The following messages are stored in message class NJIT_MSG_BP: .
It is part of development package NJIT_MODEL in software component LE-JIT-S2C. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "NJIT: Data Model/ CDS".
It is part of development package NJIT_MODEL in software component LE-JIT-S2C. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "NJIT: Data Model/ CDS".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | |
001 | Cannot be deselected; JIT calls are active for this BP customer |
002 | BP not relevant for JIT processing as ship-to-party is not maintained |
003 | JIT specific data is maintained, Cannot be deselected. |
004 | Enter valid Supply Control ID |
005 | Error in updating supply control |
006 | Enter valid Supply Control description |
007 | Enter valid Customer |
008 | Plant &1 does not exist |
009 | Material &1 does not exist |
010 | Action Ctrl &1 does not exist or is not applicable for selected call type |
011 | Supply Area &1 does not belong to Customer &2 |
012 | Customer &1 does not exist |
013 | Supp. ctrl for selected call type exists for combination of &1,&2,&3,&4 |
014 | Reminder level already exists for &1 |
015 | Offset value already exists for &1 |
016 | Unloading Point & is not part of JIT Customer & |
017 | Specify a Customer Supply Area entry |
018 | Specify a External Status entry |
019 | Call type &1 does not exist. Please select from the dropdown |
020 | |
022 | Material &1 does not exist in Plant &2 |
023 | Duplicate entries exist for the field Date Type |
029 | *********MANAGE JIT CALLS RELATED MESSAGES******************************* |
030 | JIT Call Data doesn't exist. Save Action failed |
031 | Failed to Generate Internal JIT Call Number |
032 | Failed to Update Internal JIT Call Number |
033 | Maintain Sales Organization Details for Customer & |
034 | Customer & of Sales Area & is not JIT relevant |
035 | External Call Number & already used in JIT Call Creation |
036 | Customer & is not JIT relevant |
037 | Sold To Party is not maintained for Customer Description & |
038 | Ship To Party & is not maintained in Customizing |
039 | JIT Call is successfully activated |
040 | JIT Customer is not maintained in Partner Data Facet |
041 | Supply Control ID does not exist for the given Combination |
042 | JIT Customer & is not in Active Status for Sales Area & |
043 | Transmitted Status & Mapping is not maintained for Customer & |
044 | JIT Action Control is not maintained for Supply Control ID & |
045 | Action is not maintained in the customization for action control & |
046 | Action & is not supported as per Internal Processing Status Customization |
047 | JIT related Sales Document type missing in Customization |
048 | Scheduling Agreement is not available for JIT Customer & |
049 | Scheduling Agreement Item missing for Customer & and Customer material & |
050 | Edit Action failed for JIT Call Number & |
051 | Material missing in Scheduling Agreement & |
052 | Maintain External JIT Call Number |
053 | Unable to determine Internal Processing Status |
054 | Customer Supply Area is missing |
055 | Invalid Input |
056 | Delivery creation is pending for External JIT Call & |
057 | Planned delivery creation date has passed for External JIT Call & |
058 | Derived Delivery Creation Date & is in the past |
059 | Given Requirement DateTime is in the past |
060 | Requested Delivery Date & is in the past |
061 | Maintain Customer |
062 | Maintain Reminder Type |
063 | Maintain Supply Control Description |
064 | Select valid customer |
065 | Internal Status is not maintained in customizing for Action Control & |
066 | Maintain Action Control |
067 | Production Version & does not exist |
068 | Production Version & does not exist for Material & and Plant & |
069 | Maintain Production Version |
070 | Validity period of production version & is in the past |
071 | Validity period of production version & is in the future |
072 | Maintain Offset Type |
073 | Action &1 performed on JIT Call &2, Component Group &3 |
074 | Action &1 not performed on JIT Call &2, Component Group &3 |
075 | Package Group &1 set to status &2 |
076 | External Status & does not exist |
077 | Maintain JIT Call Type |
078 | Limits not applicable for unlimited tolerance; values will be cleared |
079 | Entry Contains Duplicate Component Group Material &1. |
080 | Entry Contains Duplicate Packing Group Specification &1. |