The following messages are stored in message class ML_CAI_MESSAGE: .
It is part of development package FINS_AR_MACHINE_LEARNING in software component CA-ML-CA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Accounts Receivable related Machine Learning".
Message Nr
Message Text
000A Machine Learning training call (&1) is started.
001Item &1 (&2, &3) is proposed with a confidence level of &4 %.
002Your proposal call was successful.
003Your proposal call was not successful. Please enter another parameter.
004Your proposal call was not successful. Your user is not authorized.
005Please enter a threshold value from 0 to 100.
006Your proposal call was not successful. Your input file is too big.
007Your proposal call was not successful. Your input file should be csv.
008The proposal service is not available. There are no open items.
009The service is not available. The model is still in the training process.
010A technical error occurred. Please contact your system administrator.
011A Machine Learning proposal call is started.
012A Machine Learning open receivables call is started.
013&1 of &2 &3 file(s) have been sent.
014SAP Cash Application is not enabled.
015The settings for SAP Cash Application are not configured.
016We cannot establish a server connection.
017The uploaded document type is not appropriate.
018The service is not available. There are no open bank statement items.
019A Machine Learning call has not started. Please check your configuration.
020Machine Learning cannot make any proposal for the bank statement items.
021No authorization to execute this program.
022&1 | &2 - &3
024Case ID: &1 occurs at &2.
025Total batches successfully sent: &1 of &2.
026Total bank statement items successfully sent: &1 of &2.
027Total bank statement items with proposals returned: &1 of &2.
028Automatic clearing rate must be higher than or equal to proposal rate.
029Please enter a value for the training period from &1 to &2.
030Please enter a value for the bank statement items from &1 to &2.
031A Machine Learning proposal result call is started.
032Your proposal call cannot be completed within the specified attempts.
033Not all results are available. Please adjust your polling settings.
034Account &1 (&2) is proposed with a confidence level of &3 %.
035Your proposal call does not exist in the system.
036Your proposal does not have a unique ID.
037&1 occurred. Please check the application log.
038No data selected.
039A Machine Learning open payment advice call is started.
040User &1 is not authorized to access data for company code(s) &2
041Machine Learning cannot make any proposal for the lockbox items.
042Total lockbox's payment advice items successfully sent: &1 of &2.
043Total lockbox's payment advice items with proposals returned: &1 of &2.
044Training data ID &1 is already exist with invalid status.
045Training job ID &1 is already exist in the system.
046Machine learning service type '&1' is not a valid service type.
047Couldn't lock the table. Update process is cancelled.
048Couldn't update the log table.
049Updating extraction status to &1 not possible. Current status is &2.
050Training data id &1 does not exist. Status update not possible
051Training job id &1 does not exist. Status update not possible
052Updating training model status to &1 not possible. Current status is &2.
053Invalid status &1. Update status aborted.
054Training model &1 is not ready to be activated.
055Training model &1 is not active. De-activation aborted.
056Calling account-identifications for BS item without invoice proposal...
057File sending failed. Please see application log (SLG1) for details
058Item &1 (&2, &3) is proposed and meets autoclearing target of &4%
059Item &1 (&2, &3) is proposed but doesn't meet autoclearing target of &4%
060Account &1 (&2) is proposed and meets autoclearing target of &4%
061Account &1 (&2) is proposed but doesn't meet autoclearing target of &4%
062Job ID for proposal call is: &1, Company Code: &2, Service: &3.
063Invoice clustering has not been completed yet
064We cannot establish a server connection for country/region version &1.
065Service is not available. The model(&1) is still in the training process.
066Model is available for country/region version &1.
067Enter a value between 0 and 100 percent
068Please use simple date selection (Start Date, End Date) only.
069No data selected. Please re-check scheduling options and job parameters.
073Proposals could only be completed partially within the given attempts.
101Connection Test is successfully completed
102Error : &1 &2
103RFC Error : Invalid destination &1 &2 &3 &4
104RFC Destinations are validated successfully
105RFC Destination &1 has wrong Path Prefix.
106RFC Destination: invalid connection type for destination &1
107Saved successfully
108Model is available
701Amt/ratio diff. bt the bank stmt amt &1 and the inv. amt &2 is small.
702Amt/ratio diff. bt bank stmt amt &1, inv. amt &2, and disc. &3, is small.
703Date diff. bt bank stmt &1 and inv. &2 field within match range.
704Some no. or words from bank stmt &1 field match with fields from inv. &2.
705The bank statement and invoice amounts match.
706Amt diff. bt bank stmt amount &1 and the invoice amount &2 is large.
707Amt/ratio di#. bt bank stmt &1,inv. amt. &2 and disc. &3, is large.
708Av. date diff. bt bank stmt &1 and invoice &2 field outside match range.
709Not enough no. or words in bank stmt &1 field match with inv. &2 field.
710File &1&2 saved
711Folder &1 does not exist
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