OIUBL - PRA Balancing Messages

The following messages are stored in message class OIUBL: PRA Balancing Messages.
It is part of development package OIU_RVBL in software component IS-OIL-PRA-REV-BL. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PRA Balancing (Revenue)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000&1, &2 not a valid default DOIMP/DOIWC for effective date range.
001Starting Balance created after sales date &.
002Must have prior starting imbalance.
003Starting Imbalance already created.
004Override cannot be created. A Starting Imbalance exists for this date.
005Adjustment number is required to view an adjustment.
006CA transaction types cannot be created
007CA transaction types can only be displayed
008Enter customer number for return address on mail cover
009PBA with the same number already exists.
010Deletion of PBA not allowed, as report data for this PBA exists
011Caution; change of the PBA end date might affect PBA assignment dates
012Enter an earlier date; WC/MP cross reference exists before entered date
013Enter an earlier end date; report data for PBA exists for later months
014PBA to WC/MP cross reference begins before start date of PBA &/&
015PBA to WC/MP cross reference ends after end date of PBA &/&
016No valid DOI found for well completion and product combination
017No valid DOI found for measurement point and product combination
018Enter either measurement point or both the well and well completion
019For well completion selection by DOI, enter comp. code, venture and DOI
020PBA Status & is invalid
021PBA record does not exist for PBA Number &
022PBA cross reference does not exist for & & &
023No DOI to & cross reference found for company code &, venture &, DOI &
024End date must be after start date
025An entry exists already for this WC/MP for this start date
026Venture/DOI or WC/MP or PBA number is needed to update status
027Production month must be the same or erlier than reporting month
028Enter an earlier production month; no PBA cross reference exists
029Enter either the report month or the effective date range
030Report month required when status is "current" or "finalized"
031Reporting month required
032You cannot go back to the old solution from the new solution
033Manual adjustments saved
034PBA & has been &
035PBA cross references saved
036Combination of Owner and Interest type is not currently in the deck.
037Balancing solution cannot be set to blank.
038Only the last report run of a PBA can be deleted
039Only the last current report run of a PBA can be set to status "outdated"
040Balancing job cannot be executed in background
041Balancing job initiated - see transaction SM37 for details
042PBA Xref in this date range is tied to Finalized balancing reports.
055ARRAY op error: DB table=&, op=&, rc=&, lines=&
100Error; no & for & selection criteria
101Mismatch between PBA status and PBA report. PBA &, PrdMo &.
102Error; no WCs or MPs attached to PBA & for Prd Mo &
103PBA Xref found for invalid Material &
104Product Group not found for Material &
105No WC/MP-PBA Xref found in the given date range
106Error; product group & set up not found. PBA &.
107Error; UoM group not found for measurement group ID &, major PD &, PBA &
108Error; no standard UoM found for UoM Group &, Dim ID &, Meas Grp &, PBA &
109Error; no DOIs attached to & &. Major Pd &, PBA &.
110Error; GRI calculation Error: venture/DOI &, Owner &, Major prod. code &
111Error; UoM conversion error for Conversion Grp &, From UoM &, To UoM &
112No finalized report exists for PBA &, report month &
113Error updating PBA status for PBA &, Rpt Month &, Status &, sy-subrc &
114PBA & already current; latest PBA run will be output
115Error; non-finalized run for PBA & was found for previous month &
116Report has been finalized; cannot delete a finalized report
117Error calling Smart Form &; sy-subrc = &
118Owner selection not working; try different selection criteria
119Delivery network & is currently processing; cannot generate PBA &, Dt &
120Current PBA & report contains catch-up month &
121Delivery network & has open PPN for Prd Dt &. PBA &.
122.&: wells/MPs attached to PBA & are from more than one DOI
123PBA & contains well/measurement point from DOI &
124.&: & of DOI & not attached to PBA &
125Wells/MPs attached to PBA & are from more than one DOI
126No message text
127Unit of measure not found
128Outdated statement cannot be finalized
129Not a Valid Vendor.
130Rept Month must be greater than or equal to the last-generated &
500You do not have authority to display balancing data.
501Enter either product balancing agreement (PBA) or PBA group
502Enter at least one parameter
503Enter well completion when well number is entered
504Enter well number when well completion is entered
505Enter either well or measurement point
506No record found for the given parameters
507Enter production month and production year
508Comment saved
509Comment cannot be saved
510Error; Do not select multiple PBA numbers
511Error; Include last reporting month while regenerating PBA
512Error; Selected months should be continuous
513Gas Balancing Enhancements are not Active
514Well & not tied to PBA & in the given date range
515MP & not tied to PBA & in the given date range
516No PBA Xref found for PBA & in the given date range
517Enter only one set of the optional parameters
518Enter venture when DOI is entered
520Please enter valid owner number
521Enter either(PBA or PBA group) OR Owner
522PBA & has zero balance; statement not generated
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