MQ - Nachrichten f�r EURO - Umsetzpaket
The following messages are stored in message class MQ: Nachrichten f�r EURO - Umsetzpaket.
It is part of development package EWU in software component CA-EUR-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "All objects for EURO conversion".
It is part of development package EWU in software component CA-EUR-CNV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "All objects for EURO conversion".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | No data relevant to conversion is contained in table & |
001 | SY-DBCNT = &1 <> Counter Internal table = &2 |
006 | Invalid license key |
007 | License Key expired, request a new one |
011 | Confirm or change currency key & |
012 | Currency key & not maintained in the system |
013 | Maintain fixed exchange rate with at least six places |
014 | Exchange rates must be more than 0 |
015 | Currency key & already exists |
016 | Error occurred during update |
017 | Error when entering log |
018 | Runtime forecast/changeover indicator not defined for active package & |
019 | Active package could not be identified |
020 | Program & does not exist in the status management for package & |
021 | Phase & of program <> phase & of package |
022 | Preceding program & was not completed successfully |
023 | Program & has already been started |
024 | Program & has already been run successfully |
025 | Client is invalid |
026 | Data is locked by another user |
027 | System error occurred when locking data |
028 | Program & is restarted |
029 | Program & is not restarted |
030 | Program & does not exist in the status management for package & |
031 | Program & from package & : Status & could not be set |
032 | Program & in package & may not be started by user & |
033 | Table & is not active |
034 | Table & does not have any data records |
035 | For table &, conversion program & was generated |
036 | Program & started on & at & by user & |
037 | Program & completed on & at & with status & |
038 | Table &: Data record & in conflict with data record & |
039 | Data records read: &; data records changed: & |
040 | Error(s) occurred above the tolerance limit |
041 | Error number & from message class MQ occurred & times & |
042 | Of which & times with field & |
043 | Field & does not exist in active version of table & |
044 | Caution: Status was manually set to WARNING! By user &, on & at & |
045 | Several company codes exist |
046 | Program & canceled on & at & with status & |
047 | Archiving object &1 not marked as non-critical |
048 | Archiving object &1 contains data from company code &2 from current year |
050 | Program & was not found in the status management for phase & |
051 | No parameters were transferred |
052 | Status & is not defined |
053 | No log entries exist |
054 | No log name exists |
055 | SQL error when writing the log |
056 | Program & contains syntax errors |
057 | Batch job & is no longer running |
058 | Active package & and package & not identical at the time of generation |
059 | Check results for table &1 |
060 | Program &1 cannot be started in a runtime forecast |
061 | Program & contains key update in pool/cluster table |
062 | Package & not found; check your entry |
063 | Runtime forecast & is still active, package & cannot be created |
064 | Source package & does not exist |
065 | Program could not determine an active package with indicator "P" |
066 | & packages are flagged as active |
067 | Forecast package has an invalid phase: & |
068 | Package & was started with phase & |
069 | No programs to be executed were found for package & and phase & |
070 | Program & was scheduled and released |
071 | You cannot schedule program & |
072 | OPEN job: & cannot be opened |
073 | OPEN job: & contains incorrect data |
074 | OPEN job: & job name is missing |
075 | OPEN job: & other error |
076 | SUBMIT job: & contains incorrect PRINT data |
077 | SUBMIT job: & error with external program |
078 | SUBMIT job: & does not exist |
079 | SUBMIT job: & SUBMIT not possible |
080 | SUBMIT job: & cannot be blocked |
081 | SUBMIT job: & program not found |
082 | SUBMIT job: & ABAP and external program specified |
083 | CLOSE job: & cannot be started immediately |
084 | CLOSE job: & has incorrect start date: & & |
085 | CLOSE job: & job name is missing |
086 | CLOSE job: & other CLOSE ERROR |
087 | CLOSE job: & does not contain any steps |
088 | CLOSE job: & does not exist |
089 | CLOSE job: & cannot be blocked |
090 | SUBMIT job: & other error |
091 | SUBMIT job: & contains incorrect data; program: & |
092 | SUBMIT job: & job name is missing |
093 | Program & does not exist |
094 | For program &, predecessor & was not found |
095 | Package &1 is already in phase &2; selection not possible |
096 | Status & of predecessor & could not be interpreted |
097 | & was successfully put in the background |
098 | & could not successfully be put in the background |
099 | No package found with forecast indicator (T) |
100 | Runtime forecast & already exists in phase & |
101 | Currency key cannot be determined for operating concerns |
102 | Forecast package & has already been completed: phase & |
103 | Forecast should be started for package &, phase: & |
104 | Package & to be deleted does not exist |
105 | Package & is already in phase &, is not allowed to be deleted |
106 | New package number &1 already exists and has phase &2 |
107 | Package & was created successfully |
108 | No components have been maintained for conversion package & |
109 | An error occurred when changing correction &1; RETURN CODE &2 |
110 | Parts of conversion package &1 included in correction &2 |
111 | Program &1 contains a SYNTAX-ERROR. |
112 | You are not allowed to start program & in client 000 |
113 | Package & does not exist in client 000 |
114 | Package is valid for Release & |
115 | Error during forecast start; see EWUPROTx log |
116 | Forecast was started successfully; see EWUPROTx log |
117 | This indicator controls the programs to be started |
118 | Active package & is a forecast package; activation not possible |
119 | Record could not be added to table & |
120 | Event & could not be created |
121 | Description could not be created for event & |
122 | An error occurred when deactivating your conversion package & |
123 | An error occurred when deleting package & in table & |
124 | Select a package type to be copied |
125 | Package & is active and has phase & |
126 | Selected package & is already active |
127 | No description found for program & |
128 | Not all preparatory tasks have been carried out by the user department |
129 | You have not yet run all programs from the ANALYZE phase |
130 | You have not yet determined the participating currencies |
131 | New package number & already exists |
132 | You cannot start transaction code & |
133 | Your SAP Release & does not support the EMU changeover |
134 | Program & only runs under SAP Release 4.0 |
135 | You have not yet transferred the customer-defined tables |
136 | You have not yet run all programs from the RECON phase |
137 | Package & may not be deactivated; phase: & |
138 | Package & was activated successfully |
139 | Package & could not be activated |
140 | Program &1 could not be deactivated |
141 | Program &1 was deactivated |
142 | Deactivation of program &1 not reversible |
143 | Package & could not be deactivated |
144 | Package & was deactivated successfully |
145 | Changeover package & is already in phase & |
146 | Job & is already scheduled or is currently running |
147 | Program & is not allowed to run in phase &; active package: & |
148 | Active package &1 is not flagged as P or T |
149 | You are not allowed to delete standard packages |
150 | You are only allowed to flag one package as "active" |
151 | Start job for phase & has been activated: EWU_PHASEN_START_ & |
152 | System downtime was set for active package & |
153 | Check event: EWU_PHASEN_START_CLIENT |
154 | Package &1 already in phase &2. Starting preprocess.programs not allowed |
155 | Package &1 is in phase &2; you cannot start conversion programs |
156 | Program was completed properly |
157 | Package & is not in the postprocessing phase but in & |
158 | System lock could not be set |
159 | Runtime forecast for package &1 has been completed |
160 | System lock could not be completed |
161 | System lock was completed for package &1 |
162 | Runtime forecast & is active in phase &; you cannot start preprocessing |
163 | Flag for defining whether a package can be restarted |
164 | Runtime forecast & is already in phase & |
165 | Package & not found |
166 | Package & is already "not able to be restarted" |
167 | Package & is now "not able to be restarted" |
168 | The restart flag could not be set for package & |
169 | Package & is already "able to be restarted" |
170 | Package & is now "able to be restarted" |
171 | The variants &1 for program &2 were not found |
172 | You are not allowed to activate package &1. Phase: &2 |
173 | Current Hot Package &1 does not match your active package &2 |
174 | Package &1 is already past the ANALYZE/FILL phase |
175 | You MUST NOT change the default restart settings ===> |
176 | Changeover package & is already in phase & |
179 | Program & has logical errors and will not be rescheduled! |
180 | Single record buffer reset on server &1 |
181 | Error when resetting the single record buffer on server &1 |
182 | Generic buffer reset on server &1 |
183 | Error when resetting the generic buffer on server &1 |
184 | Application server(s) could not be determined |
187 | Program status & modified by predecessor & |
188 | Status of the successor of program & changed to & |
189 | Program & was started ONLINE and abended ! |
190 | Runtime forecast for package & with sequential program start |
191 | Phase &: & hours & minutes |
192 | Tables with the longest forecast runtime: |
193 | Table &: & hours & minutes |
194 | Number of table entries determined |
195 | Program & could not be considered for forecast |
196 | Table &1 could not be considered for forecast |
198 | Transferred package & does not match active package & |
199 | Event & could not be sent |
200 | ------------------ MM messages ------------------------------------- |
201 | Difference & & between MM and FI account & company code & |
202 | Document for company code & and account & already posted |
203 | Charge off the difference from & & manually |
204 | There are differences between purch.order history records and open items |
205 | Check open items in G/L account & with allocation number & |
206 | Not all FI/CO documents for purchase order &1 item &2 are in the system |
207 | G/L account missing for valuation segment & & & |
208 | Difference in MM/FI values larger than maximum rounding error & & & |
209 | MM/FI transfer table could not be updated |
210 | MM/FI transfer table updated |
211 | No differences found |
212 | Price = 0 for valuation type &3 of material &1 in valuation area &2 |
213 | Price = 0 for material & in val.area & special stock & val.type & |
214 | Document & & & for purchase order item & does not exist in table BSEG |
215 | Provision account key (KVSL2) is initial: purch. order item & & KNUMV= & |
216 | For p.order & item & there are diff. greater than rounding diff.: & & |
217 | P.order & Item &: Quantity balance = 0, Value balance = & & |
218 | See SAP Note & |
219 | PO & item &: combination vgabe &, bewtp & is not possible |
220 | Difference & on document & & & |
221 | Sum of document differences in company code & for account & : & |
222 | Standard price of material changed. Price before: & Price after: & |
260 | -------------------- Messages FI-FM, IS-PS 266 - 299 ----------------- |
261 | & earmarked funds were marked for correction |
281 | Cost accounting is not active in company code &1 |
300 | ------ CO messages ------------------------------------------------------ |
301 | & entries were generated in table EWUCOSUM |
302 | Reconciliation of balances not possible for & |
303 | Settlement documents for object & could not be reconciled |
304 | No differences found |
305 | Reconciliation was successful |
306 | & & & & |
307 | & &: Difference between data records too large (& or &) |
308 | & &: Difference between settlement documents too large (& or &) |
309 | Commitment values for object & could not be reconciled |
310 | Invalid report call |
311 | No object information found for & |
312 | Currency for object & is inconsistent |
313 | Incorrect organizational unit (object &) |
314 | For object type &, & entries were generated |
315 | Company code & does not exist (object &) |
316 | Controlling area & does not exist (object &) |
317 | FM area & does not exist (object &) |
318 | & entries generated in table EWUCOK |
319 | & entries generated in table EWUCOKAL |
320 | Program & does not exist for operating concern & |
321 | Determination of CO objects terminated with an error |
322 | Internal error: Determination of CO objects terminated |
323 | Unknown file name & in settlement document for & |
324 | Currency not found for the org.unit (object &, fiscal year &) |
325 | Error when updating tab. &: &, cost elem. &, trans. & |
327 | No controlling area information exists in TKA01 |
328 | Investment program positions were found but no programs |
329 | Investment program position &1 without investment program |
330 | ************************ Messages Cluster Solution ********** |
331 | EWUCSIZE currently active. Only display possible during this time! |
332 | & is a dependent table and does not require cluster memory |
333 | Table & is not active in the Data Dictionary |
334 | Double entries are deleted automatically |
335 | Data for package &1 was saved |
336 | You need to enter at least & tables manually |
337 | System error during TABLESPACE search |
338 | System error |
339 | Table & not recognizable as relevant to conversion |
340 | Enter value <= 30 |
341 | You are not authorized to activate table EWUCLU |
345 | According to 'Find largest tables' no execution required |
350 | Maximum number of clusters (9998) exceeded |
370 | ********************* Messages for CO-PA ****************************** |
371 | Totals table & not found in the catalog |
372 | Error reading the NAMETAB for key table & |
373 | Error reading field &1 in key table &2 |
391 | No authorization for maintaining currency tables |
392 | Unexpected error during authorization check |
393 | Euro currency Customizing has already been confirmed |
394 | Euro currency Customizing was confirmed successfully |
395 | Euro currency Customizing was not confirmed |
396 | Termination; unexpected error |
397 | Confirmation of euro currency Customizing reset |
398 | Euro currency Customizing has not yet been confirmed |
400 | ************************************************************************* |
401 | Memo record wth ID number &1 in company code &2 could not be changed |
402 | Memo record with ID number &1 in company code &2 changed |
403 | Error when maintaining EWUCUR: contains no records for selected package |
404 | Currency key and exchange rate type for the euro not found |
405 | Currency key and exchange rate type for the euro cannot be determined |
406 | Table EWUCUR is not maintained for the selected package |
407 | Error when maintaining tables TCUR* and EWUCUR |
408 | Currency & is not relevant to conversion according to current package |
409 | Historical exchange rates for the euro not yet (completely) maintained |
410 | Exchange rate entered differs from the old value by more than &1% |
411 | Currency key &1 is unknown |
412 | Package has not yet been defined |
413 | Ex.rate upper limit must be at least 10 times as large as the lower limit |
414 | Only enter scalings as factors: 1, 10, 100, ... |
415 | Exchange rate &1 - &2 from &3 does not seem to be plausible |
416 | Plausibility of the exchange rates maintained is questionable |
417 | You must specify the euro exchange rate with six valid places |
418 | Caution: Very dangerous activity |
419 | Deletion denied |
420 | Tables TCUR* and EWUCUR prepared, euro codes can be read automatically |
421 | Exchange rate entry ignored |
422 | No EMU participating currencies found |
423 | Euro Customizing not confirmed, program ended |
424 | Euro Customizing was not yet confirmed |
425 | Euro Customizing is not clear |
426 | Confirm that euro Customizing was determined correctly |
427 | Customizing of currencies for the euro is missing or incomplete |
428 | Package &1 was already started; only display possible |
429 | No currencies have been maintained for active package &1 |
430 | ****************** Messages from central routines *********************** |
431 | Unexpected error &2 in routine &1 |
432 | Error when determining/creating a euro ledger (currency key &1) |
433 | No participating currencies maintained for active package &1 |
434 | Factors were changed for currency &1; create new package |
435 | No entries in table &1 for active package &2 |
436 | Exchange rate was changed for currency &1; create new package |
437 | Overflow when translating an amount - record not translated |
438 | Ex.rate type &4: Ratios &1/&2 are missing for &3 - record not translated |
439 | Ex.rate type &4: Ratios &1/&2 missing for &3 - ex.rate fld not translated |
440 | No entries in table &1 for package &2 and currency origin &3 |
441 | Overflow when translating an exchange rate - record not translated |
442 | Ledger & does not exist in TBP0L |
443 | No condition record found in table KONP, S071 record not converted |
444 | Currency key not maintained in table S071, record not converted |
445 | Overflow while translating an amount - maximum value was entered |
446 | No date found for table set; record not translated |
447 | Date for table record not found, system date used |
449 | Overflow when converting an exchange rate - ex.rate amount not converted |
450 | Currency key &1 is unknown (data record: KNUMV = &2, KPOSN = &3) |
451 | No currencies to be changed over selected for package &1 |
452 | Currencies to be changed over for package &1 and histor.rates maintained |
453 | Confirm maintenance of historical exchange rates for euro |
454 | Define exchange rate types for historical exchange rates |
455 | Currency selection termination: No authorization for maintaining table &1 |
456 | Currency selection termination: Error during authorization check |
457 | You can only enter directly quoted exchange rates |
461 | Double entries occurred when adding entries to table & |
462 | Record &2 could not be converted in table &1 |
463 | No entry in TKA00 for controlling area = &1 and fiscal year = &2 |
464 | No entry in COBK for controlling area = &1 and document no. = &2 |
465 | Error: Currency in field &1 is not the same as company code currency &2 |
466 | Error: several target currencies have been specified in table EWUCUR |
471 | No Euro Customizing has been found. Do you want to confirm this? |
472 | No currency key was found for ISO code EUR |
473 | Several currency keys were found for ISO code EUR |
474 | Specification of Package Type |
475 | Change of specified package type (see long text) |
476 | Type of package &1 adjusted successfully |
480 | ------------------FI and FI-SL Errors----------------------------------- |
481 | Differences between ledger & and export ledger & in company code & |
482 | Differences between ledger & and export ledger & in company & |
483 | All ledgers were compared with the export ledgers |
484 | Export ledgers for G/L account transaction figures were reconstructed |
485 | Error when deleting data from table & |
491 | Database access error |
492 | No ex.rate factors changed; ex.rate field conversion w/o date possible |
493 | &1 records deleted from table &2 |
494 | Exchange rate factors for the following currency pairs are not constant: |
495 | &1 records could not be deleted from table &2 |
498 | Constant &1 for document splitting has not been created in G/L accounting |
499 | & & & & |
501 | -------------------------- FI errors ------------------------------------ |
502 | Customizing is not complete |
503 | Posting keys are required for adjustment category & |
504 | A document type is not required for adjustment category &1 |
505 | A document type is required for adjustment category & |
506 | No G/L account entered for adjustment category & and chart/accts & |
507 | Posting key & is not defined for debit items |
508 | Posting key & is not defined for credit items |
509 | Posting key & is not defined for G/L account items |
510 | Number range & not found for company code & and year & |
511 | Document type & with number range & has external document no.assignment |
512 | "UMBUCHNG" entry from table T041A not found |
513 | Error when reading document header &/&/& since it does not exist |
514 | Adjustment made in the transaction figures for & |
515 | Document & posted in company code & |
516 | No additional clearings to be adjusted |
517 | There were no entries in the transaction figures for & to be adjusted |
518 | No differences occurred in transaction figures for & |
519 | There are differences in the transaction figures for & |
520 | Document balance is not zero |
521 | Required field for document header is not filled |
522 | Required field for line item is not filled |
523 | Required field for changing table & is not filled |
524 | Error in internal table T_SCA; field & is not filled |
525 | Error when reading line item; document &/&/& has already been archived |
526 | Error when reading line item; line item &/&/&/& does not exist |
527 | An error occurred when changing table & |
528 | Difference too large; too large a value appears for & in record &/& |
529 | No entry could be selected for package & in table & |
530 | There are differences in clearing procedures |
531 | When saving in table &, error & occurred |
532 | Account & in company code & has line item management |
533 | Defective system status in table EWUFI_SCA |
534 | Number of entries read and entries posted is not identical |
535 | Account control was changed for G/L account & in company code & |
536 | Error when reading index table & |
537 | Balances are not managed in local currency for account & company code & |
538 | Account & in company code & does not have company code currency |
539 | Currency not found for company code & and type & |
540 | An error occurred when converting document &/&/& |
541 | Payment runs &1 / &2 not completed |
542 | System error: Program had to be terminated |
543 | Dunning runs &1 / &2 have not been completed |
544 | Valuation difference was not zero in &1/&2/&3/&4 |
545 | Problems occurred during reconciliation |
547 | There are minor differences in company code &1 fiscal year &2 |
548 | Posting period &4 for variant &1, account type &2 has not been closed |
549 | Balance master for &1 &2 co.code &3 special G/l transac. &4 not available |
550 | ------------------------- FI-AA errors ---------------------------------- |
551 | Error when reconciling company code &1 |
552 | Error when posting the adjustment document to account &1 |
553 | Error when setting up transaction figures within FI-AA in comp.code &1 |
554 | Company code &1: Asset balance sheet values are not completely posted |
555 | Differences between assets and G/L accts in the balance carried forward |
556 | No differences between assets and G/L accts in the balance carr.forward |
557 | Differences between assets and G/L accounts at the key date |
558 | Place the cursor on an error text or asset number |
559 | The selected company codes do not have any defective assets |
560 | You have not restricted the transaction types in company code &1 |
561 | No differences between assets and G/L accounts at the key date |
562 | Differences between assets and G/L accounts adjusted at the key date |
563 | Error in transaction figures within FI-AA in company code &1. |
564 | Amount moved to &1/&2/&3/&4 |
571 | Company code &1: &2 asset summary records read from ANLC |
572 | &1 records added to table EWUFIAASUM |
573 | &1 records read from table EWUFIAASUM |
574 | Company code &1: &2 assets read |
575 | Company code &1: &2 asset line items changed in table ANEP |
580 | Enter a year for company code & first |
581 | Transaction type & is not allowed |
582 | Transaction type & cannot be deleted |
590 | Closed year &1 in company code &2 and area &3 incorrect |
591 | Memo value in company code &1 and area &2 |
592 | Current fiscal year &1 in company code &2 does not match present year |
593 | Current fiscal year &1 in company code &2 does not match present year |
594 | Check the log with log name &1 &2 &3 |
595 | Currency &4 from company code &1 does not match valuation area &2 |
600 | Possible curr.type &1 in field &3 in table &2 does not have a euro curr. |
601 | Table &1 is not active in the DDIC |
602 | Field &2 in table &1 is not active in the DDIC |
603 | Table &1 is not used in the system |
604 | Curr.type &1 in field &3 in table &2 does not have a particip.currency |
605 | Currency type &1 in field &3 in table &2 only occurs as &4 |
606 | Test run without database changes |
607 | &1&2&3&4 |
609 | Currency could not be determined for financial transaction &1 |
610 | No operating concerns have been defined |
611 | &1 operating concerns are not transferred due to incomplete maintenance |
612 | &1 operating concerns are not transferred due to missing blocking factor |
613 | No blocking factor defined for operating concern &1 |
614 | CO-PA structure &2 has not been defined for operating concern &1 |
615 | CO-PA ledger &3 has not been defined for operating concern &1 |
616 | No CO-PA ledger has been defined for operating concern &1 |
617 | An incomplete definition was determined for operating concern &1 |
618 | Operating concern &1 is not completely active |
620 | &2 entries are generated for table &1 |
621 | No currency has been maintained for depreciation area &2 in comp.code &1 |
622 | No participating currency defined for deprec.area &2 in comp.code &1 |
623 | Currency type &1 only appears in characteristic value &2 |
624 | Currency type &1 only appears with non-participating currencies |
625 | Currency type &1 only appears in different characteristic values |
626 | Table &1 belongs to development class $TMP |
627 | Field &2 is not considered in table &1 |
630 | Ledger currency for budget and planning ledger &1 is not unique |
631 | Determination of &1 local currency for company code &2 not possible |
632 | Table type &1 is not defined; table &1 will not be processed |
633 | EIS: No information could be read for aspect &1 |
634 | EIS: Determination of compound characteristics went wrong |
635 | DDIC information could not be determined for object &1 |
636 | Determination of curr.object characteristics not possible for table &1 |
637 | Determination of curr.object characteristics not possible for table &1 |
638 | EIS: Unknown currency type in cross-referenced table &1 |
639 | EIS: Attributes could not be determined for field &2 in table &1 |
640 | EIS reference currencies are not sufficient: E1 to E9 |
641 | EIS: Currency table & has more than 2 key fields... |
642 | Reference field not found for field &1 &2 and currency type &3... |
644 | Chart/depr. &1 key &2 does not have a unique currency key |
650 | Error when updating the key fields in the relevant record |
651 | Problems when converting table &1 (database structure &2) for key: |
652 | Problems when converting table &1 using database structure &2 |
653 | Problems occurred when converting field &1 |
654 | Record from &1 not converted due to an error when converting from &2 |
660 | General information on conversion: |
661 | Program name : &1 |
662 | Converted table : &1 |
663 | Database system : &1 |
664 | Operating system : &1 |
665 | SAP System ID : &1 |
666 | SAP Release : &1 |
667 | Error log: |
668 | Conversion was completed without any problems |
669 | Summary of the conversion results: |
670 | Conversion started as test run -> No changes to database |
672 | &2 records were read and &3 records changed in table &1 |
673 | &2 records were read, &3 changed, &4 added in table &1 |
674 | In table &1 &2 records were read, &3 deleted, &4 changed |
680 | ************************ 680 - 699 Messages IM ************************* |
681 | Check investment measures of company code &1 |
682 | Currency difference too large. Object &1 |
683 | Database error- object &1 |
684 | Currency difference corrected for object &1 |
685 | Making limitations is not allowed when processing changeover package |
686 | Error recalculating depreciation: Company code &1 fixed asset &2 &3 |
700 | Selected changeover package &1 does not contain any displayable data |
701 | Error when reading the log |
702 | No log exists for the selected entry; see long text |
703 | Change from changeover package &1 to runtime forecast &2 |
704 | Change from runtime forecast &1 to changeover package &2 |
705 | Active package was changed |
706 | Missing information for table &2 to be converted; see long text |
707 | Missing information for program &2; see long text |
708 | Missing information for program &2; see long text |
709 | Conversion package &1 does not exist |
710 | Conversion package &1 has not yet been started |
711 | Error during data selection |
712 | Missing information for table &2; see long text |
713 | No entries which can be displayed exist in phase &1 |
714 | Active package &1 is a runtime forecast |
715 | Current changeover package does not have a runtime forecast |
716 | No data which can be displayed exists for this setting |
717 | Package &1 does not exist |
720 | ************************ EC-CS messages ********************************* |
721 | Special items not maintained for cons.chart of accts &1 in version &2 |
722 | Euro adjustment items not maintained for consolidation chart/accts &1 |
723 | Version &1 not maintained |
724 | Default values &1 not maintained for view &2 and cons.chart of accts &2 |
725 | No ledgers defined for ledger currency conversion |
726 | No consolidation units defined for local currency conversion |
727 | Transaction &1 is not relevant to local currency changeover |
728 | Item &1 is not a balance sheet item |
729 | Item &1 is not a P+L item |
730 | Adjustment item &1 is not allowed to require a partner assignment |
731 | Reconciliation differences have already occurred in phase &1 |
732 | Year &1 is different from planning year &2 from active package &3 |
733 | Convers.of assigned rollup consolidation units takes place automatically |
734 | Package &1 has incorrect package type (only package type "ECCS" allowed) |
735 | Consolidation unit &1 already uses currency &2 |
736 | &1: Breakdown by characteristic &2 not supported |
740 | &1 was already converted; activity no longer supported |
741 | FS item &1 is not a balance sheet or income statement item |
742 | Unblocking not possible for all organizational units |
743 | Balance for company &1 not carried forward into year &2 |
744 | Balance for ledger &1 not carried forward into year &2 |
745 | Status management for &1 not decided on in previous year |
746 | Subgroup &1 (ledger &2) not yet locked in year &3 for version &4 |
747 | Group currency has not been reconciled |
748 | No companies found |
749 | Subgroup &1 (version &2, year &3) does not have any assigned companies |
750 | ************************* FI-LC messages ************************** |
751 | Ledger &1 is not an LC ledger |
752 | Package &1 has incorrect package type (only package type "FILC" allowed) |
753 | Company &1 is not assigned to an LC ledger |
754 | No ledgers specified for FI-LC |
755 | Choose a currency for reconciliation |
756 | Specifications for euro reconciliation have not been maintained |
757 | Period &1 is not allowed for reconciliation posting(s) |
758 | Reconciliation period &1 is not allowed |
759 | Active package &1 has incorrect package type |
760 | No valid ledgers found |
761 | Planning year not specified for package &1 |
762 | Company &1 from local currency group &2 not assigned to package &3 |
763 | Entry cannot be deleted since package &1 was already converted |
764 | Package &1 does not exist |
765 | Version &1 does not exist |
766 | Loading default values not possible: no active package of type "FILC" |
767 | No companies found which are assigned to LC ledgers |
768 | No organizational units were found for package &1 |
769 | Default values were created for package &1 |
770 | Company &1 is already assigned to package &2 |
771 | Ledger &1 is already assigned to package &2 |
772 | Item &1 is not a balance sheet item |
773 | Item &1 is not a P+L item |
774 | Item &1 is a totals item |
775 | Specify a year for reconciliation |
776 | Rollup company &1 (subgroups &2) is not assigned to package &3 |
777 | Company code &1 from company &2 has not yet been changed over |
778 | Group currency &1 from ledger &2 not yet converted using standard package |
779 | Ledger &1 is from application "FI-LC" and should not be deleted |
780 | ************************ Consolidation messages - integration *********** |
781 | Euro trans.types not maintained for cons.staging ledger reconciliation |
782 | Reconciliation of transaction type for account &1 not possible |
783 | The system settings do not require a cons.staging ledger reconciliation |
784 | No relevant company codes found |
785 | Update run only allowed with active status management |
786 | Update run not allowed in phase &1 |
787 | Cons.proc.ledger &1: Convert currency type 30 --> 80 |
788 | Rollup units: LC converted automatically during ledger conversion |
789 | Currency type for ledger &1 is not allowed to be changed from 80 -> 30 |
790 | &1 LC-conversion not yet performed; beg. bk val. currencies FI=&2, LC=&3 |
791 | Retained earnings are not defined in selected item table |
792 | Retained earnings for inc.stmnt are not defined in selected item table |
793 | Retained earnings are not defined in selected item table |
794 | Retained losses are not defined in selected item table |
800 | ------------------------ FI errors - analysis --------------------------- |
801 | No data from docs/trans.figures reconciliation co.code &1 year &2 |
802 | Differences exist in company code &1 for year &2 |
803 | No differences exist in company code &1 for year &2 |
804 | Balance exists in &1st local currency in ledger &2 company code &3 |
805 | Balance in fiscal year &1 in period &2 is &3 &4 |
806 | You can find the log for program &1 in the spool list |
807 | Number of updates: & in table & |
808 | For ledger: &1 company code: &2 fiscal year: &3 period: &4 |
809 | Posting period &4 for variant &1, account type &2 has not been closed |
810 | ------------------- For ADMI_CRIT maintenance view ---------------------- |
811 | Error when saving table &1 |
812 | Objects could not be locked; transaction is terminated |
813 | No entry could be read |
814 | Object &1 has already been unlocked |
815 | Object &1 has already been locked |
816 | Select at least one entry |
817 | &1 has already been unlocked; lock it again in order to change it |
818 | Object searched for could not be found |
819 | You have not made any changes |
820 | Changes were made successfully |
821 | Table &1 (key: &2) has already been locked by user &3 |
822 | Transaction was canceled by user |
823 | Table &1 is not active or does not have any fields |
824 | Object table &1, entry &2 is already in correction number: &3 |
825 | Object &1-&2 is already in user &4's request/task &3 |
826 | Error when creating the new object |
827 | Error when deleting object &1 |
828 | Object &1 already exists and cannot be inserted |
829 | You can only delete objects individually |
830 | No changes were made |
831 | The changes have been saved |
832 | Execute "All selected for transport" function first |
833 | Selected package &1 does not contain any data which can be displayed |
834 | Use transaction "HOSH" |
850 | Conversion rule was stored successfully |
851 | No active changeover package exists |
852 | Internal error when determining the changeover package number |
853 | Data from the changeover package was transferred to conversion |
854 | The selected tables were saved successfully |
855 | The selected table fields were saved successfully |
856 | No fields found for table &1 |
857 | No records to be saved found |
858 | Table &1 is converted using a special program; selection not possible |
859 | The data type should be CUKY |
860 | Table field &1 belongs to the key from table &2 and must be declared |
865 | You want to delete the user-defined entries for package &1 |
866 | Any existing user-defined entries have been deleted |
867 | Data in package &1 was copied to the active package (&2) |
868 | No currency types found in table &1 - possible empty? |
870 | Exchange rate specification &1/&2: &3 indirect quote only (Note 1076718) |
880 | -------------- FI-Error (880-899)--------------------------------------- |
881 | Differences exist between transaction figures and documents (index) |
882 | Document line item &/&/&/& does not contain an item currency |
883 | Program had to be stopped; see long text |
884 | The following data has been created for company code &1 |
885 | ChAc Adj.categ. G/L act |
886 | Adj.categ. Doc.type Deb.PK Deb.PK |
887 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
888 | "Balances in LC only" is not active for acct &1 company code &2 |
889 | Not all minor differences have been eliminated in co.code &1 fisc.year &2 |
890 | You do not have authorization to display &1 in company code &2 |
891 | The document summarization for fields & & is active |
892 | Acc. &1 (adjmnt cat. 003) in chart of acc. &2 must be a bal. sheet accnt |
893 | For cash journal account & & do not set "balances only in LC" |
894 | ALE: Company code & was not checked due to active FIDCC1 / FIDCC2 |
895 | ALE: Accounts administered externally in company code & were not checked |
896 | Reconcil.acct &1/&2 is managed on an open item basis so cannot be checked |
897 | P+L account &1/&2 is managed on an open item basis so cannot be checked |
898 | Clearing &1/&2(&3)/&4 has different summarization groups |
899 | Clearing &1/&2(&3)/&4 was summarized incorrectly during the RECON phase |
901 | Package &1 already started. No change to package type possible |
902 | It was possible to import difference table for CoCode & F.year & |
903 | It was not possible to import the difference tables status management |
904 | Error during analysis of company code & in fiscal year & |
905 | Error during the analysis of company code & |
910 | Runtime forecast deactivated, see SAP Note 821868 |