PCF_ENHANCEMENT - Messages for Predefined Custom Fields Enhancements

The following messages are stored in message class PCF_ENHANCEMENT: Messages for Predefined Custom Fields Enhancements.
It is part of development package S_PCF_REGISTRY_GENERATION in software component BC-SRV-APS-EXT-FLD. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Predefined Fields: Generation".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Generation of extension &1 for view &2 failed.
001Append &1 is not active and cannot be checked. Please activate.
002CDS View extension &1 not active and can't be checked. Please activate.
003View &1 extended by &2 is no related CDS View.
004Node &1: Extension &2 of view &3 contains errors.
005Node &1: Append &2 contains errors.
006Node &1 Append &2 : Error when determining the reference field name.
007Put failed for append of &1.
008Append &1 appended to wrong structure &2.
009Append &1 Field &2 differs from the field definition.
010Field &1 must have reference table &2
012Append &1: Defined field &2 is missing.
013Append &1: Field &2 is not defined.
014Append &1 is not active and cannot be checked. Please activate.
015Put failed for cds extension of &1 of view &2.
016CDS View &1 does not exist.
017Base object alias &1 does not exist in view &2.
018Field &1 does not exist in extension &2 of view &3.
019Field &1 of extension &2 view &3 must use base object alias &4.
020Field &1 of extension &2 for view &3 must not be virtual.
021Annotations of field &1 of extension &2 for view &3 not as expected.
022Field &1 of extension &2 for view &3 must be virtual.
023Unexpected field &1 in extension &2 of view &3.
024Extension &1 of CDS view &2 is not active. Please activate.
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