MPE_AHF_TH_MSG - Message Class - Type Handler Messages
The following messages are stored in message class MPE_AHF_TH_MSG: Message Class - Type Handler Messages.
It is part of development package MPE_AHF in software component PP-PEO-SFE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Manufacturing Plan & Exec - Action Hook Framework".
It is part of development package MPE_AHF in software component PP-PEO-SFE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Manufacturing Plan & Exec - Action Hook Framework".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | ***** Messages for Type Handlers *********** |
001 | Checking for Q-Notes |
002 | No relevant Q-Notes assigned |
003 | Action not possible. Status &1 Q-Note assigned to serial no &2 |
004 | Checking for underdelivery |
005 | No underdelivery detected |
006 | Checking for overdelivery |
007 | No overdelivery detected |
008 | Serial number &1 not suitable for assembly. Order is not delivered yet |
009 | Action not possible. Status &1 Q-Note assigned to Order &2 |
010 | Cannot assemble serial number &1 since it is not in the warehouse |
011 | Checking component availability |
012 | Components are available |
013 | Action not possible. Status &1 Q-Note assigned to workcenter &2 |
014 | Action not possible. Status &1 Q-Note assigned to material &2 |
015 | Checking for components |
016 | No components assigned to the operation activity |
017 | Action &1 not possible for OA &2. Components are assigned |
018 | Checking elapsed time |
019 | Enough time has passed since the previous operation |
020 | Action not possible. Not enough time has passed. '&3 &2' remaining |
021 | Checking component assembly quantity |
022 | The correct number of components assembled |
025 | Not enough consumed components |
026 | Too many consumed components |
027 | Action not possible. See the long text |
030 | &1 not performed manually. Action Hook was not executed. |
035 | Checking inspection characteristics |
036 | Required inspection characteristics assigned |
045 | Cannot complete. Scrap serial number &1 for defect &2 first |
046 | Cannot post. Also post scrap quantity for material &1 due to defect &2 |
047 | Checking defects |
048 | Defect checking completed |
049 | Checking processed quantity of rework OA |
050 | The processed quantity exceeds the planned quantity of the rework OA |
051 | The processed quantity does not exceed the planned quantity of the OA |
052 | Checking whether all rework OAs have been completed or skipped. |
053 | In rework operation &1, OA &2 has not been completed or skipped. |
054 | All rework OAs have been completed or skipped. |
060 | Registered or claimed quantity of tools is less than the planned quantity |
061 | PRT register check |
062 | The correct number of PRT's registered |
063 | Not all claimed PRT were registered |
064 | Claimed PRT register |
065 | All claimed PRT were registered |
066 | Registration internal error |
067 | Equipment & was claimen for OA |
071 | PRT register or claim check |
072 | The correct number of PRT's registered or claimed |
073 | Not enough registered or claimed tools |
074 | Claimed quantity of tools exceeds the planned quantity |
075 | UnClaim PRT started |
076 | UnClaim PRT completed |
077 | UnClaim PRT completed with error |
078 | Checking already processed GI of serial number or batch number. |
079 | The assembled component (batch or SN) is not the one issued to the order. |
080 | Overall quantity assembled is greater than quantity issued. |