully purged |
437 | Data purge failed |
441 | Enter the transport request number |
443 | Synchronization type does not exist |
448 | Transport request does not exist |
452 | Only one request can be released at once |
453 | Download successful |
454 | SyncBO does not exist or was not generated |
460 | SyncBO contains syntax errors |
461 | No data to be purged |
462 | Detailed output can cause memory error if the number of records is high |
499 | Unspecified failure |
500 | * Messages with numbers up to 699 are mainly used for SyncBO Builder |
501 | SyncBO &1 already exists |
503 | SyncBO &1 does not exist |
504 | Enter at least one function module (BAPI wrapper) |
505 | You cannot use the same BAPI Wrapper for different actions |
507 | Value ID &1 has already been created |
508 | Value ID is not assigned for parameter &1 in &2 |
509 | Value ID &1 is still assigned to some fields |
510 | No parameter found |
520 | & structure has exceeded the limit length of 2048; reduce some fields |
522 | You cannot select more than three filtering criteria |
523 | Specify a SyncBO name |
525 | Inconsistent interfaces found (&1 entries) |
526 | No error found |
527 | SyncBO &1 has been saved |
528 | SyncBO &1 has been generated |
529 | Skeleton & not found |
530 | Function modules from the function pool & contain syntax errors |
531 | Structure IDs are duplicated |
532 | No filtering criteria field has been selected for SyncBO &1 |
533 | Function group must start with 'Z' or 'Y'; you cannot leave it blank |
534 | Function module &1 is not RFC enabled |
535 | SyncBO &1 has been successfully copied |
536 | Synchronization type &1 is invalid |
539 | Key fields of structure exceeded the maximum length &1 |
543 | No SyncBO found |
544 | Place the cursor on a valid row |
545 | Position of field &1 is inconsistent |
546 | SyncBO name &1 is reserved by SAP |
547 | Select time and date fields |
548 | Field group &1 already exists |
549 | Field &1 is already assigned to field group &2 |
550 | Field name &1 is reserved by the system |
551 | Select field used for language conversion |
552 | To use a diff. lang. item, delete existing mappings in current structure |
558 | There is no default value for SyncBO &1 |
559 | Selection conditions have been saved |
560 | SyncBO &1 needs to be generated first |
561 | No syntax errors found |
564 | RFC function module search failed |
566 | SyncBO &1 has already been reset to editor lock |
567 | SyncBO &1 has already been published |
568 | SyncBO &1 has been set to editor lock by &2 |
572 | You cannot select this line |
574 | RFC destination & is not available; change the destination |
575 | RFC destination of SyncBO &1 has been changed |
576 | Generated code not found for SyncBO &1 |
578 | R/3 key has not been selected in &1 |
579 | No data for specified synchronization key |
580 | No key field has been selected for export parameter in &1 |
582 | RFC communication failure: & & |
583 | RFC system failure: & & |
586 | Item key has not been selected for parameter &1 in &2 |
590 | Mobile group & does not exist |
592 | Specify value ID to be deleted |
593 | Mapping setting was copied from &1 |
595 | Filtering criteria contain syntax error |
596 | Filtering is only driven by referencing SyncBO |
598 | Filtering is only driven by referencing SyncBO |
600 | SyncBO &1 refers to other SyncBO(s); RFC destination cannot be changed |
602 | You cannot copy this SyncBO because relevant metadata contains errors |
603 | Key setting for field &1 is inconsistent between &2 and &3 |
604 | RFC destination of SyncBO &1 has not been changed |
605 | RFC destination dependent on SyncBO &1 has been defined |
609 | Import parameter referring to &1 required in &2 if Mass Data selected |
610 | Map at least one field |
611 | &1 does not have RETURN parameter in export or tables parameter |
612 | RETURN parameter in &1 should refer to structure &2 |
613 | &1 must have field ME_ACTION in header structure |
614 | Metadata for SyncBO &1 contain errors |
615 | SyncBO &1 is enabled |
616 | Field ME_ACTION must refer to a character type of length 1 |
617 | Reference type &1 of export parameter is duplicated in &2 |
618 | Reference type &1 of import parameter is duplicated in &2 |
619 | Default value for parameter &1 has no effect at runtime |
620 | SyncBO &1 is still used as related SyncBO |
621 | SyncBO &1 has been disabled |
623 | Data type '&1' not supported |
624 | Data type of field &3 in parameter &1 is unsupported for BAPI wrapper &2 |
625 | No &1 parameter referring to header structure exists in &2 |
626 | No &1 parameter referring to a field of header structure exists in &2 |
627 | No &1 parameter referring to item structure exists in &2 |
628 | Parameter &1 ignored at runtime; must be optional |
629 | Interface of related SyncBO &1 is inconsistent with field &2 |
630 | RFC destination of related SyncBO &1 is inconsistent with SyncBO &2 |
631 | Enter the multiple of ten for the item structure ID |
632 | BAPI wrappers were successfully generated and activated |
633 | Length of parameter name &1 is longer than 21 |
634 | Reference structure must be flat in parameter &1 for BAPI wrapper &2 |
650 | Only inbox data can be modified |
651 | This function allows only "E:Error" data modification |
652 | This function does not allow modification for StructID =&1 |
698 | Unexpected error in code generator (Reference: &1/&2/&3/&4) |
699 | Unknown error |
700 | * Upper is used for non-runtime, mainly for workbench |
701 | Enter the valid log level |
702 | Cannot expand data because of metadata conflict (ex. different version) |
703 | Enter the Last Sync Date |
704 | No obsolete mobile id found |
705 | Select a Mobile id |
706 | Mobile Ids are deleted successfully |
707 | Last Sync Date should be grater than Current date |
708 | Mobile Id created using MEREP_PD transaction will also be selected |
709 | Enter the start date |
710 | No record found for consistency check |
711 | You are not authorized for this service |
712 | |
713 |