OIUX3 - Tax Reporting

The following messages are stored in message class OIUX3: Tax Reporting.
It is part of development package OIU_X3 in software component IS-OIL-PRA-REP-TAX. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Tax 2.0".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Error calling &1 - RC: &2
001&2 &3 &4; status updated to &1
002Previous step failed
003&1 records read from staging table
004&1 records added to tax transaction table
005&1 records deleted from staging table
006Prerequisite step does not have required status
007&1 records read from reversal staging table
008&1 records added to reversal transaction table
009&1 records deleted from reversal staging table
010Missing report profile for sales date &1
011&1 records deleted from &2
012&1 records inserted into &2
013&1 records updated in &2
014Error performing parallel processing - RC: &1 &2
015Old tax reports must have same finalized date for all companies per rpt.
016File downloaded
017Error inserting into &1
018Error reading number range for table &1
019Error updating &1
020Error updating &1: Mode &2
021Error calling FM &1: RC &2
022No data found
023Error creating instance of report class &1
024Error reading report info for &1
025No data found
026Select at least one line
027Update applies to ALL displayed records (selected and not selected)
028Records successfully changed
029Trial reports exist; history cannot be changed
030Download too large for dialog process (memory shortage)
031Master PPNs detected, please consider rerunning validate step
032Step cannot be executed, combined rpt run id &1 is running
048Invalid entry for DOI &.
100No WC/Venture master: &1 &2 &3
101No MP/Venture master: &1 &2 &3
102No Venture master: &1 &2
103BA tax ID cross-reference missing: &1 &2 &3
104Commodity cross-reference missing: &1 &2
105Tax class/exemption type cross-reference missing: &1 &2
106Razorfish contract was not found for PRA counterpart &1
107Type 5 Lease Tax Val Rate Discrepancy: &1 &2
108Incorrect API: &1 &2 &3 &4
109Unable to determine lease type for lease ID &1
110Invalid BA number: &1 &2
111Invalid lease number: &1 County: &2
112Unable to create Texas master: &1 &2 &3
113No contracts found
114Invalid contract number: &1
115No delivery networks found
116ASU/SOL cannot exist before Tax History load
117Old Tax Engine oil report must have same finalized date for all rpt. co.
118Old Tax Engine gas report must have same finalized date for all rpt. co.
119Duplicate BA found: &1
120No edit functions allowed in round mode
121Lease type not populated for all leases; cannot continue
122County &1 not a valid onshore county; &2
123County not populated for all master records; cannot continue
124&1 master record &2 tied to two different leases: &3 &4
125Value required. Cannot be empty
126Invalid entry. Must be numeric
127Invalid entry. Must be characters
128Value required. Must be greater than zero
129Invalid entry. Must be &4 digits
130Invalid entry. Should start with &4
131Invalid format &4
132Exceeds range &4
133Value required if exempt type is &4
134Must be blank if exempt type is not &4
135Invalid entry. Must be &4
136Invalid entry. Must be whole number
137Exceeds tolerance &4
138Must be less than 4 yrs SOL
139Must be less than current reporting month
140Must be blank if drilling permit indicator is set
141Must be 1 if taxable barrels is greater than 0
142Exceeds tolerance when liable for tax
143Exceeds tolerance when not liable for tax
144Exceed gross vol &4 when liable for tax
145Must be > 0 when governmental royalty value is > 0
146Exceeds tolerance &4
147Invalid entry Must not be &4
148Tot taxable barrels exceeds tolerance
149Tot net taxable val exceeds tolerance
150Incorrect Texas Regulatory tax and fee assessment(obsolete)
151Incorrect tax amount due(obsolete)
152Incorrect total tax and fee due(obsolete)
153Taxable barrels exceeds tolerance &4 (obsolete)
154Exceeds tolerance (Gross value/Gross volume)
155Exceeds gross val &4 when liable for tax
156Exceeds tol &4 (Exempt val/Exempt vol)
157Exceeds range &4 when liable for tax
158Exceeds range &4 when not liable for tax
159Must be > 0 if tax vol > tol &4 & liable for tax is yes
160Must be > 0 as gross value = &4
161Must be > 0 as exempt value = &4
162Must be > 0 as gross volume = &4
163Must be 0 if gorss value is 0
164Invalid entry. Must not be &4
165Must be equal to tot taxable vol * fee rate &4
166Must be equal to TOT NET TAXABLE VALUE * &4
167Must be equal to (REG TAX + TAX DUE)
168Must be zero
169Must be less than &4 years statute of limitation
170Exceeds tolerance (Tax val/Tax vol) when liable for tax
171Exceeds tolerance when exempt type is 2/4/5
172Exceeds tolerance when exempt = 2/4/5 with exemption
173Exemption type cannot be &4
174Required if exempt type is &4 when liable for tax
175Commodity code cannot be &4
176Must be positive value
177Invalid entry when OFF LEASE SALE is &4
178Must be 0 if not liable for tax
179Exceeds val of your vol &4 (with taxable val<>0).
180Must be zero if exempt type is &4
181Must = &4 when exempt is 5 and liable for tax
182Must = TOT NET TAXABLE VAL of condensate * &4
183Must = TOT NET TAXABLE VAL of gas * &4
184Must = tot taxable reg fee volume * rate fee &4
185Must = (Condensate+Gas Due+Reg Fee+Exempt) &4
186Must be same as primary taxpayer number &4
187Must not be same as primary taxpayer number
188Cannot be &3 when purchaser no = primary taxpayer no
189Must be > 0 when liable for tax
190Exceed gross vol tol &4 when comm type <> 4
191Exceed gross vol tol &4 when comm type = 4
192Must be >0 if comm<>6 & your vol exceeds tol &4
193Net taxable value exceeds tolerance
194Must be > 0 as exempt val exceeds &4
195Exceeds tolerance (25% of your &4)
196Should be liable for tax & purchaser no = taxpayer no
197Must be > 0 as exempt vol exceeds &4
198Exceeds tolerance (Mkt val+Exempt val>Your val)
199(Your-Mkt-Exempt) val exceeds tolerance of taxable val
200Must be >0 if comm<>6 and your val exceeds tol &4
201(Taxval * Type 5 rate) should be within tolerance
202Sum of tax val exceeds tolerance for condensate
203Sum of tax val exceeds tolerance for gas
204(Your-Exem) vol exceed tol for comm 1/3/6 & exem<>5/6
205(Your-Exem) vol exceed tol for comm 1/3/6 & exem<>8/12
206Sum of tax val for exempt 5 exceeds tolerance
207GR Val divided by GR Vol must be within tolerance &4
208GR Val divided by GR Vol must be within tolerance &4
209Cannot be less than negative tolerance &4 if liable for tax is yes
210Cannot be outside of tolerance &4 if liable for tax is no
211Liable for tax=yes; GrVal-Exmpt Val-Mkt Cost be within tol &4 of Tax Val
212Liable for tax=yes; Tax Val divided by Tax Vol be within tol &4
213ExmptTyp=2/4/5,IncrExmpt=bsline; GrVal-ExmptVal-MktCost be within &4
214ExmptTyp=2/4/5,IncrExmpt=incr;0.5*(GrVal-ExmptVal-MktCost) &4 of TaxVal
215ExmptTyp=3/7/12; TaxVal must be within tolerance &4
216ExmptTyp=6,TaxLiab=yes,IncrExmpt=bsline;GrVal-ExmptVal-MktCst &4 ofTaxVal
217ExmptTyp=6,TaxLiab=yes,IncrExmpt=incr;0.5*(GrVal-XmptVal-MktCst)&4 TaxVal
218ExmptTyp=8,TaxLiab=yes;GrVal-XmptVal-MktCst be within &4 of TaxVal
219ExmptTyp=9,TaxLiab=yes; TaxVal be within tolerance &4
220Type 5 Tax Rate cannot be more than 0.075
221Template generated : &1.
222Error while generating template.Error while generating template.
223Please enter a valid file path.
224&1 is not a valid CSV file.
225Error generating field catalog for &1 &2.
226Error reading file content into internal table.
227&1 duplicate records found.
228No records based on selection criteria.
229Lease number can have max length of 6.
230County is not correct.
231File contains data validation errors. File cannot be uploaded.
232County length should be 3 char.
233Lease type can be 1 or 2.
234Drill permit can be 'X' or space.
235Lease name can have max length of 50.
236Lease number cannot be blank.
237Record updated successfully.
238Transaction cannot be black
239Please enter a valid file path.
240CSV Row#&1 - No error.
241& is a mandatory field, it can not be blank.
242BA No and BA Seq No does not exist
243&1 &2 &3 Oil and Gas Indicator must be O or G.
244Record already exists
245&1 &2 &3 Wrong Rate Code
246&1 &2 &3 Invalid Operator
247& & & Existing record will be auto end-dated.
248You Are not authorized to upload data.
249Effective From must be first of month.
250Effective to date must be before &.
251Effective from/to dates are contained within another record.
252CSV Row#&1 - Duplicate Record in CSV.
253Invalid file type, upload file with '.csv' format.
254Please enter a valid file path.
255Action cancelled by user
256Error in deleting from Database
257&1 &2 &3 Effective To date Must Be After Effective From date.
258&1 &2 &3 Effective To date must be end of Month.
259&1 &2 &3 Effective From/To dates are contained within another record.
260&1 &2 &3 Effective to date must be before &4 due to overlapping records.
261&1 &2 &3 Report Group No must be 5 digits long.
262&1 &2 &3 &4 can only be numeric.
263&1 &2 &3 Either Contract or Plant Code cannot be left blank.
264Report step execution scheduled/running.
265Effective from/to dates are contained within another record.
266CSV Row# &1 - Overlapping/Duplicate Record in CSV.
267CSV Row# &1 - Either Wl/WC or MP No. or Venture/DOI to be filled.
268&1 &2 &3 Invalid Contract.
269Effective to date must be before &1 due to overlapping records.
270Effective from/to dates are contained within another record.
271Effective to date must be greater than effective from date.
272TaxPayer can not be blank.
273TaxPayer Number &1 Should be numeric.
274Overlapping/Duplicate Record in CSV.
275&1 &2 &3 Invalid County.
276&1 &2 &3 Invalid Well/Well Completion.
277&1 &2 &3 Invalid MP No.
278&1 &2 &3 Invalid Venture/DOI.
279One of the three must be populated & & &.
280Operator and Operator no are mandatory fields.
281Operator not found in BA Xref table.
282One of the following field is blank & &.
283Entered Well and Well completion doesnt exist in masters &1/&2.
284Entered MP Does not exist in Master setup &.
285Venture/DOI does not exist in masters &1 /&2
286Operator No is a mandatory field.
287Please enter only one of three : &, &, &.
288Operator not found in Owner Xref table.
289Operator ID must be a valid Vendor/Customer.
290Invalid report id.
291Production Disp Report Indicator can be 'X' or Blank.
292Entered Unit no does not exist in TX GLO - Unit Master
293& & & Eff From date must be the first day of the month.
294& Reporting company is not valid.
295& & & Invalid Major Product Code.
296&1 &2 &3 Invalid &4 Entity Type.
297& & & Effective From Date is mandatory.
298& & & Suffix is mandatory.
299& & & Suffix Decimal is mandatory.
300& & & Eff To date must be end of the month.
301& & & Eff To Date cannot be smaller than Eff From Date.
302& & & Suffix decimal cannot be 0 or greater than 1.
303From CSV Row# & to & records are not saved due to listed errors.
304Record already exist.
305Either of the &1,&2,or&3 needs to be populated.
306& is invalid lease.
307& Effective To date must be end of Month.
308& & & Invalid Plant Code.
309Effective From Date must be beginning of month.
310&-Invalid District No.
311& is a mandatory field.
312&1 &2 &3 Do not maintain Rltd Entity Type for non-O Entity Type.
313&1 &2 &3 Maintain valid Related Entity Type for O Entity Type.
314&1 &2 &3 Delete Other Exempt Entity data then make changes.
315&1 &2 &3 Out of time range for Suffix and Product Code in Suffix X-ref.
316&1 &2 &3 Check Suffix in Suffix X-ref for given Product Code.
317&1 &2 &3 Purchaser and Producer both can not be entered.
318&1 &2 &3 Suffix Decimal exists for given combination.
319&1 &2 &3 Suffix Detail is not maintained as Rlted Enty Type.
320&1 &2 &3 Suffix Dec is not same as Rlted Enty Type for &4.
321&1 &2 &3 Suffix Dec is not same as Other Enty Type for &4.
322&1 &2 &3 Please do not maintain duplicate suffices.
323&1 &2 &3 Sum of Suffix Decimals Must be 1.
324File is empty.
325&1 &2 &3 County is mandatory.
326&1 &2 &3 On-/Off-Lease Code is mandatory.
327&1 &2 &3 Invalid On-/Off-Lease Code.
328&1 &2 &3 Invalid Producer/Purchaser Indicator.
329&1 &2 &3 Override requires a Purchaser/Seq.
330&1 &2 &3 Override Purchaser/Seq required.
331&1 &2 &3 Invalid Producer.
332&1 &2 &3 Invalid Purchaser.
333&1 &2 &3 Override Producer/Seq required.
334CSV Row# &1 - Either Wl/WC or Venture/DOI to be filled.
335Effective from month is a mandatory field.
336Owner no is a mandatory field.
337Invalid Doi.
338&1 &2 &3 Override Purchaser not allowed.
339&1 &2 &3 Off Lease Code for Master Override not allowed.
340Error while generating template.
341Either Rereport or Delete All can be selected
342&1 &2 &3 Entered Date &4 is Invalid, Valid Date Format is YYYYMMDD.
343& is blank
344Report ID must be either
345Effective From Date is blank
346Entered Date &1 is Invalid,Valid Date Format is YYYYMMDD
347Effective From Date &1 must be First Date of Month
348Effective To Date is blank
349Effective To Date &1 Must Be End Of Month
350Effective to date must be greater than effective from date
351Entered PUN &1 Should be Numeric
352&1 Invalid flag. It should be marked as 'X'.
353Duplicate Record in CSV
354Existing Record was end dated
355Record successfully saved.
356&1 &2 &3 Producer/Purchaser not allowed.
357&1 &2 &3 Override Purchaser Flag not allowed for this Report ID.
358Template generated with filename : &1.
359Lease number cannot be blank.
360&1 &2 &3 Invalid Company Code.
361CSV Row# &1 - Either Wl/WC or MP No. or Company/Venture/DOI to be filled.
362Existing record will be auto end-dated.
363You are not authorised to upload data.
364The class & does not exist. Please implement relavant SAP Note.
365No valid records to save
366&1 is not a valid CSV file.
367&1 &2 &3 Purchaser/Producer Data not correct
368Contract cannot be blank.
369Statewide lease can be 'X' or space
390No error.
392No valid records to save.
401Legacy PUN must not be entered after NM Rewrite Go-Live Date
402Property ID, Pool ID and Agreement Number must be Numeric
403New PUN fields must not be entered before NM Rewrite Go-Live Date
404Audit By Flag should not be entered after NM Rewrite Go-Live
406Project Number cannot be populated for Gas report
407Select exactly one line
408File does not exist
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