The following messages are stored in message class PFM_EA_PS: .
It is part of development package PFM_EA_PS in software component PSM-FM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Objects for EA-PS module".
It is part of development package PFM_EA_PS in software component PSM-FM. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Objects for EA-PS module".
Message Nr ▲ | Message Text |
000 | & & & & |
001 | The company code is a required entry field |
002 | Required entry field &, according to setup in table V_FMDIMSTATE |
003 | Field & not used, according to customizing in table V_FMDIMSTATE |
004 | There are already twelfths postings for the line that you want to delete |
005 | Dates are not consistent with year &, record will be ignored |
006 | The year field is a required entry field |
007 | You can only populate Field or Set (&) |
008 | Customize the document type table for & |
009 | Customize the FI posting table for & |
010 | Twelfths control table does not have entries in company code & in & |
011 | There are twelfths retrievals to be done for period &, do it first |
012 | There are already retrievals for this period, which will not be redone |
013 | The budget document table for twelfths has no entries |
014 | The table of funds for twelfths has no entries |
015 | No retrieval can be done for future years |
016 | No retrieval can be done for future periods |
017 | Anticipations can only be done after retrievals |
018 | The limits table for twelfths has no entries in company code & in & |
019 | Number & of anticipations cannot exceed maximum no. & |
020 | Anticipation value & cannot exceed maximum value & |
021 | No.anticipations has been reduced so that it does not exceed max.values |
022 | Anticipation value has been reduced so that it does not exceed max.values |
023 | The budget document table for accounts 0 has no entries |
024 | Specify the values to be anticipated in the detail display screen |
025 | Specify no.anticipations that you want to make, in corresponding column |
026 | It was not possible to determine composite process for key & |
027 | Process relevant composite processes have not been customized yet |
028 | Process &1/&2 has no valid customizing |
029 | Document type definition is missing for process &1/&2 |
030 | Posting key definition is missing for process &1/&2 |
031 | G/L account definition missing for process &1/&2/&3 |
032 | The twelfths document is only postable after the financial document |
033 | Settlement account table has no entries in company code & |
034 | Customize table PFM_12TP01 |
035 | Anticipations cannot be done for a period of less than & |
036 | The document does not generate accounting postings |
037 | The posting date is later than the period that you want to release |
038 | Message class &, message & does not exist in language & |
039 | There are already year-end closing docs.for the line you want to delete |
040 | Payment authorization has to be in status approved |
041 | The posting date is earlier than the payment authorization date &1 |
042 | Payment authorization has no settlement documents yet |
043 | The settlement document of the payment authorization is cancelled |
044 | Clearing document & successfully created |
045 | You don't have permission to the Fund Center &. |
046 | Some data were locked, try again |
047 | Financing source &1 is not valid in the period between &2 and &3 |
048 | Program/Measure &1/&2 are not valid in the period between &3 and &4 |
049 | Project &1 is not valid in the period between &2 and &3 |
050 | Activity &1 is not valid in the period between &2 and &3 |
051 | Reverse document &1 before document &2 |
052 | Program &1 is not valid in the period between &2 and &3 |
053 | Enter a program |
054 | The file was created with success. |
055 | The Project &1 has one or more Subproj. assigned. Please enter Subproj. |
056 | Period not valid. Please enter a period between 1 and 12. |
060 | Operational program &1 and manager &2 are not valid between &3 and &4 |
061 | Project/Subproject &1/&2 are not valid in the period between &3 and &4 |
066 | Incorrect customizing for GL Account & |
080 | Unfreeze can only be created after release of monthly budget (Item &1) |
100 | * PLC messages |
101 | The field '&' is a required entry field |
102 | The minimum value for PLC is & & |
103 | Value to be requested lower than balance of credits released in fund & |
104 | The posting date is a required entry field |
105 | The FI due date is a required entry field |
106 | The EA-PS due date is a required entry field |
107 | The program can only be executed via transaction |
108 | You must specify a PLC number |
109 | No PLC & for company code & in year & |
110 | PLC saved with number & |
111 | Document &/&/&/& without commitment. Item ignored. Check |
112 | (Line &) Entered amount exceeds original amount. Doc.&/& |
113 | The PLC does not contain any item. It is not possible to save |
114 | Saved data |
115 | PLC &/&/& not sent for approval |
116 | The released values may not exceed the values to be requested |
117 | Account.fin.source & funds center & bus.area & class.type & not posted |
118 | The PLC will be deleted |
119 | Cancelled action |
120 | Doc.type not determined for accounting for company code & |
121 | No data determined for accounting for company code .&-f.f.&-type.& |
122 | Negative values not permitted |
123 | Balance of credits released in fund & center & is negative |
124 | The twelfths balance is insufficient for budget key &,&,&,& |
125 | Saved data |
126 | CC & does not exist in system |
127 | PLC & in preparation in CC &. Impossible to create a new one |
128 | PLC & in request in company code &. Impossible to request approval |
129 | The company code & is not duly customized for PLC purposes |
130 | CC & does not allow creation of consolidation PLCs |
131 | PLC & for company code & in year & from history. Impossible to view |
132 | PLC &/&/& is locked by user &. It cannot be used |
133 | In line & the entered amount is zero. Doc. &/& |
134 | The values to be requested in fund & cannot be negative |
135 | Released values must be positive |
136 | The entered amount exceeds the original amount. Doc.&/& |
137 | The entered amount is zero. Doc.&/& |
138 | Lock object to save is locked. It is not possible to save |
139 | The apportionment value cannot be negative |
140 | The released value exceeds the value to be requested |
141 | Number range for PLCs in aproval request not defined |
142 | Number range for PLCs in preparation not defined |
143 | Number range for PLCs in final preparation not defined |
144 | Values to be requested in fund & center & exceed own revenue balance |
145 | The financing source & does not exist |
146 | The sum of the values to be requested in fund & type & cannot be negative |
147 | The fiscal year and the posting date do not correspond to the same year |
148 | The key Commitment Item / Budget Type does not exist. |
149 | PLC & pending for posting in company &. |
150 | Messages for revenue settlement |
151 | The document type to be included is equal to the settlement document type |
152 | You have not found corresponding document type for documents & |
153 | Document &/& posted |
154 | Error. Document not posted |
155 | Spec.G/L ind.not determined. CC & cat.& stat.& account & |
156 | You have to specify a revenue settlement number |
157 | There is no revenue settlement & for company & in year & |
158 | Revenue settlement with number & was saved |
159 | No document selected for processing |
160 | Saved data |
161 | No document selected for deletion |
162 | Document type & not expected in revenue settlement |
163 | Execution completed |
164 | There are subsequent twelfth retrievals/anticipations |
165 | You cannot transfer values higher than the available ones |
166 | Sum of values to be transferred higher than available amount |
167 | There are no receiving funds centers for & |
168 | Balance of credits released in funds center & within the same fund |
169 | & records updated |
170 | Document & with commitment item dif.from DUMMY (&) |
171 | Customize legal fund center of funds center & in & |
172 | You have no authorization for the status of the specified PLC |
173 | PLCs with value to be requested equal to zero cannot be approved |
174 | It is not possible to save the PLC, as the twelfth value was exceeded |
175 | Unable to cancel or reverse doc. & while it is used in PAP & |
177 | PAP documents can only be cancelled via transaction PFM_FIBI_EST |
178 | Customize the Credit Level table for the company &. |
179 | The company code & is not duly customized for PLC purposes. |
180 | Forseen exp. on Legal Organic &, Fin. Source & exceed available budget. |
181 | The values to be requested in fund & cannot be negative |
182 | The sum of the values to be requested in CI & Center & cannot be negative |
183 | Values to be requested in CI & Center & exceed own revenue balance |
184 | Account.fin.source & funds center & bus.area & class.type & not posted |
185 | Customize the message tabel to company &. |
186 | Legal Organics released. |
187 | Select one entry. |
188 | No records were selected. |
189 | The fields of description are required. |
190 | The Organic is invalid. |
191 | The date fields are required. |
192 | Errors during processing. Check log. |
193 | Funds Centers successfully created/changed. |
194 | Funds Centers successfully changed. |
195 | Different Funds Center exist with the same Organic. Check Error log. |
196 | Errors occured in Organics release. |
197 | Cannot be less than Begin Date. |
198 | Cannot be great than End Date. |
199 | Pos. & blocked by user &. |
200 | You are not authorized to process CRRs with status & |
201 | Approved value must not exceed the total values to be requested |
202 | You cannot release a value greater than the DGO approved value |
203 | Released total value must be equal to the DGO approved value |
204 | Enter a valid NIB account |
205 | NIB accounts are not defined; see long description |
206 | Date of the selected documents is later than the CRR date |
207 | Approval and posting date is earlier than the CRR date |
208 | Too many records selected. |
209 | |
210 | The year of the CRR date do not match with Fiscal Year field. |
211 | The FI documents must be from the same year of the CRR Fiscal Year. |
212 | The EAPS documents must be from the same year of the CRR Fiscal Year. |
220 | Some selected budget keys were not released (amount equal to 0). |
221 | An error occurred calculating the monthly budget. Amount is set to 0. |
240 | (Line &1) Total available twelfths cannot support anticipation value. |
241 | (Line &1) Total Twelfths(&2) � Consumed Twelfths(&3) < Antecipation(&4) |
242 | (Line &1) Global twelfth cannot support anticipation value. |
243 | (Line &1) Antecipation(&2) > Global Twelfths(&3) |
244 | (Line &1) Budget key not subject to monthly budget. |
245 | SEND and RECV lines must be balanced for budget type &1. |
246 | Total antecipation (&1) is greater than global twelfths for period (&2) |
247 | Budget keys must be unique in the document |
248 | (Line &1) Available budget cannot support anticipation value. |
249 | (Line &1) Anticipation (&2) > Available Budget (&3) |
251 | Document posting can only be done after retrievals |
260 | Document &1 was replaced by &2 in PAP document &3. |
261 | Document &1 was replaced by &2 in Monthly Budget tables. |
270 | Anticipation can only be executed if authorized by MoF. |
280 | Unsupported changes posted by customer implementation of PFM_DUOCEDIMOS |
281 | Release amounts adjusted by customer implementation of PFM_DUODECIMOS |
301 | No data determined for accounting for company code .&-f.f.&-type.& |
320 | Update Profile &1 is not consistent |
321 | Update Profile &1 not assigned to FM Area &2 |
322 | Update Profile &1 already exists |
323 | Time horizon is 0 for Commitment Budget of FM Area &1 (Bdgt.Cat.Activat.) |
330 | YoCE of Pre-comm.item (&1) <> PO year (Item &2 Sched.Line &3) |
350 | Year of due date returned by customer implementation (&1) <> YoCE (&2) |
351 | Customer implementation generated an error. |
500 | PSM-FM is not active! Click here for details. |
501 | PSM-FM actived! |
502 | PSM-FM deactivated! |
800 | There are monthly budget consumption documents for budget key &,&,&,& |
801 | The document cannot be reversed. Click here for details |
802 | |
803 | There are no releases for budget key &,&,&,& |
804 | Different credit levels are not permitted. |