MPE_AHF_TH_MSG - Message Class - Type Handler Messages

The following messages are stored in message class MPE_AHF_TH_MSG: Message Class - Type Handler Messages.
It is part of development package MPE_AHF in software component PP-PEO-SFE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Manufacturing Plan & Exec - Action Hook Framework".
Message Nr
Message Text
000***** Messages for Type Handlers ***********
001Checking for Q-Notes
002No relevant Q-Notes assigned
003Action not possible. Status &1 Q-Note assigned to serial no &2
004Checking for underdelivery
005No underdelivery detected
006Checking for overdelivery
007No overdelivery detected
008Serial number &1 not suitable for assembly. Order is not delivered yet
009Action not possible. Status &1 Q-Note assigned to Order &2
010Cannot assemble serial number &1 since it is not in the warehouse
011Checking component availability
012Components are available
013Action not possible. Status &1 Q-Note assigned to workcenter &2
014Action not possible. Status &1 Q-Note assigned to material &2
015Checking for components
016No components assigned to the operation activity
017Action &1 not possible for OA &2. Components are assigned
018Checking elapsed time
019Enough time has passed since the previous operation
020Action not possible. Not enough time has passed. '&3 &2' remaining
021Checking component assembly quantity
022The correct number of components assembled
025Not enough consumed components
026Too many consumed components
027Action not possible. See the long text
030&1 not performed manually. Action Hook was not executed.
035Checking inspection characteristics
036Required inspection characteristics assigned
045Cannot complete. Scrap serial number &1 for defect &2 first
046Cannot post. Also post scrap quantity for material &1 due to defect &2
047Checking defects
048Defect checking completed
049Checking processed quantity of rework OA
050The processed quantity exceeds the planned quantity of the rework OA
051The processed quantity does not exceed the planned quantity of the OA
052Checking whether all rework OAs have been completed or skipped.
053In rework operation &1, OA &2 has not been completed or skipped.
054All rework OAs have been completed or skipped.
060Registered or claimed quantity of tools is less than the planned quantity
061PRT register check
062The correct number of PRT's registered
063Not all claimed PRT were registered
064Claimed PRT register
065All claimed PRT were registered
066Registration internal error
067Equipment & was claimen for OA
071PRT register or claim check
072The correct number of PRT's registered or claimed
073Not enough registered or claimed tools
074Claimed quantity of tools exceeds the planned quantity
075UnClaim PRT started
076UnClaim PRT completed
077UnClaim PRT completed with error
078Checking already processed GI of serial number or batch number.
079The assembled component (batch or SN) is not the one issued to the order.
080Overall quantity assembled is greater than quantity issued.
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