PFM_12MAPAS - Classe de Mensagens para Mapas

The following messages are stored in message class PFM_12MAPAS: Classe de Mensagens para Mapas.
It is part of development package PFM_12CA in software component PSM-FM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Objects for Cross Applications".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Invalid company
001Invalid month
002For periods 13 to 16 only financial documents will be considered
003"From-month" must be previous to "To-month"
004Only possible to consider class & accounts
005Missing currency code
006& is req.entry field
007Only possible to consider accs.from groups &, &, & + &
008Mandatory fill in of field &1 or &2
009The date must belong to selected fiscal year (&)
010The date must belong to selected period (&1 to &2)
011Only possible to update the management ID with FI/FICA information
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