MSG_UH - Universal Hierarchy Message Class

The following messages are stored in message class MSG_UH: Universal Hierarchy Message Class.
It is part of development package UH_CORE in software component FI-GL-GL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Universal Hierarchy".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Hierarchy is locked by &1.
001Hierarchy version &1 doesn't exist.
002The current hierarchy version doesn't have a temporary version.
003Hierarchy type description cannot be empty.
004You need to enter a timeframe (valid from/to) to create a node.
005Only saved hierarchies can be activated.
006Node &1 doesn't exist.
007Reference node &1 doesn't exist.
008Only time-dependent hierarchy can be activated/deactivated.
009You cannot delete an activated/in revision hierarchy.
010This node cannot be moved up.
011This node cannot be moved down.
012The hierarchy cannot be activated with root only.
013Class field cannot be empty.
014You can only deactivate active hierarchies. This hierarchy is not active.
015Enter a hierarchy description.
016Hierarchy ID &1 already exists in &2. Specify a new hierarchy ID.
017Category &1 does not exist.
018Enter a hierarchy ID.
019Entity &1 does not exist.
020Class Field &1 does not exist.
021There is already an active timeframe existing.
022Entity &1 is incorrect.
023Value &1 already exists in this hierarchy. Specify a different value.
024Time periods cannot overlap in this hierarchy. Adjust the time periods.
025Enter a value range from lower to higher.
026Value &1 already exists in reference nodes. Specify a different value.
027Missing parameter previous node id
028Cannot cancel editing because this hierarchy is locked by &1.
029Copy is not allowed.
030Node cannot be moved to a subnode.
031Specify validity dates (from/to) for this hierarchy.
032Hierarchy is not time-dependent.
033Node is not time-dependent.
034Specify validity dates (from/to) for this node.
035BADI implementation is missing for category &1
037This hierarchy is currently locked by &1 and cannot be saved.
038Object does not exist.
039Reuse source &1 does not exist.
040Destination node does not exist.
041You cannot import nodes to this destination node.
042Do not allow range value.
043Hierarchy IDs can contain a maximum of &1 characters.
044Node IDs can contain a maximum of &1 characters.
045Node descriptions can contain a maximum of &1 characters.
046Invalid SET source ID.
047Value &1 is too long.
048Range value is not allowed.
049You are not authorized to change the hierarchy.
050You are not authorized to delete the hierarchy.
051You are not authorized to display the hierarchy.
052You are not authorized to create a hierarchy.
053You cannot change the hierarchy &1 from here.
054Hierarchy &1 cannot be used here.
055You cannot delete the hierarchy from here.
056Invalid sort order.
057Only characters 'A-Z 0-9 _ -' are allowed for hierarchy ID.
058Only characters 'A-Z 0-9 _ -' are allowed for node ID.
059Legacy application usage is not allowed due to feature toggle is inactive
060Root node cannot be deleted.
061Semantic tag &1 is invalid.
062You cannot add semantic tag to this node.
063You cannot add node under node &1.
064Node &1 can�t be deleted because subnode &2 can�t be deleted.
065You should upload the Excel file in xlsx format.
066Entity &1 doesn't exist.
067Specify Version ID in slug parameter
068Invalid Version ID
069Incorrect hierarchy ID uploaded.
070Incorrect hierarchy type uploaded.
071Line &1: Value &2 is not valid for root node
072Multiple root nodes exist in line &1.
073Line &1: Parent node &2 does not exist.
074Line &1: Value &2 overlaps with value &3 in line &4.
075Line &1: Only characters 'A-Z 0-9 _ -' are allowed for node ID.
076Line &1: Node IDs can contain a maximum of &2 characters.
077Line &1: Node descriptions may only contain a maximum of &2 characters.
078Line &1: Entity &2 is incorrect.
079Line &1: Range Value is not allowed in this hierarchy.
080Line &1: Enter a value range from lower to higher.
081Line &1: Value &2 not exist or not valid in the timeframe.
082&1 cannot be reloaded.
083You uploaded wrong hierarchy &1.Please upload the correct hierarchy type.
084Save Option &1 is invalid.
085You cannot add leaf under node &1.
086Attribute &1 is invalid on node &2.
087Attribute value &1 is invalid for attribute �&2� on node &3.
088This hierarchy is not being edited. You cannot save it.
089Information incomplete. Only make changes in the downloaded spreadsheet.
090Root node is missing. A hierarchy must have a root node.
091Node &1 cannot be changed.
092Semantic tags cannot be added to node &1.
093Node &1 cannot be moved.
094The subnodes of node &1 cannot be moved.
095Line &1: Parent node &2 is not in the hierarchy.
096Special FS item nodes of the financial statement version are missing.
097The Assets node cannot be moved under the Liabilities and Equity node.
098The Liabilities and Equity node cannot be moved under the Assets node.
099Subnodes cannot be added to this node.
100Accounts cannot be assigned to this node.
101Functional areas cannot be assigned to this node.
102Please select either debit or credit.
103Attributes are missing for node &1.
104Selecting only debit or credit without contra node is not allowed.
105Cannot set contra node. Different accounts are assigned to the items.
106Node &1 is already a contra node. Delete contra node before reassigning.
107Selecting both debit and credit with contra node is not allowed.
108Node &1 cannot be a contra node because no account can be allocated to it
109Tag &1 cannot be removed from node &2.
110Tag &1 cannot be assigned to node &2.
111This item cannot be moved to a node with a contra node.
112Invalid attribute in json format.Create incident for component FI-FIO-GL.
113You cannot delete node &1 due to node &2 has contra node.
114Source node &1 has already been deleted.
115Class Field Value is missing. Create an incident for component FI-FIO-GL.
116Hierarchy ID &1 exists. Enter a new ID. More information in in-app help.
117A node cannot be its own contra node.
118Please select both debit and credit.
119Node &1 cannot be assigned as a contra node.
120You cannot move item from a node with contra node.
121Master data element &1 could not be distinguished, please use value help.
122The debit/credit attribute for this node cannot be changed.
123Values &1 and &2 are duplicated in the hierarchy. Check and correct them.
124Master data &1 doesn't exist.
125Hierarchy ID &1 exists in Manage Global Accounting Hierarchies app.
126Please enter a node ID.
127Invalid class field &1 for business entity &2
128Hierarchy is not time-dependent. It cannot be copied to a new timeframe.
129Node &1 cannot be imported because component(node &2) cannot be imported.
130Node &1 already exists in this hierarchy.
131Value &1 of &2 already exists in this hierarchy.
132Nodes &1 and &2 overlap in this hierarchy.
133Values &1 and &2 of &3 overlap in this hierarchy.
134One node can have a maximum of &1 semantic tags assigned to it.
135Hierarchy Description can contain a maximum of &1 characters.
136Financial Statement Version &1 does not exist. Select a FSV to import.
137Financial Statement Version without chart of accounts is not supported
138FSV with accounts from multiple chart of accounts is not supported.
139Semantic Tag &1 can only be assigned to node &2. Import not supported.
140Duplicate found for value &1.
141Values &1 and &2 overlap.
142FS Item in source app is empty. Importing will create an error.
143FS Item &1 in source app are duplicate. Importing will create an error.�
144Account &1 already exists. Cannot set contra node.
145Accounts &1 and &2 overlap. Cannot set contra node.
146Financial Statement Version IDs can contain a maximum of &1 characters.
147Parent node cannot be set as contra node.
148Parsing for type &1 failed.
149You cannot create custom hierarchy for attribute &1.
150Whitelist configuration is not completed.
151&1 Hierarchy Type is already created.
152Creating &1 Hierarchy Type failed due to technical error. &2
153Hierarchy Type &1 does not exist.
154You cannot delete Hierachy Type &1. Hierarchies of this type exist.
155Cannot change Use in Compatible Group for this hierarchy.
156Cannot change Use in Compatible Group due to Hierarchy ID exceed limit.
157Nodes can only contain &1 characters.
158The following timeframes need to be revised:
159More than &1 results will be returned. This may take several moments.
160Select OK to continue or Cancel to refine your filter.
161Hierarchy &1 had been proccessed by others.
162Failed to update notification for hierarchy &1 due to technical error. &2
163Hierarchy ID &1 is in use for &2 in Manage Global Hierarchies.
164Please select a new ID.
165Failed to update hierarchy &1.
166Failed to update &1 hierarchies.
167Failed to update &1 hierarchy.
168Failed to activate or deactivate financial statement version &1.
169For new users, &1 can only be edited in Manage Global Hierarchies.
170You need to deactivate the FSV before editing it.
171Line &1: Semantic tag &2 does not exist.
172Line &1: Special tag &2 can only be assigned to normal node.
173Line &1: You cannot assign two fixed semantic tags to a node.
174Line &1: Special tag &2 already assigned at line &3.
175Default node &1 missing. Assign semantic tag &2 to corresponding node.
176Line &1: Default node &2 cannot be a parent node.
177Line &1: Assets cannot be a subnode of Liabilities and Equity.
178Line &1: Liabilities and Equity cannot be a subnode of Assets.
179Line &1: Each node can only have one type of child node.
180Line &1: A semantic tag has been assigned to this line more than once.
181Line &1: Normal nodes must have both debit and credit balance settings.
182Line &1: G/L Account should have at least one side of credit/debit.
183Line &1: Functional areas should not be set as neither debit nor credit.
184Line &1: A node cannot be its own contra node.
185Line &1: Contra node can be set either debit or credit.
186Line &1: Assign &2 because its contra node in line &3 is &4.
187Line &1: Contra node can only be set for nodes.
188Line &1: Node with tag &2 can be set either debit or credit.
189Line &1: &2 is already assigned as contra node at line &3.
190Line &1: Special node &2 cannot be contra node.
191Line &1: Contra node &2 does not exist in hierarchy.
192Line &1: &2 only G/L account can be added as children under contra node.
193Line &1: Child nodes differ from its contra node line &2.
194Line &1: Sign flip can only be assigned to normal nodes.
195Line &1: Set as either debit or credit.
196Simulation is only allowed for one time frame.
197Please assign at least one child of &1 to assign the parent semantic tag.
198Enter one valid transport request.
199Invalid group.
200Profit center group &1 doesn't exist.
201Incorrect input &1. Select a profit center group from the value help.
202You are not authorized to change group &1.
203Cannot delete a node with leaves in an active standard hierarchy.
204Standard hierarchy &1 cannot be activated.
205Some &1 are unassigned. Check the Unassigned Master Data tab page.
206You are not authorized to change profit center &1.
207An active hierarchy already exists. Do you want to replace it?
208&1 &2 is locked by user &3.
209Your changes on the hierarchy will update the profit center master data.
210Failed to activate the standard hierarchy. Updating &1 &2 failed.
211&1 &2 does not exist.
212It�s not allowed to deactivate a standard hierarchy directly.
213To deactivate a standard hierarchy, you can activate another one.
214Line &1: Range is not supported.
215Valid From/To is ignored for standard hierarchy.
216Semantic tag &1 cannot be maintained manually.
217Line &1 : Semantic tag &2 can't be maintained manually.
218Line &1: Semantic tag assignment is not applicable to this node type.
219Hierarchy &1 is pre-delivered content and cannot be changed.
220Hierarchy &1 is pre-delivered content and cannot be deactivated.
221Hierarchy &1 is pre-delivered content and cannot be activated.
222Hierarchy &1 is pre-delivered content and cannot be deleted.
223Hierarchy &1 is pre-delivered content and cannot be copied to.
224Invalid node ID.
225Invalid Attribute &1
226Attribute Value &1 is invalid for attribute �&2�
227Node &1 cannot be deleted.
228Attribute &1 is mandatory.
229Please correct your inputs.
230Hierarchy &1 does not exist.
231Change and make the hierarchy ID no more than &1 characters.
232Clear the Use in Compatible Group checkbox and choose 'OK'.
233The hierarchy ID and node ID cannot exceed a total of 14 characters.
234Line &2: Node &1 cannot be changed.
235Line &2: Node &1 cannot be moved.
236Line &2: You cannot add leaf under node &1.
237Line &2: You cannot add node under node &1.
238&1 &2 cannot be deleted.
239Valid from date must be less than valid to date.
240Functional Area is already assigned to the hierarchy.
241Contra Node is already assigned to the hierarchy.
242Specify another subnode other than &1. &2
243&2 conflict with &1. Each &3 must have a &2 different from others.
244The node cannot have a &2 different with its higher-level node &1.
245To change the &1, remove all the existing &2 first.
246Line &1: Invalid attribute &2.
247Line &1: Value &2 is invalid for attribute �&3�.
248Contra Node is not permitted in this hierarchy.
249Functional Area is not permitted in this hierarchy.
250It�s not allowed to move a subnode to its &1.
251It�s not allowed to move any part of the subnode to its &1.
252Cannot change the &2 for hierarchy &1.
253Make sure that &1 or &2 is an empty subnode.
254Cannot execute. &1 has been migrated to global hierarchies.
255Cannot execute. &1 &2 has been migrated to global hierarchies.
256You have imported subnode &1.
257Please be noted that the &2 for &1 has been deleted.
258Line &1: Contra node is not allowed in this hierarchy.
259Line &1: Functional area is not allowed in this hierarchy.
260Your changes on the hierarchy will update the cost center master data.
261Line &1: Change the parent ID of special node &2.
262Line &1: Check if reclassification increment is missing for ref. node &2.
263Line &1: Ensure reclassification increment for ref. nodes are different.
264Line &1: Node &2 is not a ref. node of node &3.
265Line &1: Clear the contra node for node &2.
266Line &1: Remove all semantic tags for node &2.
267Line &1: &2 and &3 are ref. nodes. Make sure their subnodes are the same.
268Line &1: Reclassification increment can only be set for nodes.
269Line &1: Clear the reclassification increment for node &2.
270Line &1: Node &2 should be maintained as ref. node of node &3.
271Line &1: Number of ref nodes of node &2 and node &3 are different.
272Cannot change 'Aging' through a spreadsheet. Edit it directly in the app.
273Cannot change the &1 field for this hierarchy.
274Semantic tags assigned to the hierarchy timeframe &1 will be ignored.
275&1 is a cash account that cannot be added under contra node.
276Cannot change the node to contra node because it contains cash accounts.
277Line &1: &2 is a cash account and cannot be added under contra node.
278&1 contains cash accounts that cannot be added under contra node.
279&1 is a cash account.
280Line &1: &2 contains cash accounts that can't be added under contra node.
281Attribute &1 of &2 has been removed.
282The node cannot have a &2 different with its lower-level node &1.
283Cannot move &1 to under a node with a different &2.
284&1 contains functional areas. Cannot move it to under a node with a &2.
285The node cannot have a contra node when its higher-level node &1 has &2.
286&1 contains functional areas. Cannot add &2.
287Line &1: The node cannot have a &2 different with its higher-level node.
288Line &1: Functional areas cannot be assigned to node &2.
289The node cannot have a contra node when it has a &2.
290Line &1: Invalid reclass. increment &2. Select from dropdown list.
291Line &1: Reclassification only for accounts whose higher node has a &2.
292Value &1 with the same attribute already exists.
293Aging &1 is invalid.
294No reclassification increment is assigned to &1.
295Reclassification increment &1&2&3&4 not assigned to any node.
296Transport is not available. No changes allowed.
297Record &1: Missing hierarchy ID.
298Record &1: Missing hierarchy category.
299The hierarchy has been changed by others. Please reload the hierarchy.
300Active FSV &1 already exists in Manage Financial Statement Versions app.
301Hierarchy &1 is locked by &2.
305Cannot assign reclassification increment. Node contains functional areas.
306Cannot execute. &1 &2 is not relevant for global hierarchy migration.
307Cannot move to under a node that allows bank account grouping.
308Bank account grouping is only possible when a contra node is specified.
309Line &1: Bank account grouping is enabled. Specify a contra node.
310Line &1: Bank account grouping can only be enabled for nodes.
311Lines &1/&2: Bank account grouping must be same for contra node nodes.
312Attribute &1 is not applicable�to node &2.
314Nodes of draft hierarchy cannot be imported as referenced nodes.
315Cannot copy. &1 is different.
316Cannot copy. Setting of "&1" is different.
317Line &1: Incorrect node type.
318&1 is a private hierarchy. Changes are not allowed.
319Hierarchy is not editable in production system
3200001 is reserved for standard hierarchy, which can only be edited in &1.
321Line &1: Not a referenced node. Please change its type.
322&1 is referenced from &2. To enable auto update, select &2 as source.
324&1 has been used by a private &2. Specify a different hierarchy ID.
325Duplicate entries found
326Only letters (A-Z) and number (0-9) are allowed for hierarchy type keys.
327Hierarchy type key cannot be empty.
328Only characters 'A-Z', '0-9', and '_' are allowed for group names.
329Attribute group name cannot be empty.
330HRRP type &1 already exists. Specify a different hierarchy type ID.
331HRRP namespace &1 already exists. Specify a different hierarchy type ID.
332Business entity name cannot be empty.
333Only characters 'A-Z', '0-9', and '_' are allowed for entity names.
334Attribute name cannot be empty.
335Only characters 'A-Z', '0-9', and '_' are allowed for attribute names.
336Filters are not supported.
337Financial statement version &1 is empty.
338Migration of &1 is still ongoing.
339Changes to & will be reverted, for example, when its migration is undone.
340The hierarchy is still used in the following applications:
341The hierarchy nodes are still used in the following applications:
342&1: &2 is used in &3 of &4.
343Value range is not allowed for &1 in Manage Global Hierarchies.
344&1 is a referenced node. Edit is only allowed in its source hierarchy &2.
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