MSGCL_OPS_SE_PUR - Message Class for Purchase Order Messages
The following messages are stored in message class MSGCL_OPS_SE_PUR: Message Class for Purchase Order Messages.
It is part of development package OPS_SE_PUR_XI_PROXY in software component MM-PUR-GF-ES. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Web Service Proxies Purchasing".
It is part of development package OPS_SE_PUR_XI_PROXY in software component MM-PUR-GF-ES. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Web Service Proxies Purchasing".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Error occurred when converting eSOA service intervals to ABAP ranges |
001 | Indicator conversion error occurred |
002 | Empty selection criteria |
003 | Description of purchasing document type &1 in language &2 does not exist |
004 | Text for item category &1 in language &2 does not exist |
005 | No purchase order was found for the specified selection criteria |
006 | Enter a product availability requirement ID |
007 | Enter a purchase order number |
008 | Purchase order not updated; specify SAP SCM system in which PAR ID exists |
009 | Assign a logical system to the current client in Customizing for SAP ERP |
010 | Error occurred when processing purchase order &1 |
011 | Logical system &1 not found |
013 | Exception &1 occured in &2 &3 &4. |
015 | Header currency (&1) and currency code (&2) of item &3 should be equal. |
026 | No authorization for purchasing document type &1, activity &2 |
027 | No authorization for purchasing group &1, activity &2 |
028 | No authorization for purchasing organization &1, activity &2 |
029 | Cannot convert unit &1 to ISO unit code in Purchase Order &2 item &3. |
030 | In SelectionByItemProcessingTypeCode codes 0, 2, 3, 5, 7 are supported. |
031 | MaterialInternalID, MaterialStandardID or MaterialBuyerID must be filled. |
032 | Upper Boundary is less than the Lower Boundary in the selection criteria. |
033 | Error occurred during output conversion of field &1 |
034 | Scheduling Agreement &1 exists |
035 | Scheduling Agreement &1 processed successfully |
036 | Schedule line &1 already exists |
037 | Schedule line &1 does not exists |
038 | Subcontracting component &1 already exists |
039 | Subcontracting component &1 does not exists |
040 | Value in InclusionExclusionCode must be "I" or "E" |
041 | Only values 1,3,7,9 for IntervalBoundaryTypeCode supported |
042 | At least one include indicator should be set |
043 | Partner for role code &1 does not exist |
044 | No documents selected with goods receipt deviation |
045 | Header condition &1 already exists |
046 | Header condition &1 does not exist |
047 | Maintain all elements in same language code |
048 | Purchase Order &1 details successfully retrieved |
049 | Item condition &1 already exists |
050 | Item condition &1 does not exist |
051 | Error while reading archived Purchase Orders |
054 | Formatted Name cannot be entered for a material item |
055 | Hierarchy relationship cannot be entered for a material item |
056 | Service item specific details cannot be entered for a material item |
057 | Limits cannot be entered for a material item |
058 | Enter Upper Boundary |
059 | Enter Lower Boundary |
060 | Enter a Purchase Order Item Number |
061 | At least one Inclusion code is mandatory |
062 | Base Quantity Type code is not supported |
063 | Maintain same unit code at item &1. |
064 | Outline hierarchy cannot exceed beyond level 4. |
065 | 'Formatted Name' is mandatory field for outlines |
066 | No items exist for the selection (Please check the input) |
067 | Item Processing Type Code missing. |
068 | Currency Code &1 doesnot match document currency &2. |
069 | Invalid entry for &1 |
070 | Enter Seller ID in case of using Seller Assortment Product Group ID |
071 | Product Procurement Arrangement Type Code &1 is invalid. |
072 | Enter either &1 or &2 |