OIURV - E&P Revenue Messages

The following messages are stored in message class OIURV: E&P Revenue Messages.
It is part of development package OIU in software component IS-OIL-PRA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "PRA Production and Revenue Accounting (Upstream Business)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Joint Venture Accounting not installed.
002Company & not JVA active.
003Venture & found in JVA without Company.
004Venture & & not found in JVA.
005Undetermined error for & lookup in JVA.
006Operator & not found for non-operated Venture for Company &.
007Settlement Statement(s) found for & & & effective &.
008No DOI Accounting data found for & & & effective &.
009DOI Accounting Data not set for Settlement Statement Processing.
010Tax Calc must be selected: Tax Reporting Selected in DOI accounting data
011Venture is not maintained at the tract level, please enter a DOI number.
012Default type & is reserved for major product code of &.
013The tract participation factors do not total to 100% for the unit entered
014& & & cannot be deleted, DOI has been set to &.
015Record cannot be deleted, record exists on &.
016Record cannot be approved, record does not exist on &.
017Record cannot be approved, NRI does not total to 100% on &.
018Record cannot be approved, Bearer Group does not total to 100% on &.
019Venture is maintained at the tract level, the DOI number must be blank.
020DI is not 100% for date range.
021No tracts found for unit venture with major product code & for date range
022Cannot update Combined Product Code, DOI is approved.
023Venture/DOI is not valid for date range.
024Dated Gravity Scale Adjustment & & exists, record cannot be deleted.
025Cannot update &, DOI exists for venture
026Cannot select an accrual method, no accrual owners exist for this DOI
027Record will be deleted from & & &
028Invalid entry, cost center and venture are not tied in CO
029Cannot summarize to DOI, & & & &
030Theoretical Cond Tax cannot be checked, & &
031& for major product code &
032Normal Recording Time Frame mismatch from accrual method
033N/A is not valid for optional fields
034Pay Code cannot equal & when Report Code equals &
035Reporting code cannot equal &, & &
036& must equal & when & equals &
037Maximum tax types exceeded
038Please enter either DN Group or Delivery Network ID
039Material/Major Product Code is invalid for Venture/DOI
040Cannot access & &, & &
041Formulas exist for this Formula & .Cannot update Calculation Indicators
042Cannot maintain the & & as it is been used in Valuation Cross Reference
043Formula detail(s) for & are approved and being used in Revenue batch .
044Invalid combination of calculation indicators
045Condensate material & cannot be used in a formula
046Invalid value, Gravity Adjustment Scale has not been created
047Effective dated Formulas have been used in Final process, cannot &
048Formula is currently being used in batch processing, cannot &
049Cannot delete approved Formulas.
050Cannot delete Formula ID & . Effective dated Formulas exist.
051Invalid combination of Selection Parameters selected.
052Cannot calculate GRI, interest category is not working interest
053An EP Revenue batch process is running. Cannot modify certain records.
054Delete and Reprocess indicators are mutually exclusive. Select one only.
055Calc Indicators for Reference Formula do not match Formula being created
056Result word & is not valid when defining & formulas.
057Gravity scale definition missing
058Factor word & is not valid for & formula
059Cannot calculate GRI, invalid interest type specified
060At least one formula must be defined on each tab
061A single record may only have a Trial or a Final status, not both
062Cannot calculate GRI, all bearer groups do not equal 100%
063Cannot calculate GRI, Total net revenue interest does not equal 100%
064& word & requires & code to be &
065Cannot calculate GRI, producer not found as an PRA Owner.
066Result word BUYSELLVAL requires an alternate contract to be defined
067Alternate or Override Contract & is not 'Buy-Sell' Contract.
068Factor1/NGLPC cannot be used. Formula ID is not set up for NGL Major Prod
069& is not a valid entry for &
070Major Product & / Material & combination is invalid
071& cannot be used as a & word. It can only be used as a & word.
072Cannot update &, & exist for DI.
073Alt Density has invalid format
074The units specified for measurement type do not match your selection.
075Factor NGLPC needs a WORK word Result and the Function set to 'M'ove
076Factor NGLPC does not allow Factor 2 information to be entered
077Invalid end date, to date on & xref record greater than DOI end date
078Density type three requires a unit of measure entry.
079Cannot specify a unit of measure for a dimensionless density type.
080& data: & enter a Material if Major Product is &.
081& constant must be between -9999.99999 and 9999.99999
082& does not exist or is an invalid constant.
083Invalid combination of selections entered.
084The units entered are not units of density! Please enter units of density
085Material is required for the selected major product code.
086The selected major product code cannot have a corresponding material.
087Price method is required for the selected price type.
088The selected price type cannot have a corresponding price method.
089Must enter unit of measure for pressure base.
090Cannot enter units for pressure base without entering a pressure base.
091Energy measurement type requires a heating value class
092Cannot enter a heating value class if measurement type is volume.
093Inferior Dry and Superior Dry heating value class required for price type
094Please enter unit of measure for heating value factor.
095Cannot enter unit of measure for heating factor without a heating factor
096Must enter a unit of measure for the selected measurement type.
097Cannot enter a unit of measure for the selected measurement type.
098Cannot calculate GRI, Total Tract Participation Factor Decimal not 100%
099Material & is not valid for Factor NGLPC. Must have Major product of 4.
100Error ! Period overlap.
101Reference record does not exist.
102No relative changes found.
103A Manual PPN with reason code & already exists
104Invalid Volume Type for defining formulas
105Effectvie from date must be between DOI start date & and DOI end date &
106Owner must be completely filled out: Owner, int type, ISQ no, and percent
107Venture/DI is not approved.
108Owner must be a & & & type.
109Owner does not exist as an PRA vendor
110Interest type & cannot be used
111Interest sequence number should be & &
112Enter either flat rate or incremental rate
113& must be & & : &
114Owner's effective date lies outside of bearer group's effective date: &-&
115Effective to date must be less than or equal to &
116& not found for & &
117& must be between & and &
118Pay code cannot equal & for &
119Carried bearer group must be blank for non-carried interest owner
120Only enter & value using scale type &
121Scale type & require entry of from - to interval
122Owner & & & must exist for entire Bearer Group date range
123Bearer Group is attached to Owner & & &. Cannot Delete.
124To value must be smaller or equal to preceeding from value
125Scale type & requires from-value to be smaller than to-value
126No records were selected. Clear not possible.
127PPA Reason codes were cleared.
128Scale type & only allowed once
129Please maintain either flat rate or incremental rate
130Please maintain gravity increment when maintaining incremental rate
131Cannot maintain ownership. DI is not checked out for maintenance
132ERROR: DI Checked in and records found in working area
133Density type invalid
134Owner exists in bearer group & effective &, & &
135Effective date overlaps with an existing record for the same owner &
136Scale not continuous ! Scale will not be activated
137Overlapping scale intervals. Scale will not be activated.
138Scale complete
139Partner not found in JVA
140Partner found in JVA without company
141Contract must be a valid gas contract if using Gas major product
142Contract must be a valid NGL contract if using NGL major product
143Contract must be a valid condensate contract if using condensate product
144Contract must be a valid Oil contract if using Oil major product
145Contract must be Crude Oil Condensate for the formula selected
146Valuation Formula must be approved
147No associated owners can be entitled when formula id is not entitled
148At least one owner must be entitled when formula id is entitled
149Total & for & & effective & does not total 100
150& & effective & does not have a bearer group attached to it
151Company & is not an PRA Company
152Gravity scale does not exist with key & &
153Date range of the contract falls outside of the entered date & to &
154Manual Prior Period Notifications were &.
155Contract must be approved.
156Material for Major product & is invalid
157Density Type is required when alternate density exists
158Density UoM cannot be entered if Density Type is API or Relative density
159& must exist effective & &, &
160No owners found in the & area for this DOI effective on &. DOI is &
161A Valuation Batch Job is currently in process.
162Company Code not valid for contract
163Company code for contract is not a valid PRA Company code
164Valuation Current Selections were changed.
165Varying/equal daily quantity required for oil or condensate
166Contract must be a valid Exploration and Production contract
167Manual Prior Period Notofications were not &.
168No valid owners exist for DOI & effective from & to &
169User routine specified does not exist.
170If Company, Venture, or DOI have been entered all 3 fields are required
171Major Product for new Int. Marketing Rates and Reference must be similar
172Major product for create by reference must be Gas or NGL
173VCR exists for this date range, edit date range or change existing record
174An entry with the same key already exists
175Parent commingled well cannot be cross referenced with a venture/DOI.
176Cannot update & or &, volume allocation is running
177Only enter either group OR quotation details.
178Company Code for contract is not active for Exploration and Production
179Company Code for the contract could not be found
180Base density must be numeric
181Cannot enter density unit of measure without entering base density
182Cannot enter density type without entering base density
183Action completed, please check log for results.
184Not a valid PRA Owner
185Invalid combination of selection parameters entered, see long text.
186No ownership data exists for DOI &
187Incomplete Selection criteria entered. See long text.
188Please enter both Well and Well Completion parameters.
189'To' date cannot be greater than 'from' date.
190'To' time cannot be greater than 'from' time.
191Record not found in & for & effective &, &
192If Marketing Rep or Interest is entered both must be entered
193If Gplt Company, Venture, or DOI is entered all 3 must be entered
194Invalid combination of selection parameters for Contract List Processing
195Contract End date cannot be greater than the contract start date
196Well Completion & & is not a node on Delivery Network &
197Measurement point & is not a node on Delivery Network &
198DOI/Well Completion cross reference does not exist
199DOI/Measurement Point cross reference does not exist
200This effective dated VCR is approved and cannot be deleted
201Formula ID not found for effective dated Formula &.
202NGLPC can only be used as a Factor 1 word.
203UNCVOL can only be a Factor if Formula ID is for Maj Pd Oil or Condensate
204Enter only either contract type OR contract group
205Prior Period Notifications generated
206Invalid Combination of parameters entered for Formula List Processing
207Maintenance of gravity increment not allowed when maintaining flat rate
208Contract must be tied to Marketing Representative.
209No exchange rate for conversion from & to &
210Date Range of Contract must span &1 and &2.
211No valid entry for gravity scale & valid on &
212Scale found but scale not active. ID &.
213DN Dated characteristics for the Delivery Network and Date do not exist
214No report exists for this selection
215Formula Details for the VCR Effective Date do not exist
216No posting available for & & & on &.
217& is not a valid Marketing Cost Type
218A Marketing Cost Type of & already exists for the & and &
219Major Product is invalid for Venture/DOI
220Please select entry when displaying detail
221Cannot delete approved DOI.
222Cannot delete DOI, Owners exist in checked out status.
223Reimb/Deduct field must be blank for Result word &.
224Reimb/Deduct field is required for Result word &.
225Formulas & for Formula ID & effective &.
226VCR is valid and ready for approval
227Error reading default for posting & & &.
228The Job Stream entries are not maintained for the job selected
229UoM & does not exist in T006
230Delivery network & does not exist
231Error in quantity conversion
232Inconsistent customizing for quantity conversion (dimension)
233Unit of measure & not configured correctly
234Billing type not maintained in customizing for contract type &
235Bill to party not maintained on contract &
236Payer not maintained on contract &
237Cannot update &, DI is approved.
238Invalid &, an owner exists effective from &
239Major product code is invalid for venture/DI.
240PBA can only be tied to one Venture/DOI for an effective date range.
241Only Wet Gas or Residue materials are valid for Gas Sales volume types
242Please enter from and to period
243Non Valued Take-In-Kind contracts do not require a VCR
244Invoice creation failed in GN_INVOICE_CREATE
245Invoice creation failed in GN_INVOICE_CREATE (no VXDS record)
246No price maintained on contract & item &
247DN Frequency Code must be Monthly or Daily for VCR Processing
248Cannot update & or &, Division of Interest has already been processed.
249Effective from date must be greater than or equal to DOI Start Date
250Invoice & has a pending billindex record and cannot be cancelled
251Valuation Prior Period Notifications generated
252Contract Allocation Prior Period Notifications generated
253Record currently processing. Fields cannot be updated at this time.
254Data not saved. PPN cancelled.
255Cross-reference cannot be deleted. Settlement Statements exist.
256A valid line should be selected
257Invalid combination of selection parameters entered.
258Effective to date must be greater than effective from date
259Record is currently being processed by another user.
260& was & successfully
261Settlement Statement processing. Cannot update at this time.
262No valid DOI Accounting data found for selection.
263Material is not valid for the Unit Venture combined product code
264Purchaser does not exist as an PRA vendor.
265Function & returned with an exception.
266Enter deemed gravity or floor and ceiling when entering a gravity type
267Please enter a gravity type when entering a density
268Internal error. Data inconsistent or corrupt
269Please enter either deemed gravity or floor/ceiling gravity
270Please enter ceiling and floor gravity
271Ceiling gravity must be higher than floor gravity
272DOI Accounting record does not exist for related Mkt. Free record & & &
273Posting table locked. Posting adjustment is not possible. Data not saved.
274Error in structure of access table. Table & not supported
275Please maintain calculation rules
276Please enter populate all relevant fields when entering a rate
277Please enter floor and ceiling
278Floor rate must be smaller than ceiling rate
279& will be & after save.
280Negative numbers are not allowed.
281Floor rate must be smaller than ceiling rate
282Royalty bearer group must be blank for non-royalty interest owner
283& & must be blank when owner's entity code is not Federal or Indian.
284Owner(s) found on DO with MMS Reconciliation flag checked
285Minimum royalty date is mandatory when minimum royalty amount is > 0.
286& must be entered if & or & is entered.
287& cannot contain decimals.
288Currency required when minimum royalty amount is entered.
289Pay No Lease Fuel is the only option for working interest owners
290Pay Partial Lease Fuel is only valid for owners with bearer groups
291Error Message for Dual Accounting Flag.
292Error Message for MMS Percent of Proceeds Flag.
293Owner(s) found on DO with MMS reconciliation flag checked
294Cannot enter a production payment owner for an interest type of &.
295Owner & is not a valid Production Payment owner.
296Combined product code mismatch for the production payment owner entered
297DOI Accounting revenue process must be settlement statement
298There are still postings linked to gravity scale & &. Delete not possible
299Duplicate tax position found in severance tax type configuration setup
300Invalid tax position found in the severance tax configuration setup
301& must be blank when & does not equal suspend.
302Error in PPN Creation. Data not saved
303No Major Product Code determined. Error in PPN Creation. Data not saved
304Invalid Data. Error in PPN Creation. Data not saved
305Valuation Running. Error in PPN Creation. Data not saved
306PPN Creation canceled. Data not saved
307Cannot delete record because volume allocation has already been processed
308Tax data entered for multiple tax types holding the same position number
309Exactly one valid entry was found
310No DOI accounting group found for & & & effective &.
311Price calculation & could not be used as & reserved word.
312For density type, gravity base, from and to only should have & decimals.
313& & & &
314Purchaser's lease number field should not be initial
315Only check input records processed
316Purchaser does not exists
317Purchaser's lease "&" is invalid
318Purchaser's material "&" is invalid
319Sale date should be entered
320Sale date should be the last day of a month
321Volume unit of measure "&" is invalid
322The uom "&", is invalid for dimension "&"
323Gross value is invalid
324Company code "&" is invalid
325Venture "&" is invalid
326Material "&" is invalid
327Company/Venture/DOI (&/&/&) combination is not valid
328Material "&" is not valid for the Company/Venture/DOI(&/&/&)
329DOI "&" is not approved
330DOI "&" is invalid
331Error during updation of database.
332Error during volume type check
333DOI Accounting is not set up for Settlement Statement
334PPA Reason Code "&" is invalid
335Taxes Cannot Be Entered With Calculate Taxes flag set
336Duplicate tax entries "&" exists for line "&"
337Duplicate market entries "&" exists for line "&"
338Check-in the Unit Venture & & first in order to continue
339Formula volume type not valid for settlement diversity
340Marketing code for Maj pd code "&" does not exists
341PP interest type needs a PP Owner to be entered
342Reference company & does not match DOI company & during copy by ref.
343There is a gap in the date range.
344MP DOI not set up. MP = &, Major Pd = &
345This key is already active. It cannot be deactivated.
346The only valid value for Activation flag is 'X'
347& owner & &, effective from & exists in chain of title, cannot delete
348From gravity for at least one From scale must equal the base gravity
349Cannot change the Revenue process code, active VCR exists
350Internal error during archiving
351Could not open file
352Error during archiving
353Cross reference is being done for System valued property
354Settlement statement is being created for System valued property
355Unapproved VCRs with related keys and VL history found. Please review.
356Material number and volume type do not match between old and new formula
357NGLPC material numbers do not match between old and new formula
358Bearer Group PI is reserved for Oklahoma PPI calculation
359Bearer Group PI cannot be created manually
360Assign Record Title Bearer Group. System assigns PI during DOI approval.
361Cannot create PPI bearer group for approved DOI
362No PPI bearer records found. Maintain PPI bearer group first.
363Bearer Group PI is maintained automatically during DOI approval
364IGNORE_OKPPI indicator is not relevant, hence cleared
365Cannot delete Formula ID & . as reference to Formulas exist.
370Invalid combination of selection parameters entered, see long text.
371You can run transaction & only in customizing client
372Marketing Type & already exist in DB, choose different value
373Marketing Type & already used above, choose different value
374Reserved word & already exist in DB, choose different value
375Reserved word & already used above, choose different value
376Choose the key from allowed namespace
378Marketing Free Group ID & already exist for specified date
379Marketing Free Group ID & already created for major product code &
380Marketing Free Group & successfully created
381Marketing Free Group & successfully changed
382Effective Date must be >= &1
383Selected Marketing Free Group record successfully deleted
384Lease &1 is referenced in &2 &3 &4
385Selected Marketing Free Group is already deleted
386Marketing Free Group & is referenced in &2
387Bearer Group & is not yet complete. There are gaps in the date range.
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