NRSCNV - Message class

The following messages are stored in message class NRSCNV: Message class.
It is part of development package RSCNV in software component BW-WHM-DBA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Package for Metadata Remodeling".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1 &2 &3 &4
001Remodeling rule &1 for InfoProvider &2 does not exist
002Remodeling rule &1 for InfoProvider &2 already exists
003Field '&1' is initial
004InfoProvider &1 does not exist in active version
005TLOGO type &1 is not supported
006Remodeling rule &1 could not be created
007Internal error (&1)
008One or more parameters are not filled correctly
009Provide a valid characteristic first
010Create mode not supported
011Copy from template not possible, incorrect input
012Switched to edit mode
013Rule &1 for InfoProvider &2 deleted
014Unable to delete rule &1 for InfoProvider &2
015Rule &1 for InfoProvider &2 is consistent
016No values exist
017Opened rule &1 for InfoProvider &2 in edit mode
018Action canceled
019Rule &1 for InfoProvider &2 saved
020Rule &1 is consistent
021Could not apply operation &1 of type &2
022Could not apply all operations to InfoProvider &1
023Operation of type &1 not allowed for InfoProvider of type &2
024Characteristic &1 already exists in InfoProvider &2
025No dimension with name &1 exists in InfoProvider &2
026Dimension &1 is a line item dimension and is not allowed for remodeling
027Characteristic &1 does not exist in InfoProvider &2
028Everything OK
029All operations applied on InfoProvider &1
030Unable to save rule &1 for InfoProvider &2
031Rule &1 successfully scheduled. Check monitor or jobs
032Scheduling canceled
033Rule &1 for InfoProvider &2 could not be scheduled
034A rule is already scheduled, running or failed for InfoProvider &1
035Execution of rule &1 for InfoProvider &2 started
036Step &1: &2
037Dimension &1 does not exist in InfoProvider &2
038Constant &1 does not exist for characteristic &2
039Attribute &1 does not exist for characteristic &2
040Chosen mapping characteristic &1 does not exist in InfoProvider &2
041Characteristic &1 does not exist
042Characteristic &1 used for filling &2 is located within another dimension
043Characteristic &1 does not exist in dimension &2 of InfoProvider &3
044Unable to prepare operation number &1 (&2)
045Attribute &1 does not exist in InfoObject &2
046Hierarchies are already disabled for InfoObject &1
047Hierarchies are already enabled for InfoObject &1
048Texts are already disabled for InfoObject &1
049Texts are already enabled for InfoObject &1
050Master data is already disabled for InfoObject &1
051Master data is already enabled for InfoObject &1
052Attribute only is already disabled for InfoObject &1
053Attribute only is already enabled for InfoObject &1
054High cardinality is already disabled for InfoObject &1
055High cardinality is already enabled for InfoObject &1
056Attribute &1 already exists in InfoObject &2
057Compounding InfoObject &1 already exists in InfoObject &2
058Compounding InfoObject &1 does not exist in InfoObject &2
059Attribute &1 is already time-dependent in InfoObject &2
060Attribute &1 is already time-independent in InfoObject &2
061Attribute type &1 not supported
062Attribute &1 is already a diplay attribute in InfoObject &2
063Source and target dimension are identical
064Key figure &1 is non-cumulative, which is not allowed in InfoCubes
065Unit &1 is missing for key figure &2 (add new operation for adding &1)
066Key figure &1 already exists in InfoProvider &2
067Key figure &1 does not exist in InfoProvider &2
068Dimension &1 already exists in InfoProvider &2
069Line item flag is already enabled for dimension &1
070Line item flag is already disabled for dimension &1
071Operation &1 affects same dimension as operation &2 (move characteristic)
072Could not assign source InfoObject &1
073Customer exit &1 is not bound
074Could not assign target InfoObject &1
075Customer exit &1 failed
076Could not remove unused entries in dimension &1
077Step &1 completed
078Step &1 failed
079Input saved
080Remodeling rule &1 for InfoProvider &2 does not exist in version &3
081Characteristic is empty
082Dimension is empty
083No filling method selected
084Characteristic for attribute mapping is empty
085Characteristic for mapping is empty
086No requests exist for ID &1
087Key figure is empty
088Key figure &1 does not exist
089Rule &1 is not consistent
090InfoProvider &1 is consistent
091InfoProvider &1 is not consistent
092Unable to create temporary InfoCube (&1)
093Unable to remodel temporary InfoCube (&1)
094Activate the rule before executing simulation
095Characteristic &1 already exists in dimension &2 of InfoProvider &3
096Rule and InfoProvider checked
097Temporary InfoCube &1 created
098DTPs and transformations created
099Simulation completed
100InfoProvider &1 cannot be locked
101InfoProvider &1 saved for remodeling
102InfoProvider &1 converted
103InfoProvider &1 activated
104Unable to save InfoProvider &1 for remodeling
105Unable to convert InfoProvider &1
106Unable to activate InfoProvider &1
107Conversion is running; cannot reset
108Cannot reset
109Collection class name not maintained for TLOGO &1
110Temporary cube cannot be created; name is already in use (delete)
111Unable to reset
112Filling method constant not allowed for key figures of type &1
113Filling method attribute mapping not allowed for key figures of type &1
114Simulation canceled
115Rule &1 for InfoProvider &2 is locked by Change and Transport Organizer
116No content version exists for rule &1 for InfoProvider &2
117Temporary InfoCube remodeled and activated
118DTP from source &1 to target &2 created and activated
119Data moved from original to temporary InfoProvider
120Data moved from temporary to original InfoProvider
121InfoProvider activated with remodeled metadata
122Temporary InfoCube deleted
123&1 packages (max. size &2)
124No technical conversion required
125Simulation not possible; background job cannot be scheduled
126Simulation not possible; see log for details
127InfoCube is locked by DTA requests
128Unable to create background job (&1)
129Unable to modify transformation for operation number &1
130Unable to activate transformation &1
131Temporary InfoCube &1 already exists (delete)
132No mapping selected for unit &1 of key figure &2
133Unable to save or activate temporary InfoCube &1
134Unable to adapt operations for temporary InfoProvider
135Line item flag cannot be switched for SAP HANA-optimized InfoCubes
136Switched to display mode
137Rule &1 for InfoProvider &2 is not consistent (see log for details)
138Rule &1 for InfoProvider &2 opened in display mode
139Archive/NLS of InfoProvider &1 contains data
140Rule &1 for InfoProvider &2 activated
141Unable to activate rule &1 for InfoProvider &2
142Temporary DSO &1 already exists (delete)
143Temporary DataStore object deleted
144Unable to create temporary DataStore object (&1)
145Unable to remodel temporary DataStore object (&1)
146Temporary DataStore object &1 created
147Unable to save or activate temporary DataStore object &1
148Temporary DataStore object remodeled and activated
149Constant value is initial
150Returncode: &1
151Attribute &1 is already a navigation attribute in InfoObject &2
152Attribute is empty
153Compounding is empty
154Deletion of compounding &1 would result in duplicate keys
155Editing not possible; execution requests exist for remodeling rule &1
156Characteristic &1 is already part of key fields
157Characteristic &1 is already part of data fields
158To add a new operation, use the context menu of the nodes in the tree
159Reference characteristic &1 does not exist
160InfoObject &1 is already being used as a reference characteristic
161Simulation job canceled or could not be run (see job log or ST22)
162Validity table &1 cleared
163Validity table &1 filled initially
164Could not update field &1 of table &2 with constant &3
165Select a TLOGO type first
166Customer exit &1 does not exist or does not implement interface &2
167You are using a customer exit; SE14 is used during remodeling
168Remodeling is configured to force the use of SE14 for data conversion
169Use of SE14 is not allowed for the current combination of operation types
170Dimension &1 contains InfoObjects and cannot be deleted
171Parallel processing is enabled for SE14
172Parallel processing is disabled for SE14
173Unable to perform background process (&1/&2)
174ABAP Dictionary database conversion (SE14) is used for data conversion
175Data Transfer Process (DTP) is used for data conversion
176Field &1 not found in target structure
177Field &1 not found in source structure
178Customer exit class &1 could not be instantiated
179Could not call conversion method of customer exit &1
180Could not call ABAP Dictionary DB conversion (SE14) for table &1 (&2/&3)
181Table &1 does not exist; conversion not required
182General execution information
183Debugging flag execution: '&1' (Time: &2s)
184Debugging flag background processing: '&1' (Time: &2s)
185Debugging flag SE14: '&1' (Time: &2s)
186Using SE14: '&1'
187Run SE14 in parallel: '&1'
188Checking InfoProvider...
189Saving InfoProvider...
190Converting InfoProvider...
191Activating InfoProvider...
192Preparation successful
193Calling SE14 for table &1...
194Could not convert table &1
195Table &1 converted
196Batch job started for conversion of table &1
197Could not start batch job for table &1
198Check if remodeling rule returned subrc &1
199SE14 is required for remodeling but not allowed by configuration
200Remodeling is configured to always use SE14 but SE14 is not allowed
201InfoObjects not of type KYF cannot be used for mapping
202Remodeling InfoProvider &1 using remodeling rule &2...
203Use SAP HANA-specific implementation: '&1' (SAP HANA DB system '&2')
204SAP HANA Package size InfoCube: Volume &1MB, records &2 lines
205SAP HANA Package size InfoObject: Volume &1MB, records &2 lines
206Default configuration of remodeling rule changed
207Could not make a backup of the fact table and compressed table
208Backup made of the fact table and compressed table
209Filling table &1 per INSERT AS SELECT (Packages: &2)
210Package &1 failed
211Table &1 filled (&2 records)
212Filling comp table per INSERT AS SELECT (packages: &1, package size: &2)
213Compressed table filled (&1 records)
214Table &1 renamed to &2
215Nothing removed due to errors during remodeling
216Could not fill temporary table &1 for operation &2 (&3)
217SAP HANA Package size DataStore Object: Volume &1MB, records &2 lines
218Package size by volume: '&1'
219Conversion is running; request cannot be deleted
220Command &1 is not supported
221No request exists for ID &1
222Request &1 cannot be reset
223Change log is not empty
224Activation queue is not empty; inactive data exists
225Generated program could not be regenerated for DSO &1
226Generated program could not be regenerated for InfoCube &1
227Removing data from InfoProvider
228Could not make a backup of table &1
229Table &1 does not exist
230Could not create temporary table &1 for operation &2 (&3)
231Temporary SAP HANA tables created
232SAP HANA tables filled with SID values for mapping
233Table &1 could not be renamed as &2
234Source table &1 has &2 records
235Table &1 dropped from ABAP Dictionary
236Error while calling monitor
237Table &1 could not be dropped from ABAP Dictionary
238Transformation from original to temporary InfoProvider deleted
239Transformation from temporary to original InfoProvider deleted
240Table &1 deleted from database
241Cleaning up...
242Entries in table &1 before conversion: &2
243Preparing mapping tables for joins
244Filling new tables from renamed backup tables
245Updated field &1 of table &2 with constant &3
246Step belongs to a request with status &1
247Step &1 does not exist for conversion ID &2
248Status of step &1 is not of type "error"
249Step &1 cannot be reset
250InfoProvider &1 could not be reset to active version
251No incorrect steps found for SE14 conversion with conversion ID &1
252InfoProvider data deleted from database
253Restoring backup tables
254Step &1 can only be reset by restarting the request
255Requests can be reset using the application monitor
256Cleanup was not possible as errors occurred
257Step &1 reset
258Step &1 could not be reset
259Request &1 is not in error state
260Request could not be reset
261Unable to convert to high cardinality
262No X or Y table found
263Unable to build temporary table name for &1
264Unable to build SX query structure
265Unable to split SX query structure
266Start conversion of table &1
267Performance can be increased by deactivating table backups
268Table &1 already exists but could not be dropped
269Error while creating table &1
270Table &1 created
271Start of loading into target table &1
272End of loading into target table &1 with &2 records
273Error during INSERT into target table
274Original table &1 backed up as table &2
275Table &1 recreated from ABAP Dictionary with new structure
276Error while recreating table &1 from ABAP Dictionary with new structure
277Error while dropping table &1 from database
278End conversion of table &1
279Error while dropping backup table &1
280Backup table &1 dropped
281Performance can be increased by using SAP HANA-optimized functionality
282Temporary table &1 from SE14 conversion does not exist
283Table &1 could not be unlocked from SE14
284Could not activate table &1
285Always make backup of tables: '&1'
286Step &1 cannot be reset and can only be restarted by using SE14
287Runtime: &1 seconds
288Creating instance of customer exit &1
289No instance was returned
290Calling customer exit with first 5 rows of table &1
291Customer exit failed during conversion
292Could not start background job to check customer exit
293Unable to run background job to test customer exit; see ST22
294No backup exists; reset not possible
295Could not start background job to reset step &1
296Background job could not reset step &1; see ST22
297Created and activated DTP from source &1 to target &2 for subtype &3
298&1 packages for subtype &3 (max. size &2)
299Unable to activate transformation &1 for subtype &2
300Unable to create temporary InfoObject (&1)
301Temporary InfoObject &1 created
302Unable to save or activate temporary InfoObject &1
303Unable to remodel temporary InfoObject (&1)
304Temporary InfoObject remodeled and activated
305Temporary InfoObject deleted
306Temporary InfoObject &1 already exists (delete)
307Could not move data from original to temporary InfoProvider
308Could not move data from temporary to original InfoProvider
309== Old log of previously reset step ==
310== Old log of previously reset request ==
311Index &1 dropped
312When enabling/disabling high cardinality, no other operations are allowed
313No operations defined
314Reference characteristic &1 has already been defined
315Existing DTPs/transformations might have been deactivated
316Remodeling rule name is not valid
317Technical information in existing operations needs to be adjusted
318Compounding InfoObjects of &1 already exist in DSO &2
319Compounding InfoObject &1 added automatically to DSO for char. &2
320No IOBJ of type UNI selected/available. Key figure &1 cannot be added.
321Batch disabled for simulation
322Batch enabled for simulation
323Transformation from original to temporary InfoProvider deleted (type &1)
324Transformation from temporary to original InfoProvider deleted (type &1)
325Debugging flag simulation: '&1' (Time: &2s)
326Dimension &1 has to be filled with at least one characteristic
327Reactivating transformations for InfoCube &1...
328Reactivating transformations for DSO &1...
329Reactivating transformations for InfoObject &1...
330Transformation &1 does not exist
331Transformation &1 could not be reactivated
332Reactivate transformations: '&1'
333Transformation &1 activated
334Clean up/removing of backups is disabled
335Execution stopped. Restart execution to continue.
336Run clean up: '&1'
337Function 'Stop After Specific Step' enabled: '&1' (step: &2)
338Function 'Stop After Specific Step' is enabled but no step selected
339No remodeling technique selected. Cannot be saved.
340Configuration adjusted
341Inactive master data exists for InfoObject &1
342Use DTP: '&1'
343DTP Package size InfoCube: &1 lines, &2 batch processes
344DTP Package size DataStore Object: &1 lines, &2 batch processes
345DTP Package size InfoObject: &1 lines, &2 batch processes
346Debugging flag reset: '&1' (time: &2s)
347DTP ID: &1
348Request ID: &1
349Table &1 could not be renamed to &2. Table &2 already exists.
350Removing key field &1 would result in duplicate keys
351Data type of char. &1 replacing char. &2 as key field is different
352Length of char. &1 replacing char. &2 as key field is different
353Only 1:1 mapping with replaced char. is allowed when modifiyng key fields
354Dimension &1 is the last dimension of type &2 and cannot be deleted
355No navigation attributes exist
356InfoObjects using &1 as compounded InfoObject already exist in &2
357Compounding InfoObject &1 for &2 is missing in InfoProvider &3
358SAP HANA optimized remodeling is required, but not allowed by config.
359SAP HANA processing enabled
360Errors occurred while applying operations to PartProvider &1
361Unable to adapt operations for PartProvider &1
362Operations applied to PartProvider &1
363Clean up completed for PartProvider &1
364PartProvider &1 is consistent
365PartProvider &1 is inconsistent
366Data removed from PartProvider &1
367Data could not be removed from PartProvider &1
368Required step &1 not completed. Step &2 cannot be started.
369Temporary logically partitioned object deleted
370Reactivating transformations for logically partitioned object &1 ...
371Phase 1/3: Making backup of data of PartProviders
372Phase 2/3: Activating remodeled metadata of Logical Partitioned Object
373Phase 3/3: Remodeling data of PartProviders
374Converting PartProvider &1
375Temporary Logical Partitioned Object &1 already exists (delete)
376Temporary Logical Partitioned Object &1 deleted
377Unable to remodel Logical Partitioned Object (&1)
378Temporary Logical Partitioned Object remodeled and activated
379Unable to save or activate Temporary Logical Partitioned Object &1
380XXL attribute &1 does not exist in InfoObject &2
381Database table &1 does not exist
382No remodeling log found (check job log in SM37 or short dumps in ST22)
383Data type, length or number of decimals in mapping key figure is wrong
384Unable to maintain partitioning information for table &1
385SAP HANA processing disabled
386Correct load settings must be defined for InfoCube &1
387Data type of compound &1 replacing compound &2 is different
388Length of compound &1 replacing compound &2 is different
389Only 1:1 mapping with replaced compound is allowed
390Replacement compound &1 is not available in object &2 (TLOGO &3)
391Replacement compound &1 is in the wrong position in object &2 (TLOGO &3)
392Data of replacement compound &1 does not match object &2 (TLOGO &3)
393Active table would be partitioned during remodeling
394Remodeling rule is inconsistent
395Changing the time dimension is not allowed for NCUM InfoCubes
396Time dimension is inconsistent and must be repaired in transaction RSRV
397Objects exist which might cause termination of the remodeling run
398Objects have been deleted
399Compoundings of characteristic &1 and mapping characteristic &2 not equal
400Reactivating transformations for object &1...
401Secondary indexes of tables of InfoCube &1 dropped
402Secondary indexes of tables of InfoCube &1 could not be dropped
403Secondary indexes of tables of InfoCube &1 re-created
404Secondary indexes of tables of InfoCube &1 could not be re-created
405Changing the time dimension is not allowed for NCUM DataStore objects
406Time dimension is inconsistent and must be repaired in transaction RSRV
407You are not authorized to edit ADSO &1
408DTP settings are not allowed for direct update DSO
409Could not modify location of table &1 in line with table &2
417You're not authorized to run the remodeling toolbox.
422Rule &1 is defined on an aDSO. It is therefore not possible to delete it.
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