MPE_PLAN_MEC - Message Class for Manufacturing Engineering Cockpit
The following messages are stored in message class MPE_PLAN_MEC: Message Class for Manufacturing Engineering Cockpit.
It is part of development package MPE_PLAN_MEC in software component PP-PEO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Manufacturing Planning - Manufacturing Engineering Cockpit".
It is part of development package MPE_PLAN_MEC in software component PP-PEO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Manufacturing Planning - Manufacturing Engineering Cockpit".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Please pass the change record |
001 | No EBOMs exist for the change record &1 |
002 | Please enter the parameters |
003 | BOM not assigned to any CR |
004 | BOM not assigned to any open CR |
005 | No BOMs exist for the keys passed |
006 | Change record &1 is not open |
007 | Change record &1 does not exist |
008 | Change record not passed |
009 | Modification failed; please check the object passed |
010 | Saving failed; please check the object passed |
011 | Change record &1 updated successfully |
012 | Object references to be updated not passed |
013 | EBOM has already been assigned to an open change record |
014 | BOM keys not passed for assignment |
015 | Change record type or Change Responsible not passed |
016 | Change record has not been passed |
017 | Change record does not fall in the predefined number range &1 to &2 |
018 | Remove change record ID. &1 is configured for internal number range. |
019 | Enter change rec. ID. Record type &1 is configured for ext. number range. |
020 | Change record description node does not exist |
021 | Change record description text not maintained |
022 | Change record not created |
023 | Enqueue on table MPE_MEC_EBOM_INC failed |
024 | Dequeue on table MPE_MEC_EBOM_INC failed |
025 | Incorporation statuses of EBOMs not saved |
026 | Incorp. statuses of change record &1 updated succesfully |
027 | Engineering BOMs not passed for assignment |
028 | Planning scope keys not passed for assignment |
029 | Routing keys not passed for assignment |
030 | Production order key not passed for assignment |
031 | Change relevance Reference or linked to Reference not configured |
032 | BOM version does not exist |
033 | BOM version keys not passed for net change determination |
034 | Change relevance for object type &1 not configured |
035 | Change relevance Create or linked to Create not configured |
036 | Change relevance Update or linked to Update not configured |
037 | Change relevance Delete or linked to Delete not configured |
038 | EBOM &1 is not valid |
039 | Planning scope is not valid |
040 | Object type not configured |
041 | Routing version is not the latest; change relevance New not applicable |
042 | Routing version is not released; change relevance New not applicable |
043 | Material BOM Alternate not found |
044 | Material BOM does not exist |
045 | Production order does not exist |
046 | Routing does not exist |
047 | &1 is neither a CDS view, nor a view, nor a table. |
048 | &1 object does not exist |
049 | &1 object fields not found |
050 | &1 field does not exist |
051 | Status category &1 is not mapped to OA. |
052 | Purchase order key not passed for assignment |
053 | Engineering effective date or manufacturing effective date not provided. |
054 | Change number could not be created |
055 | Change number could not be updated successfully |
056 | Change record type or change record key not provided |
057 | Engineering snapshot keys not passed for assignment |
058 | Only one snapshot with relevance change trigger can be assigned |
059 | You can only add snapshot with relevance, change trigger, or ref. to CR |
060 | Snapshot &1, revision no.&2 already assigned to CR w. rel. change trigger |
061 | Snapshot &1 with revision number &2 does not exist |
062 | No snapshots exist for change record &1 |
063 | Duplicate snapshot with revision number exists in provided input |
064 | Document keys not passed for assignment |
065 | Duplicate documents exist in provided input |
066 | MBOM version status obsolete for matl &1, usage &2, altern. &3, versn. &4 |
067 | Planning scope is inactive for matl &1, usage &2, altern. &3, version &4 |
068 | No authorization to read change record |