The following messages are stored in message class OPS_SE_COMMON: .
It is part of development package OPS-SE_COMMON_FUNCTIONALITIES in software component MM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr
Message Text
000The content of the field &1 is too long
001Goods movement not possible for BTDs with Base-BTD Type Code &1
002You have no authorization for plant &1.
003Company code is not unique for supplier
004No purchase order found
005More than one purchase order found for &
006Comparison of purchase order references failed & &
007Confirmation was sent with status &.
008Type code of invoice documet is different from type codes of items
009Tax information in header is wrong
010Tax information in items is wrong
011Only one line in product tax for items allowed
012Illegal input in field &1
013Field & required
014BusinessTransactionDocument &1 is not of type &2
015Serial number was generated internally, since & was set as TRUE
016Exception &1 has occured for the field &2
017Please enter the duration in any one unit only
018&1 defaulted to 101 for document &2 item &3
019&1 is not required for &2 001
020No items were given for goods movement, check &1
021Field &1 ignored and serial generated internally,since &2 was set as TRUE
022For ProductStandardID only SchemeAgencyID-code 9 is supported.
023Only Item-BusinessTransactionDocumentID fields are processed
024Posting GoodsMvmnt. on CustomerReturns Delivery item level is not allowed
025Goods receipt not possible for delivery &1 &2
026No purchase order found for delivery &1 &2
027GoodsMovement should be posted with ref. to the inbound delivery
028Unit code &1 not converted to ISO
029Quantity is greater than issued quantity
030Error while reading Purchase Order &1 &2
031Two different processes cannot be handled simultaneously
032GoodsMovementType &1 does not exist
033There are sales data available for PurchaseOrder &1 &2
034&1 should be &2 as specified in the Stock Transport Order
035No results found
036PurchaseOrder &1 &2 does not fit the process, or does not exist
037&1 is greater than &2, it cannot be used for posting
038PurchaseOrder &1 is not a Stock Transport Order
039Service interface &1 is not maintained in table OPS_SE_AO_CNTRP3
040Size &1 of input file is too big. Maximal size: &2
041Input file contains no data
042Error &1 occurred while reading the input file
044Error while converting the XML input file into data type &1
045Error creating object of class &1
046Error in method &1->start_test()
047Counterpart test successfully completed
048Counterpart test ended with errors
049Counterpart test still running. Try again and increase waiting time.
055Content of proxy field &1 is too long for the backend field &2
056Content &1 in proxy field &2 is not supported
057Result could not be checked due to missing MessageID
058Message status for MessageID &1 could not be retrieved
059Message with MessageID &1 successfully sent. For details use tx SXMB_MONI
060No or invalid RFC-destination for receiver-system
061Message has not reached receiver-system yet
062Message with MessageID &1 not sent. For details use tx SXMB_MONI
063Test with MessageID &1 has been corrupted. For details use tx SXMB_MONI
064Message with MessageID &1 is in processing. For details use tx SXMB_MONI
065No error found
066Conversion error - I/E: &1 , TypeCode: &2 , Lower: &3 , Upper: &4
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