The following messages are stored in message class MFLE_TOOLS: Msg Type for MFLE_TOOLS.
It is part of development package MFLE_XPRA in software component CA-FLE-MAT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "XPRA & conversion tools and framework".
Message Nr
Message Text
001& & & &
002MFLE_EVAL_APPROV and ..FIELD have different number of entries
003MFLE_CUST_APPROV and ..FIELD have different number of entries
010Meta data for position determination in structure &1 not found
011Meta data for total length determination of structure &1 not found
012XPRA mapper information for table &1 not available
013XPRA for table &1 and field &2 finished. Please check log.
014No update string for object type &1, field &2 and table &3 created.
015&4 rows of object type &1, field &2 and table &3 succesfully executed.
016Conversion and update for object type &1, field &2 and table &3 failed.
017Nothing to process for column &1 of table &2
018No release information received.
019Release information not complete.
020Determination of the DIMP LAMA flag started
021Versioning active in client &1
022Determination of the DIMP LAMA finished
023Determination of the DIMP LAMA failed
024Creation of the MATNR_LONG in the table MATERIALID started
025Created MATNR_LONG &1 is a duplicate for a MATNR_INT in client &2
026Update of the table MATERIALID with MATNR_LONG finished
027Update of the table MATERIALID with MATNR_LONG failed
028MATNR_EXT &1 does not fulfill the expected format.
029Update of the table MFLE_DIMP_LAMA not needed.
030MATERIALID filled for tenant &1 but DIMP LAMA not active.
031Update of the table MATERIALID not needed.
032Timestamp could not be determined.
033Determination of timestamp and release information finished.
034Determination of timestamp and release information failed.
035Timestamp and release information already determined.
036Wrong dictionary type found for the object type &1
037Total length of the concatenated field cannot be zero.
038Currently is no upgrade in process.
039No relevant data in the table MFLE_BOR_MAPPER for processing found.
040Meta data of the conacenated BOR key could not be determined.
041Object type &1, field &2 and table &3 not relevant in non DIMP LAMA case.
042Meta data for total length determination of BOR type &1 not found.
043Meta data for position determination of BOR type &1 not found.
044GUID creation failed for material ID &1 in field &2 of table &3.
045GUID information incomplete for table &1, field &2 and BOR type &3.
046Check whether GUID exists failed for table &1 field &2 and value &3.
047Material ID could not be determined for table &1, field &2 and value &3.
048A unique definition of the client as key field in the table &1 not found.
049No relevant data for GUID table &1 found to be processed.
050GUIDs in table &1 successfully generated.
051Generation of GUIDs in table &1 failed.
052No data to be converted for BOR type &1 in the field &2 of the table &3.
053Prerequisite report &1 has not been executed successfully.
054Concatenation structure &1 contains not processable data type &2.
055Length of the material number inconsistently maintained in the system.
056Tables without client can not be processed.
057Following messages raised by the conversion report &1 (component &2).
058MPN active in client &1
059No processing of BOR related XPRAs in a cloud system.
060No RCF destinations found
061System &1 not accessible with RFC
062Error when retrieving SQL connection; Start XPRA again
063Start of DIMP LAMA conversion for table &1 application component &2
064Conversion skipped. All internal and external material IDs identical.
070It is not a DIMP Lama system. Therefore no conversion needed.
071Importing parameter table, field or client field name incomplete.
072Invalid field name: &1.
073Invalid table name: &1.
074The MATNR_LONG field of the MATNR_INT &1 is initial.
075MATNR_EXT &1 in client &2 is too short.
076Initial MATNR_LONG exists in the table MATERIALID in client &1.
077Versioning active in current system.
078Versioning cannot be determined due to initial table TMCNV.
079MPN and DIMP Lama not active therefore MATNR_LONG not filled.
080No container element &1 found in workitem &2 for task &3.
081Converter type &1 not supported or unknown.
082Persistance profile &1 not supported (workitem ID = &2).
083Problem with container read. Element = &1, workitem ID = &2, Task = &3.
084Problem with element type det. Element = &1, workitem ID = &2, Task = &3.
085Invalid persistent object reference (POR), workitem ID = &1
086Container read error, workitem ID = &1
087MATNR conversion failed, workitem ID = &1, element = &2
088BAdI implementation for task &1 not found
089Problem with container write. Element = &1, workitem ID = &2, Task = &3.
090Error when retrieving SQL connection: &1&2&3&4
091Error by generation of SQL statement: &1&2&3&4
092Error during execution of SQL statement: &1&2&3&4
093SQL error during rollback: &1&2&3&4
094SQL error during commit: &1&2&3&4
095Error while closing SQL connection: &1&2&3&4
096Workflow conversion finished.
112Report should only run in system ER9
113Please call first system ZO9
114Error while creating tables in System &1
120Start of DIMP-Lama conversion
121End of DIMP-Lama conversion without errors
122End of DIMP-Lama conversion with errors
123Memory threshold &1 Bytes is exceeded since &2 s. Used memory: &3 Bytes
124Not all tasks have been finished
125Task for table &1 did not finish
126Not all tables have been finished
127Table &1 did not finish
128Not all packages have been finished
129Table &1: &2 packages were not successful and &3 were not processed
130&1 tasks did not finish
131Some tables were not converted during the upgrade.
132Table &1: status not set to converted
133Table &1 does not exist in DB.
134No field (to convert) for table &1 in DDIC
135Table &1 without client field cannot be converted.
136&1 &2 &3 &4
137Maximum wait time of &1 s is exceeded (&2 s). Program is terminated.
138Field &1 in table &2 not converted during the upgarde. Please check.
139Some tables have unconverted entries.
140Table &1: &2 (out of &3) lines have not been converted.
150MATERIALID is initial in case of DIMP Lama or MPN.
151MATERIALID included in the table MFLE_CONV_FIELD.
152MATNR_EXT &1 in client &2 is a duplicate to MATNR_EXT_TEMP.
153Merge of MATERIALID_TEMP and MATERIALID failed.
154MATNR_INT &1 in client &2 is a duplicate of an archived material number
155&1 rows moved from MATERIALID_TEMP to MATERIALID.
156Setting of original MATNR_EXT in MATERIALID from MATERIALID_TEMP failed
158Duplicates of MATNR_EXT_TEMP within MATERIALID_TEMP.
170Post processing of index tables started
171Post processing of index tables already executed
172Archiving of processed MFLE_CONV_FIELD content failed
173Post processing of index tables not possible. Upgrade running.
174Post processing of index tables finished
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