OIURR - Production Regulatory Reporting
The following messages are stored in message class OIURR: Production Regulatory Reporting.
It is part of development package OIU_REP in software component IS-OIL-PRA-REP-ROY. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Production, Tax & Royalty Reporting".
It is part of development package OIU_REP in software component IS-OIL-PRA-REP-ROY. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Production, Tax & Royalty Reporting".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
001 | MMS requires OGOR file to be named & |
002 | & final has not been run; must run report type "original" |
003 | & final has already run; cannot run another original. |
004 | No & records meet the selection criteria |
005 | Error; well ID data does not exist for well & |
006 | Error; well completion data does not exist for well completion &/& |
007 | Error; field data does not exist for field & |
008 | API WC for &/& must have form: 1st digit = char & last 2 digits = numeric |
009 | OGOR-A WCDVLH data not found for WC &/&. Volume type codes: & &. |
010 | Standard pressure not found for delivery network &, From Dt &, Material & |
011 | Installation Parameters for company not found (table OIUH_CM_INSTL) |
012 | No BA record found for BA &/& & |
013 | Error calling function &, sy-subrc = & |
014 | & is required for & & & report |
015 | If & is entered, & & & must also be entered |
016 | Cannot run & report for lease &; final for lease has & run. |
017 | Select one or combinations of OGOR-A, OGOR-B and/or OGOR-C. |
018 | Orig/Mod/Repl indic. must be modified when specifying individual leases |
019 | & WCDVLH data not found for WC &/& |
020 | MMS well status & not found for WC &/& |
021 | & cancelled. |
022 | Field & is not found: WL/WC &, Maj/Pd/VT: & &. |
023 | Invalid API for WC &/&; last two digits of API WC & must be numeric & |
024 | Day Prod = 0, so Volume must = 0: WL/WC &/&, Well Stat &, Vol type Cd & |
025 | Days Prod must = 0 for non-prod Well Stat: WC &/&, Well Stat &, VolT Cd & |
026 | Lse & & OGOR-A Prodn Total does not = OGOR-B Dispn Total: Prd= &, Disp= & |
027 | Lease & OGOR-B Disp Cd 10 Total & does not = OGOR-C Prodn Total & |
028 | OGOR-C Lease & Facl &- BegInv+Prodn-Sales+Adjustm does not = EndInventory |
029 | & field & is required for WC & Majpd/VT/PdCD &, but contains space or 0 |
030 | Error converting field & to data type & |
031 | Foreign key check failed for field & |
032 | Error retrieving check fields for DDIC structure & |
033 | Error retrieving field catalog for DDIC structure & |
034 | Cannot create override grp for this key until key exists without override |
035 | Override value cannot be specified for volume fields |
036 | Volumes will be reported unless "prohibited"; other volume rules ignored |
037 | Cannot select key field for "Report Column" |
038 | BTU not set for required, but MajorPd = gas; WL/WC &, MMSDispCd &, VT & |
039 | & field is required |
040 | Well Stat not found: parent WC & Stat/WlClss/ProdMeth & & |
041 | MMS Reason Cd not found: parent WC & Downtime Reason Code & |
042 | If Volume = 0, Days Prod must = 0: WL/WC &, Well Stat &, VT Cd & |
043 | If Volume not 0, Days Prod must be > 0: WL/WC &, Well Stat &, VolTyo Cd & |
044 | An entry for well completion & & production date & already exists |
045 | No production data processed; no OIUREP_RRST_DET entries created |
046 | Entry found in status detail but not in new report for & & |
047 | Transporter (SalesVol rec) not found: WL/WC &/&, Majpd &, Pd & |
048 | No rounding rules defined for OGOR B and C |
049 | Reporting level for company & is set to level &, ORG& to & are cleared |
050 | Reporting level for company & is set to level &, ORG& is cleared |
051 | Report level for company & is set to level &, ORG& to & are mandatory |
052 | No WC Dated data found for WC &/& (MajPrd. &) |
053 | Unacceptable well stat/reas code combination: WL/WC &, Stat &, Reas & |
054 | Unacceptable reason cd/action code combination: WL/WC &, Reas &, Actn & |
055 | ARRAY op error: DB table=&, op=&, rc=&, lines=& |
056 | No report found for agency & |
057 | & & not in application data common table; well completion & |
058 | Well completion daily pressures (inje psi) not found: WL/WC &, From dt & |
059 | Injectionn pressure QCI conversion error: WL/WC &, Daily Pressure UoM & |
060 | No pperator can be maintained as no finalization Level is defined for & |
061 | TrnspOGRID not found: Trnsp &, OrigMP &, WC &, VT & |
062 | Customer number & is not assigned to customer account group & |
063 | No operator defined for this reporting level |
064 | No Reg ID found for the selected well completion and month |
065 | Report & failed at step & with sy-subrc & |
066 | Duplicate entry; enter a unique value |
067 | & & & was not & |
068 | Data saved |
069 | Not a valid & & & & |
070 | & not found in Common Table: WC &, Key1 &, Key2 & |
071 | & not found in Common Table: WC &, Key1 & |
072 | Report & & is not activated; see long text |
073 | No entry found for this report in OIUREP_ACTIVATE table |
074 | No report run for the business associate & |
075 | No entry selected |
076 | No pverride groups present. |
077 | POD required for Orig MP &, WC &, VT & |
078 | Missing MMS Action Code: WC &, MMS Well Stat &, ReasCd & |
079 | POD blank for Water volume: OrigMP &, WC &, VT & |
080 | Well completion not company operated: &. |
081 | The effective from date is greater than the effective to date |
082 | OGOR B volume rounding out of tolerance: Lse/Agr &, Disp &, Majpd &,Amt & |
083 | OGOR C volume rounding out of tolerance: Lse/Agr &, MMS PdCd &, & Amt &. |
084 | OGOR C adjustment out of tolerance: Lse/Agr &, MMS PdCd &, Majpd &, Amt & |
085 | No standard Unit of Measure found for Major Pd Cd &, Dimension &.\ |
086 | Table & invalid; well number must be a key field. |
087 | Invalid field &; only "Additional Master Data" fields can be used |
088 | No valid WC dated record found for selected month |
089 | Duplicate entry/date range specified falls within already existing range |
090 | Enter a valid text ID |
091 | Amended reports which are finalized exist after & - & exists. |
092 | Reports cannot be created for a future date. |
093 | No Finalized Report for previous month(s) exists. |
094 | No Contract Number found for Well Completion & - &. |
095 | No Purchaser found for Well Completion & - & Contract Number &. |
096 | No Transporter found for Well Completion & - & Transporter Number &. |
097 | No Agency Code/Transporter Method Code has been maintained. |
098 | No Agency Code found for PRA Transporter Method Code '&'. |
099 | Transporter is required for Measurement Point &. |
100 | Total Allocation to Parishes has to be 100% or zero |
101 | Parish split entries with blank parish and non zero percent exist |
102 | An entry with the same key already exists |
103 | Current Report for Month & Year & not yet Finalized. |
104 | No |
105 | No report exists for the previos month. |
106 | Deletion of the Report cancelled. |
107 | Entry in field & is required, when & is equal to & |
108 | Entry in field & is prohibited, when & is equal to & |
109 | LA RegID inactive, but not WC dated for WC & |
110 | WC dated inactive, but not LA Reg ID for WC & |
111 | No description found for & with value & & |
112 | Only current reports possible for Louisiana WR1 |
113 | Louisiana WR1 reports only possible for months April and October |
114 | No group code found for MajPdCd & VT & |
115 | No entry for Output Header found in structure assignment table |
116 | No entry for Output Item found in structure assignment table |
117 | No table type maintained for structure entry & and report & & |
118 | Display only - A report is running or scheduled for the same selection |
119 | The Output Options (IMG) does not have the "BA function" name for & &. |
120 | Disp(GrpCd 50) <> Aqu(GrpCd 99): &/& ConsD & Fld & |
121 | A report for same key (Month, Year, Org.levels, A/C) exists already |
122 | R5D report result is out of balance for production date &/&. |
123 | The total allocation to Parishes is less than 100% |
124 | Only Disp. or Aqu. found: &/& ConsD & Fld & |
125 | Report Finalization cancelled. |
126 | No MPs for & & & & meet the selection criteria. |
127 | Deletion of finalized statement not allowed. |
128 | The Reports are scheduled for background printing. |
129 | 'RRC Oil Lease No' or 'Gas RRC ID' should be entered.Hit Enter to Cont. |
130 | Selected and all related well completion(s) included for Amended Report. |
131 | Selected and all related Well completion(s) excluded for Amended Report. |
132 | All reallocated well completion(s) included for Amended Reporting. |
133 | All reallocated well completion(s) excluded for Amended Reporting. |
134 | Invalid Metering Point - & .Use F4 help to select from the list of values |
135 | Metering point & not in validity -Eff.From- & Eff.To & |
136 | Metering Point has not been setup in the customization- & |
137 | Metering point effective dates are not configured on the Data tab.& |
138 | Metering point Effective From date is not configured on the Data tab.& |
139 | Metering point Effective To date is not configured on the Data tab.& |
140 | Duplicate Operator codes exist for the report & |
141 | API/PI &, has zero production but & producing days for the period & &. |
142 | API/PI &, has production but zero producing days for the period & &. |
143 | Abandoned & & & & |
144 | Please maintain District office for the WC & in master data. |
145 | Please maintain Well designation for the WC & in master data. |
146 | Please enter date in MMYYYY format |
147 | Data can not be deleted due to usage in a Monthly Report |
148 | Data can not be deleted due to usage in a Group Dated Record |
149 | Company(ORG) & is already mapped to another group |
150 | Company(ORG) already exists |
151 | Group ID elready exists |
152 | Field Company(ORG) cann not be empty |
153 | Company code & already exists |
154 | Data for GroupID & for Reporting Period & already exists |
155 | Affiliated Company already exists |
156 | State already exists |
157 | State & is already mapped to another group |
158 | Please select a state id to maintain the comments |
159 | Select a row for a comment maintenance |
160 | New/Previous Operator indicator cannot be empty |
161 | For Group & locations are not maintained |
162 | There are no operated wells for report date |
163 | All Operated Wells are excluded for report date |
164 | There is no production data for report date |
165 | Report for previous month does not exist |
200 | Insufficient or wrong date information entered |
201 | Invalid value entered for & |
202 | At least one of the following entries is required: & /& /& /& |
203 | An entry starting at this month already exists |
204 | No entries found for Field & |
205 | No entry selected |
206 | Format error: Maximum field length & character & |
207 | No values can be maintained for data type '&', check maint.field Settings |
208 | MP Xref. selection only when 'Wl Compl.' and 'Effective from' are filled |
209 | Date overlap - 'End Date' is set to latest possible value |
210 | 'End Date' can not be before 'From Date' |
211 | Date overlap - 'From Date' is set to earliest possible value |
212 | Well is neither an federal nor an indian well |
213 | DN Xref. selection only when 'Wl Compl.' and 'Effective from' are filled |
214 | DN XRef with Sequence number & already exists |
215 | Reg ID cannot be created for downhole commingled parent well completion. |
216 | Invalid combination of Country/Region Key and Primary Geo. Location |
217 | Please enter Country/Region and State |
218 | No UoM maintained for agency & report & |
219 | No authorization for report submission in Company (ORG1) &. |
220 | No UoM maintained for agency & report &, &/& |
221 | Date overlap. Change the End Dt. of Wl/Wc &/&; Eff. from:& and Eff. to:&. |
222 | Date Overlap:Setting start date to earliest possible value greater than & |
223 | Date overlap. Change the End Dt. of MP &; Eff. from:& and Eff. to:&. |
224 | Report(s) submitted in background. Spool title is &. |
225 | Inj.Code not found:WellClass/InjCode/Mat: & |
226 | & is invalid area code |
227 | The Smart Form is not called. Please implement Badi OIU_ES_REP_MASTER_SF |
228 | Date overlap.Change the EndDt.of Group &;& Eff. from:& and Eff. to:&. |
229 | You are not authorized to run & report. |
250 | Agency, Report Name, Company, Year and Month have to be specified |
251 | No report run was found for specified criteria |
252 | No report log found for run number & |
253 | Trial Job already scheduled |
254 | Final Job already scheduled |
255 | Job already successfully finalized |
256 | No Generation Report found (missing entry in table OIUREP_REPORTS) |
257 | & is not a valid business partner |
258 | Group name & in not effective in this Period. |
259 | Group Dated Attributes are not maintained for &1-&2 |
300 | No maintainable field & found for Agency & Report & |
301 | Field & for Agency & Report & is setup as having non-customizing values |
302 | Field & for Agency & Report & is setup to have no maintainable value list |
303 | Invalid Override Group - & . Use F4 help to bring the list of values. |
401 | Entry of either 'Lease No' or 'Agency Lease Number' is required |
402 | Error while generating template |
403 | Action cancelled by user |
404 | Template downloaded successfully |
405 | Please enter a valid file path |
406 | &1 is not a valid CSV file |
407 | Error calling &1 - RC: &2 |
408 | File is empty |
409 | Fieldname cannot be blank |
410 | Fieldname should be either 'AGY_LSE_NO' or 'LSE_NO' |
411 | Fieldvalue cannot be blank |
412 | & is an invalid Agency lease |
413 | & is an invalid lease number |
414 | Either populate Text Id or Text. Don�t enter both Text ID & Text |
415 | & is an invalid Text ID. |
418 | Effective from date is invalid |
419 | & is invalid Effective to date |
420 | Effective to date is invalid |
421 | Enter Effective_from date |
422 | Enter Effective_to date |
424 | Overlapping/Duplicate record exists in CSV |
425 | Overlapping/Duplicate record exists in database |
426 | Valid record |
427 | No valid record found |
428 | Valid records uploaded successfully |
429 | Error while inserting the records |
500 | No Reg. Reporting can be maintained as no setup/authorization exists |
501 | No Report Parameter Setup exists (Table OIUH_REP_PAR_SET) |
502 | No Authorization to execute Regulatory, Tax or Royalty reports exist |
503 | + |
504 | + |
505 | + |
506 | + |
507 | + |
508 | + |
509 | + |
510 | + |
511 | No output found for selected entry |
512 | New Production MP has to be setup for new MMS Code |
600 | Total Override Group Allocation is not 100% for WC - & |
601 | Blank Override Group exists with non zero percent |
602 | Total Override Group Allocation is less than 100% |
603 | Adjustment cannot be Blank |
604 | Invalid Adjustment code & entered for OGOR A Report |
605 | API Gravity cannot be greater than zero when Oil/Condensate Volume = 0 |
606 | Add or Delete rows possible only if the Production Volume is Zero |
607 | Days Produced cannot be > 0 when production Volumes are zero |
608 | Report is currently being Adjusted by the User & |
609 | BTU cannot have a value when Gas Volume = 0 |
610 | Duplicate Report line with no adjustments cannot be SAVED. |
611 | Lse & OGOR-A Total & Prodn is not = OGOR-B Total Dispn : Prd=&, Disp=& |
612 | Lse & OGOR-B Total & Dispn is not = OGOR-C Total Prod : Disp=&, Prd=& |
613 | Only ADD/DELETE is valid for OGOR B when the previous Adjustment is ADD |
615 | Company Code- & A/C.Ind & Reporting Year/Month & - Incorrect selection |
616 | Report master data has changed. Regenerate the report in o3urep_master |
617 | Double click on the Header line to check for the corresponding Lease |
618 | Days Produced cannot be greater than - & - days |
619 | Invalid Agency code |
620 | Invalid Report Name |
621 | Invalid MP number |
622 | Invalid Date format |
623 | From date cannot be after To Date |
624 | Fill one of the valid input value for &1 |
625 | No. of Days should be between 0 to 31 |
626 | Invalid lease number |
627 | Invalid agency Number |
628 | OGOR A oil sequence number not found |
629 | OGOR A oil neg sequence number not found |
630 | OGOR A gas sequence number not found |
631 | OGOR A gas neg sequence number not found |
632 | OGOR A cond sequence number not found |
633 | OGOR A cond neg sequence number not found |
634 | OGOR C oil sequence number not found |
635 | OGOR C oil neg sequence number not found |
636 | OGOR C cond sequence number not found |
637 | OGOR C cond neg sequence number not found |
638 | Add well record to 'Changed Well Completions' for Amended Report |
701 | No PPN is processed |
800 | You have activated reports; see long text |
801 | You are about to activate reports; see long text |
802 | The records having the API Well Group & have different well status code |
803 | & is an invalid API well group |
899 | Please download the file to see the contents. |