OIUY6 - Report 2.0 - Wyoming Messages

The following messages are stored in message class OIUY6: Report 2.0 - Wyoming Messages.
It is part of development package OIU_Y6 in software component IS-OIL-PRA-REP-ROY. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Royalty 2.0 - WY".
Message Nr
Message Text
001Marketing Type XRef Missing: &1 &2
002Bad lease info: &1 &2 &3 &4
007Old Reports Must Have Same Last Final Date
009&1 records added to royalty transaction table
010&1 records deleted from royalty staging table
011&1 records added to interface transaction table
012&1 records deleted from interface staging table
013WY Product Code Xref Missing: &1
014PRA level ASU not valid for amended rpt: &1
015Entered State Lease No. &1 lenght should be 15
016State Lease No. is Blank.
017Entered State Lease No. &1 should be Numeric.
018Unique Id is Blank.
019Entered Unique Id &1 Lenght Should be 20.
020Entered Unique ID &1 Should be Numeric
021Entered Tract Allocation Lease &1 Length Should be 17
022Tract Allocation Lease is Blank.
023Entered Tract Allocation Lease &1 Should be Numeric
024Entered Royalty Rate &1 Lenght Should be 17
025Royalty Rate is Blank
026Entered Royalty Rate &1 Should be Numeric
027Entered Royalty Rate &1 must be between 0 and 1
028Percentage of Entered Tract Allocation Lease &1 must be between 0 and 1
029Well No. is Blank.
030Entered Well No.&1 Length Should be 15
031Entered Well No. &1 Should be Numeric.
032Entered Well No. &1 is not valid.
033Well Completion Number is Blank.
034Entered Well Completion Number &1 Length should be 5.
035Entered Well Completion &1 Should be Numeric.
036Entered Well Completion No. &1 Not is Masters.
037Measurement point number is Blank.
038Entered Measurement point number &1 Lenght should be 20.
039Entered Entered Measurement point &1 Should be Numeric.
040Entered Entered Measurement point &1 Not is Masters.
041Joint Venture is Blank.
042Entered Joint Venture &1 Length Should be 6.
043Entered Joint Venture &1 Should be Numeric.
044Entered Joint Venture &1 Not is Masters.
045DOI is Blank.
046Entered DOI &1 Length Should be 5
047Entered DOI &1 Should be Numeric
048Entered DOI &1 and Join Venture &2 Not is Masters
049Report ID is Blank.
050Entered Report ID &1 Length Should be 10.
051Entered Report ID &1 Not is Masters.
052Reporting Company is Blank.
053Entered Reporting Company &1 Length Should be 4.
054Invalid Reporting Company &1
055Payer Code is Blank.
056Entered Payer Code &1 Length Should be 4.
057Entered Payer Code &1 Should Be Numeric.
058State Lease No. is Blank.
059Entered State Lease No. &1 Length Should be 15.
060Invalid State Lease No. &1
061Unique ID is Blank.
062Entered Unique ID &1 Length Should be 20.
063Product Code is Blank.
064Entered Product Code &1 Length Should be 3.
065Entered Product Code &1 Should be Numeric.
066Tract Allocation is Blank.
067Entered Tract Allocation &1 Length Should be 17.
068Entered Tract Allocation &1 Should be in Decimal
069Royalty Rate is Blank.
070Entered Royalty Rate &1 Length Should be 17.
071Entered Royalty Rate &1 Should be in Decimals.
072Entered Operated Flag &1 Length Should be 1.
073Enter either Well/Well completion, MP Number or Venture/DOI
074Enter only MP No. not other fields along with this
075Enter only Vname and Doi No. not others fields along with this
076Entered Lease &1 is invalid.
077Entered Allocation Percentage &1 must be equal to 1.
078Entered Allocation Percentage &1 must be between 0 and 1.
079Entered Allocation Percentage &1 must be numeric
080Entered Report only &1 Length should be 1.
081Entered Override Operated Flag &1 lenght Should be 1.
082Entered Reference Field &1 Length Should be 35.
083Entered Alternate PSA &1 Length Should be 20.
084Entered Lease Text &1 Length Should be 35.
085Entered Legacy Lease &1 Length should be 15.
086Allocation missing for entered record.
087Report ID is Blank.
088Total Alloc% &1 must be equal to 1 From CSV file data.
089Total Alloc% &1 must be equal to 1 From Master data.
090Total Alloc% &1 must be equal to 1 from Master data and CSV file.
091Invalid Report ID &1
092Entered Glo Lease &1 Length Should be 6.
093Glo Lease is Blank.
094Entered Glo Unit &1 Length Should be 5.
095Glo Unit is Blank.
096Warning - TPF has been overwritten.
097Allocation percentage is Blank.
098Entered Unit Venture Flag &1 Length Should be 1.
099Entered TPF &1 Should Be Numberic or Decimal.
100Total Alloc% of existing record &1 must be equal to 1.
101Entered Glo Unit &1 is Invalid.
102Please enter Glo Unit for Entered TPF &1.
103Lowest tract indicator can 'X' or blank.
104Record not saved due to error in record with same key
105Unit venture flag is invalid for Well/WC, MP.
106&1 Invalid Unit venture flag
107Effective To Date is blank.
108Entered Date &1 is Invalid, Valid Date Format is YYYYMMDD.
109Effective From Date is blank.
110Effective From Date &1 must be First Date of Month.
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