MSI_CUST - Message Class for Customizing Load

The following messages are stored in message class MSI_CUST: Message Class for Customizing Load.
It is part of development package MSI_CUST in software component AP-MD-BF-SYN. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Material Service Integration: Product Customizing".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Own logical system could not be determined
002Unable to save product ID conversion data
003Unable to save product ID save format
004Selection type '&1' not supported by data extractor
005Database has been changed
006Backup of data for message control failed
007Conversion failed, entry with key 'MATCONV' missing
008Message control for Purchasing: entry &1 &2 not found
009Message control for Purchasing: entry &1 &2 not unique
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