PHIN - Phase In: Messages

The following messages are stored in message class PHIN: Phase In: Messages.
It is part of development package PHIN in software component PM-EQM-THO. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "".
Message Nr
Message Text
000Abend due to system error(&1 &2 &3 &4)
001You are not authorized to use handover profile &1
005Handover for file &1 completed successfully
006Record &1 created successfully
007&1 document instance successfully created and added to the record
008URL instance successfully added to the record
009&1 document instance not created
010&1 document created but not added to the record
011Record &1 not created
012URL instance not added to the record
013&1 document instance created successfully
014Takeover table &1 does not exist
015Table PHINH; key &1 already exists
016Object &1 is already being processed by another user
017File &1 is already used/in use
018There is no material number or manufacturer part number in the file
019Error(s) occurred during handover of file &1; see error log in RMS
020Functional location without hierarchy is not supported
021****** Messagelog for deactivation of equipments *********
022****** Messagelog for deactivation of functional locations *********
023****** Messagelog for deactivation of maintenance plans *********
024****** Messagelog for status change of notifications *********
025****** Messagelog for status change of pm/cs orders *********
026*** &1 objects processed. ***
027****** Messagelog for completion and reopen *********
028*** &1 objects activated. ***
030No structure exists for technical object &1
031Error during conversion to XML; no output file created
032No handover profile defined; process is not continued
033Technical object must be the top hierarchy node
034You are not authorized to use the handover application
035&1 takeover executed successfully
036Locking error; &1 takeover failed
037&1 &2 is currently locked by user &3
038&1 &2 created on &3 deleted from ToHo tables.
039Only one hierarchy with functional locations is allowed
100&1:Timestamp assigned to target fields without conversion into local time
101&1: Timestamp could not be converted as specified time zone not available
102Entry &1 does not exist in includes &2 or &3 (check entry)
103Measurement time for &1 is not defined
104Measurement time/timestamp for &1 is not defined
105Document & with higher measurement time already entered
106Customizing table &1; external identification &2 not defined
107Customizing table &1; characteristic &2 to external ident &3 not defined
108Measuring point category is not defined in the takeover profile
109Entry can not be saved. Definition is not complete
110Unit of measurement for measuring point characteristic & not defined
111Field name &1 already used
112Object number could not be found for technical object
113Document &1 for &2 already entered for the measurement time specified
114You are deleting default entries
115You do not have authorization to use the takeover application
116Customizing table &1 not consistent; a field name appears more than once
117Customizing table &1 must be empty. At least one entry is still defined
118Include CI_PHINT does not exist
119No component is defined in CI_PHINT
120Field &1 does not exist in the include CI_PHINT
121&1 technical objects successfully updated
122Please select the fields to be copied
123Transaction cannot be started in client &1
124No authorization for authorization object &1
125Default characteristics are already copied from client &1
126New default characteristics will be added from client &1
127Please select more than one item to be updated
128Measuring point in 'Transfer of' field cannot be determined automatically
129Manually assign a transfer relationship equivalent to the template
130Meas. point &1 in 'Transfer of' field cannot be determined automatically
131Manually assign a transfer relationship equivalent to the template
132Measuring point in template ignored; characteristic &1 already used
200Update terminated in table &
201Insert terminated in table &
202Delete terminated in table &
300Error while activating maintenance plan &; scheduling not possible
301Maint. plan &1: start counter reading &2 < actual counter reading &3
302MP &3: Cycle start date &1 before instal. date &2
303MP &4 Start date/time &1 &2 bef. inst date &3
304Maintenance plan & manually created
305Maintenance plan & manually scheduled
306&1 &2 : counter needed for copying maintenance plan &3 is missing
307Enqueue for takeover/handover table not possible
308Maintenance plan &1 contains items for different objects
309Status check; maintenance plan & active
310Status check; maintenance plan & inactive
311Status check; maintenance plan & scheduled
312Status check; maintenance plan & not scheduled
313No maintenance plans were created.
314Activation not possible. Maintenance plan &1 is still locked
315Deactivation not possible. Maintenance plan &1 is still locked
316Maint. plan &1: No cntr readg for meas. point &2 before installation date
317Equipment &1: no maintenance plans found
318Functional location &1: no maintenance plans found
319For the specified line, no copy reference has been maintained
320Internal message: &1 &2: OBJNR missing for copying maintenance plan &3
321Enter a valid start counter reading for maint. plan &1: value &2 reset
322Creation of maint.plans via MPD failed->will be created from 'copy ref.'
323No maintenance plans were found
324MP &1 No countr readg entered yet for measrg point &2 unit &3
400*** "Generation of Technical Objects" related messages ***
401Equipment &1 (&2/&3) successfully created
402Equipment BOM header data successfully created for equipment &1
403Equipment BOM item &1 with qty &2 &3 successfully created for equi &4
404Equipment &1 (&2/&3) successfully updated
405Creation of equipment (&1/&2) failed
406Update of equipment &1 (&2/&3) failed
407Installation of equipment &1 failed
408Removal of equipment &1 failed
409Installation of non-serialized material &1 failed
410Removal of non-serialized material &1 failed
411No installation location; equipment cannot be installed
412Equipment has already been assigned to superior object
413No superior object; equipment cannot be removed
414Equipment &1 has been changed; update is required
415Equipment BOM item &1 has been changed; update is required
416Material number must not be changed; update not possible
417Serial number must not be changed; update not possible
418Equipment number must not be changed; update not possible
419No installation location; material cannot be installed
420Material has been already assigned to superior object
421No superior object; BOM item cannot be removed
422BOM Item &1 successfully created in equipment BOM &2 (&3)
423BOM Item &1 has not been created in equipment BOM &2 (&3)
424BOM Item &1 successfully updated in equipment BOM &2 (&3)
425BOM Item &1 has not been updated in equipment BOM &2 (&3)
426Functional location &1 succesfully created
427Creation of functional location &1 failed
428Functional location &1 succesfully updated
429Update of functional location &1 failed
430*** "Consistency Check of Technical Objects" related messages ***
431Equipment cannot be created
432Material &1 does not exist
433Material &1 is not a serialized material. Serial profile is missing.
434Material &1 is a serialized material and cannot be used in the equi BOM
435Equipment &1 (&2/&3) does not exist
436Equipment BOM item cannot be created
437'Copy reference' equipment has not been found
438Inst. location cannot be changed if equipment has not been created
439'Copy reference' equipment (&1) does not exist; check your entries
440Parent object has not been created yet
441Record is incomplete. Maintain material, serial number, or equipment
442Consistency check has been performed successfully; update allowed
443Consistency check has failed. Equipment &1 cannot be updated
444Consistency check has been performed successfully; creation allowed
445Consistency check has failed; equipment cannot be created
446Consistence check has not yet been carried out
447'Copy reference' equipment &1 will be used for equipment creation
448'Copy reference' equipment could not be determined for the selected line
449Complete your entries and execute consistency check
450'Copy reference' equipment &1 does not exist; check your entries
451Ref. equipment BOM item for material &1 and FID &2 has not been found
452Ref. equi BOM item (&1/&2) has been found and will be used for creation
453Installation location has been changed from &1 to original value &2
454Serial number has not been specified. Maintain serial number
455BOM item &1 of &2 (&3) has not been changed. No action required.
456Material &1 is not serialized material
457Enter equipment category or 'copy reference' equipment
458Equipment will be created with the minimum of data
459Functional location &1 does not exist
460Functional location &1 exists in ERP System
461Functional location &1 is not installed in &2 as recorded in takeover
462Object &1 &2 has been changed and must be updated
463Object &1 &2 must be created
464Functional location &1 must not be installed in a piece of equipment
465Copy reference for functional location found; &1
466Not able to find copy reference for functional location
467No key has been specified for the copy reference for functional location
468No superior functional location has been specified
469Functional location &1 cannot be installed (it is still installed in &2)
470Functional location is not installed; it can therefore not be removed
471Record for BOM item is incomplete; enter material number
472BOM item &1 does not require serial number to be specified
473Equipment BOM item has been changed; update required
474Consistency check has failed. Equipment BOM item cannot be updated
475Consistency check has failed. Equipment BOM item cannot be created
476Equipment BOM item will be created with the minimum of data
477Equipment &1 does not exist and cannot be used as installation location
478Func. location &1 does not exist and cannot be used as inst. location
479Specify only one installation location; equipment or functional location
480Equipment &1 is not equipment BOM header
481Equipment &1 does not exist and cannot be used as equipment BOM header
482Current date and time will be used for object installation
483Equipment &1 (&2/&3) has not been changed; no update required
484Maintain quantity for equipment BOM item &1 in equipment BOM &2/&3
485No key specified for functional location
486Selected equipment &1/&2 has already been reassigned
487Functional location &1 has subobjects and cannot be deleted
488Switch Framework is not set up correctly for takeover/handover
489Incompatibility between portal and backend
490Selected parent object is not a functional location object
491Status 'inactive' cannot be set for newly created functional location &1
492Copy reference &1 for functional location &2 does not exist
493Not all equipment has been reassigned. Takeover is still not possible
494Object &1 has still not been reassigned
495Please select a functional location
496Key of functional location &1 is not compliant to structure indicator &2
497Please enter the required data
498Consistency check failed; functional location &1 cannot be updated
499Consistency check failed; functional location cannot be created
500Functional location will be created with minimum data
501Enter structure indicator or 'copy reference' for functional location &1
502Technical object does not exist in the master database
503Equipment &2 is supposed to be installed into functional location &1
504Equipment &2 is supposed to be installed into equipment &1
505Equipment &1 has to be installed after its parent has been created
506Equipment &1 is installed in &2 &3
507Category of tech object &1 not defined; define category or copy reference
508Quantity for BOM item &1 of &2 (&3) must be greater that 0
509Structure indicator &1 different to structure indicator &2 of copy ref.&3
510Functional location &1 will be created with minimum data
511Category &1 is not supported for functional locations (check entry)
512Structure indicator &1 different to struct. indicator &2 of higher obj.&3
513Functional location &1 in ERP is not installed in &2 as recorded
514Functional location &1 will be installed into functional location &2
515Functional loc. &1 will be created with minimum data. Description missing
516Equipment without serial no. cannot be installed during takeover process
517Consistency check has been performed
518You must not move an object below itself
519Equi &1 is neither installed nor serialized and will not be processed
520Only reassignment of equipment possible (&1) of equipment &2 must match with &3 from the file
522Equipment &1 (&2/&3) exists
523Only deletion of functional locations possible
524Consistency check ended with warnings; creation allowed
525Func. location category is not equal with copy reference FLoc category
526Equipment BOM header number is missing for BOM item &1
527Description of func.loc. is different in backend to takeover/handover app
528Equipment &1 does not have material number assigned
529Equipment &1 does not have serial number assigned
530Installation date &1 must be greater than equipment 'valid from' date &2
531Equipment &1 is not available in current takeover project
532Functional location &1 is not available in current takeover project
533Equipment &2 is supposed to be removed from functional location &1
534Equipment &2 is supposed to be removed from equipment &1
535Configuration check cannot be executed. Top equipment is not available.
536Config. check cannot be executed. Equi &1 does not have a MPL assigned.
537BOM item &1 (&2) is supposed to be installed into equipment &3
538BOM item &1 (&2) is supposed to be removed from equipment &3
539Installation date &1 must be greater than item 'valid from' date &2
540Functional location &1 has not been changed; no update required
541Classification from copy reference &2 successfully copied into object &1
542Copy of class &1 from copy reference &2 failed
543Maint.plant of superior &1 &2 is different from maint.plant of the &3 &4
544Maint.plant &1 of equi &2 to be inst. must match maint.plant &3 of &4
545Maint.plant &1 of the superior &2 &3 will be inherited for new equipment
546Superior equipment &1 is not available in the current takeover project
547Superior func. location &1 is not available in current takeover project
548Maint.plant of equi &1 will be updated with maint.plant &2 from &3 &4
549Select one single object
550You cannot insert subobjects for BOM items. Select equip./func. location
551Material number has not been specified. Maintain material number
552Configurable materials cannot be used as stock items in equipment BOM
553New functional location &1 successfully assigned to the structure
554Determination of the equipment to be removed automatically not successful
555Equipment &1 will be removed automatically from &2 &3 in backend system
556No equipment needs to be removed automatically from backend system
557Material &1 does not allow assignment of effectivity values for new equi
558Maint. plant of &1 &2 will be overwritten with maint. plant &3 of &4
559Maint. plant of &1 &2 has been overwritten with maint. plant of &3 &4
560Equipment &1 automatically removed from &2 &3 in the backend system
561Automatic removal of equipment &1 from &2 &3 in backend system failed
562Installation date/time &1 must be greater than removal date/time &2
563Removal date/time &1 must be greater than installation date/time &2
564Removal date &1 must be greater than equipment 'valid from' date &2
565Removal date/time for equipment is in future
566Equipment &1 (&2/&3) has been excluded from the takeover process
567Equipment BOM item &1 has been excluded from the takeover process
568Serial number &1 of existing equipment &2 must not be deleted
569Combination of material &1 and serial number &2 exists (equipment &3)
570Serial no. &1 does not match with the serial no. &2 of the equipment &3
571Equipment &1 (&2/&3) is updated with the new serial number &4
572Equipment BOM header data will be created for equipment &1
573UII has not been specified. Maintain UII.
574Naming Convention for Functional Location &1 is not correct
575Material &1 requires Base Unit of Measure &2
600***** Messages for APPEND/DELETE LINE functionality *****
601Specify functional location number
602Func. location can be inserted only under the another func. location
603&1 &2 is part of current takeover project and cannot be used
604Equipment cannot be inserted under the equipment BOM item
605Equipment BOM item can be inserted only under the equipment
606Equipment &1 cannot be inserted because its status is not 'available'
607Specify material number for BOM item
608Equipment &1 is installed in &2 &3 and cannot be deleted
609Func. location &1 is assigned to func. location &2 and cannot be deleted
610BOM item &1 is part of equipment BOM &2 (&3) and cannot be deleted
611Error occured during object deletion. For details see application log
612Object &1 &2 has been deleted successfully
613Object &1 &2 has been inserted successfully
614Equipment &1 does not exist, entry cannnot be inserted
615Object(s) deleted successfully
616Object &1 &2/&3 has been deleted successfully
617Object &1 &2/&3 has been inserted successfully
618At least one object must be selected for this operation
619Data has been changed in customer BAdI implementation
620Copy ref. object contains inactive MPs that are used for creation of MP
621Inactive maintenance plans used for creation of new maintenance plan(s) &
899&1 &2
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