MSGCL_OPS_SE_PUR - Message Class for Purchase Order Messages

The following messages are stored in message class MSGCL_OPS_SE_PUR: Message Class for Purchase Order Messages.
It is part of development package OPS_SE_PUR_XI_PROXY in software component MM-PUR-GF-ES. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Web Service Proxies Purchasing".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error occurred when converting eSOA service intervals to ABAP ranges
001Indicator conversion error occurred
002Empty selection criteria
003Description of purchasing document type &1 in language &2 does not exist
004Text for item category &1 in language &2 does not exist
005No purchase order was found for the specified selection criteria
006Enter a product availability requirement ID
007Enter a purchase order number
008Purchase order not updated; specify SAP SCM system in which PAR ID exists
009Assign a logical system to the current client in Customizing for SAP ERP
010Error occurred when processing purchase order &1
011Logical system &1 not found
013Exception &1 occured in &2 &3 &4.
015Header currency (&1) and currency code (&2) of item &3 should be equal.
026No authorization for purchasing document type &1, activity &2
027No authorization for purchasing group &1, activity &2
028No authorization for purchasing organization &1, activity &2
029Cannot convert unit &1 to ISO unit code in Purchase Order &2 item &3.
030In SelectionByItemProcessingTypeCode codes 0, 2, 3, 5, 7 are supported.
031MaterialInternalID, MaterialStandardID or MaterialBuyerID must be filled.
032Upper Boundary is less than the Lower Boundary in the selection criteria.
033Error occurred during output conversion of field &1
034Scheduling Agreement &1 exists
035Scheduling Agreement &1 processed successfully
036Schedule line &1 already exists
037Schedule line &1 does not exists
038Subcontracting component &1 already exists
039Subcontracting component &1 does not exists
040Value in InclusionExclusionCode must be "I" or "E"
041Only values 1,3,7,9 for IntervalBoundaryTypeCode supported
042At least one include indicator should be set
043Partner for role code &1 does not exist
044No documents selected with goods receipt deviation
045Header condition &1 already exists
046Header condition &1 does not exist
047Maintain all elements in same language code
048Purchase Order &1 details successfully retrieved
049Item condition &1 already exists
050Item condition &1 does not exist
051Error while reading archived Purchase Orders
054Formatted Name cannot be entered for a material item
055Hierarchy relationship cannot be entered for a material item
056Service item specific details cannot be entered for a material item
057Limits cannot be entered for a material item
058Enter Upper Boundary
059Enter Lower Boundary
060Enter a Purchase Order Item Number
061At least one Inclusion code is mandatory
062Base Quantity Type code is not supported
063Maintain same unit code at item &1.
064Outline hierarchy cannot exceed beyond level 4.
065'Formatted Name' is mandatory field for outlines
066No items exist for the selection (Please check the input)
067Item Processing Type Code missing.
068Currency Code &1 doesnot match document currency &2.
069Invalid entry for &1
070Enter Seller ID in case of using Seller Assortment Product Group ID
071Product Procurement Arrangement Type Code &1 is invalid.
072Enter either &1 or &2
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