MM_PUR_CNTRL_CONTR - Messages in Central Purchase Contract

The following messages are stored in message class MM_PUR_CNTRL_CONTR: Messages in Central Purchase Contract.
It is part of development package APPL_MM_PUR_OA_CCTR_TR in software component MM-PUR-OA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Translation Package for Central Purchase Contracts".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Central contract &1 is currently locked by another user
001Distribution entry for the central purchase contract &1 does not exist
002Cannot update the status for the central purchase contract &1
003Could not update distribution entries for central purchase contract &1
004Cannot delete the existing messages. Contact your system administrator
005Messages cannot be logged. Contact your system administrator
006Enter a valid region &1
007Enter a valid &1
008Cannot create duplicate distribution lines for central contract item &1
009Enter a valid target value.
010Cannot create central purchase contract
011Enter a valid purchasing group.
012Enter a valid purchasing organization.
013Enter a valid currency.
014Enter a valid distribution percentage.
015Enter a valid target quantity.
016Enter a valid partner function.
017Enter a partner function.
018Cannot schedule a delta import as the full import was not successful
019To schedule an ad-hoc import, enter central contract no. or range.
020Job ID &1 for automatic restart of connected system &2 aborted.
021&1 release orders were imported from connected system &2.
022Could not update release order details in the SAP S/4HANA hub system.
023Could not update job details in hub system for the connected system &1.
024Could not connect to system &1.
025Could not connect to system &1.
026To import release orders from connected system, restart the job.
027No release orders found in connected system &1.
028Central pur. cont. &1 cannot be edited as currently it is in approval
029Could not connect the SAP S/4HANA hub system to system &1.
030Define distribution lines for item &1.
031Select an outline agreement type.
032Select a scheduling agreement type.
033You can only update one scheduling agreement in a single change set.
034Batch creation of central contracts is not allowed.
035Could not update central contract.
036Select a valid material group for the material you have entered.
037An initial job has already been successfully run for &1 &2.
038Job scheduled for full import is already in process.
039Error occurred during full import. Full import job canceled.
040Full import has been completed.
041A delta job is already running for connected system &1 &2.
042Full import is already completed.
043Event trigger for consumption situation of Batch ID &1 was unsuccessful.
044Event trigger for consumption situation of Batch ID &1 was successful.
045&1 &2 &3 &4.
046Class &1 not found in system &2.
047Copy of &1.
048Select a distribution type.
049Periodic scheduling of full import is not allowed.
050Delta import has been completed.
051Ad-hoc import has been completed.
052Supplier &1 is invalid.
053You can only update one purchase order in a single change set.
054Reference document data is missing.
055Could not read details of the reference document
056Header distribution lines have to be created manually.
057Enter a valid company code.
058Enter a valid plant and company code combination.
059Source List maintained for Material: &1, and item: &2
060Please reconcile source list records for Item: &1 with Material: &2
061&1 for Material: &2 and Item: &3 &4
062Plant cannot be empty for reinitiating source list
063Material cannot be empty for reinitiating source list
064Central purchase contract has been withdrawn from the approval process
065Central purchase contract cannot be withdrawn
066Central purchase contract cannot be withdrawn
067Central purchase contract &1 with status In Distribution cannot be edited
068Central purchase contract item &1 is marked for deletion
069Validity end date is in the past
070Updating Net Price at item level of cent. purch. cont. is not supported
071Central purch. contract &1 cannot be edited as it is part of a hierarchy
072Distribution to SA is not allowed for product type Service
073Assignment of LT to cent. purch. cont. &1 failed as it is not approved
074Legal transaction &1 assigned to central purchase contract &2
075Central purch. contract &1 cannot be copied as it is part of a hierarchy
076Central purchase contract &1 cannot be withdrawn from approval
077Commodity pricing enabled conditions cannot be deleted
078Cannot edit cent. pur. cont. &1 as it is created from an external doc.
079Enter company code group
080Central purch. contract &1 with change request status &2 cannot be edited
081Enter a valid item number
082Enter a valid distribution number
083Scale not configured for condition type.
084Enter a valid plant and Connected System ID combination.
085Scales creation for current scale base type is not supported.
086Scales cannot be created before the creation of the condition.
087Simulation base unit of measure is wrong.
088Enter connected system for the plant &1 in simulation parameters.
089Enter plant for connected system &1 in simulation parameters.
090You can update only one central purchase contract in a single changeset
091Entity key information cannot be derived
092Central contract &1 already exists in status &2
093Scale type configured for &1 is not supported
094Entered plant and connected system combination is not configured
095Field &1 cannot be updated
096Document type is not configured for central purchase contract hierarchy
097Purchasing document categories allowed for distribution are �K� or �L�
098Only contracts are supported in distri. &2 of item &1 for item cat. &3
099Enter a valid document number or a valid document type
100&1 is a read-only property
101&1 is a mandatory property
102Action &1 cannot be performed as the central purchase contract is locked
103Invalid shipping instruction &1 entered in distribution &2 of item &3
104Invalid shipping instruction &1 entered in header distribution &2
105Invalid incoterms &1 entered in distribution &2 of item &3
106Invalid incoterms &1 entered in header distribution &2
107Approver dtmnd is same as creator of cntrl pur contr, and is excluded
108Optional step &1 of the workflow is skipped
109Check is successful
110Enter a valid document type in the Header Distribution facet
111Enter a valid document type in the Item Distribution facet
112Print preview is not possible
113Central purchase contract cannot be edited as it is marked for deletion
114Enter a valid supplier for delivery address
115Enter a valid address ID for delivery address
116Enter delivery address
117Unable to determine delivery address
118You have different demand confirmation status in the sourcing project
119Central purchase contract cannot be canceled
120Central purchase contract has been canceled
121Items cannot be created as the document is canceled.
122Simulate mode processing is successful
123Legal transaction is unassigned from the central purchase contract
124Distribution lines cannot be created as the document is canceled.
125Central purchase contract cannot be copied as it is canceled
126Item &1 cannot be edited, as it is deleted
200Form template for the print preview could not be determined
201Unexpected error on retrieving the output item data for print preview
202Unexpected error on determining the output root data for print preview
203Unexpected error on performing preview action on the output item
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