OIURR - Production Regulatory Reporting

The following messages are stored in message class OIURR: Production Regulatory Reporting.
It is part of development package OIU_REP in software component IS-OIL-PRA-REP-ROY. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Production, Tax & Royalty Reporting".
Message Nr
Message Text
001MMS requires OGOR file to be named &
002& final has not been run; must run report type "original"
003& final has already run; cannot run another original.
004No & records meet the selection criteria
005Error; well ID data does not exist for well &
006Error; well completion data does not exist for well completion &/&
007Error; field data does not exist for field &
008API WC for &/& must have form: 1st digit = char & last 2 digits = numeric
009OGOR-A WCDVLH data not found for WC &/&. Volume type codes: & &.
010Standard pressure not found for delivery network &, From Dt &, Material &
011Installation Parameters for company not found (table OIUH_CM_INSTL)
012No BA record found for BA &/& &
013Error calling function &, sy-subrc = &
014& is required for & & & report
015If & is entered, & & & must also be entered
016Cannot run & report for lease &; final for lease has & run.
017Select one or combinations of OGOR-A, OGOR-B and/or OGOR-C.
018Orig/Mod/Repl indic. must be modified when specifying individual leases
019& WCDVLH data not found for WC &/&
020MMS well status & not found for WC &/&
021& cancelled.
022Field & is not found: WL/WC &, Maj/Pd/VT: & &.
023Invalid API for WC &/&; last two digits of API WC & must be numeric &
024Day Prod = 0, so Volume must = 0: WL/WC &/&, Well Stat &, Vol type Cd &
025Days Prod must = 0 for non-prod Well Stat: WC &/&, Well Stat &, VolT Cd &
026Lse & & OGOR-A Prodn Total does not = OGOR-B Dispn Total: Prd= &, Disp= &
027Lease & OGOR-B Disp Cd 10 Total & does not = OGOR-C Prodn Total &
028OGOR-C Lease & Facl &- BegInv+Prodn-Sales+Adjustm does not = EndInventory
029& field & is required for WC & Majpd/VT/PdCD &, but contains space or 0
030Error converting field & to data type &
031Foreign key check failed for field &
032Error retrieving check fields for DDIC structure &
033Error retrieving field catalog for DDIC structure &
034Cannot create override grp for this key until key exists without override
035Override value cannot be specified for volume fields
036Volumes will be reported unless "prohibited"; other volume rules ignored
037Cannot select key field for "Report Column"
038BTU not set for required, but MajorPd = gas; WL/WC &, MMSDispCd &, VT &
039& field is required
040Well Stat not found: parent WC & Stat/WlClss/ProdMeth & &
041MMS Reason Cd not found: parent WC & Downtime Reason Code &
042If Volume = 0, Days Prod must = 0: WL/WC &, Well Stat &, VT Cd &
043If Volume not 0, Days Prod must be > 0: WL/WC &, Well Stat &, VolTyo Cd &
044An entry for well completion & & production date & already exists
045No production data processed; no OIUREP_RRST_DET entries created
046Entry found in status detail but not in new report for & &
047Transporter (SalesVol rec) not found: WL/WC &/&, Majpd &, Pd &
048No rounding rules defined for OGOR B and C
049Reporting level for company & is set to level &, ORG& to & are cleared
050Reporting level for company & is set to level &, ORG& is cleared
051Report level for company & is set to level &, ORG& to & are mandatory
052No WC Dated data found for WC &/& (MajPrd. &)
053Unacceptable well stat/reas code combination: WL/WC &, Stat &, Reas &
054Unacceptable reason cd/action code combination: WL/WC &, Reas &, Actn &
055ARRAY op error: DB table=&, op=&, rc=&, lines=&
056No report found for agency &
057& & not in application data common table; well completion &
058Well completion daily pressures (inje psi) not found: WL/WC &, From dt &
059Injectionn pressure QCI conversion error: WL/WC &, Daily Pressure UoM &
060No pperator can be maintained as no finalization Level is defined for &
061TrnspOGRID not found: Trnsp &, OrigMP &, WC &, VT &
062Customer number & is not assigned to customer account group &
063No operator defined for this reporting level
064No Reg ID found for the selected well completion and month
065Report & failed at step & with sy-subrc &
066Duplicate entry; enter a unique value
067& & & was not &
068Data saved
069Not a valid & & & &
070& not found in Common Table: WC &, Key1 &, Key2 &
071& not found in Common Table: WC &, Key1 &
072Report & & is not activated; see long text
073No entry found for this report in OIUREP_ACTIVATE table
074No report run for the business associate &
075No entry selected
076No pverride groups present.
077POD required for Orig MP &, WC &, VT &
078Missing MMS Action Code: WC &, MMS Well Stat &, ReasCd &
079POD blank for Water volume: OrigMP &, WC &, VT &
080Well completion not company operated: &.
081The effective from date is greater than the effective to date
082OGOR B volume rounding out of tolerance: Lse/Agr &, Disp &, Majpd &,Amt &
083OGOR C volume rounding out of tolerance: Lse/Agr &, MMS PdCd &, & Amt &.
084OGOR C adjustment out of tolerance: Lse/Agr &, MMS PdCd &, Majpd &, Amt &
085No standard Unit of Measure found for Major Pd Cd &, Dimension &.\
086Table & invalid; well number must be a key field.
087Invalid field &; only "Additional Master Data" fields can be used
088No valid WC dated record found for selected month
089Duplicate entry/date range specified falls within already existing range
090Enter a valid text ID
091Amended reports which are finalized exist after & - & exists.
092Reports cannot be created for a future date.
093No Finalized Report for previous month(s) exists.
094No Contract Number found for Well Completion & - &.
095No Purchaser found for Well Completion & - & Contract Number &.
096No Transporter found for Well Completion & - & Transporter Number &.
097No Agency Code/Transporter Method Code has been maintained.
098No Agency Code found for PRA Transporter Method Code '&'.
099Transporter is required for Measurement Point &.
100Total Allocation to Parishes has to be 100% or zero
101Parish split entries with blank parish and non zero percent exist
102An entry with the same key already exists
103Current Report for Month & Year & not yet Finalized.
105No report exists for the previos month.
106Deletion of the Report cancelled.
107Entry in field & is required, when & is equal to &
108Entry in field & is prohibited, when & is equal to &
109LA RegID inactive, but not WC dated for WC &
110WC dated inactive, but not LA Reg ID for WC &
111No description found for & with value & &
112Only current reports possible for Louisiana WR1
113Louisiana WR1 reports only possible for months April and October
114No group code found for MajPdCd & VT &
115No entry for Output Header found in structure assignment table
116No entry for Output Item found in structure assignment table
117No table type maintained for structure entry & and report & &
118Display only - A report is running or scheduled for the same selection
119The Output Options (IMG) does not have the "BA function" name for & &.
120Disp(GrpCd 50) <> Aqu(GrpCd 99): &/& ConsD & Fld &
121A report for same key (Month, Year, Org.levels, A/C) exists already
122R5D report result is out of balance for production date &/&.
123The total allocation to Parishes is less than 100%
124Only Disp. or Aqu. found: &/& ConsD & Fld &
125Report Finalization cancelled.
126No MPs for & & & & meet the selection criteria.
127Deletion of finalized statement not allowed.
128The Reports are scheduled for background printing.
129'RRC Oil Lease No' or 'Gas RRC ID' should be entered.Hit Enter to Cont.
130Selected and all related well completion(s) included for Amended Report.
131Selected and all related Well completion(s) excluded for Amended Report.
132All reallocated well completion(s) included for Amended Reporting.
133All reallocated well completion(s) excluded for Amended Reporting.
134Invalid Metering Point - & .Use F4 help to select from the list of values
135Metering point & not in validity -Eff.From- & Eff.To &
136Metering Point has not been setup in the customization- &
137Metering point effective dates are not configured on the Data tab.&
138Metering point Effective From date is not configured on the Data tab.&
139Metering point Effective To date is not configured on the Data tab.&
140Duplicate Operator codes exist for the report &
141API/PI &, has zero production but & producing days for the period & &.
142API/PI &, has production but zero producing days for the period & &.
143Abandoned & & & &
144Please maintain District office for the WC & in master data.
145Please maintain Well designation for the WC & in master data.
146Please enter date in MMYYYY format
147Data can not be deleted due to usage in a Monthly Report
148Data can not be deleted due to usage in a Group Dated Record
149Company(ORG) & is already mapped to another group
150Company(ORG) already exists
151Group ID elready exists
152Field Company(ORG) cann not be empty
153Company code & already exists
154Data for GroupID & for Reporting Period & already exists
155Affiliated Company already exists
156State already exists
157State & is already mapped to another group
158Please select a state id to maintain the comments
159Select a row for a comment maintenance
160New/Previous Operator indicator cannot be empty
161For Group & locations are not maintained
162There are no operated wells for report date
163All Operated Wells are excluded for report date
164There is no production data for report date
165Report for previous month does not exist
200Insufficient or wrong date information entered
201Invalid value entered for &
202At least one of the following entries is required: & /& /& /&
203An entry starting at this month already exists
204No entries found for Field &
205No entry selected
206Format error: Maximum field length & character &
207No values can be maintained for data type '&', check maint.field Settings
208MP Xref. selection only when 'Wl Compl.' and 'Effective from' are filled
209Date overlap - 'End Date' is set to latest possible value
210'End Date' can not be before 'From Date'
211Date overlap - 'From Date' is set to earliest possible value
212Well is neither an federal nor an indian well
213DN Xref. selection only when 'Wl Compl.' and 'Effective from' are filled
214DN XRef with Sequence number & already exists
215Reg ID cannot be created for downhole commingled parent well completion.
216Invalid combination of Country/Region Key and Primary Geo. Location
217Please enter Country/Region and State
218No UoM maintained for agency & report &
219No authorization for report submission in Company (ORG1) &.
220No UoM maintained for agency & report &, &/&
221Date overlap. Change the End Dt. of Wl/Wc &/&; Eff. from:& and Eff. to:&.
222Date Overlap:Setting start date to earliest possible value greater than &
223Date overlap. Change the End Dt. of MP &; Eff. from:& and Eff. to:&.
224Report(s) submitted in background. Spool title is &.
225Inj.Code not found:WellClass/InjCode/Mat: &
226& is invalid area code
227The Smart Form is not called. Please implement Badi OIU_ES_REP_MASTER_SF
228Date overlap.Change the EndDt.of Group &;& Eff. from:& and Eff. to:&.
229You are not authorized to run & report.
250Agency, Report Name, Company, Year and Month have to be specified
251No report run was found for specified criteria
252No report log found for run number &
253Trial Job already scheduled
254Final Job already scheduled
255Job already successfully finalized
256No Generation Report found (missing entry in table OIUREP_REPORTS)
257& is not a valid business partner
258Group name & in not effective in this Period.
259Group Dated Attributes are not maintained for &1-&2
300No maintainable field & found for Agency & Report &
301Field & for Agency & Report & is setup as having non-customizing values
302Field & for Agency & Report & is setup to have no maintainable value list
303Invalid Override Group - & . Use F4 help to bring the list of values.
401Entry of either 'Lease No' or 'Agency Lease Number' is required
402Error while generating template
403Action cancelled by user
404Template downloaded successfully
405Please enter a valid file path
406&1 is not a valid CSV file
407Error calling &1 - RC: &2
408File is empty
409Fieldname cannot be blank
410Fieldname should be either 'AGY_LSE_NO' or 'LSE_NO'
411Fieldvalue cannot be blank
412& is an invalid Agency lease
413& is an invalid lease number
414Either populate Text Id or Text. Don�t enter both Text ID & Text
415& is an invalid Text ID.
418Effective from date is invalid
419& is invalid Effective to date
420Effective to date is invalid
421Enter Effective_from date
422Enter Effective_to date
424Overlapping/Duplicate record exists in CSV
425Overlapping/Duplicate record exists in database
426Valid record
427No valid record found
428Valid records uploaded successfully
429Error while inserting the records
500No Reg. Reporting can be maintained as no setup/authorization exists
501No Report Parameter Setup exists (Table OIUH_REP_PAR_SET)
502No Authorization to execute Regulatory, Tax or Royalty reports exist
511No output found for selected entry
512New Production MP has to be setup for new MMS Code
600Total Override Group Allocation is not 100% for WC - &
601Blank Override Group exists with non zero percent
602Total Override Group Allocation is less than 100%
603Adjustment cannot be Blank
604Invalid Adjustment code & entered for OGOR A Report
605API Gravity cannot be greater than zero when Oil/Condensate Volume = 0
606Add or Delete rows possible only if the Production Volume is Zero
607Days Produced cannot be > 0 when production Volumes are zero
608Report is currently being Adjusted by the User &
609BTU cannot have a value when Gas Volume = 0
610Duplicate Report line with no adjustments cannot be SAVED.
611Lse & OGOR-A Total & Prodn is not = OGOR-B Total Dispn : Prd=&, Disp=&
612Lse & OGOR-B Total & Dispn is not = OGOR-C Total Prod : Disp=&, Prd=&
613Only ADD/DELETE is valid for OGOR B when the previous Adjustment is ADD
615Company Code- & A/C.Ind & Reporting Year/Month & - Incorrect selection
616Report master data has changed. Regenerate the report in o3urep_master
617Double click on the Header line to check for the corresponding Lease
618Days Produced cannot be greater than - & - days
619Invalid Agency code
620Invalid Report Name
621Invalid MP number
622Invalid Date format
623From date cannot be after To Date
624Fill one of the valid input value for &1
625No. of Days should be between 0 to 31
626Invalid lease number
627Invalid agency Number
628OGOR A oil sequence number not found
629OGOR A oil neg sequence number not found
630OGOR A gas sequence number not found
631OGOR A gas neg sequence number not found
632OGOR A cond sequence number not found
633OGOR A cond neg sequence number not found
634OGOR C oil sequence number not found
635OGOR C oil neg sequence number not found
636OGOR C cond sequence number not found
637OGOR C cond neg sequence number not found
638Add well record to 'Changed Well Completions' for Amended Report
701No PPN is processed
800You have activated reports; see long text
801You are about to activate reports; see long text
802The records having the API Well Group & have different well status code
803& is an invalid API well group
899Please download the file to see the contents.
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