OIUBL - PRA Balancing Messages
The following messages are stored in message class OIUBL: PRA Balancing Messages.
It is part of development package OIU_RVBL in software component IS-OIL-PRA-REV-BL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PRA Balancing (Revenue)".
It is part of development package OIU_RVBL in software component IS-OIL-PRA-REV-BL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PRA Balancing (Revenue)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | &1, &2 not a valid default DOIMP/DOIWC for effective date range. |
001 | Starting Balance created after sales date &. |
002 | Must have prior starting imbalance. |
003 | Starting Imbalance already created. |
004 | Override cannot be created. A Starting Imbalance exists for this date. |
005 | Adjustment number is required to view an adjustment. |
006 | CA transaction types cannot be created |
007 | CA transaction types can only be displayed |
008 | Enter customer number for return address on mail cover |
009 | PBA with the same number already exists. |
010 | Deletion of PBA not allowed, as report data for this PBA exists |
011 | Caution; change of the PBA end date might affect PBA assignment dates |
012 | Enter an earlier date; WC/MP cross reference exists before entered date |
013 | Enter an earlier end date; report data for PBA exists for later months |
014 | PBA to WC/MP cross reference begins before start date of PBA &/& |
015 | PBA to WC/MP cross reference ends after end date of PBA &/& |
016 | No valid DOI found for well completion and product combination |
017 | No valid DOI found for measurement point and product combination |
018 | Enter either measurement point or both the well and well completion |
019 | For well completion selection by DOI, enter comp. code, venture and DOI |
020 | PBA Status & is invalid |
021 | PBA record does not exist for PBA Number & |
022 | PBA cross reference does not exist for & & & |
023 | No DOI to & cross reference found for company code &, venture &, DOI & |
024 | End date must be after start date |
025 | An entry exists already for this WC/MP for this start date |
026 | Venture/DOI or WC/MP or PBA number is needed to update status |
027 | Production month must be the same or erlier than reporting month |
028 | Enter an earlier production month; no PBA cross reference exists |
029 | Enter either the report month or the effective date range |
030 | Report month required when status is "current" or "finalized" |
031 | Reporting month required |
032 | You cannot go back to the old solution from the new solution |
033 | Manual adjustments saved |
034 | PBA & has been & |
035 | PBA cross references saved |
036 | Combination of Owner and Interest type is not currently in the deck. |
037 | Balancing solution cannot be set to blank. |
038 | Only the last report run of a PBA can be deleted |
039 | Only the last current report run of a PBA can be set to status "outdated" |
040 | Balancing job cannot be executed in background |
041 | Balancing job initiated - see transaction SM37 for details |
042 | PBA Xref in this date range is tied to Finalized balancing reports. |
055 | ARRAY op error: DB table=&, op=&, rc=&, lines=& |
100 | Error; no & for & selection criteria |
101 | Mismatch between PBA status and PBA report. PBA &, PrdMo &. |
102 | Error; no WCs or MPs attached to PBA & for Prd Mo & |
103 | PBA Xref found for invalid Material & |
104 | Product Group not found for Material & |
105 | No WC/MP-PBA Xref found in the given date range |
106 | Error; product group & set up not found. PBA &. |
107 | Error; UoM group not found for measurement group ID &, major PD &, PBA & |
108 | Error; no standard UoM found for UoM Group &, Dim ID &, Meas Grp &, PBA & |
109 | Error; no DOIs attached to & &. Major Pd &, PBA &. |
110 | Error; GRI calculation Error: venture/DOI &, Owner &, Major prod. code & |
111 | Error; UoM conversion error for Conversion Grp &, From UoM &, To UoM & |
112 | No finalized report exists for PBA &, report month & |
113 | Error updating PBA status for PBA &, Rpt Month &, Status &, sy-subrc & |
114 | PBA & already current; latest PBA run will be output |
115 | Error; non-finalized run for PBA & was found for previous month & |
116 | Report has been finalized; cannot delete a finalized report |
117 | Error calling Smart Form &; sy-subrc = & |
118 | Owner selection not working; try different selection criteria |
119 | Delivery network & is currently processing; cannot generate PBA &, Dt & |
120 | Current PBA & report contains catch-up month & |
121 | Delivery network & has open PPN for Prd Dt &. PBA &. |
122 | .&: wells/MPs attached to PBA & are from more than one DOI |
123 | PBA & contains well/measurement point from DOI & |
124 | .&: & of DOI & not attached to PBA & |
125 | Wells/MPs attached to PBA & are from more than one DOI |
126 | No message text |
127 | Unit of measure not found |
128 | Outdated statement cannot be finalized |
129 | Not a Valid Vendor. |
130 | Rept Month must be greater than or equal to the last-generated & |
500 | You do not have authority to display balancing data. |
501 | Enter either product balancing agreement (PBA) or PBA group |
502 | Enter at least one parameter |
503 | Enter well completion when well number is entered |
504 | Enter well number when well completion is entered |
505 | Enter either well or measurement point |
506 | No record found for the given parameters |
507 | Enter production month and production year |
508 | Comment saved |
509 | Comment cannot be saved |
510 | Error; Do not select multiple PBA numbers |
511 | Error; Include last reporting month while regenerating PBA |
512 | Error; Selected months should be continuous |
513 | Gas Balancing Enhancements are not Active |
514 | Well & not tied to PBA & in the given date range |
515 | MP & not tied to PBA & in the given date range |
516 | No PBA Xref found for PBA & in the given date range |
517 | Enter only one set of the optional parameters |
518 | Enter venture when DOI is entered |
519 | |
520 | Please enter valid owner number |
521 | Enter either(PBA or PBA group) OR Owner |
522 | PBA & has zero balance; statement not generated |