MPE_OAN - Operation Activity Network Messages

The following messages are stored in message class MPE_OAN: Operation Activity Network Messages.
It is part of development package MPE_OAN in software component PP-PEO-SFE. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Manufacturing Plan & Exec - Operation Activity Network".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Fatal exception occured
001More than one start event exists in this operation activity network
002More than one end event exists in this operation activity network
003There are no operation activities in the network
004There can be no predecessor for a start event
005There can be no successor for an end event
006Wrong number of predecessors for element &1
007Wrong number of successors for element &1
008Cycle detected in this operation activity network
009No end event exists in this operation activity network
010An element has been found with no external number
011Duplicate external number &1
012No start event exists in this operation activity network
013Element &1 is not released
014Operation activity network &1 is locked by another user
015Operation activity &1 is locked by another user
016Event &1 is locked by another user
017Catalog operation activity network &1 has already been released
018Catalog operation activity &1 has already been released
019Event &1 has already been released
020Where-used list for event &1 is not empty
021Where-used list for operation activity &1 is not empty
022Where-used list for operation activity network &1 is not empty
023Target operation activity network &1 does not exist
024OA &1 has no SAS for OA maintained
025OA &1 has no SAS for material maintained
026OA SAS &1 maintained in OA &2 is not released
027Material SAS &1 maintained in OA &2 is not released
028Material SAS &1 has no Skip action, although OA SAS &2 has
029No type is maintained for operation activity network &1
030No segment type is maintained for operation activity network &1
031Skill level of certification &1 (OA &2) is not in predefined range (1-5)
032Operation activity &1 cannot be deleted as it is already released
033Database error operation activity network
034Unlock failed for operation activity network &1, version &2
035Quantity must be greater than 0 for component &1 (operation activity &2)
036Work instruction already exists for operation activity &1
037Operation activity network &1 has no elements assigned
038External element number &1 is not unique within OAN &2
039Elements of operation activity network &1 are not connected
040Isolated element &1 found for operation activity network OAN &2
041No start event is defined for operation activity network &1
042More than one start event is defined for OAN &1
043No end event is defined for operation activity network &1
044No predecessor element is allowed for start event &1 (OAN &2)
045No sucecessor element is allowed for end event &1 (OAN &2)
046Error while drawing an internal identifier from the number range
047Unknown segment type &1 for operation activity network &2
048External element number is missing for operation activity network &1
049Specify a valid type for the event
050Specify a language for the text
051No internal identifier could be drawn from number range &1
052Operation activity affected by work instruction error
053Missing reference to a work instruction
055Specify a certificate
056Specify a unit of measure for the component assignment
057Maintain a component assignment quantity greater than zero
058Unknown status and action schema maintained for OA &1
059Unknown status and action schema for material maintained for OA &1
060OAN activity element with same external number &1 already exists
061Predecessor &1 does not exist in the operation activity network
062OAN does not exist: Invalid predecessor value &1
063Enter segment type
064Enter external number for OAN activity element
065Enter a start element for the OAN relationship
066Enter an end element for the OAN relationship
067Internal element number &1 is not unique within OAN &2
068Internal element number is missing for operation activity network &1
069Specify a valid type for element in operation activity network &1
070Component assignments are not allowed for non-produce segment, OAN &1
071External element number &1 is reserved for OA events
072OAN element &1 references an unknown operation acitivity
073OAN element &1 references an unknown OAN event
074OAN element &1 affected by operation activity error
075OAN element &1 affected by OAN event error
076Header for OAN &1, version &2 already exists
077OAN header does not exist
078OAN &2, version &1 is unknown
079Text for language &1 already exists in OAN &2, version &3
080Unspecified language of text in OAN &1, version &2
081Relationship already exists
082Element &1 in OAN &2, version &3 is unknown
083Operation activity &1, version &2 is unknown
084Text for language &1 already exists in OA &2, version &3
085Component assignment &1 &2 in OA &3, version &4 already exists
086Unspecified language of text in OA &1, version &2
087Incomplete key for component assignment in OA &1, version &2
088Unit of measure for component assignment missing in OA &1, version &2
089Assigned component quantity has to be greater than 0 in OA &1, version &2
090Characteristics assignment &1 &2 already exists in OA &3, version &4
091Incomplete key for insp. characteristics assignment in OA &1, version &2
092PRT assignment &1 &2 already existis in OA &3, version &4
093Incomplete key for PRT assignment in OA &1, version &2
096Skill level &1 is outwith allowed range (1-5) for OA &2, version &3
097Work instruction assignment already existis for OA &1, version &2
098Incomplete key for work instruction assignment in OA &1, version &2
101Event &1, version &2 is unknown
102Text for language &1 already exists in event &2, version &3
103Unknown segment type &1 for OAN &2, version &3
104Text in language &1 not found in OAN &2, version &3
105Element &1 not found in OAN &2, version &3
106External element number missing for element &1 in OAN &2, version &3
107External element number &1 already used in OAN &2, version &3
108OA &1, version &2 is unknown in OAN &3, version &4
109Event &1, version &2 is unknown in OAN &3, version &4
110Element &1 in OAN &2, version &3 has an unknown element type
111OA status and action schema is missing in OA &1, version &2
112Material status and action schema is missing in OA &1, version &2
113OA status and action schema in OA &1 version &2 is unknown
114Material status and action schema in OA &1 version &2 is unknown
115Text in language &1 not found in OA &2, version &3
116Component assignment &1 &2 not found in OA &3, version &4
117Inspection characteristics assignment &1 &2 not found in OA &3 version &4
119Work instruction assignment for OA &1, version &2 not found
120Unknown type &1 for event &2, version &3
121Text in language &1 not found in event &2, version &3
122No OAN header available
123Relationship between element &1 and &2 in OAN &3, version &4 is unknown
124OA &1, version &2 still used by element &3 of OAN &4
125PRT assignment &1 &2 in OA &3, version &4 is unknown
127Event &1, version &2 still used by element &3 of OAN &4
128OAN header has incomplete key
129OAN &1, version &2 referenced in text of language &3 is unknown
130OAN &1, version &2 referenced in element &3 is unknown
131OAN &1 version &2 referenced in relationship between &3 and &4 is unknown
132Event &1, version &2 referenced in text of language &3 is unknown
133OA &1, version &2 referenced in text of language &3 is unknown
134OA &1, version &2 referenced in component assignment &3 &4 is unknown
135OA &1 version &2 referenced in characteristic assignment &3 &4 is unknown
136OA &1, version &2 referenced in PRT assignment &3 &4 is unknown
138OA &1, version &2 referenced in work instr. assignment &3 &4 is unknown
140Isolated element(s) detected in OAN &1, version &2
141Network of OAN &1, version &2 is not connected
142OA &1, version &2 not used in elements of the OAN
143Event &1, version &2 not used in elements of the OAN
144No operation activity found in OAN &1, version &2
145No start event found in OAN &1, version &2
146More than one start event found in OAN &1, version &2
147No end event found in OAN &1, version &2
148Start event element &1 in OAN &2, version &3 has a predecessor
149End event element &1 in OAN &2, version &3 has a successor
150OA &1, version &2 is not released although OAN &3, version &4 is released
151Event &1 version &2 is not released although OAN &3, vers. &4 is released
152Non-produce segment OAN, &1 version &2 contains component assignment(s)
153Element &1 in OAN &2, version &3 is isolated
154Unspecified language of text in event &1, version &2
155Element &1 is still used by a relationship in OAN &2, version &3
156Unknown certificate &1 assigned to operation activity
157Component is already assigned to OA &1 of operation &2
158An operation has to have at least one produce operation activity
159An operation activity network for this segment already exists
160Buyoff step &1 already existis in OA &2, version &3
161Text in language &1 already exists for buyoff &2 in OA &3, version &4
162Buyoff step &1 not found in OA &2, version &3
163Text in language &1 not found for buyoff &2 in OA &3, version &4
164Unspecified text language in buyoff &1 OA &2, version &3
165OA &1, version &2 referenced in buyoff step &3 is unknown
166Buyoff step &1 in OA &2, version &3 referenced by a description not found
167Work instruction &1, &2 in language &3 not found
168Work instruction &1, &2 of standard text assignment &3, &4 not found
169Work instruction content &1 not use by any work instruction
170Work instruction &1, version &2 not referenced in the OAN
171Work instruction &1, &2 referenced in OA &3, &4 not found
172Work instruction &1, version &2 not found
173Work instruction &1, vers. &2 is still referenced by OA &3, vers. &4
174Work instruction content with UUID &1 already exists
175Work instruction content with UUID &1 not found
176Work instruction &1, &2 still references content with UUID &3
177Work instruction &1, &2 already has standard text &3, &4 assigned
178Work instruction &1, &2 has no assignment of standard text &3, &4
179Incomplete standard text key for work instruction &1, version &2
180Work instruction &1, version &2 already exists in language &3
181Specify language for work instruction &1, version &2
182Content with UUID &1 not found for work instruction &2, version &3
184OAN cannot be connected again. OA deletion failed.
185Material &1 does not exist for plant &2
186Action handler assignment with sequence number &1 already exists in OA &2
187Action handler assignment with sequence number &1 not found in OA &2
188Action handler assignment with sequence no. &1 not found for parameter &2
189Action handler parameter &1 already available for sequence number &2
190Action handler parameter &1 not found for sequence number &2
191Specify the name of the parameter for action handler &1
192Specify the name of the action handler for action &1
193Specify the name of the action for operation activity &1
194&1 is not a valid action
195&1 is not a valid action handler
196Parameter action handler &1 does not match action handler definition &2
197Use either 'X' or ' ' as value for the boolean parameter &1
198Overflow error: absolute value of &1 for parameter &2 is too big
199Value &1 of parameter &2 has not a valid integer number format
200Value &1 of parameter &2 has not a valid real number format
201Unknown parameter name &1 for action handler &2.
202Action handler &1 is not allowed for post-processing
203Action handler &1 is not allowed for pre-processing
204Group &1, version &2 is unknown in OAN &3, version &4
205Relationships with identical start and end element are not allowed.
206Group &1, version &2 not used in elements of the OAN
207Create at least one element for group &1
208Create at least one operation activity for group &1
209An element of group &1 is assigned to more than one group
210An element of group &1 has a relationship to a non group element
211Cyclic dependency of elements detected in group &1
212Inconsistent display order detected in group &1
213Group &1 version &2 is not released although OAN &3, vers. &4 is released
214Group &1 cannot be deleted since it still contains elements
215Operation Activity &1 cannot be deleted since it is still used in a group
216Group &1, version &2 is unknown
217Text for language &1 already exists in group &2, version &3
218Group element &1 not found in OAN &2, version &3
219Unknown type &1 for group &2, version &3
220Group header &1 in OAN &2, version &3 is unknown
221Group element &1 in OAN &2, version &3 is unknown
222Group &1, version &2 referenced in text of language &3 is unknown
223OAN &1 version &2 referenced in group assignment from &3 to &4 is unknown
224Group assignment of element &1 to &2 in OAN &3, version &4 is unknown
225Group &1, version &2 still used by element &3 of OAN &4
226Group assignment of element &1 to &2 in OAN, &3 vers. &4 already exists
227Unspecified language of text in group &1, version &2
228Group display order no. for element &1 not maintained in OAN &2, vers. &3
229Branching element detected in group &1
230Merging element detected in group &1
231Variable &1 already exists in work instruction &2, version &3 for MBOM &4
232Unknown variable type for variable &1 in work instruction &2, version &3
233Work instruction &1, version &2 is not assigned to an operation activity
234Variable &1 of work instruction &2, &3 has an empty reference
235Variable &1 in work instruction &2, vers. &3 has more than one reference
236Variable &1 in work instruction &2, version &3 not found
237Placeholder &1 already exists in work instruction &2, version &3
238Placeholder &1 references unknown variable &2 in work instruction &3, &4
239Placeholder &1 and variable &2 have incompatible variable types
240Placeholder &1 in work instruction &2, version &3 not found
241Placeholder &1 for variable &2 has no attribute assigned
242&1 is not a boolean value
243Work instruction &1, version &2 of variable &3 for MBOM &4 not found
244Work instruction &1, version &2 in lang. &3 for placeholder &4 not found
245&1 is not a valid action handler for action &2
246Specify a language for placeholder &1
247Invalid group topology detected in group &1 of OAN &2 version &3
248Invalid topology detected in OAN &1 version &2
249Nested group detected in OAN &1 version &2
250Team and function for buyoff seq. &1 in OA &2, version &3 already exists
251OA &1, version &2 referenced in action handler assignment &3 is unknown
252No internal identifier (UUID) could be drawn for the work instr. content
253Hosting operation of OAN &1 version &2 not found in the routing
254Corresponding component on oper. level not found for assignment &1 &2
255Corresponding characteristic on oper. lvl not found for assignment &1 &2
256Corresponding tool on operation level not found for assignment &1 &2
257Incomplete component link in work instruction of OA &1
258Broken link detected in work instruction of OA &1 in language &2
259Document &1 is already assigned to operation activity &2
260OAN element type &1 does not support parameter effectivity
261Component processing sequence information for OA &1 is incomplete
262Simultaneous group &1 is not allowed in non-serialized business process
263OA &1 in OAN &2 version &3 has splits with overlapping validities
264Unknown BOM assignment &1 referenced in the work instruction of OA &2 &3
265OA &1, version &2 referenced in qualification assignment &3 is unknown
266Unknown qualification &1 assigned to operation activity
267Qualification assignment &1 already exists in OA &2, version &3
268Unspecified qualification in OA &1, version &2
269Assignment of qualification &1 not found in OA &2, version &3
270Skill level is initial for Qualification &1 OA &2, version &3
271Component assignment &1 not found in OA &2, version &3 of routing &4
272Unspecified instance &1 of OA &2, version &3
273Instance &1 already exists for component assignmt &2 in OA &3, version &4
274Instance &1 not found for component assignment &2 in OA &3, version &4
275Component assignment &1 in routing &2, OA &3, version &4 not found
276Invalid entry; enter valid skill level
277Input field already exists
278OA identifier &1 already used in the setup segment of operation &2
279OA identifier &1 already used in the produce segment of operation &2
280OA identifier &1 already used in the teardown segment of operation &2
281In oper. &1 seg. setup, OA &2 has splits with overlapping validities
282In oper. &1 seg. produce, OA &2 has splits with overlapping validities
283In oper. &1 seg. teardown, OA &2 has splits with overlapping validities
284In oper. &1 segment &2 there already exists an OA for source OA &3
285In oper. &1 segment &2 there already exists a group for source group &3
286Routing inconsistent: Element &1 of OAN &2 version &3 has no successors
287Characteristic &1 referenced by OA &2 not found on operation level
288Characteristic description &1 already exists in OA &2
289Status of OAN element &1 in OAN &2, version &3 is unknown
290OAN element &1 in OAN &2, version &3 cannot be changed
291Relationship not found
292Logical component &1 already exists for OA &2
293Logical component &1 of OA &2 version &3 not found
294OA &1, version &2 referenced in logical component &3 is unknown
295Logical component in operation activity &1 is blank
296Segment type must be produce
297Inconsistency detected in OAN &1, version &2
298Relationship already exists
299Cyclical relationship error detected at operation &1, in &2, OA &3
300Not all relationships could be copied
301Number of input boxes exceeds component qty in work instruction of OA &1
302PRT number &1 is already assigned to operation activity &2
303Logical component assignment &1 already exists for OA &2, version &3
304Unknown logical component &1 in operation activity &2
305BOM item is already assigned to logical component &1 at OA &2
306Operation &1 is inconsistent. See long text for details.
307More than one BOM item was selected for log. component &1 in operation &2
308Logical component &1 not found in operation activity &2, version &3
309Auxiliary data object assignment not found
310Unknown OA &1, version &2 is referenced in auxiliary data assignment &3
311Camera &1 not found in OA &2, version &3
312Unknown OA &1, version &2 is referenced in camera &3
313OA &1, version &2 referenced in log. component assignment &3 is unknown
314Specify a valid camera definition
315An operation must have at least one non-optional produce OA
316The assigned quantity at operation activity &1 must be less than zero
317The assigned quantity at operation activity &1 must be greater than zero
318A camera with name &1 already exists for operation activity &2
319Camera view &1 not found in operation activity &2, version &3
320Relationship of element &1 in OAN &2, version &3 not allowed
321OAN &1, version &2 does not exist
322Dependency type &1 is not supported
323Invalid work instruction mode &1
324Characteristic group &1 is already assigned to OA &2, version &3
325Characteristic group &1 not found in OA &2, version &3
326Relationship key is not complete
327No internal identifier (UUID) could be drawn for the aux. data assignment
328Invalid characteristics item number &1
329You can only create one group in a group template
330You cannot create a group in an operation activity template
331You can only create one OA in an operation activity template
336Unknown logical component assignment &1 in operation activity &2
337Inspection characteristic references unknown component assignment &1
338Inspection characteristic references unknown component instance &1 &2
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