OIUREP_MMS_2014 - PRA Production: MMS-2014 - Message Class
The following messages are stored in message class OIUREP_MMS_2014: PRA Production: MMS-2014 - Message Class.
It is part of development package OIU_REP in software component IS-OIL-PRA-REP-ROY. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Production, Tax & Royalty Reporting".
It is part of development package OIU_REP in software component IS-OIL-PRA-REP-ROY. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Production, Tax & Royalty Reporting".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | Operation cancelled |
001 | Not all required fields are populated (Please check entry) |
002 | Invalid update mode issued to & (CREATE, CHANGE, DELETE) |
003 | Error & & with &. Update failure |
004 | Missing new record for table &. Update failure |
005 | & record created |
006 | No records found for selection criteria |
007 | Record already exists. Cannot create (Please check entry) |
008 | & record updated |
009 | Effective from date must be the first of a month |
010 | & record deleted |
011 | Payor xref record already exist for Well & / & in Venture & / & |
012 | Payor xref record already exist for & - Venture & / & |
013 | No DOI/WC cross reference records found for & - Venture & / & |
014 | No DOI/WC cross reference records found for Well & / & |
015 | Business Associate & / & does not exist (Please check entry) |
016 | Payor & was entered more than once (Please check entry) |
017 | No Payor xref record exists for & - Venture & / & for date specified |
018 | Effective TO date MUST be after FROM date |
019 | Agreement number is required for UNIT or COMMUNITIZED Payor XRef Record |
020 | Allocation factor must be > 0 and <= 1 |
021 | Report participation factor must be less than 1 |
022 | Invalid payment method for Federal Lease |
023 | Invalid payment method for Indian Lease |
024 | Lease for & - & / & CANNOT span over multiple Payor XRef records |
025 | Leases for & - & / & exists without Agreement Numbers |
026 | No Payor xref record exists for Well & / & for date specified |
027 | Leases for & / & exists without Agreement Numbers |
028 | Lease CANNOT extend beyond Payor for & / & / & 's validity end date of & |
029 | No Lease xref record exists for Lease & / Agreement & for date specified |
030 | Sales Type CANNOT extend beyond Lease & / & 's validity period of & - & |
031 | & is NOT a valid contract (Please verify entry) |
032 | & requires both amount and currency key fields to be populated |
033 | Please enter either Manufacturing UOM or Manufacturer Percentage basis |
034 | Sales Type for Lease & / & CANNOT extend beyond the Lease validity period |
035 | Transportation allowance must be under 1000 |
036 | Lease &/& exists as a dependent record. Cannot proceed |
037 | Sales Type &/&/&/& exists as a dependent record. Cannot proceed |
038 | Lease &/& w/ effective dates & - & will be invalid. Cannot proceed |
039 | Sales Type &/&/&/& will be invalid. Cannot proceed |
040 | Lease &/& now points to a different payor xref record. Cannot proceed |
041 | Sales Type &/&/&/& now points to a different lease record. Cannot proceed |
042 | Lease CANNOT extend beyond Payor for & / & 's validity end date of & |
043 | Lease & / & with effective date of & - & must be end dated first |
044 | Error inserting record into table &. |
045 | Field is required (Please check entry) |
046 | & / & - & was entered more than once (Please check entry) |
047 | & / & was entered more than once (Please check entry) |
048 | & was entered more than once (Please check entry) |
049 | Incorrect input parameters. |
050 | No Org Level found for Company Code &. |
051 | Current accounting month not found for Org Level &. |
052 | Error retrieving next month. |
053 | Invalid status code - & |
054 | Error execution program in batch |
055 | Error closing job - RC & |
056 | Extraction scheduled for & - & - & |
057 | Credit adjustments must be negative |
058 | Extraction unscheduled |
059 | Report run updated for & - & - & |
060 | Missing required parameter - & |
061 | Extraction running for & - & - & |
062 | Extraction completed for & - & - & |
063 | Extraction failed for & - & - & |
064 | Report Generation running for & - & - & |
065 | Report Generation completed for & - & - & |
066 | Report Generation failed for & - & - & |
067 | Report Finalization running for & - & - & |
068 | Report Finalization completed for & - & - & |
069 | Report Finalization failed for & - & - & |
070 | Error reading OIUREP_2014_RUNS for job - & |
071 | Dupliate entry in OIUREP_2014_RUNS for job - & |
072 | Report Generation scheduled for & - & - & |
073 | Report Finalization scheduled for & - & - & |
074 | No corresponding Adj Reason Code found for the Rvrs Reason Code & |
075 | Extraction rescheduled for & - & - & |
076 | Report Generation rescheduled for & - & - & |
077 | Report Finalization rescheduled for & - & - & |
078 | Owner not reported but master data could cause error in royalty value rep |
079 | Invalid line number & |
080 | Please select a line before performing function |
081 | Delete line only applicable to manually added lines |
082 | Unable to open file & |
083 | Specified lease requires a distinction between Federal and Indian |
084 | Error creating unique id for filename in func OIUREP_MMS_2014_SUBLEDGER |
085 | Error opening file & |
086 | Error closing file & |
087 | There was a warning issued from program & with return code & |
088 | Error submitting to program & |
089 | Fatal error in function OIUREP_MMS_2014_SUBLEDGER |
090 | No API Well No found for Well No & |
091 | No API Well Completion No found for Well & Well Completion & |
092 | Error updating table & |
093 | Error deleting from table & |
094 | Error inserting into table & |
095 | Lease & should have Federal/Indian code of & - automatic correction made |
096 | Federal leases cannot have tribe # nor T/A cd - automatic correction made |
097 | Indian leases require tribe number and tribal/allottee code |
098 | Both well and well completion must be populated if one is populated |
099 | Both amount and currency must be populated if one is populated |
100 | & & & & |
101 | Both quantity and unit of measure must be populated if one is populated |
102 | & REJECT transaction not processed. & IS AFFECTED ROYALTY VALUE. |
103 | & Related Reject & IS AFFECTED ROYALTY VALUE. |
107 | Changing key reporting fields could result in double reporting of revenue |
108 | Duplicate reporting key found on line & |
109 | No row selected for deletion on table & for Lease Record No. & |
110 | Company & / Venture & / DOI & CANNOT be loaded by this function module |
111 | No Current Accounting Date found for Organizational Level & |
112 | Well & / Well Completion & CANNOT be loaded by this function module |
113 | Either Document or Company Code/Sales Year/Sales Month is required |
114 | Error calling function & |
115 | Property & DOI & Sales Date & is CI data and could not create master PPA |
116 | Property & DOI & Sales Date & was deleted from the PPA master data tables |
117 | Well & Well Compl. & Sale Dt & deleted from the PPA master data tables |
118 | Minimum of one owner entry is required |
119 | Specified report execution is NOT in RUNNING status. Action cancelled |
120 | FORCED: Extraction failed for & - & - & |
121 | FORCED: Report Generation failed for & - & - & |
122 | FORCED: Report Finalization failed for & - & - & |
123 | No master data changes are allowed while an extraction is running - & |
124 | No Contract Type found for Contract & |
125 | Invalid status switch to & from & |
127 | Manufacturer UOM Percent must be less than 1 |
128 | Included Direct Pay Owner & / & with Royalty Amount & |
129 | Excluded Direct Pay Owner & / & with Royalty Amount & |
130 | Total includes direct pay royalty amount & |
131 | Total excludes direct pay royalty amount & |
132 | Insert to the OIUREP_MMS_REJCT table was unsuccessful |
133 | Delete to the OUIREP_MMS_REJCT table was unsuccessful |
135 | Report is already finalized; cannot proceed with new run |
136 | Error reading batch job information via FM & - rc = & |
137 | No corresponding PRA contract number found for contract number & |
138 | Material not found for MAJPD & and PD & |
139 | Dependent records exist; cannot delete; refresh with F8 |
140 | Report & requires a variant |
141 | & completed |
142 | Sales date was not converted properly |
143 | Venture was not converted properly |
144 | Material was not converted properly |
145 | Contract was not converted properly |
146 | Well completion was not populated |
147 | Well Number was not Populated |
148 | Contract & has default MMS sales type code of & |
149 | Material & / MMS Product Code & is not a valid combination |
150 | Owner number was not converted properly |
151 | &1-Multiple MMS product codes found; Will use MMS code from Sales type MD |
152 | No MMS product code found for material & |
153 | No contract type code found for contract number & |
154 | Last byte of agreement suffix must be blank per MMS |
155 | Last byte of lease number must be blank per MMS |
156 | No authorization to perform action; check transaction SU53 |
157 | Error retrieving physical file name from logical file name |
158 | Error reading file & |
159 | File & is empty |
160 | File & downloaded |
161 | Account &: no accounting info found; not able to post offset entry |
162 | Report generation/finalization did not create any entries |
163 | Error reading change document information via FM & - rc = & |
164 | No recorded changes found |
165 | Record dated between & and & will be deleted |
166 | No accounting information found; see application log for accounts |
167 | Record dated between & and & will be end dated |
168 | Record dated between & and & will have an altered effective from date |
169 | Sales type code is required for transaction code & |
170 | All the related records were suspended |
171 | Changing historic MRT records can affect future Master Data PPAs |
172 | Month before selected month was not finalized |
173 | Process date must be after the last finalized report's date |
174 | Data too large - must export to file and manually import into Excel |
175 | File & downloaded successfully |
176 | Unable to display jobs currently running under user & |
177 | All the related records were unsuspended |
179 | No related records exists for the selected record |
180 | Report Re-Generation Required for & - & - & |
181 | |
185 | Eff. From Date must be >= to Venture DOI Start Date - & |
301 | Error selecting records from & into internal table. Can not Continue. |
302 | Target table & already contains same Key entries attempting to insert. |
303 | Unable to APPEND to internal table &. &2 see Detail --> |
304 | Error from HISTORY SELECT function module. Record skipped, see Detail --> |
305 | Unable to MODIFY internal table & .Rebooking NOT applied, see Detail --> |
306 | Unable to MODIFY internal table & .ADJUST_CODE not blank> &, see Detail-> |
307 | Unable to DELETE from internal table & .see Detail --> |
308 | Error calculating DOC ID Julian Date for date --> &1 Can not Continue. |
309 | Table &1 does not contain entries based on Key criteria. &2 |
310 | Error writing &1 to file &2. |
311 | Error generating unique file number. Can not Conitune. Object -> &1. |
312 | Error reading internal table &1. Can not Reset Negative Value for &2. |
313 | Indian Recoup balance cannot be negative.( &1 -neg amt) Can not Continue. |
314 | Could not Lock Table &1, Locked by User -> &2 |
315 | Error ENQUEUEing Table -> &1 |
316 | Table OIUREP_PRDCDXREF empty.Unable to translate MATNR to MMS prod code |
317 | MMS 2014 Report not active in table OIUREP_ACTIVATE. Activate Report. |
318 | MMS 2014 Report entry not found in table OIUREP_ACTIVATE. Enter Report. |
319 | Error reading internal table &1. &2. |
320 | All extracted records rejected. Program Stop. |
321 | No MMS Payor Number found for Company Code &1. Can not Continue. |
322 | Unable to determine MMS Payor Number without Customer Number. |
323 | More than one Customer Number found for Company Code &1. See Setup &2. |
324 | & Total Amount Extracted Without Taxes |
325 | & Total Royalty Due |
326 | & Total Amount Rejected |
327 | & Total Records Rejected |
328 | Non-Direct Pay Indian (Owner>&1) will create JE Offset. |
329 | All report generation records rejected. Program Stop. |
330 | MMS Transactions Rejects Occurred. Correct by Pending Maintenance or MJE. |
331 | View Reject Report. Extract Run Type=Space for Report Generation Rejects. |
332 | Please Enter Indian Lease |
334 | Error determining DOC ID from Number Range, OIUREP_DOC. Can not Continue. |
335 | Error determining DOC ID from BADI(business add-in). Can not Continue. |
336 | Custom Document ID must be between &1 and &2. Can not Continue. |
337 | No matching records were extracted. Please check Run parameters. |
338 | Corresponding RT_PEND records SUSPENDED for rejected records. |
339 | Report Generation encountered rejects. Please re-generate the report. |
340 | Sales date should be the last day of the month |
341 | Adjusted SA Qty, Adjusted BTU Qty and Gas MMBTU Qty not consistent. |
342 | Report participation factor cannot be Zero. |
343 | Report participation factor entered is less then 0.125. |
344 | Rounding: Extract Key - &1 - &2 -&3 - Rounding Difference - &4 |
345 | Quantity diff: Extract Key - &1 - &2 -&3 - Royalty Qty Difference - &4 |
346 | &1 is required |
347 | Entity Type should be Federal, Indian or Taxable Indian |
348 | Effective Date should be last day of the month |
349 | Overlapping effective dates found |