The following messages are stored in message class NJIT_MSG_BP: .
It is part of development package NJIT_MODEL in software component LE-JIT-S2C. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "NJIT: Data Model/ CDS".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Cannot be deselected; JIT calls are active for this BP customer
002BP not relevant for JIT processing as ship-to-party is not maintained
003JIT specific data is maintained, Cannot be deselected.
004Enter valid Supply Control ID
005Error in updating supply control
006Enter valid Supply Control description
007Enter valid Customer
008Plant &1 does not exist
009Material &1 does not exist
010Action Ctrl &1 does not exist or is not applicable for selected call type
011Supply Area &1 does not belong to Customer &2
012Customer &1 does not exist
013Supp. ctrl for selected call type exists for combination of &1,&2,&3,&4
014Reminder level already exists for &1
015Offset value already exists for &1
016Unloading Point & is not part of JIT Customer &
017Specify a Customer Supply Area entry
018Specify a External Status entry
019Call type &1 does not exist. Please select from the dropdown
022Material &1 does not exist in Plant &2
023Duplicate entries exist for the field Date Type
029*********MANAGE JIT CALLS RELATED MESSAGES*******************************
030JIT Call Data doesn't exist. Save Action failed
031Failed to Generate Internal JIT Call Number
032Failed to Update Internal JIT Call Number
033Maintain Sales Organization Details for Customer &
034Customer & of Sales Area & is not JIT relevant
035External Call Number & already used in JIT Call Creation
036Customer & is not JIT relevant
037Sold To Party is not maintained for Customer Description &
038Ship To Party & is not maintained in Customizing
039JIT Call is successfully activated
040JIT Customer is not maintained in Partner Data Facet
041Supply Control ID does not exist for the given Combination
042JIT Customer & is not in Active Status for Sales Area &
043Transmitted Status & Mapping is not maintained for Customer &
044JIT Action Control is not maintained for Supply Control ID &
045Action is not maintained in the customization for action control &
046Action & is not supported as per Internal Processing Status Customization
047JIT related Sales Document type missing in Customization
048Scheduling Agreement is not available for JIT Customer &
049Scheduling Agreement Item missing for Customer & and Customer material &
050Edit Action failed for JIT Call Number &
051Material missing in Scheduling Agreement &
052Maintain External JIT Call Number
053Unable to determine Internal Processing Status
054Customer Supply Area is missing
055Invalid Input
056Delivery creation is pending for External JIT Call &
057Planned delivery creation date has passed for External JIT Call &
058Derived Delivery Creation Date & is in the past
059Given Requirement DateTime is in the past
060Requested Delivery Date & is in the past
061Maintain Customer
062Maintain Reminder Type
063Maintain Supply Control Description
064Select valid customer
065Internal Status is not maintained in customizing for Action Control &
066Maintain Action Control
067Production Version & does not exist
068Production Version & does not exist for Material & and Plant &
069Maintain Production Version
070Validity period of production version & is in the past
071Validity period of production version & is in the future
072Maintain Offset Type
073Action &1 performed on JIT Call &2, Component Group &3
074Action &1 not performed on JIT Call &2, Component Group &3
075Package Group &1 set to status &2
076External Status & does not exist
077Maintain JIT Call Type
078Limits not applicable for unlimited tolerance; values will be cleared
079Entry Contains Duplicate Component Group Material &1.
080Entry Contains Duplicate Packing Group Specification &1.
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