MEREP_01 - Runtime Messages for Synchronizers
The following messages are stored in message class MEREP_01: Runtime Messages for Synchronizers.
It is part of development package S_ME_DATA in software component BC-MOB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Mobile: data replication".
It is part of development package S_ME_DATA in software component BC-MOB. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Mobile: data replication".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | There are no records to download |
001 | Number range error: Interval not found (object=&1, range=&2) |
002 | Number range error: Number range not intern (object=&1, range=&2) |
003 | Number range error: Object not found (object=&1, range=&2) |
004 | Number range error: Interval overflow (object=&1, range=&2) |
005 | Number range error: Unspecified error (object=&1, range=&2) |
006 | Number range: Next &1 assigned successfully (object=&2, range=&3) |
007 | Replicator ended successfully (SyncBO=&1) |
008 | Error updating replica DB for download (SyncBO=&1, Mobile ID=&2) |
009 | & record not found |
010 | & record not enabled |
011 | Error converting MSG_HDR to HSC (reason=&1) |
012 | MSG_HDR GUID does not match device header GUID |
013 | Device-sequence number missing |
014 | Message data record length exceeds 2048 bytes |
015 | & is empty |
016 | Incoming message data does not begin with an HSC record |
017 | Default value missing (value ID=&1, depends on=&2, exclusive=&3) |
018 | Default values loaded |
019 | Default values loaded successfully (SyncBO=&1, #=&2) |
020 | Error loading default values |
021 | Reading headers and items from replica database |
022 | Metadata reading was successful (SyncBO=&1, #=&2) |
023 | Error reading metadata (SyncBO=&1) |
024 | Header action &1 initialized |
025 | Retrieving internal table of RDB header (header key=&1, #=&2) |
026 | Retrieve item from internal table for RDB item (sync key=&1, #=&2) |
027 | Header exists in RDB already (R/3 header key=&1) |
028 | Inserting header in RDB (R/3 header key=&1) |
029 | Item exists in RDB already (parent synchronization key=&1, R/3 key=&2) |
030 | Inserting item in RDB (parent synchronization key=&1, R/3 key=&2) |
031 | Match found for item: ldata=&1&2&3&4 |
032 | No match found for item: ldata=&1&2&3&4 |
033 | Deleting R/3 item from internal RDB table: ldata=&1&2&3&4 |
034 | Deleting RDB header from internal RDB table: Sync key=&1, ldata=&2&3&4 |
035 | Item deleted from internal RDB table |
036 | Deleting RDB item from internal RDB table: Sync key=&1, R/3 key=&2 |
037 | Setting header action "ADD" |
038 | Setting header action "MOD" |
039 | Obtaining new synchronization key for header |
040 | Obtaining new synchronization key for item |
041 | New sync key for header obtained successufully (object=&1, sync key=&2) |
042 | Error occurred when obtaining new sync key for header (object=&1) |
043 | Error occurred when obtaining new sync key for item (object=&1) |
044 | New sync key for item obtained successfully (object=&1, sync key=&2) |
045 | Setting item time stamp for first creation (date=&1, time=&2 ) |
046 | Setting item time stamp for last update (date=&1, time=&2 ) |
047 | Setting header time stamp for first creation (date=&1, time=&2 ) |
048 | Setting header time stamp for last update (date=&1, time=&2 ) |
049 | Appending a record to internal table: Sync key=&1, R/3 key=&2 |
050 | Creating RDB item record with action "ADD" |
051 | Creating RDB item record with action "DEL" |
052 | Header action = &1 |
053 | Header action = "ADD" |
054 | Header action = "DEL" |
055 | Preparing action "ADD" for RDB header record |
056 | Preparing action "MOD" for RDB header record |
057 | Preparing RDB header (send mask=&1, R/3 key=&2) |
058 | Creating RDB item record with action "MOD" |
059 | Creating RDB item record with action "DEL" |
060 | DB operation "Recover" or "Clear" detected;SyncBO=&1, mobile ID=&2, OP=&3 |
061 | Initializing last download date for this device |
062 | Last download date initialized succesfully (SyncBO=&1, mobile ID=&2) |
063 | First connection for device &1 with SyncBO &2 |
064 | DB operation = "Clear" |
065 | Load filtering conditions (mobile group=&, mobile ID=&, struct ID=&, #=&) |
066 | Sel. criteria loaded (mobile group=&, mobile ID=&, structure ID=&, #=&) |
067 | Error loading selection criteria (mobile grp.=&, mobile ID=&, structID=&) |
068 | Download log found (SyncBO=&1, mobile ID=&2, date=&3, time=&4) |
069 | Download log not found; first connection for device &1 with SyncBO &2 |
070 | Get no. of headers from RDB for & using filter cond. (date=&, time=&) |
071 | No changes made for device &1, SyncBO &2 since date=&3/time=&4 |
072 | Setting download header action "ADD" |
073 | Record not on device |
074 | Last download: Date=&1/time=&2, first create: Date=&3/time=&4 |
075 | Setting action "MOD" for download header |
076 | Setting action "DEL" for download header |
077 | Header record format converted successfully to external format: &1&2&3&4 |
078 | Appending header to outbox no.&1 (sync key=&2, R/3key=&3, update act.=&4) |
079 | Error converting record format to external format: &1&2&3&4 |
080 | Item found |
081 | Header action for download = "ADD" |
082 | Header action for download = "MOD" |
083 | Header action for download = "DEL" |
084 | Download item action has been set to "ADD" |
085 | Download item action has been set to "MOD" |
086 | Download item action has been set to "DEL" |
087 | Item record format converted successfully to external format : &1&2&3&4 |
088 | Item record format convert to external format failed : &1&2&3&4 |
089 | Appending item to outbox no.&1 (sync key=&2, R/3 key=&3, update act.=&4) |
090 | Updating download log (SyncBO=&1, device=&2, date=&3, time=&4) |
091 | Download log for first connection (SyncBO=&1,device=&2,date=&3, time=&4) |
092 | RDB operation "clear" completed successfully |
093 | Header retrieved from replication DB (header action=&1) |
094 | &1 items received from RDB for device &2 (download date=&3, time=&4) |
095 | Item retreived from RDB (update action =&1) |
096 | No changed record found (SyncBO=&1, mobile ID=&2, sync key=&3, #=&4) |
097 | No download data produced (SyncBO=&1, mobile ID=&2) |
098 | Data from RDB read successfully (SyncBO=&1, headers=&2, items=&3) |
099 | Error retrieving headers and items from RDB (SyncBO=&1) |
100 | Conflict: R/3 = modify, device = modify |
101 | Conflict: R/3 = modify, device = delete |
102 | Conflict: R/3 = delete, device = modify |
103 | Conflict: R/3 = delete, device = delete |
104 | Default value missing: Value ID=&1, depends on=&2, exclusive=&3 |
105 | Unknown error occurred when reading RDB: SyncBO=&1, mobile ID=&2 |
106 | Synchronization key &1 already exits in replication DB |
107 | Synchronization key &1 missing in replicaion DB |
108 | Upload data not allowed when the RDB operation = 'Clear' |
109 | Data inconsistency between sync W/L and inbox data (seqno=&1,TOP cntr=&2) |
110 | There is no record to download |
111 | All updates for one TOP block were successful (seq. no.=&1, TOP cntr.=&2) |
112 | Unknown error occurred when reading RDB (mobile ID=&1, SyncBO=&2) |
113 | RDB was empty (SyncBO=&1, mobile ID=&2) |
114 | Deleting &1 entries from RDB (SyncBO=&2, mobile ID= &3) |
115 | Error storing header/item from mbl10100 (sBO &1,Mbl.ID=&2,hdr=&3,itm=&4) |
116 | Header=&1, items=&2 stored from mbl10100 into itab (sBO=&3,Mobile ID=&4) |
117 | Reading inbox record (mobile ID=&1, seq, no.=&2, rcd_cntr=&3, data=&4) |
118 | Field name &1 successfully created using para_name &2 |
119 | Error creating field name &2 using para_name &1 |
120 | External format successfully converted to internal format: ldata=&1&2&3&4 |
121 | Error converting external format to internal format |
122 | Filling common fields; struct ID=&1, send mask=&2, sync key=&3, action=&4 |
123 | Filling parent fields;struct ID=&1, strvers=&2, send mask=&3, sync key=&4 |
124 | Header action field &1 from device |
125 | Sync key &1 already exists in the replication DB for mobile ID &2 |
126 | Unknown synchronization key &1 for mobile ID &2 |
127 | Filling unchanged fields from RDB (full_sndmsk=&1, send mask=&2) |
128 | Updating inbox record with the new format (data=&1&2&3&4) |
129 | Item action field & from the device |
130 | Sync key &1 not found; entry does not exist for mobile ID &2 |
131 | Match found for header key &1 (sync key=&2) |
132 | No match found for header key &1 (action=&2) |
133 | No line item changed (data=&1&2&3&4) |
134 | Line item changed (data=&1&2&3&4) |
135 | RDB line item to be deleted (sync key=&1, #=&2) |
136 | Getting synchornizer worklist records (mobile ID=&1, #=&2) |
137 | TOP record (, counter=&2) not found for mobile ID &3 |
138 | TOP record (, counter=&2) read for mobile ID &3 |
139 | TOP record read from R/3 itab; conflict detected (sync key=&1) |
140 | TOP record not found from R/3 itab; conflict not detected (sync key=&1) |
141 | Updating RDB header/item (SyncBO=&1, mobile ID=&2, headers=#&3,items=#&4) |
142 | Updating RDB header/item failed (SyncBO=&1,mobile ID=&2,HDR=#&3,ITEM=#&4) |
143 | Getting header from download itab (sync key=&1, #=&2, data=&3&4) |
144 | Conversion from internal to external successful (header) data=&1&2&3&4 |
145 | Error converting from internal to external (header) mblID=&1 data=&2&3&4 |
146 | Getting item from download itab (sync key=&1, #=&2, data=&3&4) |
147 | Conversion from internal to external successful (item) data=&1&2&3&4 |
148 | Error converting from internal to external (item) (mblID=&1 data=&2&3&4) |
149 | Header action from mobile="ADD" |
150 | Header action from mobile="MOD", R/3 action="ADD" |
151 | Header action from mobile="DEL", R/3 action="ADD" |
152 | Header action from mobile="DEL", R/3 action="MOD" |
153 | Header action from mobile="DEL", R/3 action="DEL" |
154 | Header action from mobile="MOD", R/3 action="MOD" |
155 | Header action from mobile="MOD", R/3 action="DEL" |
156 | Deleting &1 items for mobile ID &2 |
157 | Changing R/3 object header and RDB header (sync key=&1, R/3 key=&2) |
158 | Checking for type conflict=& (X=required, space=not required) |
159 | DB operation="Clear"; upload data exists |
160 | RDB cleared stopping the process;SyncBO=&1, mobile ID=&2, DB operation=&3 |
161 | Line items: add=&1, changed=&2, deleted=&3, not changed=&4 |
162 | Line items: R/3 key=&1, synchronization key=&2, action=&3, item number=&4 |
163 | Objects found in R/3=&1, passed filter=&2, loaded filter=&3 |
164 | Objects: Add=&1, changed=&2, deleted=&3, not changed=&4 |
165 | Synchronization key=&1 > maximum synchronization key from device &2 |
166 | Last assigned sync. key &1 from mobile ID &2 updated successfully |
167 | Error updating last assigned synchronization key &1 from mobile ID &2 |
168 | Mobile ID=&1: Total records=&2, total worklists=&3, conflicts detected=&4 |
169 | Mobile ID=&1: Added=&2, changed=&3, deleted=&4 |
170 | Read TOP rcd from upload data(mobile ID=&1,seqno=&2,rcdcntr=&3,action=&4) |
171 | Deleting header(mobile ID=&1, synchronization key=&2) data=&3&4 |
172 | Updating replication DB for mobile ID &1 (headers=&2, items=&3) |
173 | Number=&1 download data for mobile ID=&2, SyncBO=&3 |
174 | Modifing header(mobile ID=&1, synchronization key=&2) data=&3&4 |
175 | Adding header(mobile ID=&1, synchronization key=&2) data=&3&4 |
176 | No download data from R/3 found in downloader |
177 | RFC communication error: &1&2 |
178 | RFC system error: &1&2 |
179 | There is no record to be downloaded |
180 | After BAPI wrapper call: GetList |
181 | After BAPI wrapper call: GetDetail |
182 | After BAPI wrapper call: Create |
183 | After BAPI wrapper call: Modify |
184 | After BAPI wrapper call: Delete |
185 | Return code from RFC BAPI Wrapper call:&1&2&3&4 |
186 | Before BAPI wrapper call: GetList |
187 | Before BAPI wrapper call: GetDetail |
188 | Before BAPI wrapper call: Create |
189 | Before BAPI wrapper call: Modify |
190 | Before BAPI wrapper call: Delete |
191 | BAPI wrapper terminated successfully; return has initial value |
192 | Filtering loaded for business object R/3 key=&1&2&3&4 |
193 | No. of criteria: SyncBO dp.= No.&1, mob. grp dp.=No.&2, device dp.=No.&3 |
194 | SyncBO dependent filtering passed (field1=&1, field2=&2, field3=&3) |
195 | Mobile group dependent filtering passed (field1=&1, field2=&2, field3=&3) |
196 | Mobile device dependent filtering passed(field1=&1, field2=&2, field3=&3) |
197 | Language key &1 not found |
198 | Error setting text environment for language &1 |
199 | Action &1 not allowed (synchronization key=&2, mobile ID=&3) |
200 | Object filtered (R/3 key=&1) |
201 | &1 asynchronous handlers launched |
202 | Duplicated synchronization key &1 sent from mobile device |
203 | Download header action has been set to "REP" |
204 | RDB header record action "REP" prepared |
205 | Environment variable "DIR_HOME" is not assigned |
206 | Cannot manipulate file: &1 |
207 | File idenitified by &1 does not exist in directory &2 |
208 | There is no data from device to upload |
209 | Downloader for specific business object executed by receiver |
210 | Invalid inbox worklist (blank?) received; mobile ID=&1, SyncBO=&2 |
211 | Invalid inbox record (empty inbox) received; mobile ID=&1, SyncBO=&2 |
212 | Synchronization type of SyncBO &1 does not allow func. to be processed |
213 | Sync_Key = <initial> is not allowed |
214 | No data found by specified criteria |
215 | Replicator terminated with enqueue failure (SyncBO=&1, trial number=&2) |
216 | Enqueue failure in replicator (lock owner=&1, trial no.=&2, R/3 key=&3) |
217 | Enqueue successful in replicator (SyncBO=&1, R/3 key=&2) |
218 | Dequeue successful in replicator (SyncBO=&1, R/3 key=&2) |
219 | Enqueue failure in uploader (lock owner=&1,,cntr=&3,R/3key=&4) |
220 | Enqueue successful in uploader(seq. no.=&1, TOP cntr=&2, R/3 key=&3) |
221 | Dequeue successful in uploader(SyncBO=&1,seqNo.=&2,TOPcntr=&3, R/3key=&4) |
222 | Time stamp from device is old (mobie ID=&1, replication DB=&2) |
223 | Last device to update RDB record was same dev. (sync. key=&1, mob. ID=&2) |
224 | Enqueue error in downloader(lock owner=&1,seqNo=&2,TOPcntr=&3,R/3 key=&4) |
225 | Enqueue successful at downloader lock |
226 | Dequeue successful at downloader lock |
227 | Unexpected termination of function call (reference: &1/&2/&3/&4) |
228 | Function module completed successfully |
229 | Check log using transaction code MEREP_LOG |
230 | Unexpected termination of replicator (reference: &1/&2/&3/&4) |
231 | Error updating DB (table=&1,SQL statement=&2,return code=&3,key word=&4) |
232 | Related SyncBO &2 with Sync key &1 is not present on the device. |
233 | R/3 key &1 for related SyncBO &2 missing or cascade search failed |
234 | Circulation found (SyncBO=&1, sync. key=&2, circulation counter=&3) |
235 | Starting next partial replication (counter=&1, R/3 key greater than=&2) |
236 | Fixing "less or equal R/3 key" (counter=&1, R/3key less or equal=&2) |
237 | SyncBO &1 does not exit or MSD is not configured for object &2 |
238 | Update failure of delta BO queue |
239 | Replication job schedule exists for SyncBO &1 |
240 | &1 replication triggered successfully(scheduled job nm.:&2, job count:&3) |
241 | Downloader filled outbox |
242 | Cascade search failed; from (SyncBO=&1, SKey=&2) to (SyncBO=&3, R3Key=&4) |
243 | Duplicated R/3 keys found |
244 | Structure ID=&1, parent synchronization key=&2, R/3 key=&3&4 |
245 | Prio error in related SyncBO (sync. key &1 for related SyncBO &2) |
246 | Create BAPI Wrapper returns initial R/3 key |
247 | &1 out of &2 objects were unable to download,please contact administrator |
248 | Conflict detected at Struct_ID = '&1' and Sync Key = '&2'. |
249 | Row Based Conflict Detection is ON |
250 | Row Based Conflict Detection is OFF |
301 | Mobile ID &1 does not exist |
302 | Mobile ID &1 does not have any entry in &2, &3, and &4 |
303 | Mobile ID &1 does not have any entry in &2 |
304 | Error deleting record of mobile ID &1 in &2 |
305 | Record of mobile ID &1 in &2 successfully deleted |
306 | SyncBO &1 does not exist |
307 | (Mobile ID &1, SyncBO &2) error reading &3 |
308 | Mobile ID &1 and SyncBO &2 do not have entry in &3 |
309 | Error deleting record of mobile ID &1 SyncBO &2 in &3 |
310 | Record of mobile ID &1 SyncBO &2 in &3 successfully deleted |
311 | SyncBO type &1 undefined |
312 | &1 is upload type SyncBO; no data to be deleted |