The following messages are stored in message class MFLE_TOOLS: Msg Type for MFLE_TOOLS.
It is part of development package MFLE_XPRA in software component CA-FLE-MAT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "XPRA & conversion tools and framework".
It is part of development package MFLE_XPRA in software component CA-FLE-MAT-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "XPRA & conversion tools and framework".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | & & & & |
002 | MFLE_EVAL_APPROV and ..FIELD have different number of entries |
003 | MFLE_CUST_APPROV and ..FIELD have different number of entries |
009 | |
010 | Meta data for position determination in structure &1 not found |
011 | Meta data for total length determination of structure &1 not found |
012 | XPRA mapper information for table &1 not available |
013 | XPRA for table &1 and field &2 finished. Please check log. |
014 | No update string for object type &1, field &2 and table &3 created. |
015 | &4 rows of object type &1, field &2 and table &3 succesfully executed. |
016 | Conversion and update for object type &1, field &2 and table &3 failed. |
017 | Nothing to process for column &1 of table &2 |
018 | No release information received. |
019 | Release information not complete. |
020 | Determination of the DIMP LAMA flag started |
021 | Versioning active in client &1 |
022 | Determination of the DIMP LAMA finished |
023 | Determination of the DIMP LAMA failed |
024 | Creation of the MATNR_LONG in the table MATERIALID started |
025 | Created MATNR_LONG &1 is a duplicate for a MATNR_INT in client &2 |
026 | Update of the table MATERIALID with MATNR_LONG finished |
027 | Update of the table MATERIALID with MATNR_LONG failed |
028 | MATNR_EXT &1 does not fulfill the expected format. |
029 | Update of the table MFLE_DIMP_LAMA not needed. |
030 | MATERIALID filled for tenant &1 but DIMP LAMA not active. |
031 | Update of the table MATERIALID not needed. |
032 | Timestamp could not be determined. |
033 | Determination of timestamp and release information finished. |
034 | Determination of timestamp and release information failed. |
035 | Timestamp and release information already determined. |
036 | Wrong dictionary type found for the object type &1 |
037 | Total length of the concatenated field cannot be zero. |
038 | Currently is no upgrade in process. |
039 | No relevant data in the table MFLE_BOR_MAPPER for processing found. |
040 | Meta data of the conacenated BOR key could not be determined. |
041 | Object type &1, field &2 and table &3 not relevant in non DIMP LAMA case. |
042 | Meta data for total length determination of BOR type &1 not found. |
043 | Meta data for position determination of BOR type &1 not found. |
044 | GUID creation failed for material ID &1 in field &2 of table &3. |
045 | GUID information incomplete for table &1, field &2 and BOR type &3. |
046 | Check whether GUID exists failed for table &1 field &2 and value &3. |
047 | Material ID could not be determined for table &1, field &2 and value &3. |
048 | A unique definition of the client as key field in the table &1 not found. |
049 | No relevant data for GUID table &1 found to be processed. |
050 | GUIDs in table &1 successfully generated. |
051 | Generation of GUIDs in table &1 failed. |
052 | No data to be converted for BOR type &1 in the field &2 of the table &3. |
053 | Prerequisite report &1 has not been executed successfully. |
054 | Concatenation structure &1 contains not processable data type &2. |
055 | Length of the material number inconsistently maintained in the system. |
056 | Tables without client can not be processed. |
057 | Following messages raised by the conversion report &1 (component &2). |
058 | MPN active in client &1 |
059 | No processing of BOR related XPRAs in a cloud system. |
060 | No RCF destinations found |
061 | System &1 not accessible with RFC |
062 | Error when retrieving SQL connection; Start XPRA again |
063 | Start of DIMP LAMA conversion for table &1 application component &2 |
064 | Conversion skipped. All internal and external material IDs identical. |
070 | It is not a DIMP Lama system. Therefore no conversion needed. |
071 | Importing parameter table, field or client field name incomplete. |
072 | Invalid field name: &1. |
073 | Invalid table name: &1. |
074 | The MATNR_LONG field of the MATNR_INT &1 is initial. |
075 | MATNR_EXT &1 in client &2 is too short. |
076 | Initial MATNR_LONG exists in the table MATERIALID in client &1. |
077 | Versioning active in current system. |
078 | Versioning cannot be determined due to initial table TMCNV. |
079 | MPN and DIMP Lama not active therefore MATNR_LONG not filled. |
080 | No container element &1 found in workitem &2 for task &3. |
081 | Converter type &1 not supported or unknown. |
082 | Persistance profile &1 not supported (workitem ID = &2). |
083 | Problem with container read. Element = &1, workitem ID = &2, Task = &3. |
084 | Problem with element type det. Element = &1, workitem ID = &2, Task = &3. |
085 | Invalid persistent object reference (POR), workitem ID = &1 |
086 | Container read error, workitem ID = &1 |
087 | MATNR conversion failed, workitem ID = &1, element = &2 |
088 | BAdI implementation for task &1 not found |
089 | Problem with container write. Element = &1, workitem ID = &2, Task = &3. |
090 | Error when retrieving SQL connection: &1&2&3&4 |
091 | Error by generation of SQL statement: &1&2&3&4 |
092 | Error during execution of SQL statement: &1&2&3&4 |
093 | SQL error during rollback: &1&2&3&4 |
094 | SQL error during commit: &1&2&3&4 |
095 | Error while closing SQL connection: &1&2&3&4 |
096 | Workflow conversion finished. |
112 | Report should only run in system ER9 |
113 | Please call first system ZO9 |
114 | Error while creating tables in System &1 |
120 | Start of DIMP-Lama conversion |
121 | End of DIMP-Lama conversion without errors |
122 | End of DIMP-Lama conversion with errors |
123 | Memory threshold &1 Bytes is exceeded since &2 s. Used memory: &3 Bytes |
124 | Not all tasks have been finished |
125 | Task for table &1 did not finish |
126 | Not all tables have been finished |
127 | Table &1 did not finish |
128 | Not all packages have been finished |
129 | Table &1: &2 packages were not successful and &3 were not processed |
130 | &1 tasks did not finish |
131 | Some tables were not converted during the upgrade. |
132 | Table &1: status not set to converted |
133 | Table &1 does not exist in DB. |
134 | No field (to convert) for table &1 in DDIC |
135 | Table &1 without client field cannot be converted. |
136 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
137 | Maximum wait time of &1 s is exceeded (&2 s). Program is terminated. |
138 | Field &1 in table &2 not converted during the upgarde. Please check. |
139 | Some tables have unconverted entries. |
140 | Table &1: &2 (out of &3) lines have not been converted. |
150 | MATERIALID is initial in case of DIMP Lama or MPN. |
151 | MATERIALID included in the table MFLE_CONV_FIELD. |
152 | MATNR_EXT &1 in client &2 is a duplicate to MATNR_EXT_TEMP. |
153 | Merge of MATERIALID_TEMP and MATERIALID failed. |
154 | MATNR_INT &1 in client &2 is a duplicate of an archived material number |
155 | &1 rows moved from MATERIALID_TEMP to MATERIALID. |
156 | Setting of original MATNR_EXT in MATERIALID from MATERIALID_TEMP failed |
158 | Duplicates of MATNR_EXT_TEMP within MATERIALID_TEMP. |
170 | Post processing of index tables started |
171 | Post processing of index tables already executed |
172 | Archiving of processed MFLE_CONV_FIELD content failed |
173 | Post processing of index tables not possible. Upgrade running. |
174 | Post processing of index tables finished |