OPS_SE_IVE - Invoice Verification Messages

The following messages are stored in message class OPS_SE_IVE: Invoice Verification Messages.
It is part of development package OPS-SE_IVE_XI_PROXY_T in software component MM-IV-LIV. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "OPS-SE_IVE_XI_PROXY_T".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Billing document data could not be retrieved
001The Company could not be retrieved for Company code &1
002Tax Code could not be read for Partner Type &1 Partner &2 Ctry/Reg. &3
003Process integration platform error & &
004Arithmetic overflow error during the aggregation of tax amounts
005Customer Master data could not be retrieved
006The External Partner could not be read for Customer &1 &2 &3
007Header texts could not be retrieved
008Item texts could not be retrieved
009Error occured while converting the content '&1'
010Terms of Payment could not be retrieved for Key &1
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