OIJ_IF_EXT - Messages for Interface Integration

The following messages are stored in message class OIJ_IF_EXT: Messages for Interface Integration.
It is part of development package OIJ_TSW_07_BACKEND_PLAN in software component IS-OIL-DS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Backend Objects for Planning and Analytic APPS".
Message Nr
Message Text
001& & & &
002You are not authorized to perform this action.
100Sessionid & is invalid
101Material &1 does not exist at Location &2.
102Mean of Transport &1 is not definied for Material &2 at Location &3
103Valuation Type &1 is not definied for Material &2 at Location &3
104Unit of measure &1 is not defined for material &2.
105Could not load all & packages to the staging table.
106Attempted to load more packages &1 to the staging table than expected &2
107Could not read Package &1 for Sessionid &2 from staging table
108Please select the records again for processing.
109Package &1 of Sessionid &2 saved to staging table with &3 lines
110Package &1 of Sessionid &2 processed with &3 total lines
111Package &1 of Sessionid &2 processed with &3 error lines of &4 total
112Processing done with &1 total lines
113Processing done with &1 error lines of &2 total
114Processing &1 Packages of Sessionid &2
115&1 Packages of Sessioid &2 already processed
116Processing could not be triggered for Package &1 of Sessionid &2
117Processing of all packages triggered for Sessionid &1
118Processing Job &1 finished with Status &2
119Location &1 is invalid
120IBP Movementscenario missing in Customizing: Loctype &1 and Incoterms &2
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