ORA_ISQ - Messages for RSORAISQ

The following messages are stored in message class ORA_ISQ: Messages for RSORAISQ.
It is part of development package S_DBMON_ORA in software component BC-CCM-MON-ORA. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Database Monitor for Oracle".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Days to keep need to be larger than or equal to 0
001Workingset ID pattern needs to consist of alphanumeric characters
002Storage quality and Index size need to consist of numeric characters only
003Workingset ID needs to consist of alphanumeric characters
004Workingset ID needs to be specified
005At least one action to be started needs to be marked
006Parallel degree needs to be between 1 to 9
007No authorization to execute this report
008Old Data successfully copied
009DB Error ORA & while copying old data
010Workingset is already used. Please Choose another name
011Connection to target DB not available
012Workingset does not exist. Nothing done
013Termination flag for Workingset set. Wait until Workingset is terminated
014Workingset cleaned up
015Workingset not stopped. Nothing done
016Workingset not active. Nothing done
017Workingset not stopped. Nothing done
018Workingset to set stop status for is already stopped. Nothing done
019Stop Status for Workingset enforced
020Action canceled
021History cleaned up
022Specified connection not maintained in transaction DBCO
023Emergency Break! Set stop status action used while processes where active
024Object selection to complex. Simpyfy the object selection.
025Workingset with & Indexes finished successfully. Workingset removed.
026Workingset with & Indexes finished. & Indexes need to be (re)processed.
027Process terminated. Parallel processes on this workingset still running.
028Insufficent privileges of the DB user. Check the privileges.
029Database Releases < 8.1. is not supported
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