OIUCM - E&P Common Messages Across All Sub-Systems
The following messages are stored in message class OIUCM: E&P Common Messages Across All Sub-Systems.
It is part of development package OIU in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)".
It is part of development package OIU in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Transaction Code & not found. |
001 | Value & not found for the specified domain. |
002 | & & & & does not exist. |
003 | & & & & already exists. |
004 | & & not valid for & &. |
005 | & & & was not &. |
006 | & & & successfully &. |
007 | & & & & not selected. |
008 | Required field & & & not entered. |
009 | & & & required for &. |
010 | & & required when & & entered. |
011 | No changes were made. |
012 | & & cannot be deleted, & data exists. |
013 | No records found. |
014 | & & cannot & &. |
015 | & & group & does not exist. |
016 | & & group & uses internal no. assignments; leave blank |
017 | & & group & uses external no. assignments; specify the & |
018 | Error in number assignment. |
019 | Enter a number between & and &. |
020 | Invalid value & & specified. |
021 | & & running & |
022 | & & terminated with return code & |
023 | & & generated & |
024 | & & PPN & |
025 | & & & is being processed by &. |
026 | Lock table overflow - system failure. |
027 | Unknown error in record locking! Try again later. |
028 | System error: unable to read transporter cross reference. |
029 | A valid line should be selected. |
030 | At least one child record must exist. |
031 | Invalid date. |
032 | & and & required when & entered. |
033 | Open and close parenthesis do not match. |
034 | Cannot have an open and close parenthesis on the same row |
035 | No long text available for & in language &. |
036 | Long text does not exist. |
037 | & & is related to an existing &. |
038 | Invalid operator, choose one of the following: + - * / |
039 | Total of & & & cannot be > 100. |
040 | & & value does not match calculated & & value. |
041 | & must be & when & &. |
042 | Effective from date cannot be less than &. |
043 | & & does not allow & & to be entered. Leave field blank. |
044 | & & requires & & to be entered. |
045 | Enter only one:Measurement Point, Well Completion, or Company/Venture/DOI |
046 | & & must be a & &. |
047 | Dated Characteristics for & effective & must exist. |
048 | & & is not & &. |
049 | At least one Owner with a bearer percentage must exist. Cannot save |
050 | Update cancelled by user in PPN routine. |
051 | & & effective & successfully saved. |
052 | & & effective & successfully deleted. |
053 | Record already exists for this effective from date. |
054 | Record not found for & & & effective &. |
055 | & & not found for & & in effective date range. |
056 | & & & for & already exists. |
057 | Date ranges must be contiguous. |
058 | Effective from date must be the first day of the month. |
059 | Effective to date must be the last day of the month. Example & & |
060 | Effective to date must be greater than effective from date. |
061 | Effective to date cannot be greater than & |
062 | On a & &, the exact effective from date must be entered. |
063 | The exact key must be specified. Record not found for & & & effective &. |
064 | & & & & is required. |
065 | & must be between & and &. |
066 | & & not found in & & |
067 | Formula detail record not selected. Please select a record. |
068 | Return from level & and go to level & |
069 | No detail records exist for & & & &. |
070 | Error when checking domain value for & &. |
071 | No farthest downstream node found |
072 | Multiple farthest downstream nodes found |
073 | & & must be & &. |
074 | & & not allowed for & &. |
075 | Effective To Date overlaps an existing record |
076 | Error in calculation. |
077 | & & is only valid for & & |
078 | & must be & when & & |
079 | Contract must be approved before the VCR can be approved |
080 | VCR effective from date must be >= to Contract start date |
081 | Effective to date must be <= to the contract end /expiration date |
082 | No associated owners can be entitled when formula id is not entitled |
083 | At least one owner must be entitled when formula id is entitled |
084 | Delivery Network not selected as a valuation network |
085 | Valuation formula must be approved |
086 | Delivery Network & as of & frequency code has changed types |
087 | Valuation Frequency code is not defined for Delivery Network |
088 | & must not be & when & & |
089 | & & is only valid if & & |
090 | Internal Error: Please restart the transaction. |
091 | Background job & was successfully created. Please check logs. |
092 | & & are only valid for & & |
093 | Only single values are allowed for primary selection criteria. |
094 | & & required when & is &. |
095 | Company Code/Venture combination is not valid |
096 | All key fields must be entered |
097 | No possible entries found. |
098 | One entry possibility was found. |
099 | VCR effective from date must be <= to Contract end date |
100 | & & & & & |
101 | DN Alloc Profile does not exist for Delivery Network, Frequency and Date. |
102 | Contract Volume by MP Template Build was successful. |
103 | CT Vol by MP Template Build already executed for this production month. |
104 | Contract Volume by MP Refresh Template was successful. |
105 | Unable to determine beginning inventory: Division by Zero. |
106 | Production Date must be the last day of the month. |
107 | Cannot change: The exact Effective From date must be entered on a BAPI. |
108 | Ticket Number is not allowed when Volume Category is Fuel or Inventory. |
109 | Delivery Network Downstream Node connections do not exist for this & |
110 | Invalid Date & or Time & cannot be converted to timestamp. |
111 | Invalid Timestamp & cannot be converted to Date. |
112 | Conversion error when calculating &. |
113 | & automatically calculated. |
114 | Operation not possible for this table information. |
115 | Effective To Date will be changed to & to prevent overlapping of records. |
116 | No entries to maintain. |
117 | Venture Revenue Extension & already created in Company Code & |
118 | The old owner & is part of a Escheat trial run. |
119 | No default transporter found.Transporter is required. |
120 | At least one contract is required to save. |
121 | Customer & in company code & was changed. |
122 | Vendor & in company code & was changed. |
123 | Error while processing Update Task - record NOT updated. |
124 | Mode is UPDATE but & & not found in link table. |
125 | Mode is INSERT but & & & already exists as a Business Associate. |
126 | This transaction is obsolete !! Please use transaction O3UCM_BA instead. |
127 | & & & & & |
128 | This function module is no longer supported by SAP. |
129 | Same Document Number should be selected. |
135 | Configuration entry missing for table &/&/& |
136 | Only one line should be selected |
137 | All Well Completions in field & do not have the same Org Levels. |
138 | Revised owner availibility updated. |
139 | Once Edit Status 7 is blank it must remain blank |
140 | An entry already exists for this Address Type. |
141 | Entries without an address are deleted from this BA record. |
142 | Number range not extern |
143 | Number outside external number range [NR object/no. &/&] |
144 | Cannot resolve execptions. CA Interface has already run. |
145 | No changes allowed. CA Interface has already run. |
146 | & is a settlement formula. |
147 | UOM & - CA Rounding Factor must be greater than or equal to Production's |
148 | Error in getting a next system number. |
149 | No Matches found. |
150 | JVA is installed, please use original JVA functionality |
151 | Business key & in INDX object number table already exists |
152 | Business Key & in INDX object number table does not exist |
153 | Insert of & into INDX objnr table failed |
154 | This function cannot handle an output date before the year 0001. |
155 | Escheat date required for escheat code & |
156 | ERROR: DATA NOT SAVED. "Round CA" must be >= "Factor" per UOM. |
157 | No release authorization - check job status via transaction SM37 |
158 | WBS element with status 'CLSD' cannot be used for this date. |
159 | Well Status/Major Workover Downtime reason incorrect for this WBS element |
160 | Month entered should be between 1-12 |
161 | VL is running for DN & Sales Dt & Major Pd & |
162 | Error in locking VL Doc for DN & Sales Dt & |
163 | VL Doc status is reset for DN & Sales Dt & |
164 | VL is running for DN & Sales Dt & |
165 | & Running for DN & & & |
166 | Marketing group for Company & Venture & DOI & is processed by & |
167 | Record not & |
168 | Unable to lock the object, Changed to display mode |
169 | Enter Effective Date from |
170 | Change document display not possible for the record |
180 | Input field contains non-numeric characters |
181 | Input field may have only 3 numbers before the decimal point |
182 | Input will be truncated after 3 decimal places |
183 | Title & is invalid. |
200 | Hierarchy Area & not found. |
201 | Hierarchy Area & may not be used here. |
202 | Hierarchy Area & was not found in standard hierarchy. |
203 | Hierarchy Area is at present locked for changes |
204 | Hierarchy Area & cannot be used here. |
205 | Set Name & is not Valid - Please check your input. |
210 | Post completed for doc no & |
211 | Start Date Editor could not be opened |
212 | Operation Terminated |
213 | Variant could not be created |
214 | Job could not be submitted |
215 | Job could not be opened |
216 | Job could not be closed |
217 | Job has been submitted successfully |
218 | You have no authority to display Appl log |
219 | Error in Delivery Network number assignment |
220 | Error in Document number assignment |
221 | Post in Process for document no & |
222 | Either Del ntwk grp or Del ntwk, Sales date and Freq reqd for Doc creatn |
223 | Please enter the Sales date |
224 | Run Ticket Details exist under Unit Volume tab |
225 | Invalid subobject/interval for table & - number range object & |
226 | Please input either Delivery network group or Delivery network |
227 | & & & & |
250 | * ALV Common Messages 250 - 299 |
251 | Please chose a valid function for list processing. |
252 | No multiple selection for action "Create" - First selected record used |
253 | Copy - create with reference - can only be used with an existing record. |
254 | & is locked by user &, record shown in display mode only. |
255 | No records found - please check your selections. |
256 | Data was not saved because a database error occurred. |
257 | Background job submitted. Check spool results under Reporting tab |
258 | Contract line-item delete. |
259 | Header-level delete - all contracts & . |
260 | Contract/material line-item delete. |
261 | Header-level delete - all contracts/materials for the DN/MP/SalesDt. |
262 | Document &1 status:"Re-Value: Status reset by OW. transfer" cannot post |
300 | Invalid table selection |
301 | You are not authorized to use Transaction & |
350 | Internal error during archiving |
351 | Could not open file |
352 | Error during archiving |
353 | Owner Number is required to do search. |
354 | No Matches found for specified keys & & & &. |
355 | Downhole commingled WC exists for the WC dated record |
356 | MP theoretical override exists for the MP dated record |
357 | WC theoretical override exists for the WC dated record |
358 | WC Theo. override exists for the DN dated record for the WL: &, WC: & |
359 | WC Transporter XREF exists for the WC dated record |
360 | MP Transporter XREF exists for the MP dated record |
361 | WC Default HV Point exists for the WC dated record |
362 | WC HV Point exists for the MP dated record for the WL: &, WC: & |
363 | MP: & is tied to MP Default HV Point for the MP dated record |
364 | WC Reproduced Materials exists for the WC dated record |
365 | MP Reproduced Materials exists for the MP dated record |
367 | MP is tied to Supply Source for the MP dated record |
368 | DN is tied to Supply Source for the DN dated record |
369 | MP Meter Spec. exists for the MP dated record |
370 | Fuel Usage Spec. exists for the MP dated record |
371 | DNAP exists for the DN dated record |
372 | WC Theo Calc Meth. exists for the WC dated record |
373 | DN Theo Calc Meth. exists for the DN dated record |
374 | MP Formula exists for the MP dated record with the FRML_NO: & |
375 | Chemical Analysis exists for the MP dated record |
376 | WC downtime exists for the WC dated record |
377 | WC Test exists for the WC dated record |
378 | WC Disp. Vol. exists for the WC dated record with the WCDVLH_NO: &, Yr.: |
379 | WC Generic Meas. exists for the WC dated record |
380 | MP Generic Meas. exists for the MP dated record |
381 | WC Daily Press. exists for the WC dated record |
382 | DOI to WC Xref exists for the WC dated record |
383 | DOI to MP Xref exists for the MP dated record |
384 | Transporter Contract Xref exists for the WC dated record |
385 | Transporter Contract Xref exists for the MP dated record |
386 | MP theoretical override exists for the DN dated record for the MP: & |
387 | VCR exists for the & dated record |
388 | & dated exists with effective from date as & |
389 | Downhole commingled WC cross reference exists for the WC dated record |
390 | PR job for DN & and Dt & couldn�t executed. Please reschedule the job. |
391 | Storage object characteristics exists for the MP record |
392 | WC Reg ID record exists for the Agency: &, Rep. name: &,Eff. from date: & |
393 | DN status exists with the Prd date: &, Frequency: &, Major product: & |
394 | MP Reg ID record exists for the Agency: &, Rep. name: &,Eff. from date: & |
395 | Select address type to display change history |
396 | Effective from date must be entered |
850 | *** CORE/JVA mods/adds/extensions *** |
851 | Region required for country/region US |
852 | Minimum payment for company & is & or higher |
853 | Recoup % must be between 0 and 100 |
854 | Entity Type not entered, PRA company code data cannot be set up. |
855 | Escheat code 'S' only valid for PRA Batch revenue batch process. |
856 | Escheat Code 'S' cannot be changed to 'Y' |
857 | Escheat date not permitted for escheat code & |
858 | |
859 | PRA is not active for company code & |
860 | Entity Code must be entered if PRA company code data exists |
861 | Company Code & is not a valid PRA company, cannot set up IC relationship |
862 | Resident Region without Resident Country/Region not vaild |
863 | Entity Type cannot be changed. Vendor is being used in PRA Ownership. |
864 | Vendor exists as Owner in the PRA Ownership system, cannot be deleted |
865 | Company & is PRA active - cannot delete Customers for this company. |
866 | Frequency Code 07 (Texas Annual Payment) only valid for region "TX" |
867 | PRA System is active, not deletion of vendors/customers possible |
868 | Record cancelled. Changes not saved. |
869 | Business Associate account group has not been maintained. |
870 | PRA parameters have not been maintained. |
871 | PRA is not active. |
872 | & & is not assigned to the BA Acct Grp &. Maintenance is not allowed. |
873 | Business Associate & currently locked by another user. |
874 | Corrupt data. The BA type could not be determined for BA &. |
875 | Invalid company code. BA already maintained for company code &. |
876 | Database could not be updated. |
877 | Request is not allowed. BA & already exists with a different BA type. |
878 | A vendor or customer number is required when creating a new BA. |
879 | A Business Associate already exists for the vendor/customer entered. |
880 | Operator required for non-operated ventures |
881 | Company & not JVA-active |
882 | BA number uses internal number assignment. Please leave blank. |
883 | Invalid value. Please check your entry. |
884 | Unable to convert region name to postal code. Check OIUH_CM_STATE. |
885 | Unable to convert postal code to region name. Check OIUH_CM_STATE. |
886 | Unable to convert vendor address region name to postal code. |
887 | Error converting postal code &2 and ctry/reg code &1 to linked state code |
888 | Region code description not found. Check T005U |
889 | Country/Region code description not found. Check T005T |
890 | BA Sequence number not numeric. |
891 | MP not present in the Delivery network & |
892 | Unit DOI not allowed when DOI Selection is populated |
893 | Select a valid Column |
894 | Display a valid record first to use '&' functionality |
895 | Clear selection or use ALV buttons to perform actions on selected row |
897 | MP Type change not allowed - MP is linked to DN. |
898 | Internal Number ranges for Reservoir is out-of-sync; please correct |
899 | & & & & |
999 | & & & & |