MM - Messages for material master maintenance and Customizing

The following messages are stored in message class MM: Messages for material master maintenance and Customizing.
It is part of development package MG in software component LO-MD-MM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Application development R/3 material master prior to 3.0".
Message Nr
Message Text
000***** Online messages relating to period closing program
001Current period's fiscal year automatically corrected for co. code &
002Current period's month automatically corrected for co. code &
003Enter the current fiscal year or a year in the future
004Enter a fiscal year
005Enter a month or posting period
006No authorization to initialize company codes
007You have entered an invalid period for company code &
008Period end (&) is in the past
009Not possible to determine previous period
010Not possible to determine last period of previous year
011The company code & can no longer be initialized
012The company code will be deleted in Materials Management
013The company code & can no longer be initialized
014The specified year & is not the current calendar year
015The "Negative quantities allowed" indicator will be set automatically
016Follow the instructions in Note 487381 before initialization
017The material ledger is active; you cannot initialize valuation area &
018No checks are carried out during initialization
019The sales unit for the material & may not be deleted
020The unit & is still used as the order unit for supplier &
021The unit & is still used as the issue unit for material & in plant &
022& is still used as the sales unit for material & in distr. chain &/&
023& is still used as the production unit for material & in plant &
024& is still used as the commodity code unit for material & in plant &
025& is still used as the warehouse mgmt unit for material & in warehouse &
026The commodity code unit for material & may not be deleted
027& is used as the delivery unit for material & in distribution chain &/&
028The order unit for material & may not be deleted
029The delivery unit for material & may not be deleted
030Select the maintenance statuses to be deleted
031& is already a follow-up material in plant &
032Material & in plant & is itself used as a ref. material for consumption
033Ref. material for consumption already assigned to material & in plant &
034The material & has not yet been created
035The material itself is specified as a pricing reference material
036A pricing reference material is also defined for &
037This material is used as a pricing reference material itself
038The material may not be a reference material for consumption for itself
039& is a pricing reference material itself
040& has itself a pricing reference material in the distribution chain &/&
041First define the default values for the views
042The internal number already exists
043The settings are being changed by another transaction
044The material & is not a manufacturer part number data record
045No long texts exist for the materials selected
046No change documents exist for the materials selected
047Error in remote function call (RFC) of function module MATERIAL_FIND: &
048Consignment data can now be maintained only via purchasing info records
049In future, consignment data will be maintained via purchasing info recs
050No org. levels can be chosen for manufacturer parts on this screen
051Check whether a corresponding database index exists
052Materials that use a &
053Materials where & is used as a &
054Materials where &1 is used as &3 in plant &2
055At least one & has been used
056The indicator cannot be cancelled
057The required default unit of measure has not yet been maintained
058The material category &2 is assigned to the material &1
059Closed shipping material: allowed packaging volume must <= to tare volume
060The storage location or picking area does not exist
061Picking area redetermined in accordance with the storage bin
062Incompatibility in price control (matl price determination <-> matl type)
063Batch management must be set if batch record to be approved
064The maximum stock level is not used with this lot-sizing procedure
065Production orders already exist for the material
066Only price control S is possible with ML settlement control 3
067The safety stock exceeds the maximum stock level
068Table MARC has additional tables
069The production versions of the reference material have not been adopted
070You have not entered a future price
071Deletion flag is set at client level
072Deletion flag is set at plant level
073Deletion flag is set at company code level
074Deletion flag is set at warehouse number level
075Deletion flag is set at distribution chain level
076Deletion flag is set at storage type level
077Deletion flag is set for the valuation type
078At least two deletion flags are set
079The entry of a value set is not allowed
080Generic searches are not allowed
081Deletion flag is set at storage location level
082This transaction is obsolete; please do not continue to use it
083The material type & does not exist
084The industry sector & does not exist
085You must maintain the material group for the Purchasing data
086The material group & does not exist
087This transaction is no longer supported and maintained
088The basic material & does not exist
089The laboratory/design office & does not exist
090The purchasing value key & does not exist
091Changing the quantity/value update may cause inconsistencies
092The length of the old material number must not exceed 18 characters
093The container requirement & does not exist
094The storage conditions & do not exist
095The temperature condition indicators & do not exist
096The transportation group & does not exist
097The hazardous material number & does not exist
098The division & does not exist
099The competitor & does not exist
100******* Error messages for quantity conversion
101Not possible to carry out conversion
102Use a number field for the entry value of &
103Material & does not exist
104Material has no base unit of measure
105Material has no alternative units of measure
106Field overflow occurred during conversion
107Specified alternative unit of measure is not defined
108No alternative unit of measure specified
109Conversion to the unit of measure chosen would result in an overflow
110First enter a material before calling up the possible entries (F4 help)
111Serious error while calling up the F4 help for the unit of display
112The base unit of measure for the material & is locked by the user &
113The base unit of measure for the material & is locked by the user &
114Specify the lower-level unit of measure for the unit of measure &
115The base unit of measure cannot be determined from the unit &
116The unit of measure & is not defined as an alternative unit of measure
117The unit of measure & consists of more than 99999 base units of measure
118The higher-level units of measure will be changed accordingly
119Check the loading equipment quantity
120**** Other messages in general function modules ****
121Material & is a generic material
122Material & is a material group reference material
123Generic material &1 locked by user &3 in reference plant &2
124Valuation data for material & for sales order item & & does not exist
125The valuation data for material & for project & does not exist
126The maintenance of manufacturer parts has not been activated
127No plant data can be maintained for manufacturer parts
128The production version to be used for costing will be reset
129The base unit of measure is not the smallest unit of measure
130**** Customs tariff preference messages in the material master ****
131"A" will be entered where you have not specified a supplier decl. indic.
132Enter the date of the supplier declaration
133The supplier declaration date is in the past
134"A" will be entered where you have not specified a preference indicator
135You do not have the authorization to maintain customs tariff pref. data
136You do not have the authorization to display customs tariff pref. data
137Specify an export control class
138You cannot maintain customs tariff preference data here
139Not possible to configure a plant-specific material variant here
140Not possible to configure a planning variant here
141Not possible to configure a cross-plant material variant here
142Not possible to copy the cross-plant configuration here
143You cannot maintain the material memo here
144Not possible to display revision levels here
145You cannot create a revision level here
146You cannot maintain QM inspection data here
147You cannot maintain production versions here
148You cannot maintain sales-specific taxes here
149Not possible to maintain sales price conditions here
150You cannot maintain consumption values here
151You cannot maintain average plant stock here
152You cannot apportion costs for co-products here
153Not possible to maintain forecast values or execute a forecast here
154You cannot maintain the long texts for the material here
155You cannot maintain document assignments here
156You cannot maintain valuation data here
157You cannot display stock data here
158You cannot maintain costing details here
159The units of measure cannot be maintained for manufacturer parts
160EANs cannot be maintained for manufacturer parts
161No base unit of measure can be determined for the manufacturer part
162Manufacturer part number management not set for your firm's own material
163Not possible to maintain MRP data and forecasting data here
164Not possible to maintain quality management data here
165Not possible to maintain accounting data here
166Not possible to use or display the MRP profile here
167Specify a plant
168Specify a distribution chain
169Not possible to display the forecast profile here
170No export control determination for legal regulations & is possible
171Lot size dependent in-house production time will be reset
172Lot size independent in-house production time will be reset
173Not possible to maintain inflation data here
174Not possible to maintain MRP areas here
175Not possible to maintain operation parameters here
176User names can be kept only with a processing block size of 1
177The source of supply & does not exist
178The season category & does not exist
179The label type & does not exist
180The label form & does not exist
181The EAN category & does not exist
182The sales text can be maintained only if a distribution chain is entered
183The product hierarchy & does not exist
184"Material is Configurable" indicator cannot be set
185PP Plng Procedure,Proposed Strategy and GR Processng Time are defaulted
186The packaging material type & does not exist
187The material pricing group "packaging materials &" does not exist
188The price band category & does not exist
189The external material group & does not exist
190The cross-plant configurable material & does not exist
191The pricing reference material & does not exist
192The cross-plant material status & does not exist
193The cross-distribution-chain material status & does not exist
194The tax classification & does not exist
195The catalog profile & does not exist
196The content unit & does not exist
197The product allocation determination procedure & does not exist
198The number of a manufacturer & does not exist
199The number of the inventory-managed material & does not exist
200***** Other functions in Customizing *****************
201You cannot perform this function in this client
202Lower safety stock limit requires safety stock
203The manufacturer part profile & does not exist
204The seasonal material categories & do not exist
205The profile for dangerous goods indicator & does not exist
206The material completion level & does not exist
207The general item category group & does not exist
208The valuation category & does not exist
209The plant-specific material status & does not exist
210The purchasing group & does not exist
211Fixed values maintained as blank
212The MRP profile & does not exist
213The MRP type & does not exist
214The MRP controller &2 does not exist for plant &1
215The MRP lot size & does not exist
216The special procurement key &2 does not exist for plant &1
217The storage costs indicator &2 does not exist for plant &1
218The follow-up material & does not exist
219The scheduling margin key &2 does not exist for plant &1
220The work scheduler group &2 does not exist for plant &1
221Maintain the planning calendar for the plant or for its reference plant
222The control key & does not exist
223The loading group & does not exist
224The quota arrangement usage & does not exist
225The plan version & does not exist
226The object type & does not exist
227The checking group & does not exist
228The fiscal year variant & does not exist
229The source of supply & does not exist
230The material's country/region of origin & is not defined
232The export/import group & does not exist
233The time-phased materials planning key &2 does not exist for plant &1
234The alternative BOM & does not exist
235The special procurement key &2 does not exist for plant &1
236The production unit & does not exist
237The production storage location &2 does not exist in plant &1
238The MRP group &2 does not exist for plant &1
239The QM certificate type & does not exist
240The range of coverage profile &2 does not exist for plant &1
241The physical inventory indicator &2 does not exist for plant &1
242The serial number profile & does not exist
243The repetitive manufacturing profile & does not exist
244The supplier quality assurance system & does not exist
245The reference material & does not exist
246The reference plant consumption & does not exist
247The service level & does not exist
248The planning strategy group & does not exist
249The external procurement storage location &2 does not exist for plant &1
250***** Other messages for direct input ****************
251Fixing indicator for forecast values had to be changed
252Material memo will be transferred in the plant language &
253Deletion flag (field &) cannot be reset
254The stock determination group &2 does not exist for plant &1
255The material authorization group & does not exist
256The task list type & does not exist
257The production scheduling profile &2 does not exist for plant &1
258The material freight group & does not exist
259The load category & does not exist
260The distribution profile & does not exist
261The proposal range &2 does not exist for plant &1
262The conversion type & does not exist
263The safety time &2 does not exist for plant &1
264The overall profile & does not exist
265The shipping statistics group & does not exist
266The volume rebate group & does not exist
267The commission group & does not exist
268The material status & does not exist
269The unit of measure & for the material & may not be deleted
270Base unit of measure is not changeable for variants of a generic material
271The item category group & does not exist
272The plant &3 does not exist for sales organization &1 / distr. channel &2
273The product hierarchy & does not exist
274The price group & does not exist
275The material pricing group & does not exist
276The account assignment group & does not exist
277The material grouping 1 & does not exist
278The material grouping 2 & does not exist
279The material grouping 3 & does not exist
280The material grouping 4 & does not exist
281The material grouping 5 & does not exist
282The assortment grade & does not exist
283The assortment priority & does not exist
284The store listing procedure & does not exist
285The distribution center listing procedure & does not exist
286The units of measure group & does not exist
287The storage section indicator &2 does not exist for warehouse number &1
288The storage type indicator &2 does not exist for warehouse number &1
289Enter a validity date
290The storage unit type &2 does not exist for warehouse number &1
291The bulk storage indicator &2 does not exist for warehouse number &1
292The special movement indicator &2 does not exist for warehouse number &1
293The valuation areas may not be deleted
294The picking storage type &2 does not exist for warehouse number &1
295The storage bin &3 does not exist for warehouse number &1 storage type &2
296The picking area &3 does not exist for warehouse no. &1 storage type &2
297The special procurement type &2 does not exist for plant &1
298The country/region of origin & is not defined
299The valuation class & does not exist
300 **** Other messages for material master maintenance ******
301You are not authorized to maintain material master data at client level
302You are not authorized to display key material master data
303MRP indicator & will be copied for storage location &
304An error has occurred while changing the Accounting data
305Sales and distribution documents already exist for the material
306MRP profile & changed; no background job necessary
307Forecast profile & changed; no background job necessary
308Previous period and last period of previous year have different values
309Enter the valuation class for the previous period/year
310Split valuation is not allowed for value-only materials
311The number & proposed by the customer exit already exists
312The basic material & does not exist
313Production version &1 not maintained for material &3 in plant &2
314Split valuation is not allowed for "empties" materials
315Not possible to cancel the "Material is configurable" indicator
316The valuation variant & does not exist
317System error while calling function module &
318Valuation data for material & provided to supplier & does not exist
319The entry INFO in screen sequence 21 does not exist
320The data for the user department & does not exist in table &
321Copy an existing material type
322Proportion and product units are not allowed as lower-level units
323The volume will be calculated
324List incomplete due to missing authorization
325Maintain differences under "Quantity/value updating" in hierarchy display
326There are still open purchase order items or scheduling agreements
327There are still production orders for the material
328Quantities cannot be converted for the material &
329The data screen descriptions are missing for screen sequence &
330Prices proposed from reference material; however, price units differ
331Select all planning fields
332Enter the purchasing group for the MRP procedure
333Maintain accounting data for optimum lot sizing
334Class & of material type & is not maintained in material &
335You want to change the profit center but material stock still exists
336Changing the concatenation settings may cause data inconsistency
337Cannot save changes; inventory-managed MPN is not active
338The Storage Location &1 is no longer valid
339The Storage Location &1 is deprecated
340Choose only one option for safety buffer at a time.
341Time-dependent safety stock only allowed for MRP procedures D and M
342LO-MD-MM: &1 active entries were found for storage loc. &2 of plant &3
343LO-MD-MM: &1 existing entries were found for storage loc. &2 of plant &3
344LO-MD-MM: &1 active entries were found for storage loc. &2 of plant &3
345LO-MD-MM: &1 existing entries were found for storage loc. &2 of plant &3
348Base unit of measure cannot be changed because palletization data exists
349Alternative unit of measure cannot be deleted; it is used in BOMs
350 **** Messages Specially for BAPIs ***********************************
351Specify a number between & and &
352No material could be found for the manufacturer part number
353No entries found for the selection conditions transferred
354Other entries also exist for the selection criterion
355No material has been created
356The material & has been created or extended
357No currency code could be determined for the valuation area &1
358Customer-defined fields for structure &1 have not been transferred
359No data has been transferred due to a runtime error
360Key fields for use data &1 and checkbox structure &2 are different
361The material does not exist in plant &1
362The material does not exist in distribution chain &1 &2
363The material does not exist in valuation area &1
364Duplicate entries for parameter &1
365Key fields for use data &1 and checkbox structure &2 are different
366No data was transferred in parameter &1
367Messages were triggered when processing material master data
368No data was transferred in parameter &1
369The material does not exist in plant &1 storage location &2
370The material does not exist in plant &1
371The material does not exist in distribution chain &1 &2
372The material does not exist under warehouse number &1
373The material does not exist under warehouse number &1 storage type &2
374No forecast data exists in plant &1
375No production resource/tool data exists in plant &1
376No planning data exists in plant &1
377Inconsistent import parameters company code &1 valuation area &2 plant &3
378No LIFO-relevant data exists for LIFO valuation level &1
390Medium &1 is not relevant for production networks
400**** Following Messages for Archiving and Deleting Special Stocks ****
401&: & retention period not yet exceeded
402&: & dependent stocks provided to supplier exist
403&: & dependent customer special stock records exist
404&: & dependent project stock records exist
405&: & use in sales and distribution
406&: & dependent batch records exist
407&: & unrestricted-use stock exists
408&: & stock in transfer exists
409&: & stock in quality inspection exists
410&: & restricted-use stock exists
411&: & blocked stock exists
412&: & blocked stock returns exist
413&: & unrestricted-use stock exists for previous period
414&: & stock in transfer exists for previous period
415&: & stock in quality inspection exists for previous period
416&: & restricted-use stock exists for previous period
417&: & blocked stock exists for previous period
418&: & blocked stock returns exist for previous period
419&: & physical inventory blocking indicator is set
420&: & physical inventory indicator set for unrestricted-use stock
421&: & physical inventory indicator set for stock in quality inspection
422&: & physical inventory indicator set for restricted-use stock
423&: & physical inventory indicator set for blocked stock
424&: & physical inventory ind. set for unrestricted-use stock in prev. per.
425&: & phys. inventory ind. set for stock in quality insp. in previous per.
426&: & physical inventory ind. for restricted-use stock in previous period
427&: & physical inventory ind. set for blocked stock in previous period
428&: & dependent consignment records exist
429&: & dependent sales order stock records exist
430&: & dependent stocks provided to supplier exist
431&: & reservations exist
432&: & unrestricted-use consignment stock exists
433&: & consignment stock in quality inspection exists
434&: & restricted-use consignment stock exists
435&: & blocked consignment stock exists
436&: & unrestricted-use consignment stock exists for the previous period
437&: & consignment stock in quality inspection exists for the previous per.
438&: & restricted-use consignment stock exists for the previous period
439&: & blocked consignment stock exists for the previous period
440&: & physical inventory blocking indicator is set
441&: & physical inventory indicator set for unrestricted-use stock
442&: & physical inventory indicator set for stock in quality inspection
443&: & physical inventory indicator set for restricted-use stock
444&: & physical inventory indicator set for blocked stock
445&: & physical inventory ind. for unrestricted-use stock in previous per.
446&: & phys. inventory ind. set for stock in quality insp. in previous per.
447&: & physical inventory ind. for restricted-use stock in previous period
448&: & physical inventory ind. set for blocked stock in previous period
449&: & unrestricted-use stock exists
450&: & stock in quality inspection exists
451&: & unrestricted-use stock exists for previous period
452&: & stock in quality inspection exists for previous period
453&: & physical inventory blocking indicator is set
454&: & physical inventory indicator set for unrestricted-use stock
455&: & physical inventory indicator set for stock in quality inspection
456&: & physical inventory ind. set for unrestricted-use stock in prev. per.
457&: & phys. inventory ind. set for stock in quality insp. in previous per.
458&: & physical inventory ind. set for unrestricted-use stock in foll. year
459&: & physical inventory ind. set for stock in quality insp. in foll. year
460&: & unrestricted-use stock exists
461&: & stock in quality inspection exists
462&: & unrestricted-use stock exists for previous period
463&: & stock in quality inspection exists for previous period
464&: & physical inventory blocking indicator is set
465&: & physical inventory indicator set for unrestricted-use stock
466&: & physical inventory indicator set for stock in quality inspection
467&: & physical inventory ind. for unrestricted-use stock in previous per.
468&: & phys. inventory ind. set for stock in quality insp. in previous per.
469&: & physical inventory ind. set for unrestricted-use stock in foll. year
470&: & physical inventory ind. set for stock in quality insp. in foll. year
471&: & dependent stocks provided to supplier exist
472&: & unrestricted-use stock exists
473&: & stock in quality inspection exists
474&: & blocked stock exists
475&: & unrestricted-use stock exists for previous period
476&: & stock in quality inspection exists for previous period
477&: & blocked stock exists for previous period
478&: & physical inventory blocking indicator is set
479&: & physical inventory indicator set for unrestricted-use stock
480&: & physical inventory indicator set for stock in quality inspection
481&: & physical inventory indicator set for blocked stock
482&: & physical inventory ind. for unrestricted-use stock in previous per.
483&: & phys. inventory ind. set for stock in quality insp. in previous per.
484&: & physical inventory ind. set for blocked stock in previous period
485&: & physical inventory ind. set for unrestricted-use stock in foll. year
486&: & physical inventory ind. set for stock in quality insp. in foll. year
487&: & physical inventory indicator set for blocked stock in following year
488&: & dependent sales order stock records exist
489&: & dependent project stock records exist
490&: & unrestricted-use stock exists
491&: & stock in quality inspection exists
492&: & blocked stock exists
493&: & unrestricted-use stock exists for previous period
494&: & stock in quality inspection exists for previous period
495&: & blocked stock exists for previous period
496&: & physical inventory blocking indicator is set
497&: & physical inventory indicator set for unrestricted-use stock
498&: & physical inventory indicator set for stock in quality inspection
499&: & physical inventory indicator set for blocked stock
500&: & physical inventory ind. for unrestricted-use stock in previous per.
501&: & phys. inventory ind. set for stock in quality insp. in previous per.
502&: & physical inventory ind. set for blocked stock in previous period
503&: & physical inventory ind. set for unrestricted-use stock in foll. year
504&: & physical inventory ind. set for stock in quality insp. in foll. year
505&: & physical inventory indicator set for blocked stock in following year
506&: & production order exists
507&: & WM quant exists
508&: & WM transfer requirement exists
509&: & sales order stocks exist
510&: & project stocks exist
511&: & entry archived
512&: & change documents will be archived
513Locking error
514&: & texts will be archived
515&: & no authorization to archive change documents
516&: & class assignments will be deleted
517&: & class assignments will be archived
518Error occurred during deletion - table & &
519ROLLBACK performed
520&: & entry can be deleted
521&: & consignment stock exists
522&: & dependent sales order stock records exist
523&1: &2 used as original batch for production order
524&1: &2 used as original batch for purchase order
525&1: &2 other dependent data exists
526&1: &2 further dependent data archived
527&1: &2 further dependent data deleted
528&: & Dependent Purchasing Documents Exist
529Deletion cancelled for & &
530&: & Valuated GR Blocked Stock Exists
531&: & Valuated GR Blocked Stock Previous Period Exists
532&: & Stock in Transit Previous Period Exists
533&: & sub contracting stocks exist
550**** Additional Messages for Field Checks ****
551Special procurement and follow-up matl not allowed, as &1 phantom assy
552GTIN variant should only contain numbers
553You cannot enter a GTIN variant that does not have an EAN assigned
554No maintenance status authorization to read material data.
555No maintenance status authorization to read plant data.
556No maintenance status authorization to read storage location data.
557No maintenance status authorization to read sales data.
558No authorization to read batch data.
559List might be incomplete due to missing authorization.
560Sales material &1 does not exist.
600**** Log Messages for Archiving and Deleting Special Stocks ****
601Archiving and Deletion of Batch, Consignment, and Special Stock Records
602Warning: Test mode active - no archive written
603S T A T I S T I C S
604Program start....: & / &
605Program end......: & / &
606Material/plant records read...............................: &
607Table entries read for the check:
608Table entries archived:
609Table entries that can be deleted:
610& - batch (cross-plant batch management)...............: &
611& - batches ...........................................: &
612& - batch stocks ......................................: &
613& - consignment price segment .........................: &
614& - special stock from the supplier ...................: &
615& - sales order stock .................................: &
616& - total sales order stock ...........................: &
617& - special stock with the supplier ...................: &
618& - total special stock with the supplier .............: &
619& - special stock with the customer ...................: &
620& - project stock .....................................: &
621& - total project stock ...............................: &
622& - valuated sales order stock ........................: &
623& - valuated project stock ............................: &
624No material/plant records could be found that meet the selection criteria
625All available languages have already been maintained
626No further text exists
627Inflation data cannot be changed at the moment
628The field cannot be changed at the moment due to a goods movement
629No text maintained; choose "Create text" to create a new text
630No text maintained; a blank text has been created in & automatically
631Maintain a text
632A long text edit control could not be removed
633Error while removing the long text edit control
634Material &1 cannot be locked because scheduled changes exist
635You are not authorized to lock the material &1
636You are not authorized to undo the lock for material &1
637The material &1 cannot be unlocked
638Changes to the locking of material &1 cannot be scheduled
639Field & is lock-relevant and not changeable because material is locked
640You have entered a different material type; select the views you require
641The material type you have entered requires a change number
642The material entered may be processed only with a change number
643The material type requires a change number
644The material may be processed only with a change number
645For &1, the material may be processed only with a change number
646The material type has changed; select the required views
647The material type cannot be changed because the material is locked
648The material cannot be locked when you create it with a reference
649The material cannot be unlocked when you extend it using a reference
650Purchasing data cannot be maintained as material group is lock-relevant
651Sales data cannot be maintained because unit of weight is lock-relevant
652& - History entries ..................................: &
653& - original batch - production order ................: &
654& - original batch - purchase order ..................: &
655& - integrated data ..................................: &
656Unit of measure &1 cannot be used because is is not maintained
657You set the 'GDS-Relevant' indicator even though no EAN is entered
658You deleted the last EAN even though the material is GDS-relevant
659You deleted UoM with last EAN, even though the material is GDS-relevant
660The field cannot be changed at the moment due to available stock
661BUoM in additional data of the class must be convertible to material BUoM
662Batch Management(Plant) will be defaulted
663Enter a value for safety stock
664Scope Profile will be defaulted
700*** Messages for DP&P ***
701Cannot change the manufacturer part; manufacturer is blocked
702Cannot access manufacturer part; manufacturer is blocked
703Manufacturer is blocked; Manufacturer/Part No. fields are initialized
704Competitor is blocked; Competitor field is initialized
705Cannot change the purchasing info record; vendor is blocked
706Competitor &1 is blocked
707Manufacturer &1 is blocked
708Manufacturer parts for blocked manufacturers have been filtered out
709Entries for blocked customers or vendors have been filtered out
710List contains blocked customers or vendors
711Vendor item number cannot be changed; vendor is blocked
712Filtered out entries of blocked customers/vendors are deleted
714Scope Limitation is not valid
715Material is not relevant for Advanced Planning
716Scope Profile is not valid
717Invalid Demand class &.
718'Max Days of Supply Penalty' cannot be negative.
719Invalid value for 'Max Dos Active' flag.
720Demand Class &1: Non-Delivery penalty has been adjusted.
721Demand Class &1: Maximum Delay has been adjusted.
722Demand Class &1: Costs for non-delivery cannot be adjusted.
723Procurement Type &1 is not recommended for Scope Limitation &2
724MRP Procedure &1 for MRP type &2 not recommended for Scope Limitation &3
725Scope Limitation &1 not allowed at MRP Area and will be defaulted
801Maintain components for material &1
899& & & &
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