MSR_REPLACEMENT - Messages for Transactions MSR_VRM and MSR_RM_LFU

The following messages are stored in message class MSR_REPLACEMENT: Messages for Transactions MSR_VRM and MSR_RM_LFU.
It is part of development package MSR_REPLACEMENT in software component LO-ARM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr
Message Text
002Nothing found; check your selection criteria &1: supplier no. missing; document cannot be included in tree
004Error during tree creation because of inconsistent data; see log
005Enter correct transaction code
006A technical error occured while displaying the tree
007You are not authorized to use transaction &
008Customizing incorrect; receiving replacement materials not possible
010Replacement purchase order cannot be created; see session log
011Replacement purchase order & has been created;see session log for details
012All items have no replacement quantity; replacement PO is not created
013No items selected in document list
014No items can be adopted into ALV Grid &1: No items available; display not possible
016Not all items were adopted into ALV Grid; see session log for details
018No items have been adopted into ALV Grid; see session log for details
019Start data selection
020Serious internal error &1 &2 has different supplier; no adoption possible &1 &2 has different company code; no adoption possible &1 &2 has different purchasing organization; no adoption possible
024Advanced Returns Management is not active; function is not possible &1 &2 has different document type; no adoption possible &1 &2 is already adopted into ALV Grid
100*** 100 - 199 Messages from MSR_VRM_GR
101Plant &1 is not maintained
102Storage location &1 is not maintained
103Storage location &1 is not maintained in plant &2
104Purchasing group & not defined (please check your input)
105Enter purchasing group
106Full products cannot be used for replacement material
107Material &1 not maintained in plant &2
108Replaced quantity exceeds maximum replaceable quantity
109Enter replacement material
110No inbound delivery for replacement purchase order has been created
111Enter plant
112Enter storage location
113Returns PO &1 is locked by user &2
114Item &1 of replacement PO &2 is locked by user &3
115Enter unit of measure for replacement quantity
116Unit &1 cannot be used for replacement purchase order
117Enter unit of measure for replaced quantity
118Unit &1 cannot be used for replaced quantity
119Enter replaced quantity
120Purchasing document category not active for Advanced Returns Management
121Enter document type for returns purchase order
122Enter document type for replacement purchase order
123Document type &1 is not a valid type for returns purchase orders
124Document type &1 is not a valid type for replacement purchase orders
125Document type &1 is not assigned a valid doc. type for replacement POs
126Document type &1 cannot receive replacements from supplier
127Not all selected lines can be duplicated; see session log
128PO &1 item &2 is fully compensated; no duplication possible
129No row selected for duplication
130Document type &1 is not a valid type for intracompany store returns
131Material & does not need to be handled in batches
132Batch &1 not maintained for material &2 (check your entries)
133RPO &1 item &2: Replaced qty exceeds max. replaceable qty by &3 &4
200Logistical follow-up activity has been saved
201Logistical follow-up act. cannot be confirmed; see error log for details
202Logistical follow-up activity cannot be saved; see error log for details
203Logistical follow-up activity has been confirmed
204User settings: Variant &1 could not be found
205User settings: Load and apply worklist variant "&1" directly
206User settings: Loading worklist variant "&1"
207Follow-up activity &1 &2 only allowed for supplier &3
208This delivery (&1) is currently being processed by another user (&2)
209You cannot block the transaction at the moment
210Only the following UoM can be selected; base UoM: &1 or sales UoM: &2
211Only the following UoM can be selected; base UoM: &1
212No split items of delivery item &1 could be confirmed
213Item no.&1: If the del. qty is not fully covered, an open item is needed
214Item no.&1: There are split items with quantity zero
215Item no.&1: Total qty of the split items does not equal delivery qty
216Some items could not be confirmed; see error log for details
217Some split items of delivery item &1 could not be confirmed
218Item no.&1, split item no.&2: Follow-up activity is not specified
219Item no.&1, split item no.&2: A follow-up block is set
220Item no.&1: Split item &2 was added so that the whole del. qty is covered
221Log.follow-up activity has been confirmed; split items have been created
222Processing quantity is missing for delivery item &1, inspection item &2
223Serial numbers can only be maintained for quantities in whole numbers
224Delivery item &1, inspection item &2 requires exactly &3 serial numbers
225Serial numbers from delivery item &1 are still available for assignment
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