PIC01 - Parts Interchangeability Message Class

The following messages are stored in message class PIC01: Parts Interchangeability Message Class.
It is part of development package ISAUTO_PIC in software component IS-A-SUS. This development package consists of objects that can be grouped under "Substitutions of Parts (Supersession and MPN)".
Message Nr
Message Text
000*** PIC: Master Data message section ***
001Unknown error occured while running the function module
002Creating new &1 &2
003Material number &1 not found in &2 &3
004Error reading material &1. Exception: &2
005Parameters are missing for the function module &1
006Material &1 already exists in &2 &3
007Maintain the supersession chain field
008Valid from date is missing for material &1, sequence number &2
009&1 &2 contains only one material
010Replacement type is missing for material &1, sequence number &2
011Chain has been re-sequenced based on 'Valid from date'
012Error occured during low-level code assignment
013Material &1 not found in supersession chain
014Discontinuation logic found for supersession material &1
015&1 &2 not found in &3 &4
016Material &1 cannot exist in &2 and &3
017Consistency check found errors - cannot save
018Material &1 entered in &1 is a &2 - function is therefore invalid
019Recursivity found for material &1 in supersession chain
021Error &1 because of invalid number range - maintain object PIC_PICNUM
022&1 &2 is locked by user &3
023Error occured while reading material master; error code :&1
024Save failed. Material master for &1 is locked
025No text found for reason code &1
026No authorization for this transaction
027Input material &1 is already defined as an FFF class
028Materials are already assigned to a supersession chain
029Error occured while updating PIC tables at &1
030Group ID &1 has already been assigned; make a new entry
031Select a row for the operation
032Group ID &1 not defined in external number range interval [PIC_PICNUM]
033Material &1 in FFF class &2 exists in MRP set &3
034Material in FFF class missing for inventory-managed manufacturer parts
035No MRP set found for this selection data
036Product group is not allowed in MRP area &1 for MRP set &2
037No materials found that match selection criteria
038No MRP areas found that match selection criteria
039Enter an FFF class or IM-MPN material
040Cause for supersession parts must be numeric
041Causes cannot be maintained for materials in an FFF class
042Cause code cannot be longer than 2 characters
043Enter the key values: cause and PIC category
044Material &1 has already been assigned. Please enter a new FFF class
045Diff. &1 for &2 and &3 in MRP area &4
046Total number of input records: &1
047Total number of records copied: &1
048Parameters missing for input record in seqnr: &1
049Input record processed with group-ID &1
050Total records processed: &1
051For group ID &1 material &2 does not exist for update/delete:[&3]
052For group ID &1 material &2 already exists, cannot insert/append:[&3]
053MPN-MRP set &1 does not exist. Please verify and re-enter
054MPN-MRP set &1 copied to &2 and &3 new entries created
055Material &1 is not defined in an FFF class
056Material &1 is flagged for deletion
057MPN MRP-set &1 created in plant &2
058Product group &1 is locked by the combination plant &2 / user &3
059Select a material field with a value for this operation
060MRP set members are already defined for plant; no entries copied
061Change to dates will cause chain to be re-sequenced; check entries
062Deleting members will change the chain interpretation; check entries
063Set the entry either in the selection data or in the list
064Entry is not unique; re-enter data
065Maintain different validity dates
066FFF class &1 does not have a manufacturer part profile
067Manufacturer part profile &1 not maintained in table TMPPF
068Manufacturer part profile &1 requires the entry of an MPN
069Enter MPN, FFF class or supersession chain
070*** Consistency check: Supersession messages ***
071&1 in plant &2 has MRP type &3(Time-phased plng) and is not supported
072Materials in FFF-class &1 have multiple evaluation class
073No plant-specific data exists for material &1
074This material &1 does not belong to an FFF class
075Restricted interchangeability of &1 to &2 &3 (code &4)
076Circular relationship found in database
077Enter either the FFF class or the supersession chain
078Material &1 entered is a &2, correct the entries
079Materials in an FFF class must have the same condition code
080Restrict. interchngblty. of &1 to &2 would generate circular relationship
081Material &1 has no manufacturer part profile. Maintain a profile
082Material & entered is not available in the material master
083Material &1 entered belongs to &2 &3; function is therefore invalid
084Material &1 not valid for &2 &3 - &2 is corrected automatically with &4
085Reference material: &1
086�n error occurred for &1 during the updating of the table MSUBST
087The restricted interchangeability allows only the entry of a part number
088Application terminated by the user
089MPN-MRP set &1 (&2) moved completely to &3 (&4)
090MPN-MRP set &1 (&2) split into the sets &1 (&2) and &3 (&4)
091MPN-MRP sets &1 (&2) and &3 (&4) combined into set &3 (&4)
092Inconsistency in mat. master: material &1 does not belong to an FFF class
093Material &1 is flagged for deletion
094Material &1 is currently locked (see lock management)
095System error when accessing function module &1
096Enter a material in the line added
097Enter a valid MPN material
098Enter a valid form-fit-function class
099An error occurred when resetting the deletion indicator in FFF class &1
100**************> Messages for Mass generator MRP-Sets <*******************
101*************> SETS <***************
102Consistency check for set &1 in plant/AutID &2 failed
103Set &1 already exists in plant &2/autID &3. It will not be extended
104Set &1 already exists in plant &2/MRP area &3 and has been extended
105Set &1 created in plant &2/MRP area &3 with leading part &4
106No materials can be assigned to set &
107As no additional materials exist, set & has not been extended
108Creation of set &1 in plant &2 cancelled
109Material &1 not defined in MRP area &4
110*******> MPN-Materials <************
111Material & not found in plant &
112Material &1 is already assigned to another set in plant &2
113Material & has passed the material-specific checks
114Material &1 already belongs to set &3 in plant &2
115The MRP type assigned to material & has no MRP procedure
116The materials &1 and &2 belong to different MPN-MRP sets
117The MPN-MRP sets for materials &1 and &2 have not been created
118Material &1 belongs to an MRP set, material &2 has not been assigned
119No exchange is allowed for part & (see manufacturer part profile)
120Material & has lock indicator in the MRP-set maintenance
121MPN Material not supported with Alternate Items
122No MPN-MRP set could be created for material &
123The MPN-MRP set for material & is not unique
124MPN set &1 in FFF class &2 contains even more materials
125MPN-MRP set &3 contained in plant &1/MRP area &2 cannot be deleted
126Part &1 is not an FFF class - further details are not possible
127Enter a description for the FFF class to be created
128MRP type for material & is not relevant for planning
200*** PIC: MRP message section ***
201Material & is a member of a supersession chain
202&1 is a non-leading part in plant &2,MRP area &3. Planning is not allowed
203&1 is non-leading part in plant &2, MRP area &3.Plan Material &4 instead.
204Material &1 is not a member of the supersession chain in Plant &2
205Single-item planning with 'Display result' not possible for SUS chains
206Single-item planning in simulation mode not possible for SUS chains
207Material &1 is a non-leading part in plant &2, MRP area &3, Use &4
208Clear MRP controller and product group to view results for IC group
209& is a non-leading part in plant &; planning not permitted
210& is a non-leading part in plant &; instead plan material &
211Available quantity determined for &1
212MRP set &1 already exists, enhancing the class is not possible
400*** PIC: Purchasing message section ***
401Material is not valid. Current material is &1
402Material &2 has no defined relationship to material &1
403No new order items can be created for interchangeable items
404No info record exists for material &1 and vendor &2
405Purchase order & has been changed; import the reference object again
406Follow-on documents created; material interchange not possible
407Item contains multiple schedule lines
408Sub-item processing not possible for selected item
409&2 &3 (&4) already confirmed for item &1
410The reference to the contract is not copied to the subitem
411Reference to contract; It is not possible to replace material
412Agreement item contains a different interchangeable material
500*** PIC: CIF message section ***
501No entry found in table & according to selection criteria
502Input parameters are initial
600*** Messages for XPRA A&D 3.0 -> DI 4.6 ***
601XPRA must not be executed because of release notes
602Table of existing clients is imported
603No data to be converted found; XPRA not executed
604Start processing causes
605Start processing causes in client &
606& causes transferred to the new table
607Start creation of entries in table PICHD
608Start creation of entries in table PICHD in client &
609& PICHD-entries created
610Start creation of entries in PICPS and PICRL
611Start creation of entries in PICPS and PICRL in client &
612& PICPS-entries created
613& PICRL-entries created
614Earlier releases could not be read
615XPRA RIXPRA_ISAD30: Start of conversion to parts interchangeability
616Start update of table TMCNV
617Start update TMCNV in client &
618Update of table TMCNV completed
619XPRA RIXPRA_ISAD30_3: Start of conversion to MPN conversion
620XPRA RIXPRA_ISAD30_2: Start of conversion for reason code
650* Messages for tree display of interchangeable materials
651Internal error occurred while calling a container method
652Error calling a method of the tree control
653Internal error while calling method cl_gui_cfw=>flush
700Material &1 cannot be added to the FFF class
801The total of the selected quantity differs from the original quantity.
802No suitable interchangeable parts were found.
803Selected quantity is greater than available quantity
804Starting XPRA for PICNUM field conversion for table PICMAP
805Error when retrieving SQL connection: &1&2&3&4
806Error when retrieving generic part of SQL statement: &1&2&3&4
807Error during execution of SQL statement: &1&2&3&4
808SQL error during rollback: &1&2&3&4
809SQL error during commit: &1&2&3&4
810Conversion done for &2 records of table &1
811Error while closing SQL connection: &1&2&3&4
812Starting XPRA for PICNUM field conversion for table PICHD
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