NSDM_MIG_CONTROL - Log message for migration
The following messages are stored in message class NSDM_MIG_CONTROL: Log message for migration.
It is part of development package MBND_MIGRATION_CONTROL in software component MM-IM-GF-MIG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "MM: Inventory Management New Data Model Migration Control".
It is part of development package MBND_MIGRATION_CONTROL in software component MM-IM-GF-MIG. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "MM: Inventory Management New Data Model Migration Control".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | MKPF group creation was not triggered |
002 | MKPF group processing was not triggered |
003 | End of program &1 |
004 | MKPF (complete) migration cannot be locked |
005 | MKPF (complete) migration cannot be unlocked |
006 | Error: &1 |
007 | MKPF (control) migration cannot be locked |
008 | MKPF (control) migration cannot be unlocked |
009 | MKPF group - batch processing |
010 | Number of possible batch processes in system: &1 |
011 | Number of possible batch processes is not sufficient |
012 | Number of batch processes used for control job: &1 |
013 | Number of parallel group processing batch processes: &1 |
014 | (Jobs to keep for other processes: target: &1, actual &2) |
015 | Processing will not be started because no batch processes are allowed |
016 | Processing/Verification will finish because no more iteration is allowed |
017 | Processing will finish because no group is left for processing |
018 | Submitting group job (jobname = &1) for group &2 failed |
019 | &1 will be aborted |
020 | Submitted group job (jobname = & 1) for group &2 |
021 | MKPF group &1 cannot be locked |
022 | MKPF group &1 cannot be unlocked |
023 | Processing migration run &1, MKPF group &2 |
024 | Group &1 &2 has invalid processing status '&3' |
025 | Creating MKPF groups is not possible, grouping was already triggered |
026 | Submitting control job (jobname = &1) failed |
027 | Submitted control job (jobname = &1) |
028 | Group &1 &2, JOBCOUNT is missing in table &3 |
029 | Migration run is named &1 |
030 | Test migration run must not be named &1 (reserved for real run) |
031 | Aggr. &1: init. mat. ignored: Plant: &2, Material &3 |
032 | Processing group (aggregate, process group) is not (completely) provided |
033 | Migration run &1, Processing group &2 &3 does not exist |
034 | MKPF group processing can only be done, if grouping was finished before |
035 | MKPF group processing not executed because already finished |
036 | MKPF group processing is started |
037 | MKPF group processing is restarted |
038 | MKPF group processing ended (without having any issue) |
039 | MKPF group processing ended (but there are unprocessed groups) |
040 | Creating aggregate groups is not possible, grouping was already triggered |
041 | Aggregate group creation was not triggered |
042 | Aggregate (complete) migration cannot be locked |
043 | Aggregate (complete) migration cannot be unlocked |
044 | Aggregate group &1 &2 cannot be locked |
045 | Aggregate group &1 &2 cannot be unlocked |
046 | Aggregate group processing was not triggered |
047 | Aggregate group processing not executed because already finished |
048 | Aggregate group processing is restarted |
049 | Aggregate group processing is started |
050 | Aggregate group processing ended (without having any issue) |
051 | Aggregate group processing ended (but there are unprocessed groups) |
052 | Aggregate group proc. not executed (MKPF group processing not finished) |
053 | Aggregate grp. proc. can only be done, if grouping was finished before |
054 | Aggr. grp. proc. can only be done, if MKPF grp. proc. was finished before |
055 | Aggregate group proc. not executed (aggregate grouping not finished) |
056 | MKPF group processing not executed (MKPF grouping not finished) |
057 | Aggregate group batch processing |
058 | Aggregate group processing will be aborted |
059 | Processing migration run &1, aggregate &2, processing group &3 |
060 | MKPF group processing will be aborted |
061 | Start of program &1 |
062 | Processing step &1, aggr. &2, grp1. &3, from grp2. &4 does not exist |
063 | Processing aggr. &1, grp1. &2, from grp2. &3 has invalid proc. stat. '&4' |
064 | Processing step &1, aggr. &2, grp1. &3, from grp2. &4 jobcount is missing |
065 | Group &1 &2 &3 &4 cannot be locked |
066 | Submitting group job (jobname = &1) for &2 &3 &4 failed |
067 | MKPF group proc. not executed (predecessor group proc. not finished) |
068 | Exception occurred when creating packages for aggregate &1 (p. size &2) |
069 | Exception occurred when getting MATNRs of package &1 &2 &3 &4 |
070 | Processing/Verification will end because of unexpected error |
071 | MKPF group creation not executed because already finished |
072 | Aggregate group creation not executed because already finished |
073 | Max. no. of MSEG must not be less than max. no. of MKPF |
074 | Verification will finish because no processable group is left |
075 | Verification might be incomplete: aggregate processing is not finished |
076 | MKPF group verification was not triggered |
077 | MKPF group verification not executed because already finished |
078 | Verification might be incomplete: MKPF processing is not finished |
079 | MKPF group verification is restarted |
080 | MKPF group verification is started |
081 | MKPF group verification will be aborted |
082 | MKPF group verification with unprocessed groups - see note 2538948 |
083 | MKPF group verification ended (without having any issues) |
084 | Aggregate group verification was not triggered |
085 | Aggregate group verification not executed because already finished |
086 | Jobname = &1, report variant used: &2 |
087 | Aggregate group verification is restarted |
088 | Aggregate group verification is started |
089 | Aggregate group verification will be aborted |
090 | Aggregate group verification with unprocessed groups - see note 2538948 |
091 | Aggregate group verification ended (without having any issues) |
092 | MKPF group - batch verification |
093 | Aggregate group - batch verification |
094 | Run: &1 |
095 | Aggregate : &1 |
096 | Group level 1 : &1 |
097 | Group level 2 (from): &1 |
098 | Group level 2 (to) : &1 |
099 | Parameters of control report: |
100 | -- Control -- |
101 | Use (real) processing reports (P_PRCRPT): &1 |
102 | Test (P_TEST) : &1 |
103 | Do what you can (flags below) (P_DOWYC) : &1 |
104 | Parallely active processes (P_NOTASK): &1 |
105 | Seconds to wait (P_WAITSC): &1 |
106 | Restart erroneous entries (P_RSTERR): &1 |
107 | Iterations (0 = infinite) (P_NOITER): &1 |
108 | Submit control job to batch (P_SUBMIT): &1 |
109 | Name of migration run (P_MIGRUN): &1 |
110 | -- Grouping MKPF/MSEG -- |
111 | Create MKPF groups (P_MKGRP) : &1 |
112 | Max. no. of MKPF per package (P_MXMKPF): &1 |
113 | Max. no. of MSEG per package (P_MXMSEG): &1 |
114 | -- Processing MKPF groups -- |
115 | Start processing of MKPF grps. (P_MKPRC) : &1 |
116 | Test and read from new db (P_NEWDB) : &1 |
117 | Test and check data (P_CHECK) : &1 |
118 | If check: compare all fields (P_DETAIL): &1 |
119 | If compare : skip some fields (P_RESTRI): &1 |
120 | Jobname = &1, report variant &2 does not exist |
121 | -- Verification MKPF/MSEG -- |
122 | Start verification of MKPF (P_MKVER) : &1 |
123 | -- Grouping Aggregates -- |
124 | Create Aggregate groups (P_AGGRP) : &1 |
125 | Max. no. of Aggregates p. pck. (P_MXAGGR): &1 |
126 | -- Processing Aggregate groups -- |
127 | Start prc. of aggreagte groups (P_AGPRC) : &1 |
128 | -- Verification Aggregates -- |
129 | Start verification of aggr. (P_AGVER) : &1 |
130 | Reprocess splits directly (P_RPSD) : &1 |
131 | Rep. variant for table "&1" (&2) : &3 |
132 | Max. errors (0 = infinite) (P_NOFERR): &1 |
133 | Max. lost (0 = infinite) (P_NOFLST): &1 |
134 | Processing will finish because no. of errors &1 exceeds &2 |
135 | Processing will finish because no. of lost &1 exceeds &2 |
136 | Log to DB (P_LOGDB) : &1 |
137 | Log to file (P_LOGFL) : &1 |
138 | Erase (P_ERASE) : &1 |
139 | -- Migration Run -- |
140 | Runtime (&1): &2 seconds |
141 | Max. number of parallel group processing jobs &1 exceeded |
142 | &1, records read - current run: &2, total: &3 |
143 | &1, records inserted - current run: &2, total: &3 |
144 | &1, unnec. rcs. read - current run: &2, total: &3 |
145 | Inconsistent MKPF detected (MJAHR = &1, MBLNR = &2), MKPF not migrated |
146 | Delta MKPF/MSEG insert (P_MKINS) : &1 |
147 | Delta MKPF/MSEG update (P_MKUPD) : &1 |
148 | Exception in BAdI &1 |
149 | SUM call mode (P_SMIG) : &1 |
150 | Migration with given parameters not (yet) supported |
151 | Exception in BAdI &1, input-aggregate: &2 |
152 | Mode : &1 |
153 | Grouping for MKPF-Update not possible, was already triggered |
154 | Processing of MKPF-Update is only possible, if grouping is finished |
155 | Processing of MKPF-Update is only possible, if predecessor prc. finished |
156 | Grouping for MKPF-Insert not possible, was already triggered |
157 | Processing of MKPF-Insert is only possible, if grouping is finished |
158 | Processing of MKPF-Insert is only possible, if predecessor prc. finished |
159 | Aggr. &1: init. plant ignored: Plant: &2, Material from &3 to &4 |
160 | Aggr. &1, invalid package: Plant: &2, Material from &3 > to &4 |
161 | Aggr. &1, max. no. of dir. predecessors &2, actually &3 - not supported |
162 | Mock protocol table for MKPF (P_MKPF_T): &1 |
163 | Mock protocol table for MSEG (P_MSEG_T): &1 |
164 | Cycle exists in predecessor definition(s) - see subsequent messages |
165 | Aggr. &1, predecessor aggregate: &2 |
166 | &1, migr. runtime - current run: &2, total: &3 (in &4) |
167 | &1, no processing info |
168 | &1, verif. runtime - current run: &2, total: &3 (in &4) |
169 | Test migration run must not be named &1 (reserved for ABAP Unit) |
170 | Real migration run must not be named &1 (must be named REAL) |
171 | Aggr. &1, max. no. of indir. predecessors &2, actually &3 - not supported |
172 | View &1 does not exist or is not active in the database |
173 | Clear verif. res. (MKPF/MSEG) (P_CLRVFM) : &1 |
174 | Clear verif. res. (Aggregates) (P_CLRVFA) : &1 |
175 | &1 &2 &3 &4 |
176 | &1 entries (mode = &2) deleted from trigger table copy &3 |
177 | &1 |
178 | No trigger table for &1 |
179 | &1 entries (mode = &2) copied from trigger table &3 for &4 |
180 | Exception occurred when trying to copy from trigger tables |
181 | Inconsistencies in database table/view &1 detected (see note 2242679) |
182 | Missing in &1: MBLNR = &2, MJAHR = &3 |
183 | Missing in &1: MATNR = &2, WERKS = &3 |
184 | Messages of aborted Job (&1) &2 - START |
185 | Messages of aborted Job (&1) &2 - END |
186 | NZDT generation (P_NZDTG) : &1 |
187 | Set default values for SUM (P_SUMRUN): &1 |
188 | Set default values for NZDT (P_NZDTRN): &1 |
189 | NZDT generation &1 is not supported |
190 | Migration mode &1 is not supported |
191 | Migration target &1 is not supported |
192 | NZDT generation : &1 |
193 | Fill extract/perfy (P_FEXTR) : &1 |
194 | Fill extract/perfy was not triggered |
195 | Fill extract/perfy not executed because already finished |
196 | Fill extract/perfy not executed (predecessor group prc. not finished) |
197 | Fill extract/perfy is restarted |
198 | Fill extract/perfy is started |
199 | Fill extract/perfy will be aborted |
200 | Fill extract/perfy finished successfully |
201 | Aggr. group verification not executed (fill extract/perfy not finished) |
202 | Fill extract ended with error |
203 | Create perfy ended with error |
204 | Fill extract started |
205 | Fill extract ended |
206 | Create perfy started |
207 | Create perfy ended |
208 | Exception when allocating batch process / &1 |
209 | Exception when allocating previous batch process / &1 |
210 | Exception when releasing batch process / &1 |
211 | Original migration end date (P_LMED) : &1 |
212 | Original migration end time (P_LMET) : &1 |
213 | Correct invalid sorting (P_SORT) : &1 |
214 | Use compatibility view (P_USECV) : &1 |
215 | Bypassing verification (to be executed as a separate step) |
216 | Bypassing FILL_EXTRACT (to be executed as a separate step) |