MPE_CM_EFFECTIVITY - Message Class for Parameter Effectivity

The following messages are stored in message class MPE_CM_EFFECTIVITY: Message Class for Parameter Effectivity.
It is part of development package MPE_CM_PE in software component PP-PEO-UM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Complex Manufacturing Planning - Parameter Effectivity".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Enter required values
001Enter a From value less than or equal to the To value
002Enter required values
003ECN generation failed
004Enter a From value less than or equal to the To value
005Effectivity validation successful
006Secondary parameter effectivity is not valid
007Primary parameter effectivity is not valid
008Enter required values
009Exception occurred during hash key creation
010No ECN found for hash key &1
011ECN hash entry failed for ECN &1
012Effectivity parameter not found in Customizing table
013Enter required values
014ECN creation failed for hash key &1
015Items do not exist for BOM &
016Enter required values
017Material &1 in plant &2 not used in any BOM
018Material &1 is not used in any BOM
019Items do not exist for all parent BOMs
020BOM items do not have change numbers or parameter effectivity information
021ECN & generated successfully
022Enter the effectivity type
023Table 'AEEF' is not extended with Field &1
024Parameter &1 is not valid
025Effectivity Parameters are not maintained
026Enter the required effectivity parameters
027Effectivity Type &1 is not valid
028Primary effectivity does not cover the secondary effectivity
029ECN & is valid
030Special characters and negative units are not allowed
031Enter a unitized material
032Enter a valid material
033Plant/usage is not valid
034BOM item effectivity is not within gross effectivity range
035Overall effectivity is not within the BOM item effectivity
036No change is made
037No record found in MAST for BOM number &1 and plant &2
038Enter valid ECN
039Change number not found
040More than one effectivity type can not be maintained for unitization
041Effectivity Parameter definition is incorrect
042Enter mandatory parameter 'UNIT'
043Unitization paramter 'UNIT' can not be deleted
044Unitization parameters are not defined in the system
045Effectivity values for parameter &1 is incomplete
046Effectivity values for parameter &1 is incorrect
047Data type of the Unitization Parameter 'UNIT' is incorrect
048Enter Effectivity values
049Field name &1 does not exist in data source &2
050Data source &1 is not valid
051Effectivity values not found
052Incomplete Effectivity / Quantity
053&1 should be less than or equal to &2
054Split Effectivity is not a subset of Original Effectivity
055Item Quantity should be greater than zero
056No remaining effectivity. It can not be copied.
057Not all items have effectivity values assigned
058Error in reading parameter variant
059ECN &1 is not genarated by ECN factory
060ECN &1 is not unitized
061Effectivity type &1 is not unitized
062The BOM item is partially planned.
063Not all change numbers have same effectivity type
064The BOM item is fully allocated
065Effectivity Type of Item change number is not valid
066Parameter Effectivity is missing in BOM Item &1
067Parameter Effectivity is missing in BOM Header
068All Effectivity parameters are not mapped
069Effectivity type &1 is in use and cannot be deleted
070Effectivity type &1 is in use and cannot be changed
071Effectivity parameter &1 is already configured
072Source and Target BOM can not be reconciled
073Effectivity type of BOM doesn't match with Effectivity type of Source BOM
074Material type &1 is already in use
075Material &1 is not unitized
076BOM item &1 can not be moved. No pending Effectivity found
077No Authorization to make changes
078BOM item quantity for material &1 must be 1
079BOM header quantity for material &1 must be 1
080Overall Effectivity of the BOM &1 does not cover it's usage in other BOMs
081Usage Effectivity of the component &1 is not allowed
082Effectivity Type &1 cannot be used to create ECNs using this application
083ECNs with Effectivity Type &1 cannot be modified using this application
084Material/BOM &1 can not be added as a component
085Relative quantity could not be determined due to round off error
086&1 value is not in the supported range
087Phantom material &1 is not unitized
088'*' is not allowed for &1
089Incorrect effectivity values are entered for item &1
090Item category cannot be changed for existing line item of version BOM
091Item category &1 is not allowed in the version BOM
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