The following messages are stored in message class PFQ1: ITF ADP.
It is part of development package P06INTF_ADP in software component PY-FR. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "HR Payroll Interface: France (ADP)".
Message Nr
Message Text
001No record for indicator &1 in table &2
002Use interface PU12 to convert indicator &
003Enter correct format: type &1, length &2, no. decimal places &3
004Operation sign for numerical values
005Operation sign for characters and dates
006No code to be entered for a simple ZADIG element!
007Incorrect code for multiple element type 'NNN'
008Multiple Type 'HCX': Format XXX:MM:CXX (MM 01-12/'**' ; CXX Fund Code)
009Incorrect code for multiple element type 'HRP'
010Incorrect code for multiple element type 'PER'
011Incorrect code for multiple element type 'CXX'
012Entry & incorrect
013Replacement code: blank or between R and Z
014Number of hours must be less than 24, Format __,__
015Period between & and & !
016Choose a correct Fund code
017Code &: no help view for code
018Add wage type : & & &/&
019Incorrect PAC
020Enter start date
021Enter end date
022Date already passed!
023End date must be after start date!
024Sign is full => same month and year for start and end date
025Quota & & & not in table &
026& & & & &
027The incident code is mandatory in the event of a time incident
028Overlapping periods for quota & infotype &
029You have flagged more than one box
030Box not flagged
031Enter a file name
032Enter file name only
033Date contains characters other than '0123456789'
034Incorrect date format.
035Date entered does not exist
036Error while downloading 'Cancel batch' file
037Error while downloading 'Check cumulations' file
038Error while downloading 'Cancel indiv. transfers' file
039Enter at least one file name
040Period delimited due to change of payroll area
041Use of more than one personnel number not allowed
042Use no. & for the statement
043Rerun payroll for employees corrected
044Sunday : hours < 99 Format __,__
045Incorrect entry in field &1: element &2 is type &3!
046Multiple element type 'HTX': format AAAAMM1:TX (with 01<=TX=>&1)
047Multiple element type 'HET': format XXX.MM:Etabl
048The code for a DFA element always starts with 'xxx:'
049The processing type for a ZADIG DFA element must be 'FA'
050The processing type for a ZADIG Payroll element cannot be 'FA'
051Missing settlement date for quota (TEDI)
052Wage Type &1 is absent from table &2.
053Missing end settlement date for quota: wage type &
054Problem in determining the end date for the present T549A period, V and Q
055No payroll area is liberated to launch a payroll
056No payroll area selected
057Table &1 is not defined in the TEDC file.
058Table &1 structure is not defined in the TEDC file.
059There is no entry in table &1.
060First enter a ZADIG element code.
061First enter a ZADIG element code or check your entry.
062No help available for entry of &1 data.
063Transfer error: &1 file header missing.
064Transfer error: &1 file footer missing.
065Transfer error: incorrect number of records in &1 file.
066No help available.
067Table &1 has not been changed.
068Error during creation of file integrity confirmation entry.
069No authority for PAC &1 payroll area.
070The master and secondary PACs are initial stages.
071Master PAC &1 is invalid.
072Table & is empty.
073Secondary PAC &1 data is missing.
074Error during deletion of file header.
075Error during deletion of file footer.
076File & format program does not exist.
077An error occurred during check table (&1) update.
078To change the value, delete the data and recreate it
079You cannot enter the same number of hours worked
080You cannot enter the number of hours worked for an absent employee
081Incident code identical with number of identical hours
082Error opening file &
083This program can only be executed from the service menu.
084The selected SIRET number & & does not exist in the PAC &.
085Mapping inconsistency for elements & and &
086The field associated with elements & and & does not exist.
087The payroll results have still not been imported
088SAP/ADP User: FADP constant not maintained!
089System type has not been determined.
090Unknown & system type.
091You are not authorised to access the PAC for employee &1
092This system is unable to find payroll area &1
093Enter the currency of the amount
094No item available in T5F6B for PAC &1 with this code
095The number entered contains more than one comma, decimal point or sign.
096The field must remain blank
097Multiple item code &1 is not processed
098Multiple Type 'HCX': Format MM:CXX (MM 01-12/'**' ; CXX Fund Code)
099Incorrect prefix for multiple element DFA with type "CXX"
100The payroll area(s) cannot be processed
101Processing error on function &1
102The next field does not exist in structure P06PM1I: &1
103Process model &1 cannot be started without payroll run
104No corrected employees for selected payroll areas
105In test mode, the selection of employees is mandatory
106Processing type &1 does not exist
107Employee matchcode: W; corrective payroll is required
108Retrocalculation depth prior to TEDI file periods
109Directory &1 not defined in TEDC
110Program &1 non authorized
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