MSG_UH - Universal Hierarchy Message Class
The following messages are stored in message class MSG_UH: Universal Hierarchy Message Class.
It is part of development package UH_CORE in software component FI-GL-GL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Universal Hierarchy".
It is part of development package UH_CORE in software component FI-GL-GL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Universal Hierarchy".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Hierarchy is locked by &1. |
001 | Hierarchy version &1 doesn't exist. |
002 | The current hierarchy version doesn't have a temporary version. |
003 | Hierarchy type description cannot be empty. |
004 | You need to enter a timeframe (valid from/to) to create a node. |
005 | Only saved hierarchies can be activated. |
006 | Node &1 doesn't exist. |
007 | Reference node &1 doesn't exist. |
008 | Only time-dependent hierarchy can be activated/deactivated. |
009 | You cannot delete an activated/in revision hierarchy. |
010 | This node cannot be moved up. |
011 | This node cannot be moved down. |
012 | The hierarchy cannot be activated with root only. |
013 | Class field cannot be empty. |
014 | You can only deactivate active hierarchies. This hierarchy is not active. |
015 | Enter a hierarchy description. |
016 | Hierarchy ID &1 already exists in &2. Specify a new hierarchy ID. |
017 | Category &1 does not exist. |
018 | Enter a hierarchy ID. |
019 | Entity &1 does not exist. |
020 | Class Field &1 does not exist. |
021 | There is already an active timeframe existing. |
022 | Entity &1 is incorrect. |
023 | Value &1 already exists in this hierarchy. Specify a different value. |
024 | Time periods cannot overlap in this hierarchy. Adjust the time periods. |
025 | Enter a value range from lower to higher. |
026 | Value &1 already exists in reference nodes. Specify a different value. |
027 | Missing parameter previous node id |
028 | Cannot cancel editing because this hierarchy is locked by &1. |
029 | Copy is not allowed. |
030 | Node cannot be moved to a subnode. |
031 | Specify validity dates (from/to) for this hierarchy. |
032 | Hierarchy is not time-dependent. |
033 | Node is not time-dependent. |
034 | Specify validity dates (from/to) for this node. |
035 | BADI implementation is missing for category &1 |
037 | This hierarchy is currently locked by &1 and cannot be saved. |
038 | Object does not exist. |
039 | Reuse source &1 does not exist. |
040 | Destination node does not exist. |
041 | You cannot import nodes to this destination node. |
042 | Do not allow range value. |
043 | Hierarchy IDs can contain a maximum of &1 characters. |
044 | Node IDs can contain a maximum of &1 characters. |
045 | Node descriptions can contain a maximum of &1 characters. |
046 | Invalid SET source ID. |
047 | Value &1 is too long. |
048 | Range value is not allowed. |
049 | You are not authorized to change the hierarchy. |
050 | You are not authorized to delete the hierarchy. |
051 | You are not authorized to display the hierarchy. |
052 | You are not authorized to create a hierarchy. |
053 | You cannot change the hierarchy &1 from here. |
054 | Hierarchy &1 cannot be used here. |
055 | You cannot delete the hierarchy from here. |
056 | Invalid sort order. |
057 | Only characters 'A-Z 0-9 _ -' are allowed for hierarchy ID. |
058 | Only characters 'A-Z 0-9 _ -' are allowed for node ID. |
059 | Legacy application usage is not allowed due to feature toggle is inactive |
060 | Root node cannot be deleted. |
061 | Semantic tag &1 is invalid. |
062 | You cannot add semantic tag to this node. |
063 | You cannot add node under node &1. |
064 | Node &1 can�t be deleted because subnode &2 can�t be deleted. |
065 | You should upload the Excel file in xlsx format. |
066 | Entity &1 doesn't exist. |
067 | Specify Version ID in slug parameter |
068 | Invalid Version ID |
069 | Incorrect hierarchy ID uploaded. |
070 | Incorrect hierarchy type uploaded. |
071 | Line &1: Value &2 is not valid for root node |
072 | Multiple root nodes exist in line &1. |
073 | Line &1: Parent node &2 does not exist. |
074 | Line &1: Value &2 overlaps with value &3 in line &4. |
075 | Line &1: Only characters 'A-Z 0-9 _ -' are allowed for node ID. |
076 | Line &1: Node IDs can contain a maximum of &2 characters. |
077 | Line &1: Node descriptions may only contain a maximum of &2 characters. |
078 | Line &1: Entity &2 is incorrect. |
079 | Line &1: Range Value is not allowed in this hierarchy. |
080 | Line &1: Enter a value range from lower to higher. |
081 | Line &1: Value &2 not exist or not valid in the timeframe. |
082 | &1 cannot be reloaded. |
083 | You uploaded wrong hierarchy &1.Please upload the correct hierarchy type. |
084 | Save Option &1 is invalid. |
085 | You cannot add leaf under node &1. |
086 | Attribute &1 is invalid on node &2. |
087 | Attribute value &1 is invalid for attribute �&2� on node &3. |
088 | This hierarchy is not being edited. You cannot save it. |
089 | Information incomplete. Only make changes in the downloaded spreadsheet. |
090 | Root node is missing. A hierarchy must have a root node. |
091 | Node &1 cannot be changed. |
092 | Semantic tags cannot be added to node &1. |
093 | Node &1 cannot be moved. |
094 | The subnodes of node &1 cannot be moved. |
095 | Line &1: Parent node &2 is not in the hierarchy. |
096 | Special FS item nodes of the financial statement version are missing. |
097 | The Assets node cannot be moved under the Liabilities and Equity node. |
098 | The Liabilities and Equity node cannot be moved under the Assets node. |
099 | Subnodes cannot be added to this node. |
100 | Accounts cannot be assigned to this node. |
101 | Functional areas cannot be assigned to this node. |
102 | Please select either debit or credit. |
103 | Attributes are missing for node &1. |
104 | Selecting only debit or credit without contra node is not allowed. |
105 | Cannot set contra node. Different accounts are assigned to the items. |
106 | Node &1 is already a contra node. Delete contra node before reassigning. |
107 | Selecting both debit and credit with contra node is not allowed. |
108 | Node &1 cannot be a contra node because no account can be allocated to it |
109 | Tag &1 cannot be removed from node &2. |
110 | Tag &1 cannot be assigned to node &2. |
111 | This item cannot be moved to a node with a contra node. |
112 | Invalid attribute in json format.Create incident for component FI-FIO-GL. |
113 | You cannot delete node &1 due to node &2 has contra node. |
114 | Source node &1 has already been deleted. |
115 | Class Field Value is missing. Create an incident for component FI-FIO-GL. |
116 | Hierarchy ID &1 exists. Enter a new ID. More information in in-app help. |
117 | A node cannot be its own contra node. |
118 | Please select both debit and credit. |
119 | Node &1 cannot be assigned as a contra node. |
120 | You cannot move item from a node with contra node. |
121 | Master data element &1 could not be distinguished, please use value help. |
122 | The debit/credit attribute for this node cannot be changed. |
123 | Values &1 and &2 are duplicated in the hierarchy. Check and correct them. |
124 | Master data &1 doesn't exist. |
125 | Hierarchy ID &1 exists in Manage Global Accounting Hierarchies app. |
126 | Please enter a node ID. |
127 | Invalid class field &1 for business entity &2 |
128 | Hierarchy is not time-dependent. It cannot be copied to a new timeframe. |
129 | Node &1 cannot be imported because component(node &2) cannot be imported. |
130 | Node &1 already exists in this hierarchy. |
131 | Value &1 of &2 already exists in this hierarchy. |
132 | Nodes &1 and &2 overlap in this hierarchy. |
133 | Values &1 and &2 of &3 overlap in this hierarchy. |
134 | One node can have a maximum of &1 semantic tags assigned to it. |
135 | Hierarchy Description can contain a maximum of &1 characters. |
136 | Financial Statement Version &1 does not exist. Select a FSV to import. |
137 | Financial Statement Version without chart of accounts is not supported |
138 | FSV with accounts from multiple chart of accounts is not supported. |
139 | Semantic Tag &1 can only be assigned to node &2. Import not supported. |
140 | Duplicate found for value &1. |
141 | Values &1 and &2 overlap. |
142 | FS Item in source app is empty. Importing will create an error. |
143 | FS Item &1 in source app are duplicate. Importing will create an error.� |
144 | Account &1 already exists. Cannot set contra node. |
145 | Accounts &1 and &2 overlap. Cannot set contra node. |
146 | Financial Statement Version IDs can contain a maximum of &1 characters. |
147 | Parent node cannot be set as contra node. |
148 | Parsing for type &1 failed. |
149 | You cannot create custom hierarchy for attribute &1. |
150 | Whitelist configuration is not completed. |
151 | &1 Hierarchy Type is already created. |
152 | Creating &1 Hierarchy Type failed due to technical error. &2 |
153 | Hierarchy Type &1 does not exist. |
154 | You cannot delete Hierachy Type &1. Hierarchies of this type exist. |
155 | Cannot change Use in Compatible Group for this hierarchy. |
156 | Cannot change Use in Compatible Group due to Hierarchy ID exceed limit. |
157 | Nodes can only contain &1 characters. |
158 | The following timeframes need to be revised: |
159 | More than &1 results will be returned. This may take several moments. |
160 | Select OK to continue or Cancel to refine your filter. |
161 | Hierarchy &1 had been proccessed by others. |
162 | Failed to update notification for hierarchy &1 due to technical error. &2 |
163 | Hierarchy ID &1 is in use for &2 in Manage Global Hierarchies. |
164 | Please select a new ID. |
165 | Failed to update hierarchy &1. |
166 | Failed to update &1 hierarchies. |
167 | Failed to update &1 hierarchy. |
168 | Failed to activate or deactivate financial statement version &1. |
169 | For new users, &1 can only be edited in Manage Global Hierarchies. |
170 | You need to deactivate the FSV before editing it. |
171 | Line &1: Semantic tag &2 does not exist. |
172 | Line &1: Special tag &2 can only be assigned to normal node. |
173 | Line &1: You cannot assign two fixed semantic tags to a node. |
174 | Line &1: Special tag &2 already assigned at line &3. |
175 | Default node &1 missing. Assign semantic tag &2 to corresponding node. |
176 | Line &1: Default node &2 cannot be a parent node. |
177 | Line &1: Assets cannot be a subnode of Liabilities and Equity. |
178 | Line &1: Liabilities and Equity cannot be a subnode of Assets. |
179 | Line &1: Each node can only have one type of child node. |
180 | Line &1: A semantic tag has been assigned to this line more than once. |
181 | Line &1: Normal nodes must have both debit and credit balance settings. |
182 | Line &1: G/L Account should have at least one side of credit/debit. |
183 | Line &1: Functional areas should not be set as neither debit nor credit. |
184 | Line &1: A node cannot be its own contra node. |
185 | Line &1: Contra node can be set either debit or credit. |
186 | Line &1: Assign &2 because its contra node in line &3 is &4. |
187 | Line &1: Contra node can only be set for nodes. |
188 | Line &1: Node with tag &2 can be set either debit or credit. |
189 | Line &1: &2 is already assigned as contra node at line &3. |
190 | Line &1: Special node &2 cannot be contra node. |
191 | Line &1: Contra node &2 does not exist in hierarchy. |
192 | Line &1: &2 only G/L account can be added as children under contra node. |
193 | Line &1: Child nodes differ from its contra node line &2. |
194 | Line &1: Sign flip can only be assigned to normal nodes. |
195 | Line &1: Set as either debit or credit. |
196 | Simulation is only allowed for one time frame. |
197 | Please assign at least one child of &1 to assign the parent semantic tag. |
198 | Enter one valid transport request. |
199 | Invalid group. |
200 | Profit center group &1 doesn't exist. |
201 | Incorrect input &1. Select a profit center group from the value help. |
202 | You are not authorized to change group &1. |
203 | Cannot delete a node with leaves in an active standard hierarchy. |
204 | Standard hierarchy &1 cannot be activated. |
205 | Some &1 are unassigned. Check the Unassigned Master Data tab page. |
206 | You are not authorized to change profit center &1. |
207 | An active hierarchy already exists. Do you want to replace it? |
208 | &1 &2 is locked by user &3. |
209 | Your changes on the hierarchy will update the profit center master data. |
210 | Failed to activate the standard hierarchy. Updating &1 &2 failed. |
211 | &1 &2 does not exist. |
212 | It�s not allowed to deactivate a standard hierarchy directly. |
213 | To deactivate a standard hierarchy, you can activate another one. |
214 | Line &1: Range is not supported. |
215 | Valid From/To is ignored for standard hierarchy. |
216 | Semantic tag &1 cannot be maintained manually. |
217 | Line &1 : Semantic tag &2 can't be maintained manually. |
218 | Line &1: Semantic tag assignment is not applicable to this node type. |
219 | Hierarchy &1 is pre-delivered content and cannot be changed. |
220 | Hierarchy &1 is pre-delivered content and cannot be deactivated. |
221 | Hierarchy &1 is pre-delivered content and cannot be activated. |
222 | Hierarchy &1 is pre-delivered content and cannot be deleted. |
223 | Hierarchy &1 is pre-delivered content and cannot be copied to. |
224 | Invalid node ID. |
225 | Invalid Attribute &1 |
226 | Attribute Value &1 is invalid for attribute �&2� |
227 | Node &1 cannot be deleted. |
228 | Attribute &1 is mandatory. |
229 | Please correct your inputs. |
230 | Hierarchy &1 does not exist. |
231 | Change and make the hierarchy ID no more than &1 characters. |
232 | Clear the Use in Compatible Group checkbox and choose 'OK'. |
233 | The hierarchy ID and node ID cannot exceed a total of 14 characters. |
234 | Line &2: Node &1 cannot be changed. |
235 | Line &2: Node &1 cannot be moved. |
236 | Line &2: You cannot add leaf under node &1. |
237 | Line &2: You cannot add node under node &1. |
238 | &1 &2 cannot be deleted. |
239 | Valid from date must be less than valid to date. |
240 | Functional Area is already assigned to the hierarchy. |
241 | Contra Node is already assigned to the hierarchy. |
242 | Specify another subnode other than &1. &2 |
243 | &2 conflict with &1. Each &3 must have a &2 different from others. |
244 | The node cannot have a &2 different with its higher-level node &1. |
245 | To change the &1, remove all the existing &2 first. |
246 | Line &1: Invalid attribute &2. |
247 | Line &1: Value &2 is invalid for attribute �&3�. |
248 | Contra Node is not permitted in this hierarchy. |
249 | Functional Area is not permitted in this hierarchy. |
250 | It�s not allowed to move a subnode to its &1. |
251 | It�s not allowed to move any part of the subnode to its &1. |
252 | Cannot change the &2 for hierarchy &1. |
253 | Make sure that &1 or &2 is an empty subnode. |
254 | Cannot execute. &1 has been migrated to global hierarchies. |
255 | Cannot execute. &1 &2 has been migrated to global hierarchies. |
256 | You have imported subnode &1. |
257 | Please be noted that the &2 for &1 has been deleted. |
258 | Line &1: Contra node is not allowed in this hierarchy. |
259 | Line &1: Functional area is not allowed in this hierarchy. |
260 | Your changes on the hierarchy will update the cost center master data. |
261 | Line &1: Change the parent ID of special node &2. |
262 | Line &1: Check if reclassification increment is missing for ref. node &2. |
263 | Line &1: Ensure reclassification increment for ref. nodes are different. |
264 | Line &1: Node &2 is not a ref. node of node &3. |
265 | Line &1: Clear the contra node for node &2. |
266 | Line &1: Remove all semantic tags for node &2. |
267 | Line &1: &2 and &3 are ref. nodes. Make sure their subnodes are the same. |
268 | Line &1: Reclassification increment can only be set for nodes. |
269 | Line &1: Clear the reclassification increment for node &2. |
270 | Line &1: Node &2 should be maintained as ref. node of node &3. |
271 | Line &1: Number of ref nodes of node &2 and node &3 are different. |
272 | Cannot change 'Aging' through a spreadsheet. Edit it directly in the app. |
273 | Cannot change the &1 field for this hierarchy. |
274 | Semantic tags assigned to the hierarchy timeframe &1 will be ignored. |
275 | &1 is a cash account that cannot be added under contra node. |
276 | Cannot change the node to contra node because it contains cash accounts. |
277 | Line &1: &2 is a cash account and cannot be added under contra node. |
278 | &1 contains cash accounts that cannot be added under contra node. |
279 | &1 is a cash account. |
280 | Line &1: &2 contains cash accounts that can't be added under contra node. |
281 | Attribute &1 of &2 has been removed. |
282 | The node cannot have a &2 different with its lower-level node &1. |
283 | Cannot move &1 to under a node with a different &2. |
284 | &1 contains functional areas. Cannot move it to under a node with a &2. |
285 | The node cannot have a contra node when its higher-level node &1 has &2. |
286 | &1 contains functional areas. Cannot add &2. |
287 | Line &1: The node cannot have a &2 different with its higher-level node. |
288 | Line &1: Functional areas cannot be assigned to node &2. |
289 | The node cannot have a contra node when it has a &2. |
290 | Line &1: Invalid reclass. increment &2. Select from dropdown list. |
291 | Line &1: Reclassification only for accounts whose higher node has a &2. |
292 | Value &1 with the same attribute already exists. |
293 | Aging &1 is invalid. |
294 | No reclassification increment is assigned to &1. |
295 | Reclassification increment &1&2&3&4 not assigned to any node. |
296 | Transport is not available. No changes allowed. |
297 | Record &1: Missing hierarchy ID. |
298 | Record &1: Missing hierarchy category. |
299 | The hierarchy has been changed by others. Please reload the hierarchy. |
300 | Active FSV &1 already exists in Manage Financial Statement Versions app. |
301 | Hierarchy &1 is locked by &2. |
305 | Cannot assign reclassification increment. Node contains functional areas. |
306 | Cannot execute. &1 &2 is not relevant for global hierarchy migration. |
307 | Cannot move to under a node that allows bank account grouping. |
308 | Bank account grouping is only possible when a contra node is specified. |
309 | Line &1: Bank account grouping is enabled. Specify a contra node. |
310 | Line &1: Bank account grouping can only be enabled for nodes. |
311 | Lines &1/&2: Bank account grouping must be same for contra node nodes. |
312 | Attribute &1 is not applicable�to node &2. |
314 | Nodes of draft hierarchy cannot be imported as referenced nodes. |
315 | Cannot copy. &1 is different. |
316 | Cannot copy. Setting of "&1" is different. |
317 | Line &1: Incorrect node type. |
318 | &1 is a private hierarchy. Changes are not allowed. |
319 | Hierarchy is not editable in production system |
320 | 0001 is reserved for standard hierarchy, which can only be edited in &1. |
321 | Line &1: Not a referenced node. Please change its type. |
322 | &1 is referenced from &2. To enable auto update, select &2 as source. |
324 | &1 has been used by a private &2. Specify a different hierarchy ID. |
325 | Duplicate entries found |
326 | Only letters (A-Z) and number (0-9) are allowed for hierarchy type keys. |
327 | Hierarchy type key cannot be empty. |
328 | Only characters 'A-Z', '0-9', and '_' are allowed for group names. |
329 | Attribute group name cannot be empty. |
330 | HRRP type &1 already exists. Specify a different hierarchy type ID. |
331 | HRRP namespace &1 already exists. Specify a different hierarchy type ID. |
332 | Business entity name cannot be empty. |
333 | Only characters 'A-Z', '0-9', and '_' are allowed for entity names. |
334 | Attribute name cannot be empty. |
335 | Only characters 'A-Z', '0-9', and '_' are allowed for attribute names. |
336 | Filters are not supported. |
337 | Financial statement version &1 is empty. |
338 | Migration of &1 is still ongoing. |
339 | Changes to & will be reverted, for example, when its migration is undone. |
340 | The hierarchy is still used in the following applications: |
341 | The hierarchy nodes are still used in the following applications: |
342 | &1: &2 is used in &3 of &4. |
343 | Value range is not allowed for &1 in Manage Global Hierarchies. |
344 | &1 is a referenced node. Edit is only allowed in its source hierarchy &2. |
345 |