MPE_PLAN_MEC - Message Class for Manufacturing Engineering Cockpit

The following messages are stored in message class MPE_PLAN_MEC: Message Class for Manufacturing Engineering Cockpit.
It is part of development package MPE_PLAN_MEC in software component PP-PEO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Manufacturing Planning - Manufacturing Engineering Cockpit".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Please pass the change record
001No EBOMs exist for the change record &1
002Please enter the parameters
003BOM not assigned to any CR
004BOM not assigned to any open CR
005No BOMs exist for the keys passed
006Change record &1 is not open
007Change record &1 does not exist
008Change record not passed
009Modification failed; please check the object passed
010Saving failed; please check the object passed
011Change record &1 updated successfully
012Object references to be updated not passed
013EBOM has already been assigned to an open change record
014BOM keys not passed for assignment
015Change record type or Change Responsible not passed
016Change record has not been passed
017Change record does not fall in the predefined number range &1 to &2
018Remove change record ID. &1 is configured for internal number range.
019Enter change rec. ID. Record type &1 is configured for ext. number range.
020Change record description node does not exist
021Change record description text not maintained
022Change record not created
023Enqueue on table MPE_MEC_EBOM_INC failed
024Dequeue on table MPE_MEC_EBOM_INC failed
025Incorporation statuses of EBOMs not saved
026Incorp. statuses of change record &1 updated succesfully
027Engineering BOMs not passed for assignment
028Planning scope keys not passed for assignment
029Routing keys not passed for assignment
030Production order key not passed for assignment
031Change relevance Reference or linked to Reference not configured
032BOM version does not exist
033BOM version keys not passed for net change determination
034Change relevance for object type &1 not configured
035Change relevance Create or linked to Create not configured
036Change relevance Update or linked to Update not configured
037Change relevance Delete or linked to Delete not configured
038EBOM &1 is not valid
039Planning scope is not valid
040Object type not configured
041Routing version is not the latest; change relevance New not applicable
042Routing version is not released; change relevance New not applicable
043Material BOM Alternate not found
044Material BOM does not exist
045Production order does not exist
046Routing does not exist
047&1 is neither a CDS view, nor a view, nor a table.
048&1 object does not exist
049&1 object fields not found
050&1 field does not exist
051Status category &1 is not mapped to OA.
052Purchase order key not passed for assignment
053Engineering effective date or manufacturing effective date not provided.
054Change number could not be created
055Change number could not be updated successfully
056Change record type or change record key not provided
057Engineering snapshot keys not passed for assignment
058Only one snapshot with relevance change trigger can be assigned
059You can only add snapshot with relevance, change trigger, or ref. to CR
060Snapshot &1, revision no.&2 already assigned to CR w. rel. change trigger
061Snapshot &1 with revision number &2 does not exist
062No snapshots exist for change record &1
063Duplicate snapshot with revision number exists in provided input
064Document keys not passed for assignment
065Duplicate documents exist in provided input
066MBOM version status obsolete for matl &1, usage &2, altern. &3, versn. &4
067Planning scope is inactive for matl &1, usage &2, altern. &3, version &4
068No authorization to read change record
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