O9 - IS-Oil: TD - Scheduling, Loading, Delivery Confirmation
The following messages are stored in message class O9: IS-Oil: TD - Scheduling, Loading, Delivery Confirmation.
It is part of development package OIG in software component IS-OIL-DS-TD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "TD Transport and Distribution".
It is part of development package OIG in software component IS-OIL-DS-TD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "TD Transport and Distribution".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | ***** IS-Oil TD - Shipment - Scheduling, Loading, Delivery Confirmation |
001 | ***** Scheduling ******************************************************** |
002 | Vehicle & is already assigned to the shipment |
003 | Document & already assigned |
004 | Document type & not supported, internal problem |
005 | Delivery & does not exist |
006 | Position the cursor on a valid field |
007 | No unallocated quantity available (internal problem) |
008 | Scheduled quantity &1 &2 is less than minimum quantity of &3 &4 |
009 | Maximum weight &1 &2 of transport unit is exceeded |
010 | Maximum weight &1 &2 of vehicle is exceeded |
011 | Carrier & does not exist |
012 | Document &1, Item &2 is already loaded on this compartment |
013 | Material &1 is already loaded in compartment from document &2 item &3 |
014 | Compartment is full, there is no capacity available |
015 | Negative quantities are not permitted |
016 | Delivery & cannot be used, because picking has already begun |
017 | Delivery & cannot be used because movements have already begun |
018 | Delivery & cannot be used, because packing has already begun |
019 | Document & cannot be used, because it is used by core SD Transportation |
020 | Delivery & cannot be used, because of shipment blocking |
021 | Delivery & cannot be used, because a delivery block has been set |
022 | Document &1 can not be assigned because it is used by shipment &2 |
023 | Driver &1 already assigned to vehicle &2 |
024 | Please enter a valid shift for vehicle & |
025 | Transport unit &1 is already assigned through vehicle &2 |
026 | No vehicle meters are assigned to vehicle & |
027 | Shipment &1 cannot be changed (status &2) |
028 | Please choose a valid function |
029 | Shift &1 trip &2 is already used by vehicle &3 |
030 | Plant is not defined for document &1, item &2 |
031 | Confirmation not possible, no comp. alloc. for load relevant document & |
032 | No vehicle assigned, activate not possible (shipment saved with status 1) |
033 | Document & deleted from shipment |
034 | Vehicle & deleted from shipment |
035 | Driver &1 of vehicle &2 deleted |
036 | No movement type assiged to delivery &1 item &2 |
037 | Movement type assigned to BOM component delivery &1 item &2 |
038 | Order &1 item &2 not found for delivery &3 item &4 |
039 | No component matches main item & |
040 | Transport unit &1 of vehicle &2 is locked by another user |
041 | Transport unit &1 of vehicle &2 already assigned to shipment &3 |
042 | Item &1 of stock transfer delivery &2 is not selected as a transfer item |
043 | Negative value automatically inverted to possitive value. |
044 | New quantity &1 is smaller than compartment allocated quantity &2 |
045 | You cannot assign more quantity than there is available |
046 | Document &1 item &2 valuation type &3 is different than shipment &4 |
047 | Previous shipment already assigned to transport unit & |
048 | Maximum quantity &1 &2 is less than the scheduled quantity of &3 &4 |
049 | The shift is mandatory |
050 | There is still a quantity to be assigned for delivery &1 item &2 |
051 | Compartment &1 TPU &2 of vehicle &3 is below minimum volume &4 |
052 | Transportation planning point &1 of vehicle &2 differs from the shipment |
053 | Sequence number & already assigned |
054 | Please enter the document number |
055 | Reservation & is a reversal, it thus cannot be assigned |
056 | Movement type &1 does not exist for reservation &2 |
057 | Item &1 of reservation &2 does not allow a movement |
058 | For item &1 of reservation &2, a final issue already took place |
059 | A quantity is not possible for item &1 of reservation &2 |
060 | Reservation &1 is currently used by TD shipment &2 |
061 | Reservation & does not support transfers, and cannot be assigned |
062 | Please select document & as load-relevant and/or discharge-relevant |
063 | Enter the document type for document & |
064 | The load-relevant indicator cannot be reset for document & |
065 | The discharge-relevant indicator cannot be reset for document & |
066 | No document assigned, activate not possible(shipment saved with status 1) |
067 | More than one checkbox selected. Select one or use cursor position |
068 | Please assign the vehicle before you go on to vehicle details |
069 | Vehicle (group &1) is not compatible with the customer (group &2) |
070 | Please select a vehicle. |
071 | Product (group &1) is not compatible with compartment (group &2) |
072 | Unladen weight and scheduled weight is greater than the maximum weight |
073 | Shipping notification & does not exist |
074 | Vehicle &1(status &2) cannot be deleted (used in load. and/or del.conf.) |
075 | Delivery &1 (status &2) cannot be deleted |
076 | Reservation &1 (status &2) cannot be deleted |
077 | Shipping notification &1 (status &2) cannot be deleted |
078 | Shipment & not to be deleted (material movement has taken place) |
079 | Delivery has to be discharge-relevant: Exception STO with one step proc. |
080 | Shipping notification must be load-relevant |
081 | Vehicle assignment not allowed (shipment status &) |
082 | Shipment not completed (status &). Use 'Change shipment' |
083 | Shipment &1 cannot be changed (status &2). Use 'Maintain compl.shp.' |
084 | UoM group of component &1 <> &2 of main material &3 item: &4 |
085 | Stock keeping UoM of component &1 <> &2 of main material &3 item: &4 |
086 | Allocated quantity &1 is greater than compartment capacity &2 |
087 | Shipment is used in the TSW application; Change not possible |
088 | Delivery &1 item &2 is ret.of Consignment stock.It is not supported. |
090 | Maximum weight &1 is smaller than actual weight &2 |
091 | No movement relevant item in delivery &1 (no movement type assigned) |
092 | Delivery &1 item &2 picking relevant but no movement type assigned |
093 | No balance load for & STO delivery with one step procedure |
094 | Inbound delivery &1 item &2 must no be relevant for goods movement. |
095 | IC Sales:System automatically does balance load, no user input at loading |
096 | Driver & license & & has expired. |
099 | ************ TD Bulk Shipment Mass Processing ******************* |
100 | Number range interval &2 does not exist (object &1) . |
101 | Start of bulk shipment mass processing log &1 on &2 at &3 . |
102 | Processing shipment &1 from status &2 to &3 . |
103 | Shipment processing finished. Errors occured. Check log for details. |
104 | Shipments processed successfully. |
105 | Collecting shipments selected failed with rc &1. Abort processing ! |
106 | Got no loading data from user exit. Abort loading. |
107 | Got duplicate vehicle-plant combination from user exit. Ignored. |
108 | Got no header data for delivery conf. of shpm. &1 from user exit. Abort. |
109 | Got duplicate vehicle for del.conf. of shpm. &1 from user exit. Ignored. |
110 | Shpm.no. changed in user exit for sched.conf. from &1 to &2. Abort. |
111 | Update flag removed in user exit for sched.conf. of shpm. &1. Abort. |
112 | General error in user exit for scheduling conf. of shpm. &1. Abort. |
113 | General error &1 on scheduling confirmation for shipment &2. Abort. |
114 | Attempt to read status of shipment &1 from database failed. Abort. |
115 | Shipment &1 did not reach required processing status &2. Abort. |
116 | Shipment &1 processed succesfully to status &2. |
117 | General error in user exit for loading confirmation of shpm. &1. Abort. |
118 | Plant/vehicle not given by user exit on loading conf. of shpm. &1. Abort. |
119 | General error &1 on loading confirmation for shipment &2. Abort. |
120 | General error in user exit for delivery confirmation of shpm. &1. Abort. |
121 | Vehicle not given by user exit on delivery confirm. of shpm. &1. Abort. |
122 | General error &1 on delivery confirmation for shipment &2. Abort. |
123 | Shipment Number &1 created but not displayed in list. |
124 | No shipments selected for mass processing. Abort processing ! |
125 | Initialization of log for shipment mass processing failed. RC &1.Abort ! |
126 | Status of shipment &1 is &2. Deletion not possible anymore. Abort. |
127 | Deletion of shipment &1 failed. Shipment still exists. |
128 | Shipment &1 successfully deleted. |
129 | Please specify a target status at the top of the screen first. |
130 | Shipment &1 already reached status &2. No further processing done. |
131 | Can't delete Shpm. &1 because status higher than 'completely scheduled' |
132 | No shipment created. |
133 | Deleting shipment &1. |
134 | This is an SAP internal test mode. Abort transaction now ! Data damage ! |
135 | Value &1 is not allowed for field &2 |
200 | ***** Event Handling **************************************************** |
201 | Vehicle & not assigned to shipment |
202 | Shipment item &1 &2 not assigned to shipment |
203 | Event &1 &2 deleted from shipment |
204 | Enter document type |
205 | Document assignment not allowed by event type & |
206 | Document assignment required by event type & |
207 | Vehicle assignment not allowed by event type & |
208 | Vehicle assignment required by event type & |
209 | Internal error during reading of screen data |
210 | Unable to display possible entries |
211 | Shipment item assignment not allowed by event type & |
212 | Shipment item assignment required by event type & |
213 | Activate defaulted event by choosing another process |
214 | No transaction for this document type is customized |
215 | No text processing without assigned event type possible |
216 | Stage &1 not assigned to vehicle &2 |
217 | Stage assignment without vehicle assignment not allowed |
220 | Document type & not found |
250 | Incoterm: & GI at loading must be relevant for loading. |
251 | Incoterm: & GI at loading and POD must be relevant for discharge. |
252 | Incoterm: & GI at loading w/o POD must not be relevant for discharge. |
253 | Only one reason code per delivery item & & for POD possible. |
254 | POD Reason code & of delivery item & & not found. |
255 | Difference to load of delivery & & does not match sign POD reason code & |
256 | General error in update of delivery &. |
257 | Delivery & with POD. Please cancel delivery confirmation first. |
258 | Delivery &1 is on hold. No assignment to shipment &2 possible. |
270 | IC sales del.&1 not possible in TD; import posting takes place at POD |
271 | Either proof of delivery or goods issue reversed; check your entries |
272 | HT should be unique for same material, plant, and VT in one TD shipment |
334 | ***** Loading *********************************************************** |
335 | More than one vehicle in shipment. Please specify |
336 | Vehicle & not in shipment |
337 | Vehicle & must be partially or completely scheduled |
338 | Vehicle & must be partially or completely loaded |
339 | Compartment &1 not in transport unit &2 |
340 | Material &1 not scheduled for plant &2 |
341 | Stg. location &1 batch &2 same as in-transit information |
342 | Different material in compartment & & not allowed for load indicators 1,2 |
343 | Vehicle &1 in shipment does not contain transport unit &2 |
344 | Unit conversion CHAR --> FLTP not possible |
345 | Unit conversion for corresponding weight <-> volume not possible => T006 |
346 | Compartment &1 overloaded by &2 &3 |
347 | Transport unit &1 overloaded by &2 &3 |
348 | Vehicle &1 overloaded by &2 &3 |
349 | Please select an entry -> set checkbox |
350 | Deletion of the last mat. on board quantity item not allowed |
351 | Please use existing entry |
352 | For deallocation, please select one delivery item |
353 | Selected del. item &1 &2 and qty.item &3 &4 do not match |
354 | For allocation, please select one item |
355 | Quantity item &1 &2 is allocated |
356 | Material on board &1 is not the same as material &2 in delivery item |
357 | More than one loading plant in shipment. Please specify |
358 | Vehicle not (yet) scheduled for loading from plant & |
359 | Vehicle not (yet) scheduled for loading |
360 | Compartment load indicator & allows only balance quantities |
361 | Compartment load indicator & allows only balance deliveries |
362 | Please specify a loading stg. location |
363 | Material &1 &2 &3 &4 not defined in MARD |
364 | Batch &1 &2 &3 &4 not defined in MCHB |
365 | Incorrect delivery number &1 - &2 |
366 | No authority to change confirmed shipment (status=6) in & for type &. |
367 | No balance delivery for compartment &1 - &2 material &3 |
368 | Unbalanced quantity &1 for material &2 &3 &4 |
369 | Valuation type in doc. &1 differs from on-board &2: Select another mat. |
370 | No loaded quantity for vehicle & |
371 | Select line with compartment specification |
372 | Static availability check leads to negative stock &1 in &2 |
373 | Static availability check leads to negative stock &1 &2 in &3, &4 |
374 | Prior-to-load already specified for material/compartment. Please correct |
375 | Can't change material/compartment with load and PTL, use detail screen |
376 | No material specified, line will be reset to previous contents |
377 | Vehicle &1 not ready for loading at plant &2 - current status: &3 |
378 | Meter start &1 cannot be equal to meter end &2 |
379 | Rack meter & does not exist |
380 | There is no rack meter &1 for plant &2 |
381 | Rack meter & is set for deletion |
382 | Validation date &1 lower than loading date &2 for rackmeter &3 |
383 | Rackmeter &1 has no assignment to selected material &2 |
384 | Rack meter &1 is not assigned to selected plant &2, stg. location &3 |
385 | Entry for rack meter &1 already exists. Please specify other seq.nr. |
386 | Too many digits. For rack meter &1, only &2 digits allowed |
387 | Input incorrect. Metered qty. does not correspond to possible load qty. |
388 | Please activate first selected item |
389 | Batch &1 &2 &3 not defined in MCHA |
390 | Valuation type of from-batch &1 must equal that of document/in-transit &2 |
391 | Please specify valuation type in TOIGS3 for &1 &2 &3 &4 |
392 | Meter readings for &1 &2 already exist |
393 | Please enter shipment number first |
394 | Meter UoM &1 not = to &2 of existing meter. Use rack meter with same UoM |
395 | No allocation possible for left-on-vehicle of &1 in TPU &2 cmptmt &3 |
396 | Internal error reading Table &1/&2. Please contact the syst.administrator |
397 | Customising forbids changing of storage location &1 / batch &2 for &3 &4 |
398 | Input valuation type of &1 different than that in document item (&2) |
399 | No delivery item that could apply to the storage loc./ batch entered |
400 | No change entered please cancel. |
401 | Cannot change. Goods movements have already taken place |
402 | Storage location of &1 different than that in document item (&2) |
403 | Document &1 &2 &3 does not allow to change intr.stor.loc./btch; reason &4 |
404 | Pls select only items for one material on board (first is &1 &2 &3 &4) |
405 | Please select at least one compartment check box before activating |
406 | Activation has been carried out for &1 compartment(s) |
407 | The document number entered, (&1), is not discharge-relevant |
408 | Document &1 has begun with discharge. You can no longer load |
409 | Item is for a different material &1 than that in the compartment (&2) |
410 | Item is for a different loading plant &1 than in the compartment (&2) |
411 | Item is for a different storage loc. &1 than that in the compartment (&2) |
412 | Recociliation date for LoV must be before that of prior-to-load |
413 | Assignment can only be changed, not deleted |
414 | You cannot change data on the screen and activate proposals at same time |
415 | Allocation has been carried out for &1 document item(s) |
416 | Deallocation has been carried out for &1 document item(s) |
417 | Please select at least one document item |
418 | Please select at least one compartment |
419 | Must carry out balance loading before you can confirm the load |
420 | Document &1 has already been goods-issued. No further allocation possible |
421 | Probable infinite loop in program. Program terminated. |
422 | Allocation has been carried out for &1 compartment(s). |
423 | Deallocation has been carried out for &1 compartment(s). |
424 | Inconsistency found in the internal tables. Call system administrator |
425 | Already allocated to mat. with S.Loc/Batch &1/&2.Cannot allocate to &3/&4 |
426 | This is only for activated entries, not proposals |
427 | Shipment does not balance for material &1. Please correct and reconfirm |
428 | No batch split for delivery: change batch &1 to &2 |
429 | No receipt posting for 2-step transfer & item & before loading completion |
430 | Exchange assignments cannot be made at this time for this shipment |
431 | Please select at least one line with reference to material on board |
432 | No discharge-relevant document item(s) available for material &1 &2 &3 &4 |
433 | Meter readings defined on Load Bulk screen. Please access from there |
434 | Inconsistent data of shipment &1 &2. Pls check or exclude shipment |
435 | No discharge relevant item refers to that storage location / batch |
436 | Material document 'unplanned rebrand for reservation' cannot be canceld! |
437 | All quantities of document item &1 &2 &3 will refer to the new intransit. |
438 | Stocktrf. or material not (yet) loaded on current vehicle & from plant &. |
439 | Quantity for &1 &2 &3 not yet specified. Pls enter and then check/change. |
440 | Material not loaded for item &1 &2 on current vehicle &3 from plant &4. |
441 | Different units of measure. Pls enter quantities on load detail screen. |
442 | Do not combine loading confirmation for delivies in case of stock transf. |
443 | Goods receipt must be done for all items of outgoing nota fiscais. |
444 | Shipment &1 &2 valuation type of batch &3 does not match with &4 |
449 | Valuation type &1 &2 &3 not found in MBEW.Check the val. type entered |
450 | Shipment in status 6, Please reverse DC first. |
451 | Please enter loaded quantities for delivery &1 item &2(on Load Bulk scrn) |
500 | ***** Shipment costing ************************************************** |
501 | Route & not found |
502 | Stages to route & do not exist |
503 | Shipment &1 must have status &2, not status &3 for quantity assignment |
504 | Shipment &1 is not shipment cost relevant |
505 | Stage & is not a departure point |
506 | Stage & is not a destination point |
507 | Document &1, item &2 already on current vehicle |
508 | Document &1, item &2 cannot be deleted |
509 | Depart.pt. &1 is, hierarchically, equal/behind dest. point &2 |
510 | Node of the stage is used as departure - or destination point |
511 | No destination node maintained for stage &. (stage type is leg) |
512 | No main partner ( Carrier ) for stage & |
513 | No shipment costing possible when no carrier has been maintained |
514 | Node & does not exist |
515 | Document & is not discharge-relevant for this vehicle |
516 | More then one item with material &3 in document &1; item &2 used |
517 | Shipment costing has already started (status &) |
518 | Please specify UoM for volume, ambient for shipment (customizing) |
519 | Last stage cannot be deleted |
520 | Qty. field of &1(&2) missing for doc. item assignment by FIFO |
521 | Stage or stage seq. of &1(&2) missing for doc. item assignment by FIFO |
522 | Date of &1(&2) missing for doc. item assignment by FIFO |
523 | Shipment cost document &2 already exists for bulk shipment &1 |
524 | No automatic assignment possible for shipment &1 |
525 | Internal error in assign. of discharged quantity of doc. &1 (&2) |
526 | No assign. possible for discharged qty. in doc. &1 (&2) |
527 | No assign. possible for doc. &1 (&2) (material &3) |
528 | Internal error in assign. of loaded quant. of doc. &1 (&2) |
529 | No assignm. possible for loaded qty. for doc. &1 (&2) |
530 | Time fields in stages/routes must be maintained with a UoM |
531 | Time unit of measure & does not exist |
532 | Vehicle is not assigned to a route table. No route maintained |
533 | Main partner function &1 not maintained for vehicle |
534 | Missing document item quantity assignments created |
535 | Partner function & defined for stage & so specify main partner |
536 | No assign. possible. All document items need to be completely loaded. |
537 | Shipment has open confirmation & (L=Loading, D=Del.Conf.); confirm |
538 | Change/reverse not possible; shipmt. cost. doc. created at shipment st &1 |
539 | Allowed ship.st.for ship.cost ty must be>=4 for qty assign.(customizing). |
540 | Document item quantity assignment for shipment &1 missing |
541 | Bulk shipment &1 does not exist |
550 | G/L account for doc.type &1 replaced by default account &2 |
551 | Account det. for item categ. &1, cost type &2, doc.type &3,not maintained |
552 | CO assignment: multiple acct.assnmt. in ref. doc. &1 &2, use of line &3 |
560 | Error in Update Table OIGS. |
561 | Error in Update Table OIGS for shipment &. |
562 | Error in Update Table OIGSV for shipment &1, vehicle &2. |
563 | Error in Update Table OIGSS for shipment &1, stage &2. |
564 | No shipments to update |
570 | Select several shipments, or place cursor on a line |
571 | Please position the cursor on a line within the list |
572 | & shipment(s) could not be refreshed |
573 | There is no log available |
574 | Variant & does not exist |
575 | The object you have chosen cannot be displayed |
576 | Problems with ALV: List could not be displayed |
577 | Please see the log |
578 | Partner used in shipment costing hence cannot be deleted. |
579 | Missing DocItem Stage Quantity Assignment. |
590 | Ambient volume UoM required if shipment type relevant for shipm. costing |
667 | ***** Delivery Confirmation ********************************************* |
668 | Delivery & is not in shipment |
669 | Vehicle & not in shipment |
670 | Please specifiy a vehicle for further processing |
671 | Vehicle &1 not ready for confirmation - current status: &2 |
672 | Vehicle &1 is already completely confirmed - current status: &2 |
673 | Deletion(s) for the last delievery is/are not permitted (set qty to 0) |
674 | Only existing quantity item(s) have/has been deleted |
675 | No previous entry selected |
676 | No following entry selected |
677 | Batch &1 not defined for plant &2, material &3 |
678 | Shipment &1 Material &2 Plant &3 UoM &4: Gain/loss but balance in baseUoM |
679 | Set checkbox of item to be deleted |
680 | Set checkbox of item to be copied |
681 | Specify return storage location |
682 | Delivery & is already in the shipment |
683 | Material & not in the shipment |
684 | Loading data &1,&2 is set in delivery item &3 &4 |
685 | Material &1 was not loaded at plant &2 in the shipment |
686 | Stg. location for delivery item &1 &2 will be set to &3 |
687 | Batch for delivery item &1 &2 will be set to &3 |
688 | Delivery & cannot be removed, scheduling data exists already |
689 | Error in material postings; see list |
690 | Missing entry: Table &1, Argument &2, &3, &4 |
691 | Delivery & has already been delivery-confirmed |
692 | Please select one or more lines |
693 | No missing postings for deliveries |
694 | No partial confirmation - confirm all items and set vehicle close flag. |
695 | Batch input for delivery & generated |
696 | Technical: &1 &2 &3 &4 |
697 | Recovery for &1 deliveries in shipment &2 complete |
698 | Material &1 not on vehicle &2 |
699 | Set checkbox for rapid confirmation |
700 | Proposal must be activated first |
701 | Please enter meter ID |
702 | Enter start reading or/and end reading |
703 | Meter start reading equals end reading. That is not allowed |
704 | Vehicle meter & not defined |
705 | Vehicle meter & selected for deletion |
706 | Vehicle meter &1 - calibration date &2 before delivery date &3 |
707 | Vehicle meter &1 is not assigned to transport unit &2 |
708 | Vehicle meter &1 is not assigned to transport unit &2, compartment &3 |
709 | Vehicle meter & is not assigned to any transport unit in shipment |
710 | Reading for vehicle meter & already exists. Change sequence number |
711 | Meter reading for &1 &2 already exists (old values: &3 &4) |
712 | Select active records only |
713 | Select only records with existing data |
714 | Material &1 not on previous shipment &2 |
715 | Material &1 not on transport unit/vehicle of previous shipment &2 |
716 | Previous shipment &1 already linked to &2 for prior-to-load |
717 | Transport unit &1 not on previous shipment &2 |
718 | Transport unit & on previous shipment & not completely loaded (status &) |
719 | Transport unit &1 has no previous shipment to &2 in loaded status |
720 | Previous shipment &1 not confirmed (status &2); enter prior-to-load |
721 | This shipment already has a prior-to-load on TPU &1 compartment &2 |
722 | Previous shipment number must be different than current shipment & |
723 | TPU &1 has prior-to-load from shpmt &2, change to shpmt &3 not possible |
725 | End reading &1 smaller than start reading &2 (overflow is assumed) |
726 | Impossible to do rapid confirmation for stock transfer delivery & |
727 | Warning: Loss &1 &2 in transfer stock |
728 | Warning: Gain &1 &2 in transfer stock |
729 | Use delivery confirmation to recover missing posting for deliveries |
730 | Use load confirmation to recover missing posting for deliveries |
731 | Meter UoM & not same as & for existing meter. Use meter with same UoM |
732 | Open delivery postings, please execute recover function first (->edit) |
733 | Please specify batch for &1 in &2 |
734 | Error after saving of shpmt.during delivery update; correct and recover |
735 | Error in 'commit work and wait' sy-subrc = & |
736 | Valuation record missing for batch: valuation type & |
737 | Batch set by required valuation type & |
738 | Please create batch &1 &2 &3 with valuation type &4 |
739 | Valuation type &1 of batch &2 different than required valuation type &3 |
740 | Please create valuation record for material &1 in plant &2 first |
741 | Error occurred during reading of purchase order item &1 &2 |
742 | Different shipment item (&1 &2) already in compartment |
743 | No delivery to load. Please select reservation or shipping notification |
744 | Don't enter delivery number in case of multi drop compartments. |
745 | Material/Plant &1/&2 not scheduled for load in underlying document &3/&4. |
746 | Material also in other compartment (&1 &2). Pls specify TU and comprtmt. |
747 | Material &1 / Plant &2 not (yet) loaded into compartment |
748 | Document &1 &2 not relevant for loading |
749 | Please confirm quantity in delivery confirmation for vehicle & first |
750 | Document type not specified |
751 | Document &1 &2 not found in internal table |
752 | Document item &1 &2 &3 not found in internal table |
753 | Quantity item already confirmed; or not in current trans.,not deleted |
754 | Set partial confirmation or set vehicle close flag |
755 | Document &1 &2 &3 not loaded/selected => status partially confirmed |
756 | Document &1 &2 &3 not loaded/selected => status partially confirmed |
757 | Goods issue already posted for delivery & |
758 | Material &1 / Plant &2 in no item of document &3 &4 |
759 | Specify first reading on load bulk screen, or use load detail screen |
760 | Please confirm qty. in load confirmation for vehicle & first |
761 | Please confirm qty. in delivery conf. correction for vehicle & first |
762 | Please confirm qty in load conf. correction for vehicle & first |
763 | First confirm qty in delivery conf. movements on board for vehicle & |
764 | Loss in transfer for &1 &2 needs reference store location/batch (&3) |
765 | One meter reading for multiple quantities; to deactivate, delete readings |
766 | One meter reading for multiple quantities in compartment |
767 | Create bill of material (BOM) in new line or copy existing load record |
768 | One meter reading for multiple quantities in from compartment. Can't copy |
769 | One meter reading for multiple quantities in to compartment. Can't copy |
770 | Document assignment for return not allowed |
771 | Meter start/end overlaps with existing reading: &1 - &2 |
772 | Active and non active components - pls enter quantities on detail screen. |
773 | Zero quantity for all components - pls enter quantities on detail screen. |
774 | Material document & not created from shipment &. Use popup for selection. |
775 | Cancelation only allowed for completely confirmed shipments (status &<6). |
776 | Correction of - & - confirmation step & is incomplete. |
777 | & - correction step not completely identified. |
778 | No - & - confirmation step fits to input parameters. |
779 | Data of input table link to different - & - confirmation steps. |
780 | Selected - & - step & not yet confirmed. |
781 | Selected - & - correction & already confirmed. |
782 | Message table from reversal of GI: & |
783 | Error after reversal of GI for delivery & on &. |
784 | Reversal of exchange not supported. Pls check material document of GR. |
785 | Prior to load of transport unit & on shipment & reconciled. |
786 | Prior to load of transport unit & on shipment & already archived. |
787 | Loading date greater than the Delivery date for shipment & |
790 | Entered batch &1 is different from the batch &2 specified in PO item |
791 | Delivery & requests proof of delivery, no rapid confirmation possible |
792 | No delivery for rapid confirmation could be selected |
793 | Material assigned to several deliveries (e.g. & & and & &); no rapid CF |
794 | Error detected in BAdI - OIG_Mat_Doc_change. |
800 | **************** Cross Application ************************************ |
801 | Output has been successfully issued |
802 | No output has been selected for printing |
803 | Output could not be issued |
804 | Invalid shipment number &1 |
805 | Vehicle &1 cannot be found in shipment &2 |
806 | Loading plant &1 cannot be found for shipment &2 / vehicle &3 |
807 | Cannot read Table TOIGS for key &1. Contact system administrator |
808 | Output determination successfully completed |
809 | Error during update of output determination |
810 | No output determination procedure specified. Contact system administrator |
811 | For plant level output det./printing, shipment must be activated |
812 | Cannot print output from the Create Shipment screen. Go to change |
813 | There is more than one vehicle for this shipment. Please specify |
814 | More than one loading plant for this shipment / vehicle. Please specify |
815 | Language: & is not defined |
816 | System error: index structure for Table & |
817 | System error: index not found (&) |
818 | Please select a language |
819 | Mandatory texts cannot be deleted |
820 | Please select one or more texts |
821 | Please use the 'Create' function to create a text |
822 | The text has already been created in language & |
823 | System error: index structure for table |
824 | The text has already been created in all defined text languages |
825 | Error in a SAPscript function module |
826 | Texts were posted without a document number |
827 | Overdelivery tolerance of &1 % has been exceeded by delivery item &2 &3 |
828 | Underdelivery tolerance of &1 % has been exceeded by delivery item &2 &3 |
829 | No tolerance levels defined within the delivery item &1 &2 |
830 | Final delivery only at confirmation, reset indicator for delivery & & |
831 | System cannot read Table TOIGE for key &. Contact system administrator |
832 | Please select one delivery item |
833 | Please select only one delivery item at a time |
834 | Only deliveries can be selected for exchange assignment |
835 | Unexpected document type encountered. Inform system administrator |
836 | Exchange assignment user exit(s) has processed &1 delivery items |
837 | Unexpected update mode of &1 encountered. Contact system administrator |
838 | Enter date & |
839 | &1 &2 is earlier than &3 &4 |
840 | Meter type must be the same as previous one |
841 | Program & has been successfully run |
842 | Please choose a valid TD function (shown above) |
844 | &1 lines of Table &2 successfully updated |
845 | &1 lines of Table &2 successfully inserted |
846 | &1 lines of Table &2 successfully deleted |
847 | Error in function 'OIB2_TD_EXG_ASSIGNMENT'. Contact system administrator |
848 | Goods receipt posting failed. Please contact your system administrator |
849 | Exg.assignment exists for mat &/ plant &/ batch &/ without shipment qty. |
850 | Please delete exchange assignment of delivery & before adding to shipment |
851 | There is no user exit customized for shipment type & |
852 | Exchange goods receipt posting failed.Please contact system administrator |
853 | Exchange assignment for shipment type & not possible. Dlv.fulfillment = & |
854 | Exchange data not possible because dlv.fulfillment = & |
855 | Material number & does not exist |
856 | Material &1 not maintaned in plant &2 |
857 | Purchase item &1/&2 does not exist |
858 | Purchase item &1/&2 is not exchange related |
859 | Material number in purchase item &1/&2 = &3 |
860 | Update of exchange assignment or quantity schedule failed |
861 | The valuation type in the purchase calloff &1/&2 = &3 |
862 | Program only required at upgrade from Release(s) & |
863 | Upgrade from IS-Oil Release detected |
864 | Specified item not found for positioning |
865 | Vehicle number &1 does not exist for shipment &2. |
866 | User canceled processing! |
867 | Please specify compartment for transport unit # &. |
868 | No quantity could be derived from item & in T_OIGISVMQ. |
869 | Please position the cursor on a Batch field. |
870 | Change of final delivery indicator for reservation & item & not possible. |
871 | Change of final delivery indicator for document & item & not possible |
872 | Application needs selection: Screen &1 &2 |
873 | An Idoc should be created but no receiver could be determined |
888 | & & & & |
890 | Wrong input for I_SUBRC &, pls see program documentation for module. |
891 | No input data in table T_OIGISVMQ fits to selected vehicle. |
892 | Item &1 &2 &3 not yet ready for discharge or already confirmed. |
893 | Document & passed to TD shipment. Item & cannot be inserted/deleted. |
894 | Document & passed to TD shipment. Item & - Don't change material, plant,. |
895 | Delivery & passed to TD shipment. Pls post goods issue through shipment. |
896 | Reservation & passed to TD shipment. Item & - Don't change control flags. |
897 | No selection of underlying document. Pls use cursor or mark entry. |
898 | Document & passed to TD shipment. Item & - Don't change quantities |
899 | Usage of OIL Trnapsortation and Distribution with SiT is not allowed |