MPE_RTG_UI - Messages for Routing Maintenance
The following messages are stored in message class MPE_RTG_UI: Messages for Routing Maintenance.
It is part of development package MPE_PLAN_RTG_VERS in software component PP-PEO-SFR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Manufacturing Planning - Versioned Routing".
It is part of development package MPE_PLAN_RTG_VERS in software component PP-PEO-SFR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Manufacturing Planning - Versioned Routing".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | Please select a routing |
002 | Select a routing that has not yet been released |
003 | Select one or more MBOM items |
004 | Select an operation activity or operation |
005 | Please select an entry |
006 | Please select a component |
007 | Please select latest version |
008 | Please select an MBOM |
009 | All selected components have already been assigned |
010 | SAS &1 is not relevant for processing of &2 |
011 | Routing status is not released for production or costing |
012 | It is only possible to move OAs within one operation |
013 | Select a number between 1 and 100 |
014 | Please select a reference material |
015 | Please select a cerification |
016 | Please select a buyoff |
017 | Please enter a standard text |
018 | Standard text does not exist |
019 | Please select an inspection characteristic |
020 | Please give a valid sampling procedure for inspection characteristic &1 |
021 | No valid version found for master inspection characteristic &1 |
022 | Master inspection characteristic &1, plant &2 is not available |
023 | Characteristic &1, version &2 is not available in plant &3 |
024 | It is only possible to assign items to produce operation activities |
025 | Routing group &1, counter &2, version &3 was saved |
026 | Routing group &1, counter &2, version &3 was deleted |
027 | You do not have authorization for transaction &1 |
028 | Enter a language |
029 | Enter a text for the language |
030 | Operation activity text already exists in language &1 |
031 | Select an action handler |
032 | Choose either qualitative or quantitative inspection characteristics |
033 | Only a routing-related action handler can be deleted |
034 | Enter a description for the inspection characteristics |
035 | Select an action handler parameter |
036 | Routing is not released |
037 | Only a routing-related action handler can be changed |
038 | You can only change a parameter for a routing-related action handler |
039 | This number already exists |
040 | The lot size from is greater than the lot size to |
041 | The valid from is later than the valid to |
042 | Production version already exists |
043 | You can only copy qualifications with the origin type, operation activity |
044 | Production versions were saved |
045 | Routing group &1, counter &2, version &3 was released |
046 | Enter the lower limit |
047 | Enter the upper limit |
048 | Enter the target value |
049 | Routing does not exist |
050 | Given source version does not exist |
051 | Given target version does not exist |
052 | Enter selected code set |
053 | Enter plant |
054 | Versions &1 and &2 cannot be compared |
055 | Target value should not be less than lower limit |
056 | Target value should not be greater than upper limit |
057 | Provide valid master inspection characteristic |
058 | Provide valid sampling data |
059 | Provide sampling procedure |
060 | Demical place value cannot be more than 10 |
061 | Error exporting data to database |
062 | Error importing data from database |
063 | Only ATH with source routing can be copied |
064 | You cannot paste an object in one plant to an object in a different plant |
065 | Routing &1 has to be saved before comparing it |
066 | Comparison not possible if only one version exists |
067 | Check the sample unit of measure |
068 | Check the base sample quantity |
069 | Cannot create shop floor routing |
070 | Nothing to paste |
071 | Error while copying to favorites |
072 | This folder already exists |
073 | Select a favorite entry |
074 | It is not possible to paste a node under itself |
075 | WIs of this routing can only be maintained in SAPGUI |
076 | This component is already assigned to a different segment |
077 | Distributed quantity cannot be greater than the component quantity |
078 | Distribute quantity among OAs of same OAN |
079 | There is no quantity assignment yet |
080 | The complete component quantity has not yet been distributed |
081 | This component is already assigned to a different operation |
082 | No quantity was distributed |
083 | Assignment quantity &1 &2 is greater than BOM item quantity &3 &4 |
084 | No errors found |
085 | It is not allowed to call &1 transaction |
086 | No effectivity found |
087 | For mass assignment select only unassigned items |
088 | Select only assignments to the same operation |
089 | Select one assignment |
090 | Select only BOM items, BOM assignments or BOM instances at the same time |
091 | Select only assigned items |
092 | Instances not allowed for quantity adjustment |
093 | It is not possible to assign instances to operations |
094 | Folder name cannot be empty |
095 | Do not select display only assignment lines |
096 | Please enter correct effectivity values |
097 | This component is already assigned |
098 | The document is not consistent |
099 | Cannot create object at this position |
100 | Component &1 is already assigned to operation &2 |
101 | Enter material and plant or group |
102 | Enter a plant and material together or make no entry |
103 | No data found |
104 | Enter description |
105 | Group &1 will be created |
106 | Division &1 is already assigned in group &2 |
107 | Division &1 will be created in group &2 |
108 | Sampling quantity must be same for inspection characteristics in table |
109 | PRT values are reset |
110 | Cannot delete document |
111 | You cannot delete measurement as it is referenced to another measurement |
112 | Only inspection characteristics can be moved |
113 | Inspection type for production is not maintained for material & |
114 | Number of measurements should be greater than 0 |
115 | SAS containing status scrap not allowed for OAs in simultaneous groups |
116 | Change record could not be created |
117 | Cannot lock document |
118 | Copy of document failed |
119 | Could not locate corresponding object |
120 | No authorization to create shared templates |
121 | Sampling is not allowed for inspection characteristics in table &1 |
122 | You are not authorized to change a shared template |
123 | No authorization to delete shared templates |
124 | Such a PRT already exists |
125 | Cannot delete components assigned at operation level only |
126 | This object cannot be pasted into a rework routing |
127 | No installation kit selected |
128 | Routing group &1, counter &2 was saved |
129 | Routing group &1, counter &2 was deleted |
130 | Target validity matches source validity: No split required |
131 | Target validity is not a subset of source validity: Split not possible |
132 | OA validity exceeds the validity of BOM item &1 |
133 | BOM item &1 is not yet assigned to an operation activity |
134 | BOM item &1 is not yet completely assigned to operation activities |
135 | OA &1, operation &2 exceeds the validity of BOM item &3 |
136 | Operation &1 exceeds the validity of the routing header |
137 | OA &1 exceeds the validity of operation &2 |
138 | The assigned quantity of BOM item &1 to OAs exceeds the BOM item quantity |
139 | BOM item &1 is overassigned in a certain validity range |
140 | Effectivity of produce OAs does not cover effectivity of operation &1 |
141 | No MBOM has been assigned yet |
142 | Enter valid proficiency |
143 | Please select an MBOM |
144 | Routings of type &1 &2 require a change record |
145 | Routing profile could not be retrieved |
146 | Last routing version must be released before creating a new one |
147 | Routing key not provided |
148 | BOM for material &1 with alternative &2 version &3 cannot be released |
149 | Change record &1 does not exist |
150 | BOM for material &1 with alternative &2 version &3 is already released |
151 | MBOM release could not be saved |
152 | BOM for material &1 with alternative &2, version &3 selected for release |
153 | Operation activity ID does not match the pattern for multiple OA creation |
154 | BOM for material &1 with alternative &2 version &3 cannot be changed |
155 | Change record &1 already exists |
156 | Routing could not be assigned to change record &1 |
157 | Routing was assigned to change record &1 |
158 | Customizing does not allow external number allocation for change record |
159 | No fullname found for change record responsible &1 of change record &2 |
160 | Effectivity of operation &1 does not completely cover the filter |
161 | Effectivity of OA &1 (op. &2) does not completely cover the filter |
162 | The given effectivity exceeds the routing header effectivity |
163 | Component assignments have been adjusted due to changed MBOM(s) |
164 | Effectivity of component &1 does not completely cover the filter |
165 | Effectivity filter deleted as it is identical to the header effectivity |
166 | Effectivity filter deleted because the filter is empty |
167 | Such inspection characteristics already exist |
168 | BOM item &1 is outside the effectivity filter |
169 | Order number is not provided |
170 | An operation with the same source operation already exists |
171 | BOM item &1 is assigned outside its effectivity |
172 | Item category &1 is not supported |
173 | You cannot edit an order-specific routing |
174 | Routing could not be loaded |
175 | Component is not provided |
176 | Plant is not provided |
177 | You cannot edit a rework routing |
178 | Creation of a rework routing is not allowed |
179 | Component &1 does not exist |
180 | Inspection characteristic &1 already exists |
181 | Table &1 already exists |
182 | Table &1 already selected |
183 | Inspection characteristic &1 already selected |
184 | Routing version with status "&1" cannot be changed |
185 | New routing version cannot be created |
186 | A template with an identical description already exists. Continue anyway? |
187 | Or change template description: |
188 | A template with an empty description is not allowed |
189 | Enter the template description: |
190 | Template is not created |
191 | You do not have authorization to view a common favorites entry |
192 | Please enter change record type |
193 | Cannot set hold for operation &1 |
194 | Cannot find operation to set the hold |
195 | Status &: Document is not valid for use (check your entry) |
196 | Validity restriction of the routing exceeds MBOM validity |
197 | BOM item quantity &1 &2 of &3 does not match the number of visuals &4 |
198 | You cannot add a reference object to another reference object |
199 | Routing version has to be saved before navigating to workflow |
200 | No authorization to create a new change record |
201 | Please select an operation activity |
202 | Reference template "&1"�is�not�used in any routing |
203 | The "&1" was pasted successfully |
204 | Select one routing version to which you want to navigate |
205 | The clipboard is empty |
206 | Favorites cannot be displayed: Run conversion report MPE_RTG_CONV_CLIPBRD |
207 | It is not possible to change this operation |
208 | Select at least one routing version |
209 | Data inconsistency |
210 | Folder is missing |
211 | No authorization to change this folder |
212 | Template without folder |
213 | Wrong folder type |
214 | No authorization to delete this folder |
215 | Object is missing |
216 | Unavailable operation |
217 | Error of root folder check |
218 | Inherited qualifications cannot be transferred from B to A |
219 | Qualification cannot be transferred from B to A |
220 | Action canceled by user |
221 | IC can only be added to OA with produce segment type |
222 | Only reference logical components can have this OA selection option |
223 | Failed to read object dependencies |
224 | Select exactly one BOM item |
225 | Only BOM items can be assigned to reference logical components |
226 | Reference assignments not allowed for quantity adjustment |
227 | Assign BOM items with object dependencies to logical components only |
228 | Do not assign BOM items without object dependencies to logical components |
229 | Value 'X' for external processing in control key &1 is not allowed |
230 | External processing cannot be used for rework operation &1 |
231 | BOM item &1 w/o obj. dependency must not be assigned to logical component |
232 | BOM item &1 with obj. dependency must be assigned to logical component |
233 | BOM item &1 must be assigned to logical comp. of type variant config. |
234 | BOM item &1 is not yet assigned to a logical component |
235 | Templates with interactive WI cannot be converted to reference templates |
236 | BOM item with the same object dep. is already assigned to log. comp. &1 |
237 | All comps assigned to a log. comp. must have same configuration behavior |
238 | Components assigned to logical component &1 in OA &2 are incompatible |
239 | Sum of OA quantities is less than MBOM item quantity |
240 | Effectivity filter has been set: Paste of templates is not allowed |
241 | BOM item &1 and logical component &2 differ in backflush behavior |
242 | Do not assign items with identical object depend. to the same log. comp. |
243 | MBOM is corrupt: Please select another MBOM |
244 | Template upgrade is not possible for non-editable objects |
245 | Create material allocation first |
246 | Order-specific routings can only be created from Fiori applications |
247 | Only integer quantity can be used in instances case |
248 | There is no quantity available for disassembly |
249 | Table cannot be copied to routings that are executed in SAP ME |
250 | Run conversion report MPE_RTG_UPG_HAS_FLAG |
251 | Work instruction contains input field(s) for backflushed component(s) |
252 | Deleting assignment is failed |
253 | Confirm the input before proceeding when called from Fiori |
254 | Select a component |
255 | No default value for item category found |
256 | Assembly node is not changeable |
257 | Please enter change record |
258 | BOM item &1; reference designators are not unique |
259 | Not editable nodes led to incomplete transfer. Manual check is needed |
260 | Cannot create division of IC group |
261 | Cannot create IC group |
262 | Routing reload is not possible, the routing has already been changed |
263 | Please enter a material |
264 | Please enter an equipment |
265 | OAN &1 version &2 for operation &3 segment &4 not found |
266 | Routing does not have at least one operation that covers all validities |
267 | Technical error in data transfer for custom field |
268 | It is not possible to split assignment of temporary disassembly |
269 | Template has been deleted |
270 | Please enter operation activity number |
271 | Number of instances to be created is very large, recheck your entry |
272 | Please enter a PRT |
273 | SAP ME template cannot be created: IC group exists in the source routing |
274 | SAP ME template cannot be created: Interactive WI in the source routing |
275 | You can only assign PRTs, documents, buyoffs and ICs to reference OAs |
276 | Object is not editable |
277 | You cannot add additional groups to reference operations |
278 | No changes exist for this & |
279 | Enter defect code for rejection |
280 | Operation has no OAs to which the quantity can be distributed |
281 | Please select a template |
282 | Select a template that has not yet been released |
283 | Template group &1, counter &2, version &3 was saved |
284 | Template could not be assigned to change record &1 |
285 | Table cannot be copied to templates that are executed in SAP ME |
286 | Classification is not customized properly: Class type for PLVK not found |
287 | Template group &1, counter &2, version &3 was released |
288 | Template group &1, counter &2, version &3 was deleted |
289 | No authorization to display shared templates |
290 | Number of inspection characteristics for operation &1 approaching limit |
291 | Template is missing |
292 | Could not find characteristic class &1 |
293 | Search by classification failed |
294 | It is not possible to reference a template in a template |
295 | Template &1-&2-&3 has been converted to a reference template successfully |
296 | Do you want to delete the reference template &1-&2-&3? |
297 | Component cannot be assigned to single result inspection characteristic. |
298 | Cannot read template header from XML |
299 | Tables cannot be locally added to reference template OAs |
300 | Enter 'Value From' as the search criteria |
301 | Lower limit ('Value From') is greater than upper limit ('Value To') |
302 | Could not find template |
303 | You cannot delete relationships that are defined in templates |
304 | Single result IC cannot be added in the table with component reference. |
305 | Cannot find the latest released version for template &1 |
306 | Template link already exists |
307 | Folder is not empty |
308 | Increment can take values between 0 and 100 |
309 | Operation number cannot exceed 9999 |
310 | Enter the unit of measure |
311 | Select one production order to which you want to navigate |
312 | Template has been set to obsolete: Refresh the template library |
313 | External processing cannot be used for ERP intergation routings |
314 | No changes exist |
315 | Technical error: Item no is repeated in an operation activity. |
316 | Technical error: ICs in division &1 of &2 do not have same sequence no. |
317 | Technical error: Header division of IC table & is not consistent. |
318 | Technical error: Number of division copies of IC do not match in table &. |
319 | Technical error: chargroup_cref is inconsistent in table &. |
320 | Technical error:No. of division copies do not match no. of divisions in & |
321 | Report is obsolete. Use report MPE_RTG_DATA_MIGRATION instead |
323 | Select the template version to which you want to navigate |
324 | Select the template version you want to set to obsolete |
325 | Select the template version you want to copy |
326 | You can only set released routings to obsolete |
327 | You can only set released templates to obsolete |
328 | Copy of &1 routing is not possible |
329 | Copy of &1 template is not possible |