O5 - IS-Oil: MCOE message pool

The following messages are stored in message class O5: IS-Oil: MCOE message pool.
It is part of development package OID in software component IS-OIL-DS-MCO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "MCOE Marketing, Contracts and Order Entry".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Implementation pending.
001Order item & & is blocked for delivery because of final delivery ind.
002IS-Oil preferred/alternate plant table is not configured.
003Internal error: the requested entry does not exist in table &
004Item &: you may not reset final delivery indicator.
005Item &: final delivery flag in order is already set.
006Customer & is already a ship-to partner for customer &
007Selection criteria is too complex. Sales area selection with & & &
030Customer & requires a purchase order number.
082Material & in plant & not found in table MARC.
083Material & does not exist in the plants config. for IS-Oil plant determ.
085Entry not found in table T001W for plant &
086No entry found in table MBEW with key & & &
087The client has not been configured for the valuation area.
088For this client, the valuation area must be set at plant level.
089W: Required entry not made (price indicator).
100External details pushbutton SYSTEM ERROR in transaction &
101Function 'OIDE' not defined for transaction &
102External details pushbutton SYSTEM ERROR - PF status &
103You must enter data in either all or none of the pipeline fields.
104For &, country/region code must be specified.
106No entry exists for partner role & and customer & in table KNVP.
107IS-Oil entry screen not defined for order type &
108Select a sold-to party for this partner -> Choose Enter.
110First specify a plant for the line item.
111Material is not relevant for excise duty.
112No plant specified: excise duty screen skipped.
113The excise duty screen was skipped.
114Plant not specified for line item: &
115Material in line item: & not relevant for excise duty.
116Handling type has been changed.
117License details have been changed.
118Excise duty validation error in line &
119You must specify a mode of transport.
120If tax orig./dest. non-blank, then region, county, city must be blank.
121Value & is not permitted for the parameter DOC_LEVEL
122Error occurred when customer function & was called off.
123Return code set on function "OIDA_POPUP_EXTERNAL_DETAILS"
124No tax exemption licenses assigned to item.
125Select a license/condition type.
150Save this contract before specifying multiple ship-to partners.
151This customer number is already defined as an alternative ship-to partner
152Unable to delete - alternative ship-to partners exist in table OIDMP.
153Ship-to partner is restricted to the values given in the contract.
154Error reading table VBPA using Key & & &
155Customer & is not 'SP' or 'SH' in sales area & & &
156Error during quantity conversion from & to &
201Enter either a material number or a material group.
205First character cannot be '*'
206Incorrect mask used, enter a series of '*' to completely fill the field.
207Material & is not defined for location & &
208Plant & is not defined for use with organization & &
209Entry & does not exist (check your entry).
210Product restriction message type is missing.
211Quantity restriction message type is missing.
212Unit of measure restriction message type is missing.
213Validity dates restriction message type is missing.
214Payment terms restriction message type is missing.
215The restriction for the product field is missing.
216The restriction for the quantity field is missing.
217The restriction for the unit of measure field is missing.
218The restriction for the validity dates field is missing.
219The restriction for the payment terms field is missing.
220The restriction for the ship-to party field is missing.
221Ship-to party restriction message type is missing.
225You must enter field value & from contract.
226It is recommended that you enter field value & in the contract.
227Payment term restrictions apply to one or more line items.
228This material is not referenced to a contract.
229No calling-off allowed on this contract: validity begins on &
230No calling-off allowed on this contract: validity expired on &
231Incompatibility with product restrictions on contract.
232Reference contract contains product restriction.
233Sales area redetermined: & & & not valid for ship-to/sold-to combination.
234User & is not authorized to process sales orders.
300Customer & does not have a last order.
301No sales area maintained for customer &
302Place the cursor on the line to be selected.
303Sales area replaced: & & & invalid for &
304Customer & belongs only to this area.
305You must select a sales area: the original sales area is invalid.
306Order type & is not allowed in determined sales area.
400Additional function &1 does not exist. Use transaction O5F5.
401Additional function is not activated. Use transaction O5F5.
402Customer-specific subscreens only possible for function code OIDX.
403Additional functions only allowed for function codes OIDX and OIDA.
440Trip number & does not exist. Check your entry
713No bill of lading references found.
828An error occurred when the system was reading table & with key &
890Item & goods issue not posted for all delivery items.
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