MH - Maintain Material Master Data (Retail)

The following messages are stored in message class MH: Maintain Material Master Data (Retail).
It is part of development package MGW in software component LO-RFM-MD-ART. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Application development R/3 material master Retail".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Purchasing organization & does not exist
002Enter a purchasing organization
003The supplier & is not defined for the purchasing organization &
004Supplier sub-range & does not exist for supplier &
005No reference material could be determined for material group &
006The reference distribution center is not defined in Customizing
007Reference store does not exist
008No reference store exists for distribution chain &/&
009Distribution chain &/& is not a store distribution chain
010The distribution chain will be reset
011Distribution center & does not exist
012No authorization to display data for distribution center &
013No authorization to process data for distribution center &
014Store & does not exist
015No authorization to display data for store &
016No authorization to process data for store &
017The reference material has a different material type
018The reference material has a different material group
019First maintain the & screen for the generic material
020Specify a comparison price unit for the content unit
021The gross contents are less than the net contents
022The "valid from" usability date must precede the "valid to" date
023The material category & does not exist
024The material category & is not allowed; choose another material category
025& is not a store
026& is not a distribution center
027You have not yet maintained the & view for this material
028SELSTATUS_RT must be specified to read the reference
029The "valid from" listing date must precede the "valid to" date
030Listing period must be within usability period
031The "valid from" sales date must precede the "valid to" date
032Selling period must be within usability period
033The selling period must be within the listing period
034You cannot use the reference material for retail (MAW1 missing)
035You cannot use the material & for retail (MAW1 missing)
036Supplier sub-range will be reset since purchasing data already maintained
037The & view is not allowed without &
038& is the reference distr. center; the value will be replaced by a blank
039The material group & is not defined for retail
040Organizational levels not required will be reset
041The material & does not belong to the category "variant"
042The variant & does not belong to the generic material &
043The tax category &2 is not defined for the country/region &1
044Tax entry already exists; your new entry will be ignored
045You cannot delete the entry for & and tax category &
046Purchasing data for material & and supplier & does not exist
047Purchasing data for purchasing organization & does not exist
048Enter a purchasing organization and a supplier for the purchasing data
049The class for the material group does not exist
050The generic material could not be created as a class. Error code &
051Classification was not possible
052The sales unit & is not allowed for the material &
053Characteristics profiles could not be determined
054No authorization for purchasing organization &
055No plants selected for listing
056No distribution chains selected for listing
057Internal number assignment not supported for this material category
058& is the reference store
059The distribution chain & & does not exist
060The number of the generic material must not be longer than & characters
061No possible entries can be displayed for this data
062The source list can be maintained only with the plant specified
063The class type & does not exist
064Maintain the tax classification
065The material & is locked by another user
066Tables MARA and MAW1 are inconsistent
067You cannot change and delete an entry
068Till receipt text / label text already existed
069Till receipt text already existed
070First maintain the generic material for the views required
071Label text already existed
072Make entries in all of the fields
073You have not yet maintained the & screen for the generic material
074Variant not maintainable for plant since reference plant not determinable
075Error while updating the classification data
076In SAP Retail, valuation is possible only at plant level
077Generic material will not be processed in this function
078Object will not be processed in this function
079Incorrect entry
080No characteristics could be determined for the generic material
081The generic material & will be created with its variants
082The generic material & will be changed with its variants
083A different listing to the generic material is not allowed for variants
084Assignment of material to material group missing in classification system
085You must define at least one variant-creating characteristic
086The matrix for defining variants could not be called up
087No values exist for the variant-creating characteristic &
088First define the variant using the matrix
089You have not yet maintained the & view
090& is the general ref. store; the value will be replaced by a blank
091You must use retail functions to process the material &
092The plant data for reference plant &1 is missing for material &2
093The valuation data for reference plant &1 is missing for material &2
094Specify a distribution chain for maintaining sales data
095Necessary organizational levels are missing for the views selected
096New assignment causes inconsistency in dependent objects; see long text
097Assign a distribution chain to the plant &
098The plant & does not belong to distribution chain & &
099Sales data/POS data for plant & does not exist in distribution chain & &
100The sales price could not be calculated
101The material category & is not allowed for value-only materials
102Error while posting sales pricing
103You do not have the authorization to create sales prices
104A till receipt text or label text already exists for this key
105Enter a till receipt text or label text
106Position the cursor on a till receipt line or label line
107Enter the storage location to which the storage bin belongs
108Enter the storage location to which the storage data belongs
109A price list is not allowed in conjunction with plants or plant groups
110The storage data will be fetched from the storage location entered
111If the storage location is blank, the storage data will be reset
112The till receipt text or label text will be deleted
113The label text will be deleted
114The till receipt text will be deleted
115Position the cursor on a till receipt text or label text
116Position the cursor on a label text
117Position the cursor on a till receipt text
118Till receipt text line or label text line will be inserted
119Label text line will be inserted
120Till receipt text line will be inserted
121Sales pricing has been performed or changed
122The pricing reference material does not yet exist
123Info record for supplier and purchasing organization does not exist
124Pricing reference materials are not supported for POS
125Variant & may not be maintained differently from generic material &
126Only gen. material + variant allowed as pricing ref. material for variant
127No variants exist for the generic material &
128MARA/MAW1 inconsistency for variants for the generic material &
129The plant data for the variants cannot be locked completely
130The valuation data for the variants cannot be locked completely
131Maintain the sales price for the variants
132Store & is the reference store for distribution chain & &
133The unit of measure & is not defined for this material
134Minimum delivery quantity exceeds maximum delivery quantity
135WM data cannot be maintained since the warehouse number is blank
136The text ID & is not defined for MAMT
137Internal error: No text IDs can be determined for MAMT
138& is gen. ref. store; store + distr. chain will be replaced by blanks
139You can maintain only reference plants for generic materials
140Errors have occurred while displaying the units of measure
141The indicator "Regular Supplier" is already set for the supplier &
142Specify the relevant content unit
143& is not a content unit
144Storage type data cannot be maintained since the storage type is blank
145If the warehouse number is blank, the WM data will be reset
146If the storage type is blank, storage-type-specific data will be reset
147The plant group & does not exist
148The price list type & does not exist
149Price list requires the entry of a distribution chain
150***------ Other Messages for EANs -----------------------------------***
151EAN & is assigned to suppliers and may not be deleted
152The first of the remaining EANs has been flagged as the main EAN
153No EAN exists for material & and unit of measure &
154Unit of measure cannot be uniquely determined for EAN search
155Order unit cannot be determined for EAN search
156Plant & unknown; EAN cannot be determined for sales unit
157Distr. chain for plant & unknown; EAN not determinable for sales unit
158Sales unit for plant & unknown; EAN not determinable for sales unit
159Specify the main EAN for the supplier & and unit of measure &
160Specify a unit of measure and an EAN category for the variants' EANs
161Internal error while accessing the matrix for defining EANs for variants
162EANs for all variants + unit of measure & will be determined internally
163No variants exist for entering EANs
164No variants EANs can be entered or displayed for unit & + EAN category &
165The purchasing info record & & is locked by the user &
166System error while locking the purchasing info record
167Start of conversion MPOI -> MABW
168End of conversion MPOI -> MABW; return code &
169Conversion for client &
170& records converted from table MPOI to table MABW
171Program &; client &
172Database error during mass insert in table MABW
173Database error during mass delete from table MPOI
174The material type & is not allowed for value-only materials
175The listing end is not allowed to be in the past
176You have changed the listing data; carry out the listing operation
177& screen skipped since not maintained for the generic material
178Listing not possible for material group reference materials
179Listing not possible online for value-only materials
180You have deselected assortments that have already been listed
181The variant matrix can be called up only for generic materials/variants
182Characteristic value restriction can be called up only for generic matls
183No new variants can be defined
184You cannot change the restriction of the characteristic values
185Start of conversion for MARA-ATTYP
186End of conversion for MARA-ATTYP
187& records from table MARA converted
188Database error: program &, client &
189Database error during mass update in table MARA
190Manufacturer parts are not supported for retail
191Plant & is neither a store nor a distribution center
192The material category & is not allowed for material type &
193No data can be maintained for the material
194Retail materials cannot be maintained in the industry system
195Industry materials cannot be maintained in the retail system
196WLK2 data cannot be transferred
197No value assignment transferred for the variant-creating characteristic &
198The transferred value & for the characteristic & is not allowed
199The material group & does not exist
200***------ Messages for Layout Modules -------------------------------***
201Assignment of material & and unit & to layout module & will be deleted
202First specify the main layout module for the unit of measure &
203The main layout module for the unit of measure & is not unique
204The layout module & does not exist
205No layout modules are possible for value-only materials
206The transferred characteristic &1 does not exist for the material &2
207Error assigning numbers for variants
208Number of generic material does not leave enough space for variant suffix
209A maximum of & variants can be created for a generic material
210Either transfer the MARA data or set the read indicator
211The material & does not have any characteristics
212The distribution chains transferred cannot be processed
213The storage locations transferred cannot be processed
214The plants transferred cannot be processed
215The warehouse numbers transferred cannot be processed
216The storage types transferred cannot be processed
217The valuation areas transferred cannot be processed
218The material group is locked
219Table MARTSTATUS cannot be maintained on its own
220Specified status will be adopted
221Previous status will be adopted
222No values have been defined for a variant-creating characteristic
223The value &1 is not allowed for the characteristic &2
224The transferred variant & is not a logistical variant
225The sales variant cannot be determined uniquely
226The procurement variant for the sales variant & could not be determined
227The sales variant for the procurement variant & could not be determined
228The sales data for the variants cannot be locked completely
229The sales unit cannot be changed since the material is used in BOMs
230Sales unit not changeable since material used as production resource/tool
231Material data for each warehouse no. of variants cannot be fully locked
232The unit of measure &1 for the material &2 is not maintained
233The material &1 is not a variant of the generic material &2
234For the material &1 the main EAN for the unit of measure &2 is not unique
235Specify the main EAN for supplier &, unit of measure &, material &
236The main EAN for supplier &, unit of measure &, material & is not unique
237& differences at client level and & differences at plant level
238The material & will be created; & differences have been maintained
239The material & will be changed; & new differences have been maintained
240Generic material & will be created w/ variants; & differences maintained
241Generic material & will be changed with variants; & new differences
242& new differences have been maintained
243The variant & will be changed
244The variant & will be changed; there are & new differences
245Change in source of supply; logistics data will be adapted to purch. data
246Change in source of supply; logistics data will be adapted to purch. data
247The deletion of assignments to layout module variants is not allowed
248The variant & (exclusion) of layout module & for unit & will be deleted
249The variant & (w/o exclusion) of layout mod. & for unit & will be deleted
250Double placement: layout module &, shelf section &, and shelf space &
251The unit of measure & for material & has not been maintained
252Matl &, unit &, layout mod. &, version &: Excl. in basic var. not allowed
253Material &, unit &, layout module &, version &: No basic variant exists
254Material &, unit &, layout module &, version &: Basic variant not allowed
255Double placement: material &, layout mod. &, shelf section &, sh. space &
256The variant cannot be listed because it is flagged for deletion
257Unit & cannot be deleted as used in assignment of matl & to layout mod. &
258Article & & is already assigned to a variant of version & &.
259No procurement variant exists for unit of measure &
260***** Messages for XPRAs at level 2 (with long text) *******************
261& & & &
262Supply source with "Consignment" not permitted for value-only materials
263Consignment control and supply source do not agree
264The total fiber share does not equal 100%
265Fiber share for other fibers cannot exceed 15%
266No authorization for transfer prices in controlling area
300*Other Messages for Differently/Identically Maintained Areas of Validity*
301Diff. maintained validity areas displayable only for generic materials
302No reference plant found for distribution center &
303Diff. maint. validity areas of generic matl displayable only for ref. DC
304Diff. maintained validity areas of material displayable only for ref. DC
305No reference plant found for store &
306Diff. maint. validity areas of gen. matl displayable only for ref. store
307Diff. maint. validity areas of material displayable only for ref. store
308Invalid retail status &
309No differences exist for this area of validity
310Incorrect comb. of maintenance status & and type of diff. maint. data &
311Identical areas of validity can be displayed only for generic materials
312Incorrect comb. of maintenance status & and type of ident. maint. data &
313No identical areas of validity exist for this area of validity
314Identical areas of validity of generic matl displayable only for ref. DC
315Identical areas of validity of gen. matl displayable only for ref. store
316Identical areas of validity of material displayable only for reference DC
317Identical areas of validity of material displayable only for ref. store
318No plants found for reference plant &
319Serious error while determining the plants for reference plant &
320Error with an ASSIGN statement for &
321Differently maintained areas of validity cannot be displayed in this case
322Identical areas of validity displayable only for gen. matl/
323Specify a distribution chain
324Differently maintained areas of validity cannot be displayed in this case
325Identical areas of validity displayable only for gen. matl/
326Differently maintained areas of validity cannot be displayed in this case
327There are other distribution chains with changed listing-relevant data
328No new database key could be assigned for & & & and table &
329Excess Length When Converting Purchase Order Price Units Into Order Units
330This combination of characteristic values already exists
331No info record exists for &1 - change to generic article &3
332Characteristics profile &1 has the status 'locked'
333Characteristic profile &1 not assigned to merchandise category &2
334Combination of config. class and charact. prof./merch. cat. not allowed
335Characteristic profile &1 not created
336Cannot use conf. class &1, class type &2 for generic article creation
337You are not authorized to maintain characteristics profile &1
338Cannot determine configuration class
339Assignment of characteristics profile &1 to material group &2 created
340Mass Change: &1 &2 &3
341Table &1 in parameter &2 is no longer available
342Entry value &1 is not permitted for parameter &2
343No mass changes to field &1 are possible as the field is not supported
344Not all data records to be changed (table &) could be locked
345&1 changed &2 data records
346Table &1 does not contain any fields to be changed
347Purchasing data is automatically determined
350Assignment of characteristics profile &1 to mat. group &2 already exists
351Configuration class &1 not assigned to material group &2
352Assign a characteristics profile to a configuration class
353Generic article &1 and its assigned variants are consistent
354Inconsistent char. values of gen. article &1 and its variants corrected
355Only manual correction of variant &1, char. &2, char. value &3 possible
356Correction of char. values of gen art. &1 and its variants recommended
357Cannot determine config. class for generic article &1; correct manually
358Remove the default value flags in transaction CT04 for characteristic &1
359Report only relevant in a SAP S/4HANA System
360Cannot correct inconsistent characteristic values of generic article &1
361Default char. values of generic article &1 and its variants corrected
362Cannot correct default characteristic values of generic article &1
363UOM &1 already in use for a different procurement article.
364UOM &1 is not defined as unit of measure of the sales article &2.
365Only displays (ATTYP = 12) can be used to create procurement articles.
366Only single articles (ATTYP = 00) can be used as sales articles.
400***------ Messages for S4 -------------------------------***
401Logistical variants cannot be changed.
402Material group &1 has characteristics for logistical variants assigned
403It is not allowed to explode logistical variants
404The configuration class & has more than five characteristics assigned
405No entry found
406Actual cost component split not possible for value-only materials.
407Units of measure for material &1 not found.
408Texts for material &1 not found.
409Logistics data for reference plants does not exist.
410Copying of logistical procurement materials is not supported.
411You cannot change this setting because procurement products already exist
412Material(s) not processed.
413Customizing "General Control, Retail Master Data" does not exist.
414Reference plant for DCs not maintained. Maintain customizing in WSS1.
415Execution in test mode, no database changes performed.
416Material &1 processed successfully.
417Error determining MPOP structure for Material &1 and Plant &2 Combination
418Error determining MPGD structure for Material &1 and Plant &2 Combination
419Error determining MFHM structure for Material &1 and Plant &2 Combination
420Error in Classification of Material Group &1 of Material &2.
421Error in accessing MLAN data of Material &1.
422Error in determining the reference plant for plant &1.
423Error in accessing the table MBEW for material &1.
424Error in accessing the table MARD for material &1.
425Error in accessing the table MVKE for material &1.
426Error creating an assortment module for material group &1 of material &2.
427Error occurred while creating listing conditions for material &1.
428Material group &1 of material &2 is not defined for Retail.
429Valuation class is missing for material &1.
430Transport group is missing for material &1.
431Tax class is missing for material &1.
432Loading group is missing for material &1.
433Reference plants do not exist; maintain Customizing in WSS1.
434For plant &1, Listing Conditions for Assortments is disabled.
435Error occurred while reading table T130S.
436Material &1 is configurable and cannot proceed further.
437Plant &1 of material &2 is not a retail DC or store.
438Materials converted to articles. Check results in application log.
439Materials are filtered out. See long text.
440Execute SLG1 for object �MATU� and external ID 'MAT2ART_CONV'
441Material category of configurable material &1 is not supported
442Materials are filtered out. See long text.
899& &: & &
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